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Eufiber confusion -1

The nova can't work with anything based on eufiber, as the nova's quantum single interferes with all activity both living and synthetic eufiber colines. This does not interfere with eufiber that is attuned to a nova. Nova with this flaw can get costume built items to interact with the modern world said items take more resources and tend to be bulkier.

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From my reading just about every eltronic device made by 2008 uses synthetic eufiber. From ATM machines, computers, cars, blenders, cell phones. Anything and everything new that has computer parts in it. A nova with this flaw can't use ATM machines. A nova with this flaw would have to have things like cell phone costume built for him. Want a new car?Well sorry but you can't turn it on..you have to get an older one or pay threw your teeth to get a car that will turn on with all the white noise your quantum aura makes..Or will not turn off because you moved your hand to close to a key part..Like I don't say the breaks?

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From my reading just about every eltronic device made by 2008 uses synthetic eufiber.

Really? I knew the information relay cabling used by the Opnet (and presumidly the phone and Cable TV systems) used a derivitive of synthetic Eufiber but I didn't understand that to be all electronical wiring. Did I miss that in one of the books somewhere?

If you are correct then not being able to interact with any technology made in the last 10 years or so is worth more than a 1 point flaw in my opinion. However right now the the flaw reads as a minor manifestation of Eufiber Rejection with the added bonus of not letting the character use the internet, land line phones or watch TV...
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Cell phones, or anything high tech gear. It is a minor flaw.But it is still a flaw. I mean you know why your ATM works? It is because they are part of of an "inter-net". Same things goes for cell phones. Hell most cars that made these days as well. The fact is that as time goes on, it will be a bigger and bigger flaw.

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