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YT's war


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anyone can use this as way to have coma do any sort of thing ranging from beating people up, to car bombing, to setting buildings alfame. the means are wide and varied the only thing is they would be going after lightly defended targets over "important" places or people.

To them beating up a nurse that works with novas is just as valid as bombing a Utopia building.They are going to try to scare people rather than to do massive damage.

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I shall attempt to translate from the YTese. This is a far from exact science, as we have nothing quite so coherent as a Rosetta Stone to aid in the process; however, I believe the following will suffice:

"Anyone who wishes to involve an escalation of attacks by CoMA members in their characters' stories may make reference to my new storyline in doing so. CoMA will be attacking targets of opportunity, whether novas or baseline supporters of novas, in an effort to spread terror; these actions are more likely to involve simple assaults than massive bombings."

As I said before, this translation may not be perfect, but I fear that it is the best available with our current limited understanding of YTese linguistics.

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here it is.

Stage one. Yt is founding a large amount of the radical CoMA. She is giving them training, and resources that would normally be bared from them, such as she has hired many motivated people to train, and arm them.

Stage two. She is telling them to go for targets that aren't the normal targets. She is having them hit what many people would think of as innocents.

Stage three well you will the later stages later on.

What does this mean for you. You have been given an open market for reasons CoMA would be killing those that are near your characters. Take a fire bombing in the police building that Preston works at. They are going for people near to novas whoa re friendly to novas who most likely aren't novas themsleves.

So big death toll of Baselines and little risk to novas.

If any of you wish to use YT's motives and goals you are free. I warn you that she is possive of her project and has a long term goal in how to deal with CoMA once and for all.

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Wow. Just... wow. And I thought that Timeslip lacked a moral centre....

Again, translating from the YTese:

"My cunning plan is to use select individuals in CoMA as agent provocateurs in order to brand CoMA as a terrorist organization. To effect this, I will first provide them with weapons and training, then direct them to attack innocent baselines, and then do something that I will craftily keep secret for the moment in an effort to build suspense - all without letting them know that I'm the famous nova Y.T. Lots of baselines will be killed; hurray me! If you want, you can jump on this grisly bandwagon so long as you don't try to get involved in directing the plot in any way whatsoever (as I Have a Plan)."

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Originally posted by Girl Made of Titanium:
I reject this idea, and vote any work that derives from it to be non-canon.

Why wouldn't CoMA, fanatical terrorists group kill those who they see as being in bed with the devil? Why would a fanatical zealot based ona religion that did spawn the crusades...After all when the Knights of Christ came to the holy land they made sure to only kill Muslims and not everythign that moved.. Oh wait they killed whole cities.

Now, you have things like the inquisition, the Salem witch trials, abortion clinic bombings, the bad times in irreland, the KKK. Now let's look at the abberant setting.

One you have people who can provably to super human actions.

Two you have people who think these actions are caused by the devil.

Three these people are willing to use any means to get rid of the evil in the world.

Four the devils are have the best PR in the world, and no mater what they will seem to look good.

Five, zealots have gone to the legnth of killing not only evil by those near by evil. Read the bible it has all sort of stories of kill them all.Do not even use the live stock.

So is my scale abit off? Sure. But the fact of the mater is that if you are fanatical Jesus freak you can and will either never kill or kill swath of people. Because well let's face it there are a lot of sins that can only be cured by a good burning at the stake.

But let's see why you think COMA would only go after clean targets? State one Christain Zealotry movement that only went after 100% clean targets. Christains as I said either don't kill or kill in big ways.
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Originally posted by Timeslip:
Wow. Just... wow. And I thought that Timeslip lacked a moral centre....

Again, translating from the YTese:

"My cunning plan is to use select individuals in CoMA as agent provocateurs in order to brand CoMA as a terrorist organization. To effect this, I will first provide them with weapons and training, then direct them to attack innocent baselines, and then do something that I will craftily keep secret for the moment in an effort to build suspense - all without letting them know that I'm the famous nova Y.T. Lots of baselines will be killed; hurray me! If you want, you can jump on this grisly bandwagon so long as you don't try to get involved in directing the plot in any way whatsoever (as I Have a Plan)."
Timeslip, you do not understand one word of what I said and I don't give a fuck. That being said, if you are trying to be nice, and "translate" what I am saying for others. Lose the stick.If you aren't then shut the fuck up.

I set a story that is based of historical policies that have been acted out in the face of less proof . I then let people use it if they chose to. I said that YT is possive about the long term goals and not that you couldn't change them.
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Y.T.: You see, the problem is that you did not write coherently. My best guess from your fractured phrases was what I stated (that you plan to help CoMA members commit violence in order to undermine CoMA); if you actually intended it to be something else, then by all means, clarify...because so far, what you've written is as clear as mud.

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Threw out all time causes have to face many problems.One of these problems is the "fence" siter. They do not act with the zeal that some people in the cause think the cause needs.

Let's look CoMA, some members of CoMA are kind people who are misguided. They know for a fact novas ar ethe devil but they lack the willing to violently act on their faith.

Other think that Novas are pure evil and anything they touch is bound to evil as well. Much like the monothistic religions, they see the novas to be the same as poythistic gods and goddess. Note that Novas are real and can show their power so they are much more a threat than say Zues, Thor, or Issis. These people believe that if you work wihtthem you are basically praying to false idols.(I do not think you want me to give a list of all the time people were killed because of their religion...)

YT sees this a good way to get those who are normally good people to leave the flock and force the bad ones to stay together as much more voilent and threatening. She sees this because if they drive away those with coller heads the coller heads will not be there to talk them out of doing the mean things.

BTW YT is a monster, she doesn't see humans as anything beter than cows, and she is culling the herd. She making sure that this threat is dealt with as little blood shed as she can. Before you start ranting and raving about she is causing more deaths I would point out that if CoMA is thought of as being evil by the world as a whole then it is less likely they are to becomes martyrs.

now, will this plan work? Maybe. Can this plan work? Yes. Is this plan unreasonable in term of the cannon effects of what a nova can do? Hardly. The simple fact of the mater is this, Novas are movers and shakers on world wide scale. Yt has been a nova for nearly 10 years and has many more years of training in gorilla warfare.

Timeslip I am prefectly hapy with you saying that my posts are hard to understand.That is something prefectly reasonable to say. It is not that you say my posts are hard to understand it is the length,snideness and out right contempt that is in your posting.

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Well, for startest i do not have a computer of my own and I use computers that are verry limited mainly form public libaries..This means the only slepp check i have in on the site and gramer checks...I wish.

It is not contempt of the site, it is my own short comings. I am prefectly willing to have my stories not be used. ia m prefectly willing to have them be ignored. That is a far cry from then not being cannon. I mean, most stories do not change the effeacts of others. In the larger scheame of thinngs there are tens of thousands of muders a year in the US that do not change the world in any big way. I put forth an idea that could be ignored by just about everyone and yet could change the way people interact. It is not so big as say having a 5% incress or decress of deaths caused by drunk driving. As I recall that would be around 1,500 deaths more or less each year.

So if CoMa fire bombs a few buildings here and there, you may see a few hundrad deaths. Oh bigg numbers...

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This site has a spell check set into it. You can use it before you post. I understand your spelling is a shortcoming. What I also understand is that not using the tool available to you to help us understand what you are writing is a form of contempt to us. You don't care enough about us to make your writing accessible.

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A few hundred deaths from domestic terrorism is the kind of thing that reshapes public policy and the mindset of the entire nation.

Or maybe nobody noticed a few scores of deaths from IRA bombs in England in the 1980's?

You're talking about things you don't understand.

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Um, you haven't noticed the death tolls in US cities. Murder rates in the US are way higher than say England. Take Baltimore it has a population of ~643,304 with 269 murders in on year. Now take the UK 59,834,300... How many people would have died if you scaled Baltimore up to the UK's population.

Now I know that is aloaded test it is simple to disprove as being relevant but here it is. The good cities tend to have murder rates high enough that they dwarf the act of violence in the Chatholic and Protestant bombings in the UK.

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Indeed. If some 100 or so people were killed by, say, Fred Phelps and his Westboro Baptist Church gay-bashers, it would be a major issue. Or if, say, a group of anti-abortion types took to blowing up abortion clinics en masse. Or if the KKK resumed lynchings, with a hundred black men killed in a short span of time by white hooded bigots.

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I don't know about the rest of the country, but over here on the East Coast when the DC/Beltway snipers killed 10 people in 2002, it was big news. Likewise reference the Ohio Highway Shootings in 2003-2004. The important part in it being big news was that the crimes seemed to be linked. The devotion that N! pays to the Nova population *should* make this something that would picked up very quickly.

Also reference the New York Town House Explosion last week. Granted it was a spectacular explosion & was newsworthy for the scope of the damage, but multiple firebombs in multiple municipalities are things that are not likely to be as under the radar as you seem to think.

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I agree with Lou Anne and Pteey. However, my disagreement with YT's story is her percieved outcome - i.e. that better-armed CoMA members would go after baseline targets. I can't recall any case in the book where CoMA currently targets baselines for any reason, even the reason that baselines associated with novas are easier to kill.

If you give your average "kill all novas" Michaelite a rocket launcher and a handful of SAMs, he's going to park his butt outside of some nova flier's house and take his shot when she steps out for a quick flight. Period. He's not going to target airplanes full of baselines.

Now if YT can manipulate some CoMA to go after baselines, then I'm sure that they would go after baselines. And I'm sure that the rest of the church would disavow them so fast their heads would spin. YT can't manipulate every single leader and nova-killer in the church, and that is exactly what her plan needs, so far as it has been described to me.

And if this story line should somehow get canon, then fine - you'll see me gleefully writing the real consequences of YT's actions. And once novas start dying, the other novas will figure out that someone is behind it, and even YT won't survive the shitstorm that will come her way.

Or at least, that's the reality of it. But sure, if this goes for a canon vote, then it will have to have a lot of it overhauled before I'll give it the nod to be canon.

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And I'll likewise agree with Carver, her point was something I was trying to bring up, but I couldn't figure out how to say it succinctly.

(Minus the part about the Canon Vote.)

I was thinking on the drive in to work today that it might be a good story seed for the World Wide Phase 3 that Doc Zero is proposing. The final form though would probably be more in the vein of what Carver was suggesting than the Baseline Blitzkrieg you were advocating.

Don't let the controversy dissuade you from writing the story you wanted though. In theory, I look forward to finding out just how depraved and successful (or not) YT is.

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On thinking about this, I'd support it for canon if it were well-written, on the condition that Y.T. waive the character contract. Sorry, but this is a storyline that you don't get to travel down without accepting the consequences... and frankly, the consequences from this one can very easily equal death.

Same thing for the "Gypsy Goes To the Mayor's Mansion" thing: waive the character contract so that you aren't The Incredible Untouchable Mayor, and run with it. Just don't be shocked if you get a visit from your friendly neighborhood Terats....

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