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Aberrant: 200X - Hot Coffee, Cool Companions

Jael Carver

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Jael had been right; it hadn't taken much work to find a coffee house open. What had been a challenge was finding one that had an open table and was quiet enough to be heard without resorting to screaming. After hunting for a while, Knockout spotted one that was a doorway tucked between two stores. The stairs up lead them into a nice shop lit by paper lanterns. Only about half of the tables were filled, and in prime Japanese custom, Jael stepped up to the nice one in the corner and dumped her coat over a chair. She glanced around, looking for obah-sans and not seeing any. She relaxed. The table was theirs now.

She signaled for Einherjar and Knockout to do the same. As Knockout took off her new coat, Jael reached out and ripped off the tag. "Here," she murmured softly, smiling. Knockout had shown a guy's attitude toward buying the clothes; the first functional thing that fit was what she'd gotten. Even the bra had been selected because it was her size and "uncomplicated."

Jael was totally taking her shopping. Knockout just didn't know it yet.

The sales clerk's eyes widened as three inhumanly beautiful, blond people walked up to the counter. "Hi, I'll have a white chocolate mocha, tall, and whatever my friends want." She looked over her shoulder, wagged a finger at them and said, "First round on me. I insist." Her grin widened as she looked at Ein's rugged build then Knockout's curvy beauty. "You guys can catch me later."

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Danielle shifted a bit, not used to the slightly tight shirt. It was emblazoned with a Japanese cartoon character, a woman in a catsuit holding a pistol with a magnifying glass coming out of the end. Apparently she was the Shiny Happy Spy Girl, according to the logo.

"Uh, just coffee for me. Coffee flavored."

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Ein tried not to grin at Daniel(le)'s discomfort (or stare at her tight shirt) instead opting to smile broadly at the clerk. "Make mine a Chai latte, large." he told her in his deep, leonine tones before giving Jael a sly sidelong glance. "Are you sure catching you later will be enough? The price of coffee these days is evil. Wouldn't want you to feel cheated."

His grin was pure mischief, as was the soft rumble of laughter in his voice as he said that last.

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Jael chuckled a little at "coffee-flavored" coffee. Privately, she acknowledged with a slightly sinking feeling that was probably an indicator about how likely Knockout was to agree to Jael's ultimate goal for tonight. Well, she knew that was a long-shot, and admittedly, she didn't have a lot of experience with women. Maybe she should try hitting on Aušrine to get some practice in.

But Einherjar - now there was something there. Too bad he didn't have boobs, otherwise she might have been able to double up with him and Kazuo. Oh, well. Such was life, full of disappointments.

She turned around and leaned her butt against the counter, looking up and up at the two of them. "Somehow, Einherjar, I sense you are a man who is keenly interested in fulfilling his obligations," Jael said, putting a bit of flirt in her voice. That flirt was still there when she asked Knockout, "What do you think? Am I right to trust Einherjar?"

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"Chai's black tea, Indian style, with certain spices in it. Add foamy milk and there you go." Ein smiled warmly at Knockout. "Got a family recipe from a friend for the real stuff, but I'll take whatever I can get while travelling."

"Take it from me, though. Ordering a chai doesn't make me untrustworthy. Unless you hate Brits that drink tea." White teeth smiled in a face bronzed by the African sun.

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"Oh, Ein, don't be silly," Jael said, giving him a playful bat. "You can't hate the British. They're so charming and they have that sexy accent." Three mugs of coffee hit the counter behind Jael and she scooped hers up, inhaling the aroma.

"You know," she said as they trooped back to their table, "I think our choice of coffees says much about the drinker. Take Einherjar's drink - it's exotic and spicy. And I got the white chocolate mocha, which implies that I like rich, sensual things, which," she flicked her eyes up at each of them, "I do." She glanced at Knockout. "And your drink says you like things simple, uncomplicated." She glanced at each of them. "How'd I do?"

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"The Jael Carver Theory of Hot Beverages. You should do a paper on it." Einherjar deadpanned, his glacier-pale eyes laughing as he sat down across from Jael.

He took a sip of his Chai, eyes still sparkling, then smiled over his cup at Knockout.

"Do you think she has an ice cream theory too?"

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"I'm a cardamom kulfi man myself." Ein smiled easily. "But I like anything sweet, tasty and bad for me." His shot Jael a look as he spoke, winking slyly as Knockout fiddled with her coffee. Practically all eyes in the store were on the three novas, the human patrons all but forgetting their own drinks as they watched the sight of Knockout sipping plain black coffee. As erotic sights go, it shouldn't even have been a contender: there was no cream, no licking of the lips, no sexy smile, but somehow it still managed to cause necessary and urgent adjustment of trousers in the male half of the client base. The problem was exacerbated by Jael, who was knowingly sexy and definitely enjoying the cream on top of her mocha in much the same way a cat would.

No-one was coming close to them, though. In a nova-centric place like Tokyo, Einherjar was easily recognisable. The large Elite, even at ease, projected an air of casual danger as he lounged in his chair, idly looking around once every so often before directing another comment to his two companions with an easy half-smile never far from his lips.

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Jael grinned at Einherjar’s wink, and a moment later he felt a foot brush his leg under the table. It wasn’t a casual brush, not at all, made more obvious by the fact that both women been wearing heavy shoes when they’d come in. “So now ice cream… I like vanilla, because you can mix anything with it.” Her eyes darted between Einherjar and Knockout, gauging their reactions as she continued. “Nothing tastes bad with vanilla. Anything’s doable. You could cover it in sticky, sweet syrup, or layer it with nuts. It’s a free-for-all.”

The toes of that foot edged behind his knee before they pulled back. A bit of foam ran down the edge of Jael’s cup. With that same scandalous smile, she lifted the mug and licked the runaway foam off with a languid flick of her tongue. “Coffee… ice cream… what’s next, guys. Keep them coming.”

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Danielle felt - as she often did - that some elaborate joke was being played out and no one was bothering to explain what it was. Probably something about sex, she thought to herself with resignation. Usually is.

"I dunno. Uh. Stuff I put in my mouth, right? Uh, well, I don't see much point to boozing now that I don't get drunk, but I like that foamy black stuff named after the world records book that Einherjar had. Uh, and before that I liked Long Island iced tea when I had enough time to get buzzed."

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Ein's eyes had widened slightly... okay, they had widened a lot when he felt Jael's foot start trailing up the inside of his shin. But the surprise had been momentary, his customary aplomb reasserting itself with admirable speed. His eyebrows were still a little raised, though, giving the smiling Jael a mock-scolding look that was belied by a twitch of his lips. The look in her eye was definitely unrepentant, and Ein looked over at Knockout to avoid bursting into laughter at the hidden flirtation.

"Hmm. Booze. Good category." He took a long drink of his chai and considered for a moment. "Guinness is definitely a good pick. I have a few favorites, but I'd have to say that I always take the time to sample whatever's locally available wherever I go." His face was serious, but his pale eyes were dancing as he regarded his companions. "Most of the time, it's pretty much generic stuff, take it or leave it. But you sometimes come across some really pleasant surprises, and they make it worthwhile."

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"I don't drink," Jael said, her smile becoming a bit forced. "Bad memories with alcohol. But I enjoy the occasional buzz. I just have to find it elsewhere than in a bottle." Her unrepentant grin returned. "It takes a bit more work to find that buzz, but I haven't had any complaints yet."

She shifted slightly in her chair, moving her legs more toward Danielle. "So getting away from food, let's explore each other through music. I like anything that hasn't been on the local radio. I don't like mainstream. I may not like the indie stuff either, but at least it's different. How about you, Knockout?" As she asked, she ran her foot up the outside of Danielle's leg.

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"I like 'They Might be Giaaaaeeeoooh.'" Danielle blinked as she felt a foot run up her leg. "Uh, and, uh, Alejandra, I know, it makes me a wuss but I really like her stuff and I'm into a little Moby and techno and, uh."

What is she doing down there? Why's she - is she flirting with me? Did she do that to Einherjar too? "Uh, not dance techno, I don't dance much, I just like the beat."

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"Alejandra makes very nice music." Ein tried not to laugh at Knockout, instead making a show of looking around the shop as the poor girl recovered from what was evidently the Jael experience. "I have to admit, she sets a standard for good music." He took a sip from his cup, the gold band around his ring finger catching the light as he leaned back in his chair, and smiled at the two women.

"I listen to a lot of stuff without prejudice, but personally I like a lot of two-oh 80's and 90's rock, metal and technopunk bands. Therapy, Metallica's early stuff, Clawfinger... Prodigy too. That sort of thing." He shrugged. "Loud aggressive stuff for when I'm playing hard, and classical for when I'm relaxing. I also like some Orff, Elgar, Holst or Zimmer before a job." He grinned tightly. "A bit of sturm und drang before the action starts helps me get my game face on."

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Knockout's unsubtle outburst surprised Jael, but she, like Einherjar, glanced away from the flustered nova to give her a chance to recover. Einherjar's mention of music and game faces gave her an opening to take some focus off Knockout - though she couldn't resist giving her lovely leg one last stroke before withdrawing her foot.

"Tell me about being an Elite," Jael said, getting serious and setting down her mug. "I don't want the recruitment bullshit. I want to know what it's really like for you. The good, the bad... I'm thinking that it might be the life for me, but I have people I trust advising me otherwise. You don't have any fondness for me beyond a casual interaction tonight, so tell me the truth, please."

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He looked at her with only the barest smile on his lips for a long moment, his eyes considering her request, taking it seriously. He leaned forward as he considered, becoming somehow more into the conversation, those cold-centred blue eyes focusing on Jael.

"For me?" He paused, then shrugged. "I was always interested in an active life. I was a bodyguard and bouncer before my eruption. I'm educated, but I chose sometimes dangerous and sometimes boring professions." His eyes took on a distant look for a moment, remembering Peter Nord, then re-focused on Jael.

"The truth is you're either cut out for it, or you're not. There's no halfway to being an Elite; that attitude will get you killed, discredited, or make you a laughing stock. It's called 'The Life' for a reason: you live it." He waved his good hand expressively. "On the one hand, you'll be working for total bastards who are only interested in land-grabbing, money or power. On the other, you get to see the world that Utopia and the U.N. would prefer nobody saw. There was a journalist back in the 60's and 70's who got great inside stories on what was really going on in Sub-Saharan Africa simply because he talked to the mercenaries that were there. It's real life, raw and uncensored." He picked up his cup and took a drink, then continued.

"People think Elite and they think of quantum-powered killers. To be an Elite takes more than just being able to kill. Killing doesn't make you a warrior." he considered for a moment. "For me the thrill of combat, of action, of doing the things that no-one else can do: that's a heady rush. And I see it as working for myself. DeVries takes its cut as my agent and support network, and that's cool as far as I'm concerned."

"In short, its a dangerous, high-risk, bloody, dirty, morally-questionable, occasionally stomach-turning and terrifying profession. You have to step away from what society considers right or wrong and focus on the job at hand. When I became Einherjar, I set aside who I was before. That's why I don't wear a mask. This..." he gestured at himself "is who I am now. Not every Elite does that. Some become their persona while the mask is on, then put it aside and go home. That's their choice, but I think most of them will eventually retire. I'm a lifer." He gave a wintery smile. "I love being an Elite. It's one of the most honest professions I can think of."

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Jael was quiet for a moment, absorbing what he had told her. "I think it might be for me, as well," she said, then her grin was back and she was chuckling. "But right now, I'm going to be in college and party and generally enjoy life.

"Danielle," she said, turning to the other blond woman at the table, "you're in college, aren't you? Or did you leave? I can't remember. Remind me?" Her smile was warm and interested, and had just enough of a pleading edge to make any man - or transformed lesbian - want to agree to whatever she wanted.

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"Right now, uhm, I'm at the police academy. Learning to be a civic defender. Super-cop, you know? That kinda thing. I like it so far. I mean, at least I don't hate it. I seem to be good at it. There was the incident with the samurai sword but no one got hurt, thank God." She took a sip. "Used to be in uni, but, well... I wasn't going into a field I really wanted to, and that's why I kind of drifted away."

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"Yeah, I'm trying to decide what I want to study. I was orginially Criminal Justice, but I switched to Undeclared," Jael said, playing with her mug. Sometimes, she felt a bit lost without her drive for justice, but most of the time, she simply felt better that she didn't feel bound to it anymore. She thought of the bust she'd made of Slider and amended, "Maybe Art."

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Ein shifted position and quietly winced from pain as his shoulder and arm twinged. The damn Chinese nova had hit him with some sort of cold-based blast that had actually damaged and torn apart some of the cells. The docs at D.V. had told him to take it easy until the tendons and muscles had been repaired by his nova constition, but it was still irritating.

Still, I settled the bastard's hash for him after he got his innings he thought with some satisfaction. It was his third nova kill, technically, but would never be on record. Still, D.V. knew about it, and that's what counted. He didn't relish the kill so much as the satisfaction of victory over a dangerous enemy - that enemy's death, while perhaps unfortunate, had been simply incidental to Einherjar.

"Any particular type of art that grabs you, Jael?" Ein asked her with a smile as he relaxed back in his seat.

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Jael nodded to Knockout. "Yeah, I almost did that, too," she said, "though perhaps with the circumstances, I'd be forgiven for that. However, I've straightened myself out and am ready to choose my own path."

Einherjar's question pulled a grin out of her. It wasn't the sexually-laden smiles that she'd been giving him all night; this was a smile that was simply happiness. "My claws have given me a heck of an ability as an artist. I'm thinking about doing sculpture for a while, see if that suits me."

Her smile faded a bit as she asked, "So, what happened to your arm? If you can tell, I mean."

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"Like I said before, being an Elite can be bloody dangerous sometimes." Ein smiled, a cold glint in his gaze as he raised the arm in it's sling a little. "This was courtesy of an opposing nova. He was on the other side and got the drop on me - it happens. Had some sort of ability to project cold so nasty that it disrupted cellular bonds, according to the D.V medics. Got me on the right hand side, put my arm out of commission."

"I can't say where or against who. Not really. But he made the mistake of landing on top of something I had already wired to explode to get a second shot at me. I hit the detonate switch: Boom." Ein grinned widely at Jael, dark mirth in his eyes. "Don't know if he even had time to be surprised." He finished his Chai and waved the server over with his good hand as if this were a restaurant rather than a coffee chain store. "Another one of these, please. Ladies, some more? My treat this time."

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"Oh, it'll be fine in another week or so. Just need to keep it clean and apply the gunk they gave me." He smiled a trifle wryly, noting the look on Knockout's face. Sorry kid. War stories not to your taste? He mentally shrugged. The story had been mostly for Jael's benefit anyway. If she was considering being an Elite, this was the best way to get an insight: learning from someone who'd been there and didn't sugar the medicine.

"Besides, I think I'm healing it a little faster than their initial projections. They told me I'd be sidelined for two months initially. That was a couple of weeks ago. Now they're telling me it'll only be around another 10 days." He smiled.

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Jael was grinning. "Yeah, another coffee sounds great. Thanks." Poor Knockout looked uncomfortable, and Jael realized that she wasn't enjoying this. Jael sighed to herself as she realized that the drop-dead gorgeous woman was way more soft-hearted than she. Jael knew what this meant. Before too long, Knockout would be calling her a psycho and starting to avoid her. It make Jael sad as she realized that it was time for a mask, if only so she wouldn't lose her chance with the sexy nova.

"We should have a more cheerful topic of conversation," Jael said, smiling. There was a subtle shift in her bearing; she was calmer now, tamer. "I've had some weird offers since eruption. I'm sure you've gotten the same," she said to Knockout. "Got a really weird one?"

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"Ugh. Someone said I should pose for Playboy. And that wasn't nearly as bad as the guy who said I should pose for Hustler. With props. Which he described the use of, in great detail." She took a drink. "There was my very first job offer which broke the OpNet in half. They want me to do a sequel that's reversed - fire first, then the fight. I had to actually seek out the cop thing because my city's been paranoid ever since our last civic defender went funny. At least it's meaningful work. That's something, I guess. What about you? Anyone ask you to do something dumb?"

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"A circus owner offered me a job standing on top of one of his elephants wearing a leopard print bikini." Jael giggled hard enough that she rested her head on the table for a moment. "That's probably the most ridiculous one I've gotten so far. There was the usual propositions - when I was flying to Texas, I had a bunch of guys trying to convince me to fly on to Palm Springs with them for Spring Break."

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"Really? Leopard print?" Einherjar laughed, his blue eyes twinkling. "Well, if that's not a statement for a renewal of the Suffragette Movement I don't know what the hell is." The server came back with the two replacement drinks, and Ein thanked her before passing Jael over her sinful white chocolate drink. He had to admit it to himself, it was fun to watch her drink it.

"Let's see..." he added a packet of sugar to his Chai as he considered. "I've had a few propositions, of course." he shrugged. "I think the worst was a certain aging Hollywood actress, who shall for decency's sake remain nameless. She came up to me at a party I was working at and whispered in my ear that she wanted to eat dessert off me all night long. I was shocked: I'd had a crush on this woman as a youngster, so this was definitely awkward for me." he just shook his head, laughing quietly.

"Got an offer from Playgirl on the table at the moment. Not sure if I want to do it though. They're pitching different concepts for the shoot and I'm trying to decide which one I like the most." he shrugged with his good shoulder. "I'm trying to steer them away from the cliche themes."

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"If they offer me a shoot that isn't a vulgar, tacky cliche, I'll do it for sure. My handler's also heard rumors that they want me on the cover of GQ sometime this year." Einherjar smiled slightly and shrugged. "It's good image work, plus it's flattering to be asked. I have a healthy ego and it likes to be fed." He grinned self-deprecatingly, no sense of embarrassment or self-consciousness evident in his demeanour.

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Ein chuckled good-naturedly. "My thingee. Yes, I suppose they would." He smiled at Knockout. "There's a couple of differences between that and what happened to you, Danielle. You weren't ready for it, and neither was the viewing public. It was crude, embarrassing, and unfair to you, especially the aftermath. Novas pounding each other to bits is entertainment, but god-forbid our children's delicate eyes should see an excellent example of the female form." He grinned ironically and took a sip of his chai.

"A proper photo-shoot, on the other hand, is deliberate, planned, and care is taken to make sure it's in good taste. Also, and somewhat more importantly, the centrefold's only going to be opened by people who want to see it." He shrugged. "I don't have a problem with that. I like my body, and don't mind if other people like it too."

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"Can I get an autographed copy, if you do?" Jael asking, smiling coyly. "That honestly sounds like fun, a Playboy shoot. But only," she added with a smile to Knockout, "if you want it."

I like your body too, Jael kept to herself. She was making an effort to be normal, and boy was it an effort. She wondered if the blond giant caught it in her smile, though.

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"Count on it." Einherjar was well aware of her interest, and his gaze was impish as he glanced at Jael despite the hoarfrost chill in it's center. "Any particular way you want it signed?" He tried not to grin at the faint innuendo, then nodded in agreement with her other statement as he looked back at Knockout.

"It has to be a choice, a willing one." He told her in a friendly tone. "Or else it's just tacky exploitation. I'd never think less of someone who decided to do that, just as I'd not think less of someone who didn't."

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Knockout nods, unsure of what to say.

They're so... so confident. No body issues at all. I am never, ever going to be like that. I can't even think about doing it without wincing. I mean - there's nothing wrong with it, it's just... bleh. It's just me, I guess.

"My roommate keeps saying I should do stuff like film bullets bouncing off my bare chest, or taking a bath in molten steel. I don't even know what the appeal could be, if it's got a good attitude towards women or not. Super-porn. I swear."

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"Hmm, a good attitude toward women?" Jael propped her chin in her hand. "Porns more about sexual arousal than showing women in uplifting poses. In fact, some men like to degrade women, presumably because they have small penii." She shrugged. "Ignore your roommate when he's talking about stuff you don't like. Tell him it's your choice what you do, and if he doesn't like it, he can move out. Some people are jus' gonna try to walk all over yo-"

Her phone rang and Jael stopped, digging it out. When she saw who was calling, she smirked. "Just a sec, guys." She picked up and said, "Someone getting bored?"

"Yeah! I am!" Kazuo said, and she could hear the big grin on his face. "When are you getting done?"

"Soon," Jael laughed. "Lemme wrap up."

"Well, hurry up!" Kazuo ordered as she snapped the phone shut.

"I've been summoned," Jael said, tucking her phone away. "I'm not one to jump when a guy calls, but since I promised I'd swing back by tonight, I should go." She stood up and extended her arms. "It's been fun, and let's do it again. Hugs, ok?"

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