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Aberrant: 2011 - Blackburn Brawl: Group Event Idea


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Would it be uncalled for to have Catalyst have phones that could "pod cast" the fight..She would throw out some of her phones to get the action on tape..The video feeds would be linked to the FBI... It was what she was taught to do in case of a big crime thingie.

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She is in a PVC Cheerleaders outfit and made of WATER.

1. Where is she keeping them?

2. How are they water proof?

3. Why would the FBI give her SEVERAL phones so she could throw them in case of random crime?

4. She is a State First Response Team member, why is she working with the FBI in a crimnal invesigative capacity?

5. If she is in a private club and brings in these phones, the Terats will destroy her for it later. She is screwing with the wrong group of people. Someone would see her.

So in a nut shell, yes it would be a bad idea. In fact, as always it wasn't very well thought out.

Perhaps if the Blackburn comes under attack by Lake Trolls: "Quick, Cat throw your phones!" <reached to Cell Phone Utility Belt>


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Cat, without Attunement, anything you had on you when you turned into water would fall through you. There is a downside to Density Decrease level 3. Your eufiber becomes water with you, because its eufiber.

You have to either be solid (which I don't recommend because its already been established by others that you are water), have Troy carrying your stuff (you were planning to meet him at the Blackburn), or not have the phones this time out.

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Originally Posted By: Gabriel Law
She is in a PVC Cheerleaders outfit and made of WATER.

1. Where is she keeping them?

2. How are they water proof?

3. Why would the FBI give her SEVERAL phones so she could throw them in case of random crime?

4. She is a State First Response Team member, why is she working with the FBI in a crimnal invesigative capacity?

5. If she is in a private club and brings in these phones, the Terats will destroy her for it later. She is screwing with the wrong group of people. Someone would see her.

So in a nut shell, yes it would be a bad idea. In fact, as always it wasn't very well thought out.

Perhaps if the Blackburn comes under attack by Lake Trolls: "Quick, Cat throw your phones!" <reached to Cell Phone Utility Belt>


She has a piaronid mentor, and the resources to buy a few call phones. phones are cheaper than lawyers.

Troy is holding her bag, with her things. She has a few phones for afew reasons. Mainly that she tends to break them.

Um she shows she did nothing wrong..And noted her mentor is teaching her many things like, well how to spy.She is what she now, but she may be something else in a few years.

Those things being said she will not do it, beacue I see the reasons it would be a bad idea.
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Originally Posted By: Ravenshire
10 dice of Style. If it wasn't for Gabe, Ravenshire would look HOT, instead of being an 'Also Ran'. Curse that Five Mega-Appearance!!!!!
Ditto. I looked it up BTW and Josh has 9.

Originally Posted By: Gabriel Law
Style Dice...
Let me guess... 20 dice, 5 of those megas? Awesome concept BTW.

RE: Picture Phone.
I hate to say it, but it is reasonable for Cat to have the FBI on speed dial, and it is also reasonable for Cat to have a cell phone which has picture abilities. So it can exist without a problem, and it probably does. (Presumably Josh has one with the DeVries lawyers on speed dial, he doesn't have attune, but if it breaks it's not a big deal).

Did she bring it with her? She can't hold it with DD3 without attune, and if she does have attune then it's made of water right now and not useable. Does Cat have attune? I assume Josh has his wallet, cell phone, and GPS navigator.

Is it reasonable for her to use it?

Issue #1: As a first responder, hopefully she's smart enough to NOT summon police (i.e. cannon foder) into a nova bar fight. But that doesn't prevent her from recording it for legal action later, for example if someone gets killed.

Issue #2: Using that thing is going to be an action (so no dodging while your doing it), and is also going to require that you drop DD3.

Issue #3: Social problems. This includes someone noticing you're using it and Q-Bolting you or it. Various other people getting pissed (good luck being invited to parties where there are terats if you do this), that sort of thing.
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It's already been stated that Catalyst is not going to take the actions discussed.

That being said, one of my random NPCs (just needed a couple of people to mention in Nyx's BB entry post), is officially now a PC! grin Fear the catgirl!

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No, actually. I don't remember Synapse, as I don't have any of the supplemental books save for the Player's Guide. I've never heard of him. When you guys talk about well-known Terats and such, I'm just taking your word for it. Thank you for the information, though.

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Heh, it's not like we can fault you for not buying a book =P

But yeah, the only reason the Blackburn stands as it is, with Nova Only nights and Terat parties after Geryon showings, is that Synapse tigthly controls the information that comes in and out of the general area of the Hotel, and constantly bribes all the local authorities with money that The Mathemathician and Count O provide, because I doubt he is rich enough to do it himself >_>

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Kittie's "Style Pool" is 8 (5App, 3 Style), with a M-App of 1, and Almost Live (for those camera phone users!). Her Cha is 5, as well, and she has a Dex of 5, M-Dex 1, with Physical Prodigy. She also has the Sexy merit, and the Lusty flaw, and she's built like an implausibly-proportioned, gravity-defying female character from the popular fighting games like DOA (it's for a reason, mostly involving comic relief). She doesn't have whiskers or the catlike muzzle, but she does have the ears, claws, fur, and tail of a leopard.

If you've got any other questions, feel free to ask!

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Looks good Kittie, if Josh weren't otherwise engaged he'd throw a pass.

RE: Primal

WOW!!! I'm somewhere between impressed and appalled. That character seriously escalates the level of danger here and the seriousness of the situation.

EDIT: I moved Kara, Flow, & Josh off the Dance floor.

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