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Aberrant RPG - Good Material for Aberrant


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I have not seen Weather Warden but will check it out. Final Fantasy is an interesting choice. What I also find interesting is the "Aberrantization" of mainstream comics. Ironically, there was always a aberrant feel to comics like transmetropoletian, the Ultimates and Ultimate X-men, but now with things like Infinite Crisis, where a character learns why mega-strength without the lovetap enchancement could be bad, there is a solid case for comics being influenced by politics and "real world" feels.

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In fact this is not wholly new.

personally, I think the Marvel "Supreme Squadron" really influenced Aberrant authors, probably more than Watchmen or other comics. In Supreme Squadron (published in the 80's!), a team (mainly a "marvelian" vision of the JLA) managed to build an Utopy by brainwashing their enemies, and bringing them to the "good" side. But some members disagreed and tried to stop their fellows (maybe you think this sounds like a recently published DC crossover. Well, you're right!).

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"Miracleman" is a nearly impossible to find early work by Alan Moore, that is heavy in Aberrant-style imagery. Subsequent stories were told by a guy called Neil Gaiman, but I consider the first sixteen issues a 'closed book' as it were, with no need to continue on.

In the story, we have real-world physics applied to superpowers, dormancy, eufiber, conspiracies, dehumanization, the most horrific superhero fight scene in the history of comics (read Miracleman #15 before you tell me I'm wrong) and in the end, the superheroes save the Earth in much the same way that Utopia tried to - and succeeding on a level beyond Utopia's wildest dreams.

It's floating around on the Internet, but is tied up in legal limbo thanks to a protracted rights dispute (Neil Gaiman did 1602 as a charity project exclusively to raise money for the legal battle.) I hope it gets reprinted someday, because it's right up there with Watchmen - on some days, I even put it a notch ahead.

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