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[OpNet] Are you a shepherd or a wolf?


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We each deal with humanity in our own way. Either we insist we are still one of them. Deny and avoiding it with every fiber of our being or just go about living like we would have lived anyway.

But unless you live at the bottom of the sea or escaped into space they are still all around us. Their creations, their languages, culture, Economy, smell.... Everything.

So let us speak of how each of you deal with it. Do you prey upon them? By that I do not mean eat them. It could be so simple as taking their money or even affection for any variety of reasons.

Do you try to guide them like a lost flock? Cure their diseases and alleviate their misery?

Do you sit in your apartment watching old I love Lucy reruns and pretend that the ache in your head is just a hangover and not the desires of creation made flesh within your skull.

We can do wonderful and terrible things but I ask all of you giants. How do you walk across the world?

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I'd like to think that I help with my quantum abilities, but it's not true. I can't heal- I can only delay the inevitable and give people what they think they need or want. It's nothing that lasts, nothing they can hold onto, and they're never quite satisfied when it's over. There's always something more, something missing.

It would be easy to play "wolf" under the circumstances I suppose, and just fleece people for every dime they're worth, but I don't have any desire to do that. So, I just have to do the best I can without playing god, and give them a place and a means to escape for a while.

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Originally Posted By: Contessa
Gosh. I just live my life. People are people right? Each should be judged based the individual, not the whole.

I walk across the world the same way everyone else does: one step at a time.

Hey, on this we agree. I don't really give a shit if I'm human or not. I'm an Elite. Everything else is meaningless.
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I live my life as I always have, quietly, and with as little fanfare as I can mamage. Of course, that is a bit more difficult now...

I actually do spend a great deal of my time in space. Partly because of my desire for exploration and discovery, but alos because well, I don't have a very high opinion of world civilization.

Now, my main beef with civilization actually has nothing to do with baselines, Utopia, Teras, or anything like that. My main objection to the path human civiization has taken is simple.

Man is a bunch of greedy fucks.

For all of man's ability, it seems that all "modern civilization" wants to do is make so much money that the planet detonates from the sheer amount. Maybe when they burn the last free land for a condo complex they will realise they cannot eat money.

But probably not.

Physically, the hardest thing it took to get used to was the lack of physical intimacy in my life. My touch can basically suck the life from the average baseline in under 4 seconds.

Overcoming this was more a matter of mental discipline. But I can manage now. Other then that I find my life quite fulfilling, both on physical and philosophical levels.

To those on the board who like making lots of money, if that is your choice so be it. It gets disruptive in many ways when whole societies fall into that mold though.

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Originally Posted By: Leliel
I live my life as I always have, quietly, and with as little fanfare as I can manage. Of course, that is a bit more difficult now...
Why is it more difficult now? When I went deep When I left the grubber world behind and it (mostly) stayed behind. I didn't even leave the planet. I just went went to the neighborhood nobody spends much time in. So why is it difficult to manage?
Originally Posted By: Wakinyan
How hard is it to live our lives now that a stray glance could ruin a marriage or the squeeze of your hand can end so many lives.
It's not. I decided being a big fish in tiny fish bowl was ridiculous and stopped doing it.
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The reason life became more difficult was cause of various paparazzi and other forms of vermin. They actually can't seem to get it through their skulls that some people don't give a damn about fame. Quite the opposite, I value my privacy a great deal.

That is not the same as being a recluse, but a lot of the press and such have forgotten there is a middle ground.

And no, for the record I have never disintegrated or otherwise assaulted a cameraman or reporter. Cameras on the other hand...

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What do you know of troubles?

I am probably one of the few non-Terats in this world who can alleviate, however temporarily, the symptoms of Taint.

I get constant calls, OpMails, letters, visits and even threats to handle other novas' aberrations. My staff spent so much time dealing with this garbage that I had to hire a private secretary to take care of it.

If I travel outside my office, I am ambushed by paparazzi or desperate novas.

The smallest blessing is that when I dorm, I look much different. I spend most of my time dormed.

And that is not helping the Navajo or the other First Nations one bit.

No doubt this seems callous to you, but I was busy working for my people a long time before I erupted, and I'll be doing it for a long time after. I don't have the time to deal with anyone else beyond the most desperate and dangerous cases.

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Originally Posted By: Wakinyan
Hence why you disqualified yourself by living at the bottom of the ocean.
I'm disqualified but I remind you that I didn't set the rules that disqualify me. Although you could look at it another way. I chose not to destroy marriages from greed. I chose not to wallow in hubris. I sought to use my abilities in knowledge rather than ignorance.
Originally Posted By: Leliel
The reason life became more difficult was cause of various paparazzi and other forms of vermin.
Sorry. I misunderstood something you said before. I thought you meant you spent most of your time in space.
Originally Posted By: Esther Bluecorn
I am probably one of the few non-Terats in this world who can alleviate, however temporarily, the symptoms of Taint.
That's incredible!

I had no idea this was going on. I know you really don't want to be dragged into anything that would take away from your responsibilities but I'd like to ask a question. Just a simple question. Since you can deal with the taint and "alleviate" it, what exactly is it? I mean, what caused some novas to rip themselves apart with the taint while other novas never seemed to get it?
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Callous? Not really. Regretably Pain is something that exists in abundance on this world.

I won't go on about mentioning what I have felt, nor will I denigrate what you have have gone through. Doing either would be a disservice at best, and a ethical crime at worst.

I do wish you well, and hope that you can help in your own way those of the One Race that need it.

PS: First Nations? I have it on fairly good knowledge that there were other nations before the Tribes. (And know, I speak not of europeans). Just in my humble opinion, using a captalized "First" could easily be mistaken for hubris.

I don't want to go into it in details on the OpNet, but suffice to say say I believe your collected peoples have a great deal of potential. Just don't fall to greed, or to hubris.

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I spend about 20% of my time in space. Nothing to do with a social statement really. I was an astrophysicist before my eruption. My time in space is half scientific exploration, and half....well, tough to describe. Call it a passion I suppose.

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Originally Posted By: Wakinyan
We each deal with humanity in our own way. Either we insist we are still one of them. Deny and avoiding it with every fiber of our being or just go about living like we would have lived anyway.

But unless you live at the bottom of the sea or escaped into space they are still all around us. Their creations, their languages, culture, Economy, smell.... Everything.

So let us speak of how each of you deal with it. Do you prey upon them? By that I do not mean eat them. It could be so simple as taking their money or even affection for any variety of reasons.

Do you try to guide them like a lost flock? Cure their diseases and alleviate their misery?

Do you sit in your apartment watching old I love Lucy reruns and pretend that the ache in your head is just a hangover and not the desires of creation made flesh within your skull.

We can do wonderful and terrible things but I ask all of you giants. How do you walk across the world?

I would have to say my relation with Humanity is currently symbiotic. We both take from eachother things of benefit, and in return give the same.

I've found though, that my needs are becoming less and less covered by what I gain from just interacting with Humankind. Reducing my output to humanity right now is a good plan, but there are some things that if I removed would directly effect my ethical and moral goals.

I'm starting to think I may be sheparding the wrong flock at times, but sometimes I'm glad that by tending to it, I have a field to still enjoy afterward.
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Originally Posted By: Leliel
I spend about 20% of my time in space. Nothing to do with a social statement really. I was an astrophysicist before my eruption. My time in space is half scientific exploration, and half....well, tough to describe. Call it a passion I suppose.

You touch yourself in space, don't you? Go on, admit it; there's nothing to be ashamed of.
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Interesting question, since I've been accused being both...and none to kindly. Just the other day the Wall Street Journal editorial page called me a "Sphinx hiding in plain sight" and "the most dangerous threat to democratic theory and practice since the civil war"

Now, I could launch into a tirade about how its bloody impossible to be a Sphinx in plain sight. Fucking hell, I call Randall Portman a friend. He originated the term so why don't you ask him. I could also point out that the WSJ doesn't view erosion of civil liberties, mass disenfranchisement of African-Americans both before and after the civil rights movement and the raising strain of psuedo-fundamentalist fascist paranoia in the United States as great threats to "democratic theory and practice". Nope, the real threat is a leftist, east-coast, intellectual, jewish, fag nova who thinks maybe bombing and torturing the shit out of people probably isn't the best way to usher in a new age of peace and prosperity.

Now, to your original question: Call me a shepherd if you will. I work towards transparency and accountability in baseline government. I work towards the evolution of democratic government in whatever indigenous form it assumes where it takes root. Personally, I support a variety of progressive issues and advocate for them both within the law of the United States and to the fullest extent of my abilities. That is my god damm right as a tax-payer and a citizen. With my fellow "Friends of Sophia" I attempt to modify gross excesses of baseline-on-nova abuse and violence. Shepherding is an inaccurate analogy, however. I don't attempt to direct the evolution of baseline societies...just bring greater agency and self-determination to those living in those societies.

I feel my real duty is to be on guard for wolves...both human and nova...who would prey on "my" flock. <INSERT "BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN" JOKE HERE>. Less interference, more passive benevolence. I've been too many persecuted minorities to trust anyone who claims to know whats good for me. Im also careful never trust anyone who holds anyone else's opinions (including my own) in higher esteem then their own.

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Originally Posted By: Wakinyan
If so it just has to be a matter of how you operate sexually in that state.

One track mind much? Is there anything you can be involved in that doesn't degenerate into sex with you?

You need therapy.

I am more curious of what it is you do than any thought on judging anyone.

Did the "I just live my life" Part throw you off, or were just reading what you wanted to read?
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Originally Posted By: Flicker
I find it hilarious that "shepherd" is misspelled in this topic's rhetorical title.
Why do think the title is rhetorical?

For anyone - Can Esther Bluecorn actually do anything about the Taint? I'm just wondering if I should take her statements at face value or feel as if I've been trolled.
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Originally Posted By: Contessa
Her abilities only permit a temporary solution. If you suffer from QBS please don't lose yourself on the hopes she can 'cure' you.
QBS. Such a very polite term. That's new.

Thank you for your concern but I have no intention of losing myself.
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Originally Posted By: Aqua Marine
QBS. Such a very polite term. That's new.

It isn't meant to be "polite" so much as "accurate". While I agree that some medically accurate terms lose the charm of their popularized counterparts, ie "Shell Shock" as opposed to "Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder", or "Multiple Personalities" as opposed to "Disassociative Personality Disorder", nobody outside of the scientific community should need feel compelled to use what is effectively jargon. When I go to the florist, I don't ask for "Lilium lancifolium", I ask for tiger lilies.
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If we're talking shepherd or wolf, I would rather be a wolf than a shepherd. Shepherds rarely have the basic honesty of purpose possessed by their lupine counterparts. They make the sheep feel safe, then fleece them. They're both out for themselves, not the sheep.

Now that I've beaten that analogy to death...

To be honest, I consider myself neither. Like many here, I follow the dictates of my conscience and take the dilemmas as they come. I am not a shepherd waiting for the lambs to be ready for slaughter, nor am I a wolf preying around the edges of the farmland. Some Humans I protect, some Novas I protect. Others I am the enemy of, whether morally or ideologically. It's a complicated situation, and hard to measure in black and white terms in my opinion.

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Originally Posted By: Regina Newcastle
When I go to the florist, I don't ask for "Lilium lancifolium", I ask for tiger lilies.

OMG have you tried that though? It's so hilarious. I always ask for bellis perennis and sit for a few moments while they give me a blank stare before I tell them "daisies."

I love daisies.

It's not really on par with some of you guys, but that's my big evil. I'm still working on changing a Pepsi into a Coke, because after that I'm sure we all know world domination is step away. grin
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Originally Posted By: Contessa
OMG have you tried that though? It's so hilarious. I always ask for bellis perennis and sit for a few moments while they give me a blank stare before I tell them "daisies."

To be honest, yes, I have, though not on purpose. Sometimes I lose track of my own thoughts and forget to use layspeak in various conversations. Such gaffes typically garner exactly the kind of response you described. My own embarrassment notwithstanding, it actually was a little bit funny.
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