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Aberrant: Stargate Universe - Announcements:

Mr Fox

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This is your friendly neighborhood ST bringing you an announcement.

There are (or soon will be) 20 players in this game. That's a massive number of players for one ST to handle. Kyria is helping me out, but with that many players it is entirely possible that something you do might easily get over looked, or your character might get left behind so to speak.

If you find yourself over looked in some way please bring it to my attention and I will take care of it as soon as I can and please don't be offended if it happens. In any game the folks that get the most attention are the ones that post the most frequently, and that is just a function of how PBP works, it's not personal. If your character is needing some plot love feel free to come to me and discuss it with any ideas you have.

The structure of the game is a little different than anything else on the site (ITB similar) and will be a definite challenge for me.

Please remember that although there will be teams assigned, this game is intended to be character driven as much as plot driven. I will be using the meta plot of the Stargate universe, and the teams will be advancing that meta plot, however, your character doesn't have to be involved in that. The more you individually put into your character and his/her motivations the more I will have to draw from and the more I will be able to work with you. If your character is just a lump with no desires or motivation then there's not much I can do with that. The more you have goals of your own the more I'll be able to move your story along in an enjoyable way.

Also, just a word of warning. Not all missions will involve combat. Not all mission will further the meta plot. Some missions will just be routine missions that are stand-alone. If you want to be involved in something particular or have definite plans for what you want to do with your character please be sure and let me know so that I will be able to keep you involved and enjoying the game. In other words, the more you put into the game the more you will get out of it.

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Over the course of the first two weeks after the rescue it has become common practice to call you folks, Specialists. Not as a title but in place of Novas or Specials. The other military folks were already used to the civilian eggheads and such being called Specialists and given then nature of how unsure everyone was of what your actual status would turn out to be they all just started referring to you as Specialists. It can get a little confusing at times determining if someone is referring to you guys or actual civilian contractors, but it also avoids there being a barrier between you and the regular folks.

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Advanced Tech Skills:

These require 4 dots in the base skill/skills + specialization before you can purchase your first dot.

Advanced skills can only be raised 1 dot at a time and have to be approved for purchase. There also has to have been sufficient IC interaction with the skill to justify it's purchase.

Advanced skills provide specific benefits beyond just their dot rating in making rolls.

The first dot in the Advanced skill either eliminates or reduces the difficulty penalty for using that technology/skill.

Update for clarification:

You need to purchase specialty (Alien Tech) in each skill for which you wish to use an Advanced skill. But you only have to purchase one Advanced skill per race, not one for each base skill.


Cam has

Computer: 5 (Alien Tech specialty)

Engineering: 5 (Alien Tech specialty)

Science: 3

Medicine: 5 (Alien Tech specialty)

Gou'ald Tech: 1

Ancient Tech: 1

This means he will be able to use his knowledge of Gou'ald tech to operate their computers and devices (computer skill), and he understands a little about how the devices work and function so that if needed he could make some basic repairs like reconfiguring the crystals to fix a busted hyperdrive (engineering skill).

But he doesn't know enough about the science so he can't make new devices using their tech to do new things. All he can do is operate and repair, but not create.

Another example:

If you had Gou'ald Tech: 1 advanced skill, based on Computer: 5, you would be able to operate their systems and make the ship change course, but you wouldn't be able to repair the hyperdrive if it broke.

Vice versa, If you had Goa'uld Tech based on Engineering, you could fix a busted hyperdrive, but you wouldn't be able to tell the ship to change course.

If you had both Engineering and Computer you could Fly the ship and repair it. If you had enough Science you might be able to design a new ship.


New Background:


The device background is available for purchase. This means that if you want a piece of alien tech that does nifty things you have to pay for it. Like Advanced Skills, Devices must be justified via IC interactions. You can't just buy a 5 dot device and have it magically appear. You have to get the device during a mission and purchasing the background means that for whatever reason the SGC will allow you to keep/use the device while on base or offworld. No devices are allowed on Earth outside the SGC or Area 51 without special consent from the SGC CO, currently General Landry.

What the device is and does can be negotiated with the ST. Some devices may not be allowed for story reasons.

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