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Aberrant: The Long March - Lorean & Other Technologies Available


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As this is going to come up a fair amount, and as she's more of a plot device than a NPC, I think she needs her own thread.

#79287 - January 02, 2007 02:31 AM

Originally Posted By: Mr Fox
You materialize in a huge chamber. So large infact that you think you could easily fit a small city inside. There is no city, however, there is a very large object, about the length of an aircraft carrier. The lights on the floor are leading toward it. The object has somewhat of a sleek aerodynamic appearance, and other than the fact that you can see no propulsion system it is obviously some kind of vessel. Currently, there is a small opening underneath with a ladder going up.
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Introduction of the Ship: #79407 - January 05, 2007 01:19 AM

Originally Posted By: Mr Fox
After a few raised eyebrows and nods of agreement to Cody's statement, you proceed toward the ship. The ladder is directly under the belly of the ship and leads into the interior. The style is elegant, but a little spartan. Of course, most ships tend to have even less ornamentation than this. Rather than doorways, or hatches, the corridors have stone arches leading into the rooms, with artfully carved wooden doors. When you look close however, you notice that the doors aren't really hinged wooden doors, anyone with engineering or intrusion, would figure that the doors probably slide into the walls like the doors on the starship Enterprise.

Once in the ship you find it easy to choose your path. The corridor leads straight as an arrow toward the front of the ship. The doors to the sides, if you curiously try to open them lead into personal quarters that look empty. In fact, other than the total lack of dust you get the feeling that the ship is unoccupied. The long hallway continues down the length of the ship, but one of the archways on the right hand wall opens as you approach. It looks like a large elevator, and as you enter it moves up and opens on a room that you have to assume is the bridge, though it lacks any of what you would expect. No huge view screen or captain’s chair, or science workstations like on a science fiction show.

What you do see is a group of comfortable chairs and couches set in a semi circle facing the front of the room. As the last of you steps into the room and the lift door closes. You feel something unusual. It is kind of like when you are driving and the road takes a sudden dip and you feel your stomach drop. The feeling is just as fleeting and when it passes a large hologram appears in front of the chairs. The hologram is a perfectly rendered image of a man's face. He appears more than humanly handsome, but not so much so that it is frightening they way some novas become.

Then you hear a deep entrancing male voice, as the image looks at you and speaks. "We apologize for the inconvenience We cause you. You have stumbled upon a secret that was not meant to be revealed at this time. We have made it Our goal to not interfere in the course of human events on Alpha. Revelation of our technology would cause irreparable damage to your history at this point. We choose not to usurp your free will, by erasing the memories of what you have experienced, nor will We place upon you compulsions not to reveal what you have learned. Therefore, you have been 'shifted' into an alternate Earth timeline. You will find that it is exactly parallel to Alpha except that We do not exist there. You may travel as you wish, except that you will find it impossible to return to Alpha before the year 2125. We also claim as Our domain Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon, you may do as you will in any other timeline.

As for this vessel, you are being allowed to dwell in her. She was our friend, and served us well for many millennia beyond counting until she was killed. Rather than destroy her body, We kept it in an honored place entombed below Our home on Iaeptus. Treat her well, and she will serve you better than any vessel you can imagine. Her former intelligence is lacking, but We have imbued her with new life and restored many of her former capabilities."

With the last word, the hologram fades. After a pause, a female voice speaks, "How may I serve?"

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#79427 - January 05, 2007 09:41 AM

Originally Posted By: Mr Fox
The female voice responds to the question, "We have shifted into timeline designated Zeta, per instructions." A new hologram appears in the air in front of the chairs, it is of the Saturn system minus Iaeptus. The detail and realism of the hologram is pretty spectacular, way better than HD optnet displays.

Again the voice speaks, "I await instructions."

#79450 - January 05, 2007 03:17 PM

Originally Posted By: Mr Fox
The ship's voice replies to each question in turn, "I do not have a name at this time. Perhaps, you could provide me with one."

"Secondly, I can take you anywhere you desire within this galaxy. The one exception is that I am not capable of returning you to your original timeline before the year 2125."

"Sublight travel via short range engines, instant travel via warp within a range of approximately five light years, change of vessel configuration for different atmospheric conditions, internal changes for personal comfort, defensive capabilities, and limited weapons." As the ship says this a new hologram appears, demonstrating each capability in turn.

The ships voice pauses for a moment as though it is thinking before answering Omar's question. "I believe you are referring to statements made by my creators in their recorded message to you. Who exactly they are is very difficult to answer. They have been known by many names Watchers, Guardians, Collectors, and a host of others which were situational to those referring to them."

#79465 - January 05, 2007 10:19 PM

Originally Posted By: Mr Fox
The ships voice responds to the new questions in reverse order, "You are in charge. Why you can not go back is because it was made an integral part of my being not to travel to the Alpha timeline before the year 2125."

…"It is very likely that there are other versions of you. If you would prefer, I can take you to another timeline where you do not exist at all, or one that matches parameters, that you specify. However, some parameters may be too specific to accomplish. As an example, I could take you to an alternate Earth where Novas do not exist, but I cannot determine from outside a timeline fine details, such as whether your alternate self has erupted as a Nova. Also, shifting between timelines takes a large portion of my quantum reserves, which will require a short period to recharge, slightly longer than a standard day. I should also tell you that warping to my maximum distance also drains a noticeable portion of my reserves, such that I may only warp maximum distance five times a day."

"I will require three hours to answer your question as to specifics within this timeline."

#79496 - January 06, 2007 11:56 PM

Originally Posted By: Mr Fox
"Maximum crew compliment 2500, minimum 0. I am capable of running indefinitely with a crew the size of your small group. However, you will need to stock supplies, and re-establish the hydroponics facilities to make that possible. At this time we have no supplies stocked on board. Also, the larger the number of Novas the smaller the possible crew. 2500 would be a fully human crew, I would estimate that no more than 500 novas due to their higher metabolisms. Also, I am capable of reconfiguring my design to more comfortably accommodate a crew of your small number, currently I am configured for a crew of 1000. Please inform me of anything you desire to include in the reconfiguration if you would like me to proceed."

The ships voice sounds almost hesitant as she continues, "If I may make a suggestion... If you intend to fully resupply, you may wish to jump to a timeline that does not have novas so that no one tries to take me away from you. From my historical records, it seems that governments and many groups would react poorly to my presence, possibly with panic and/or aggression."

"2125 is the point at which it is believed the technology inherent in my design will no longer pose a serious risk of changing the course of history."

The longer you speak with the ship, the more she seems to be taking on human characteristics in her speech and developing personality.

#79512 - January 08, 2007 12:58 AM

Originally Posted By: Mr Fox
"In answer to Steve's question, "It takes exactly the same amount of energy to slip between times as it does between timelines. Essentially each time I move us through time it is the same as jumping timelines. Therefore each time jump will take 25 standard hours to recharge my quantum. Also, be aware that my maximum jump through time is 100 years per jump."

#79539 - January 08, 2007 10:34 PM

Originally Posted By: Mr Fox
The ship scans each of you, the most you feel is a tingling. Cody on the other hand seems just a bit surprised when the ship performs her scan.

Afterwards, the ship listens as each person gives their preferences, then you feel a vibration through the deck and walls. The hologram of the ship floating in space changes as the ship reshapes itself slightly on the outside. The vibrations go on for several minutes after which it becomes very quite again.

"I have reconfigured based on your specifications. I hope that you find the accommodations to your liking. I am afraid that you won't find sheets or towels or any other textiles in your quarters. Those are some of the things that you will need to acquire when we shift."

In the morning you gather again on the bridge and get comfortable in the chair that surrounds the hologram. Each chair forms itself to fit you when you sit down. They seem to be made of a plastic like material that is very soft and pleasant to the touch. Once you are seated the ship speaks, "Shifting in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..." You feel the strange sensation of your stomach dropping again, and the hologram refreshes showing the ship in position behind the dark side of Earth's moon. Again you are struck by just how much fine detail the holo can capture. In the holo you can see dozens of tiny satellites zooming around in Earth orbit.

"If you would like, I have a small craft that can be used for atmospheric transport as I believe might be wise. I think I might be a bit noticeable flying around Earth and might cause panic. Pretty soon people would be complaining of cattle mutilations." The ship delivers the slight joke in a complete deadpan voice. "I am afraid that only Cody has the necessary power to fly the craft. It can take voice commands but responds much better to telepathy. You will find the craft in cargo bay one." A light on the floor leads off toward the cargo bay.

#79544 - January 09, 2007 08:06 AM

Originally Posted By: Mr Fox
The ship listens to the long series of questions from Cody. "You can think of me as a new intelligence within a very old body. The original personality/intelligence died when an unknown group of aliens entered the Sol system. She attempted to communicate with them, but they proved fairly xenophobic. She managed to destroy them when they attacked, but not without suffering massive damage. The battle incidentally was the cause of the layer of dark material that stains half the surface of Iaeptus."

"I am 'growing'. The body/former personality had many more capabilities than I have access to. Perhaps as I grow and learn, I will reacquire some of those old capabilities."

The ship almost seems to sigh, "That was the easy answer. Now for the hard one. Time. One theory is that for every decision that is ever made, a new timeline splits off. This is partially correct. When I travel back in time, I am actually shifting through the nullspace between realities. So in one sense, I am actually moving to another timeline even if it seems identical. Thus no paradox. As for moving back to 'save' one of you before you suffer something fatal... we would actually be saving a slightly different you. To make matters worse, I'm really not an expert in temporal physics, I don't understand it all myself. I was created with the ability to do what I do, and able to 'sense' the timelines. When you ask me to move from one to another and give details you would like me to match, I instinctively reach for the timeline that matches. There is a margin of error, that's why I always spend the first three standard hours after a jump scanning the timeline for any subtle changes that might cause any surprises."

"As for your last question, from what I experience and what I understand, the timelines are actually separate, but still part of the same universe. There are other universes as well, but I do not have the ability to travel to those, the Watchers might, but I certainly don't."

#79548 - January 09, 2007 09:52 AM

Originally Posted By: Carter Linwood
"Ship, I'm calling you Lorean from now on..."
Originally Posted By: Mr Fox
...The ship responds, "Lorean is acceptable to me if you all decide upon it." After a moment a new image appears in the hologram. It is the head and shoulders of a woman. Long straight raven hair pulled behind somewhat pointed elf-like ears. She has dark tilted almond shaped eyes and a delicate small mouth, in an angular but very attractive face. She speaks.

"Yes, I think I rather like Lorean." When she smiles it brightens the room. Interestingly, the ship's image has a slightly more than humanly beautiful image.

There is a slight blurring of a small section of one wall, then a drawer slides out. "Inside that drawer, you will find a hypospray. If you will place it behind your right ear, you can inject a small subdermal communication device. It will enable you to communicate directly with me as well as each other. It works on a frequency that will not be detected by current technology on this Earth, or even the one where you came from."

#79624 - January 10, 2007 09:38 PM
Originally Posted By: Mr Fox
Lorean responds, "The device should morph with you since it is internal Marcus. Cody, there are no 'side effects', the devices cannot control you in any way, they are for communication only. Also, it is highly unlikely that the signal could be hacked. The frequency they operate on is very close to that of telepathy. Unless a cyberkenetic is also a telepath, they won't likely even no there is a signal."

#79753 - January 13, 2007 01:20 AM

Originally Posted By: Mr Fox
After the discussion those going down to Earth follow the glowing line on the floor to the cargo bay where you find a large Cadillac Escalade SUV. Lorean says "I hope you don't mind, I took the liberty of shaping it into something that would fit in where you are going. Like me its configuration can change as needed. It is capable of both atmospheric and space flight as well as land and sea travel, it can size down to a one man craft or up to hold about as much cargo as one of your 18-wheelers. It has limited warp capabilities. From Earth to the Moon is about its limit and only has enough energy for about 3 of those warps a day." After admiring the fine workmanship that 'Cadillac' put into the escalade you pile inside. The leather seats are quite comfortable. Because of his ability to control the craft Cody takes the driver's seat. After a brief moment of concentration on Cody's part he wills the craft to jump to a highway just outside of Vegas…
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#80095 - Yesterday at 06:31 PM Quote: Mr Fox

Lorean responds, "Yes, I can read your notes, and you certainly have lots of questions." As she speaks a viewscreen appears on the wall and you see Lorean looking at you. "As I expect the others will wish to know the responses as well, would you mind if I either open a link with them as I answer or record our conversation for later playback?"

Medical Information:

Does Lorean have a cure for taint or know of one?

What does Lorean know of novas in general? How they are created, their medical needs, disorders, their history, etc.

What medical information exists in Lorean’s databanks? Cure for AIDS, etc.

Does the ship have a medical Bay? Medical stores? How much human assistance does Lorean require to use it?

Answers to your medical questions:

The only cure I know of for taint is to not have a node. Even then it is still possible to build up taint if you maxx your abilities too often. I know that it is possible to have then node distributed throughout the body, but I do not know of how you would go about making such a change.

I know that Novas are a result of a mutation in the species Homo Sapiens Sapiens. Novas have occasionally manifested for the last 1500 years, but until the last century such events were extremely rare. Also, novas erupting before 1998 were generally weaker than modern novas. Nova medical needs differ little from Baselines, to use the common phrase for Homo Sapiens. Generally the drugs necessary to effect novas then to be much stronger. I can create medical facilities at need, however, I do not carry any surgical or medical instruments, nor could I operate them independently.

I have the medical texts on file right up to the moment of our departure from your timeline which does contain cures for most forms of cancer and treatments and vaccines for Aids. Currently the only timelines I have scanned are your original timeline, the Nova timeline without the Watchers and this one. The timeline we are presently in does not have cures as advanced as the ones in my medical files.

Ship Maintenance Information:

Does Lorean know enough about her own tech base to build another ship?

How many years or centuries more advanced is Lorean? I.e. how far into the future of the current timeline would we have to go?

Does Lorean require someone to run the hydroponics bay, or can she do so herself?

Does Lorean require someone to run the kitchen, or can she do so herself?

Does a machine shop exist? Does Lorean require someone to run a machine shop, or can she do so herself?

Requiring a full telepath for using the car is potentially risky, are their alternatives? ((I was thinking of a variant on the psy-link power that would let you run ship technology)).

I understand my own technology base, but I would not be able to build another. I am a composite being, part technology part living tissue, and I operate much like a nova using quantum as my powersource. I can however, create a minor non-intelligent clone which is the craft Cody has bonded with. With time and expenditure of a great deal of quantum I might be able to create another clone, but it would require quite a bit of effort and direct assistence from one of you to whom the craft would be bonded. Also, it would require that the bonding individual be a telepath. The current craft could be run by voice commands in an emergency by one of you, however it is bonded to Cody as the first telepath to pilot her.

This current timeline is unlikely to produce 'technology' at my level for well over 2000 years if ever. In a timeline which already contains novas it would be possible but unlikely earlier than 500 years into the future.

Running the Hydroponics bay will require one person. Assuming you would rather not cook your own meals, I would suggest two people to run your kitchen. Cleaning and laundry would require another, and I would also suggest one more to handle organization and personal tasks you might need done for a total compliment of five. You could certainly bring more than five aboard without straining resources if you choose, but five would be the minimum.

I can configure space for a machine shop, but I do not have one now nor do I have the equipment. Also, you would need someone to run such a shop.

History Databanks

How much history does Lorean know of our current timeline? Other timelines? All timelines?

Does this knowledge extend to the future?

Does Lorean have an idea for what will happen to humanity over the next 100K years?

Does the ship know of aliens and their level of hostility and technology?

Again, I am only familiar with three timelines currently, which are the ones I have visited.

My knowledge does not extend to the future, other than to know that in your home timeline and presumeably the other nova timeline we were in briefly, will experience a devastating war between novas and baselines.

I do not have any foreknowledge of the future in any timelines other than what I have just stated about the aberrant war.

As for your final question." Lorean's face darkens on the screen with anger. "Yes, alien races do exist. It was a group of alien who killed Luthien, the personality that previously inhabited my body. I do not know where they came from nor did the Watchers give me much data about them when they awakened me in my current existence. However, I do know that the aliens were exploring and were rather xenophobic. They had never encountered other seintient life before. When they entered the Sol system, Luthien sent out messages that the system was inhabited and under her protection. They advanced to Iapetus ignoring her warnings. When they opened fire, she defended herself and destroyed their entire fleet, but only by sacrificing herself. That is what caused the black stain across most of the surface of the moon. All that was left of her was a broken shell. When the Watchers returned and discovered her dead, they repaired her body and entombed her in the chamber under Iapetus where you found me. Apparently they also created within her body the seed of personality that became me, which was triggered by your arrival."

Lorean's image smiles sadly at you, "I do thank you for awakening me. It is hard thing to know that I exist because of a contingency plan."

"I do not know specifically of other aliens, but given that one exists, it is likely that over the vast stretches of the universe, many others must exist as well. I hope that has answered all your questions, if you have more feel free to ask." With that the space on the wall fades away until you can no longer see the viewscreen at all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

#80229 - January 25, 2007 01:25 PM

Originally Posted By: Mr Fox
Lorean responds, "You are not limited to local timelines, we can go anywhere, but the 'stranger' you get from the current timeline the longer it will take to get there. The greatest jump I can make would be about a 5% difference in the timelines. Basically, the more variables you introduce the more difficult it is for me to feel the right timeline to jump too. However, once I have visited a timeline I will be able to return to it in one jump. The same is true for travel through time, it may take us months of travel to go back millions of years, but I could return to the present in one jump since I 'know' the location."

She pauses a moment to give everyone time to digest that before she blushes slightly and continues, "I am not sure about this since I have no direct experience yet, but I believe that some time lines may be easier to get to than others. The more probable a series of events the more timelines will contain versions of those events, the less probable the fewer timelines. For example, though there are only a few variables, I cannot feel any timelines where Omar is elected President of the United States. Such a timeline would require a very unlikely chain of events. Given that every choice spawns a timeline, it must be concluded that somewhere a timeline does exist where Omar becomes President, but the possiblility is so remote that I cannot 'feel' such a timeline from our present location. With a few jumps in which we choose variables likely to lead toward such an event I would eventually be able to home in on the right timeline."

#80973 - February 03, 2007 01:20 A

Originally Posted By: Mr Fox
Lorean speaks up over the communications. "Sorry to interrupt, and I hope you don't mind that I was listening, it just gets kinda lonely up here with everyone gone. Also, if you ever don't want me to listen all you have to do is ask me to tune out and I will. I promise, no lip reading or anything. Anyway, something you just said was not quite accurate..."

There is a slight pause before she continues, "The Watchers actually only forbade me from taking you back to your original timeline. They warned you to not interfere in their timelines, but they didn't actually program me not to take you there."

She waits a second for that to sink in before going on, "Also, I have been thinking about what some of you have been saying about being taken away from all that you cared about. I could actually take to you a timeline very similar to your own. It would not be the one you left from, but it would be identical in almost every respect. Your friends and loved ones would be there, your lives would be mostly back to normal, the only thing I would have to do is pick timelines where you suffer fatal accidents so that you could step in and replace yourself."

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  • 2 months later...
Lorean sends back to Cody, "Yes, I am more than just an AI. I am alive although I was 'created' directely rather than through a process of evolution. Thank you, I'll be fine, I just need to focus on something else for a bit. Witnessing that much loss of life really bothers me."

--After the jump, once everyone has left the ship.--

"Well, it is supposedly the explosion that causes Mercer and the others to gain their abilities so without it this would be a bit of a waisted trip I think. However, it would be interesting to see what happens if his telluric engine did work. Perhaps we can see that after we finish here," Lorean says over the comm.

As you all gather on the beach to organize the bar-b-que you notice that Lorean who is now floating in the lagoon near the beach, begins to get smaller. So far you haven't seen her reconfigure from the outside and it is an interesting sight. The hull seems to soften and almost flow like a liquid into whatever form she is changing into. Except that she is mostly white and not metallic, it is similar to what the advanced model terminator does in that movie. This time however, she doesn't just make minor changes, she gets smaller and smaller her form becoming more compact and flowing. At first you think she is reforming underwater but it soon becomes apparent that she is actually shrinking. It takes nearly thirty seconds but she eventually changes shape completely and impressively into that of a human. Most of the crew including most of the novas just watch in stunned silence. After a few minutes she swims to the beach and comes striding up out of the water completely naked. She looks just like her hologram, except that she is now more than just a floating head. She looks completely alive and made of flesh and blood. She stands six feet tall and has the body of a supermodel, a nova supermodel. She obviously has at least one dot of mega-appearance which is only more apparent since she is in the buff. "Would one of you mind handing me a towel? I'm afraid that I don't come equipped with cloathing. Hmm... next time we go to a nova timeline I want a suit of eufiber. A really really big suit." She smiles at the expressions on everyones faces and gives a bit of a dignified giggle if such a thing is possible. "Sorry for not giving you warning, I didn't know for sure I could do this until now either, but something that Cody said got me thinking. Oh, and cargo and everything is still intact. I can handle whatever is inside me much the way you can attune things that you are wearing or holding." She looks around at everyone, and smiles a breathtaking flesh and blood grin as someone hands her a towel. "I don't suppose anyone would be up for some shopping later?"
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