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Aberrant: The Middle Children of History - Meta Plot

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Meta Plots are the over-arching plots of the Aberrant world. Because MCH has left the canon map behind, we are progressing forward into some of the plots that canon forums don't allow to be breached.

These are special plots. They are long-term because they have far-reaching implications for the world. These plots are not there to be broken, necessary, but we are open to telling stories regarding them.

The rules for these are as follows:

1) These are long-term plots. They will not be resolved in three months, or even six. I expect that most of these will take a year or more to conclude.

2) I expect that I will be informed of what you wish to do with these plots before you do them. If you post something without talking with me first and it doesn't mesh with the plans or account for security or circumstances, I will delete or edit the post as appropriate.

3) Entrance into these plots revokes your rights to consent. If you choose to enter into these plots, I can and will mess with your character. The prizes for changing the world require high risks and high prices.

4) For the most part, these are passive plots, requiring the PCs to poke them to get a reaction. But sometimes, they will go active, particularly if the PCs poke enough. Sometimes, they will draw innocents into them, particularly if the plots reach conclusion. This is part of MCH, and I will work with people to make sure the stories are engaging and fun.

5) Character death is possible in these plots. I will never gun for a character. But I will react in appropriate and realistic ways and this may kill PCs.

6) I welcome suggestions and ideas. I am awesome, but I am only one brain. I'm open to player input - I want people to have fun first and foremost.

7) In cases of Conflict of Interest, another mod will run these plots.

8) The rules as established in the Core book and in House rules will be adhered to as much as possible.

9) These rules will evolve and grow as we learn the best way to do this. Please keep an eye on this list; not only will we have the discussions, but I'll update this list as needed.

10) Meta plot is marked with a [meta] tag and will be sticked in the fiction section.

The last and final rule is: Have fun*.

Please feel free to ask for clarifications below. I know we're still working on the way we'll do combat. The fight in the Party Fiction will begin to show us what will and won't work.

*Fun does not include the following: running roughshod over other players; cheating or metagaming; 'bending' the rules 'just a bit'; and making me bleed from my eyes. You only think I'm joking.

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