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Okay, I'm calling shenanigans here. While I enjoy ronin the player I've never been a huge fan of Avenger/ronin the character. His conincidental involvement with tons of canon characters and his proximity to the centers of canon activity alwasy rang badly with me.

And, the murder of 1000+ individuals without being caught and punished struck me as bad storytelling.

But,that aside, it's been basically an unwritten rule for the longest time that we don't mess with canon as heavily as killing a canon character. Killing Chiraben? Canon is the background for everyone here. Killing off a canon character is along the same lines as whacking all the chimps of the world or shoving a badly designed Chrysalis alternative down our throats. It isn't fair to me, it isn't fair to anyone. When I brought Prodigy to OpNet I happily dropped a number of very important character events of his because they would have screwed with the cooperative environment.

So, this is just me saying I don't think it's fair to do this to the other people of the board.

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I have to begrudgingly agree with Prodigy with this one. It is walking a fine line of altering Cannon and that is something that the FAQ warns us against.

Hell, if I played a character here that was completely based on what happened during a TT game. Mal would be dead. The earth destroyed. Jupiter would be a new star and the survivors of mankind would be living on mars, working on building a Dyson's sphere around the entire solar system. How's that for Cannon!!

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It is difficult for all of us dealing with varying degrees of how our individual character deal with canon characters without actually killing one off.

After all, what would another player say when their character has been palling around with Chiraben and thinks he is a dedicated, caring individual?

Killing off published characters has always been a tricky subject, and most likely always will. We all have to bend our TT existances to fit back into the shared environment. Everything else is chaos.

An aside to Chiraben: Back when it was first brought up, alot of talk came out about various people confronting, and killing, the Green-Eyed Assassin. So much so that we came to the conclusion that no one had met the real Chiraben, thus no one had killed him.

Sorry, reading the mind of a clone doesn't help, especially if it doesn't know it is a clone of the original.

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If the player acknowledges that he didn't kill the 'real' Chiraben I'll shut the hell up. I only have a real problem with this if he's claiming that Chiraben, the canon character, was really and permenently killed.

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How did Chiraben get the clone power? As I look at his character write up in the storyteller screen he has no such power thus this is a cannon violation. If you are saying he was cloned artificially as in from the vat then even that is a cannon violation since cloning has yet to take place and if it was written off a Banned tech I think it would be mentioned in one of the books that Chiraben is so expendable.

I can accept a nova who kills 1000+ people and walks free simply because he is nearly impossible to stop but when we begin eroding a core story of the game then we need to take a step back and either accept that this is allowed (and revise the FAQ) or call shenanigins as Prodigy has done.

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It has been communicated to me that ronin did in fact allow for the possibility that Chiraben the canon character has likely not been killed, thus eliminating the canon disruption.

So, with the exception of pointing out that this is 18 months later, with loads of new folks and that it might have been nice to include an OOC mentioning of this, I'm gonna say 'mea culpa' and shut the fuck up.

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Shenanigans!! Dude, I fucking love you.

No need to get so beligerent, guys. I may be an asshole, but I'm a reasonable asshole. I didn't even think that most of you were reading that. Fuck knows that I don't have the time to read every piece that comes up the Fiction pike, as much as I would sincerely like to. I'm touched. In that creepy uncle kind of way.

Alright, though, lets get down to it. In the name of Forum glasnost (and because I don't want people to think I'm a twink-monkey), let me explain myself.

1. Canon Interaction

Avenger was a character on this forum when the board was still relatively new, and many of his exploits are still documented, if you bother to look. Additionally, he was originally a sanctioned character on the WW forum who was a TT character even before that. Back then, it really wasn't so big a deal to say "yeah, I know Raoul", because with such a finite number of novas in the world, it would be ridiculous to assume that certain luminaries wouldn't hobnob or even just run into each other regularly. All of Avenger/ronin's current contacts are either A)Dead or B)Very loose "old friends" who are on the utmost periphery of his existence, and my narrative doesn't fuck with their individual storylines at all. I should think it would be a matter of no harm, no foul, right?

Certain things have been accepted for as long as I played my character. I'm a little put off by the accusation that my character had "conincidental involvement with tons of canon characters and his proximity to the centers of canon activity". If by "tons" you mean Slider, Raoul and Synapse... There's nothing "coincidental" about it. Avenger was an early erupter, like a few people on the board. There's no good goddamned reason for someone who's been around that long to not have a few connections with the hundreds of characters written into the canon.

2. Chiraben

Ah, but then, there was harm, wasn't there?

Am I the only one who remembers that this happened here? It's archived. Check it out.

That aside, I'll tell you the same thing I told Metropolis, when he brought it up;

Just because Avenger thinks he did, it doesn't mean he actually did.

There are a metric ton of x-factors that can be thrown into the mix in the world of Aberrant, and just because one person says "Baron von Piepdreamin' is dead, I killed him", it doesn't mean that was the real Baron, the right Baron, or whatever. Insofar as Avenger is concerned, Chiraben is dead and he killed him. The rest of you are encouraged to agree or disagree with him in accordance with the dictates of your perspective of the game. Nothing I write has to be "canon".

Of course, ask yourself, too, if Chiraben is even going to show up ever again. He's so utterly negligible to what's going on here that at the time I didn't think it'd be a big deal killing him, and nobody bothered to protest when I did. I hate to ret-con, so when I returned as ronin I figured I'd just let it go.

3. Thousands Dead, News at Eleven

ronin doesn't remember his life prior to about eighty years of his own lifetime, which means that aside from a few very important events, everything he knows about his life is written from the perspective of someone reading a history book. It's muddled, unclear, and his memories are foggy at best. During the Costas storyline the number was 683 (who of us set that number? I can't recall), and I have consciously been inflating that number periodically to account for both exaggeration and to compensate for ronin's dwindling sense of self and removal of connection to his past.

The truth is a relative unknown at this point, and I'm comfortable with it staying that way. And there's nothing saying that Avenger wasn't caught or chased or even imprisoned except the patchy memories of a man who has all but forgotten. His power suite would make him awfully difficult to catch.

I'll admit that all those hundreds of people killed is a bit dubious, in hindsight, but I was quite a bit younger when I started playing this character, and to avoid more ret-con (again), I sort of let it go. Bear in mind, there's a potential myriad of reasons someone could get away with all that and survive, ronin just doesn't remember what that might be. Not to be coarse, but to date, the global community has yet to be able to find a seven foot tall Arab on kidney dialysis who was responsible for the deaths of thousands of people in New York. Hitler committed suicide in his bunker. Pol Pot died of old age on house arrest in his early seventies. A nova serial killer responsible for the deaths of hundreds of people would have a hard time staying scarce, but history provides us with many examples that it isn't impossible.

4. Fat, Cracklin' Cosmic Power o' the Gods

And just before it gets addressed (because I know it will), ronin is presently a Q6 nova with access to Crosstime Travel. For a short while he had a Q8 and dots of Time Travel, but that was a temporary situation that has since been rescinded. I did so for two reasons. The secondary reason being that a character of that power is no longer allowed on this forum (my intent with a nova of such power was to make him more of a passing observer who dispensed snippets of zen, and to bring in a newer, less-experienced character), but the primary reason is that my character got the better of me, and I decided that I'd like to use ronin/Avenger as my point-man on the forum, and in order to do that, I'd have to bring him down a couple of pegs, which I did, as an in-game action.

ronin is very powerful, but no more so than he should be or is allowable by this forum, and not without good reason. And he is riddled with problems and flaws, which will come to the fore more and more as he sticks around.

There. Friends again?

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While it has been my understanding that posted characters have the abilities listed, it also says that they may have more, at the ST's discretion.

So, if Chiraben confronted some starting characters, he would be pretty much as listed. If he confronted a more experienced group, he would be tougher, building on the power already published in the book.

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Nothing to say that he didn't develop it after the fact, or that someone within Proteus didn't make clones of him. It's theoretically possible for the Clone ability to have a target other than yourself, in the right hands.

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One thing I wanted to add. Right now, I'm trying to bang out 'Litany' quickly because the progression of a few storylines depends on it. Because of that, certain details are going to get lost in the shuffle, and I'll admit that I'm playing a little fast-and-loose with the narrative. In short, I didn't bring my 'A' game for the sake of expediency. I'll be doing an edit when I get the gist of it out and have a little room to breathe.

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Originally posted by Preston:
While it has been my understanding that posted characters have the abilities listed, it also says that they may have more, at the ST's discretion.

So, if Chiraben confronted some starting characters, he would be pretty much as listed. If he confronted a more experienced group, he would be tougher, building on the power already published in the book.
You could of course change him how you see fit in a TT game. On here I believed we went my strict rules. I myself had to choose to play by them and all I see right now are some shrugs and oh well what can you do? Showing me in essence that those rules that I had to swear by to get anything are essentially of no real importance.
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Settle down, man. Don't take such offense, aye? Did you even read what I wrote up there? Here, I'll repeat it just for you;

"Just because Avenger thinks he did, it doesn't mean he actually did."

That aside, my character predates those rules you had to swear by, as does the incident in question. I have left the situation as ambiguous and fixed it as much as possible without just throwing up my arms, changing my character's story and saying "A wizard did it!!" What else, exactly, would you suggest I do?

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On Ronin's behalf, James you don't really care about canon rules for everyone.I have proof of this. Isn't Ashnod a pre-n-day nova?Didn't Apep become a nova at birth or at least very young.Is Jager a cross time traveler?Didn't Edveavor do the Same?So, James stop getting your knickers in a twist when someone challenges what is canon, or do so when everyone does.

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Originally posted by ronin:
That aside, my character predates those rules you had to swear by, as does the incident in question.
So you are above them? You limit yourself to Quantum 6 to come back into the forum but you don't bother adjusting anything else that might make it more harmonious?

If you would have even noted that this isnt his native line I would have no trouble at all with Ronin in any way. As it is now I feel you want to make Ronin a centerpiece within the core universe. And while I guess this can be acceptable since other powerful characters like Ashnod have seated themselves high I would at least like there to be some thought of caution because big steps are taken. If not then someone is going to come on saying "Well I just slapped Pax and Mal around for a little while until they decided to talk and they've made up. The end."

On a complete serious side to this entire issue is if we are going to compromise the core cannon okay (Hell I play on another site that is as far from standard aberrant cannon as one could get) I would just like some general consensus on it before it gets out of hand.
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Pre N-Day eruptions are not canon-breaking, just very very rare. Apep is a 2nd generation Nova, and while the rules are certainly different for them, young (and old, if you read Aberrant: Expose) eruptions are definitely not. Endeavor's age at her eruption isn't breaking canon either.

Saying that, if it was desired that I change the date of Ashnod's eruption because the forum felt it was canon breaking, I would.

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Originally posted by Blue Cherry:
On Ronin's behalf, James you don't really care about canon rules for everyone.I have proof of this. Isn't Ashnod a pre-n-day nova?Didn't Apep become a nova at birth or at least very young.Is Jager a cross time traveler?Didn't Edveavor do the Same?So, James stop getting your knickers in a twist when someone challenges what is canon, or do so when everyone does.
The jury is still out on that, Blue. Problem is, I don't think I'll be able to resolve that event the way I wanted. It's taken too long to do, and it's giving me more headaches figuring out how I can do it, and still be satisfying as a story.

And Ashnod, Sakurako erupted at 16. At least by my reckoning. Also, after the date "jump" the forums went through to get to 2014, Sakurako should be much older (sans time-space trip) than 20/21. (She should be close to, if not at 30.)
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The dimension hopping? *sigh* It's been a while.

She found one of her Mother's old experiments. Curiosity almost killed the cat. It also was a convenient way of removing her from the forums since at that time I had gotten REAL burned out and had seriously thought of leaving NPrime.

But, now that I did return, there is a bit of a question in my mind, that was brewing a story. Did those events really happen? Or something else happen. She did leave, she did go somewhere. Did she have another episode? Was it some sort of simulation she trapped herself in? Did she indeed discover how to move between dimensions with technology (Which she later destroyed, realizing the sheer danger of such technology)?

I have alot of questions, I had several ways I could answer it. But, more and more I'm finding no energy to flesh out what happened in that time. So, I've been playing it as gaps in her memory. Flashes of things remembered she does have, but not in cohesive memory like someone has through life.

I don't want to spoil a few things I'm going to drop about this, but she will have doubts about what really happened in that time, in the coming months.

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If she was involved with Ronin during that time it would explain the dimensional issues. I am curious though how many people have alternate lines as character background? Sakurako, Jager, Ronin and Tangent I know for sure. Anyone else?

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So you are above them? You limit yourself to Quantum 6 to come back into the forum but you don't bother adjusting anything else that might make it more harmonious?

Yes. Ha, ha, ha.

Seriously, though. I didn't limit myself to Q6 to get back on this forum. I did it to make my character more human and less whatever-the-hell-it-is-he-was-becoming. The fact that the forum requires Q6 was irrelevant. If I couldn't rationalize it in-game, I would have retired the character, albeit reluctantly.

And no, I'm not going to alter my character's backstory. I'm happy to see that some of you are amicable enough to make certain concessions and modify characters you've ran for (in some cases) years, but rewriting a character's history isn't the same as making a minor modification to his lineage or date of eruption. Changing this character's storyline would require either A) going through tons of archived posts and changing information or B) letting it go and leaving blaring inconsistencies in the character's history. And I won't do it.

If you would have even noted that this isnt his native line I would have no trouble at all with Ronin in any way.

Again, what my character thinks and what is can be two different things. They may or may not be. Is it that important?

As it is now I feel you want to make Ronin a centerpiece within the core universe. And while I guess this can be acceptable since other powerful characters like Ashnod have seated themselves high I would at least like there to be some thought of caution because big steps are taken.

A centerpiece? No more so than any nova who has been active since 2000. To be honest, I'm a little surprised that some of the older players haven't taken a few more liberties than they have. As it is, we've all weaved ourselves into the canon in some way or another. ronin isn't meant to be any more prominent a character than, say, any member of T2M or a blooded Terat. He knows a few of the right people, but that's to be understood, considering his age and alliances. If you'll notice, he isn't running around changing the world and using his considerable power to shake the world to it's foundations. He barely does shit. Everything large he's done has already happened and any repricussions have already settled. There are no "big steps" being taken. They were a mile back when the road was still fucking dirt.

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I've one two random thoughts for you boyos. Take it for what it is and let it trouble you not at all if you're full up.

1. I like Litany. Ronin's writing style has improved more than a little since he last graced us and I enjoy the read. Truly I like most the bits where Ronin speaks of Avenger as some poor sod he (Ronin) just happens to know a bit about. There are places where the objectivity wears thin but Ronin's already said he'll edit later so I'll not be overly critical yet.

2. Seems to me there's some that want the TRUTH right NOW and that's not what the story is about. It the dodgy recollections of a man/nova that knows little of who he was and discovering who he might be. Like the poor maid who could not tell dreams from waking until yesterday, Ronin is sorting through the haze of years past without knowing what the unvarnished word might really be.

3. The lad's right about the size of the nova population being small. I've heard it compared to that of a small town before. Assuming you're not totally self absorbed and a hermit to boot how many would you know from the Amp Room or battle or the opnet or... I've not a problem with someone claiming to have met Divis himself on a cold winters day in Boston so long as they not try to claim kinship and whatnot. None of us are Divis' type but if we were we'd hardly be typing away on our box o' tricks now would we?

4. Fiction tisn't Opnet. Leastwise it wasn't the last I knew. I'm full awares Ronin is writing about himself (the character) but I (the character) need never acknowledge I've done even as little as read the story. You might give him a go before you screw foul and see where he can take the matter.

5. Just so's you know I'm being objective - for a man with dodgy memories of a time clouded by less than sane behaviour, Ronin's got some crystal clear recollections of Costa. In that particular spot Ronin seems to slip from recalling Avenger's memories to making judgments of Costa and defending his actions instead of Avenger's.

Not suggesting anything, just saying is all.

6. Ashnod is hardly the center of the universe. Nor is Jager, Avenger, Ronin, or a host of others. The lass known to Gaedal as Morg, Sandy Davis to others, was not more than a small tale told in the local to amuse the fellahs.

BTW Jager - Gaedal's not forgotten Fritz defending Morg. I believe somewhere amongst the insults exchanges was a wager and Fritz owes him a drink.

7. The dead. The numbers are a bitter pill to swallow though I like your defense of the possibility. As the number was never proven, Avenger was a lost soul when last he breathed and Ronin can be sure of so little... Well, I can accept it as color to the story and enjoy the read. So long as Ronin doesn't fall into the trap of defending what he knows he can't be sure of then I can keep reading and enjoying the story.

8. Is there a reason beyond what's spoken of that makes some sensitive to the possibility that the story is accurate? If so then say it. If not...

Its a tale, lads. Just a story.

9. Canon doesn't mean mundane. I've problems with many a matter brought here but usually they're of a lesser nature. I know there's a reason why Vixen and her family aren't surrounded by papparrazi but I've no idea what it might be. Things like that.

10. Alternate time lines as background...

Not in the way you mean, lad. Not as background story or origin. But there's a wicked little tale involving bloody knuckles between Gaedal and The Dark Queen Maub that I'll inflict on you soon aenough. Cold iron, rings of power, god forged weapons and all perfectly within the realm of canon.

Should piss off more than a few. wink

That's all I fear. Sleep calls and the morrow is a new day.

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I love you, Gaedal.

Oh, one thing;

5. Just so's you know I'm being objective - for a man with dodgy memories of a time clouded by less than sane behaviour, Ronin's got some crystal clear recollections of Costa. In that particular spot Ronin seems to slip from recalling Avenger's memories to making judgments of Costa and defending his actions instead of Avenger's.

Not suggesting anything, just saying is all.

Actually, it's funny you should mention that specifically, because the truth is that I wrote it specifically that way. ronin really doesn't remember the Costas affair all that well, BUT...

Having read the forum logues here both of the incident itself and of all the things Avenger posted here, ronin has a pretty good grip on what sort of man he was at the time and what was going on in his head. Besides the fact that ronin and Avenger were both psychological geniuses, ronin can read these scrawlings and think to himself Yeah, I remember this...I think.... At the least, it stirs up some feeling within in, and he analyzes those feelings with a very critical eye.

Which brings me to criticism. ronin is purposely inflating the number of people he killed and being so adamant about his role in the Costas/AngelTeen debacle because he doesn't want Endeavor (who this is being written for, by the way) to suspect he is in any way downplaying his crimes. The intention of 'Litany' is for ronin to splay himself out bare for the woman he loves and divulge every bit of darkness (that he can recall), in the hopes that not only will she accept it, but that she'll still love him when it's over. To that end, he is demonizing himself as a worst-case-scenario. If he finds out he's wrong in hindsight, it'll be because he erred on the side of being more horrible. It's all downhill from here.

So that's why he seems so "clear" on the Costas matter. He just doesn't want to be perceived as anything other than tragically wrong -- or at least, he really got boned -- in that matter.

Make sense?

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Something I really should have told ALL OF YOU from the beginning (not that it would matter all that much) is that 'Litany' isn't strictly a piece of fiction, but a private letter that ronin is writing to Sakurako as a means of "explaining" himself to her. I certainly don't mind other people reading it, but the intention was for Hino's eyes only.

By this, what I mean is that 'Litany' isn't meant to be the end-all beat-all of ronin/Avenger's life. It's just ronin's perception of himself that he is offering to someone else in the interest of trying to be honest about what he believes to be "himself".

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Okay, un-shutting-the-fuck-up here for just a minute.

I've been guilty of going dickhead a couple of times when people present things IC that look to be canon breaking. Usually the response has been "no, there is a canon safe explanation and/or my character's opinions don't necessarily reflect reality".

Now, that's great and I usually end up looking like a prick, which is not unusual. But, I'd love to ask, no, beg, that people mabye make some OOC explanations to let the rest of us know that canon squishing isn't occuring. And no Glaedl I am not asking to be able to read the last page of someone's story first, I'm just asking for a "Hey, don't worry, all is not as it seems." It can reduce tensions and ease the habits of some of us who've dealth with people coming in here and seriously trying to present their gameworld chaning events without giving a whit for the fact that there are a dozen other players here, each with their own ideas.

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Originally posted by Ashnod:
Pre N-Day eruptions are not canon-breaking, just very very rare. Apep is a 2nd generation Nova, and while the rules are certainly different for them, young (and old, if you read Aberrant: Expose) eruptions are definitely not. Endeavor's age at her eruption isn't breaking canon either.

Saying that, if it was desired that I change the date of Ashnod's eruption because the forum felt it was canon breaking, I would.
Pre n-day novas are just as canon as hand held anti nova weapons.In Canon I could make a hand grenade, that could pose a threat to Ashnod.

But back to pre d-day novas, canonically there only one.Divis Mal.It could be argued that Pax was one,maybe he was also a stalwart who became a nova,then again he could just be a lucky son of a bitch.
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1)The Player's Guide validates Pre N-Day Novas. Sorry, that's just the way it is. It's very likely that Jeremiah Scripture is also a Pre N-Day Nova. Mal isn't the only one. Just the most powerful and the most notorious.

2) Gaedal, yes, the fiction IS OpNet now, unless there are Non-Continuity tags on it.

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Originally posted by Totem:
If she was involved with Ronin during that time it would explain the dimensional issues. I am curious though how many people have alternate lines as character background? Sakurako, Jager, Ronin and Tangent I know for sure. Anyone else?
One clarification. Sakurako's from this timeline. She only made the mistake of actually taking one of her mother's inventions for a spin.

And incase you were wondering, Sakurako was born before her mother's eruption by a few years, and both Sakurako's Mother and Sakurako herself Erupted after N-Day.

I still have to write a clear storyline and a profile for Sakurako.

Sakurako knew Ronin from before her "trip".
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Want me to make weapons that can kill any nova and leave virtually no damage to anything or anyone else around? (who isn't a nova or powered by quantum.)

Maybe set off a minor "quantum shift".Remember that anything a inspired can do, a nova can do better.Anything a human can do, an inspired can do better.

To the PG, this more a sign of that white wolf had a lack of forsite. The bock doesn't take into account Adventure.Witch in a later canon setting rules out novas ,or even inspired predating something like 1920.

As for Sophia Rousseau, the book doesn't difftavtaily state anything one way or the other as to what she was pre N-day.It hints,nothing more,nothing less.We could be looking at a cold war mole,for all we know,She could be even up to her mid thirties as normal human, in 1956. Along comes n-day,bingo she gets a node,and her youth back.She no longer needs or wants to hide, or maybe she just fanily thinks that the cold war is over.Maybe she thinks it is safe enough to come out of hiding as much as she did as the powers that be have bigger things to catch.For the record, there is proof of humans being alive for more than 100 years.It is possible that she was born 1898.But that is stretching it.

Ashnod, if a story makes something Canon,this whole thread is null and void.

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I'm not talking about Sophia Rosseau, Signy. There is another character in Aberrant Expose that is an "old" eruption.

And like it or not, the APG allows for pre-Galatea eruptions. You don't have to like it, but there it is.

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So let me understand this clearly.

Ronin who was once someone else. Doesn't clearly remember who he was, what he did or where he has been.

Sakurako's past is a blur of time machines and time line jaunts that has yet to really be straightened out.

Okay I think I got it now. You two sure are made for each other. laugh

I will never EVER nit-pick you two again. It makes my brain hurt. eek

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Originally posted by Totem:
Ronin who was once someone else. Doesn't clearly remember who he was, what he did or where he has been.

Sakurako's past is a blur of time machines and time line jaunts that has yet to really be straightened out.
So if Sakurako went back in time but she was already there in time and ronin became someone else but met himself, then how could... oh no, I've gone cross-eyed. :P
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And so are nova killing hand grenades,and the Mallory Explotion.I have a saying "Just because you can, it doesn't mean you should.".

Stickily canonically speaking Signy can make weapons that can kill Ashnod,and not harm the fly on her head.All it takes is being as smart as the reasearchers of Inspired area,and having the ability to find a way to build Telluric batteries.I wouldn't want that weapon in any Abberrant game I play in.

As for the Mallory explotion, anything Hammersmith can do a nova can do better.

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Let me get to a point that you should agree with.You can play Ashnod only by the grace of your timing.Had you came around when I did, the likelihood of you being able to pull off Ashnod is highly unlikely at best.Now you out right couldn't.

You are using poorly worded and thought out books to find loop holes in the canon story line.I respect that in table top games, but I find it be bothering in this form of the game. Just as you have the right to be mad at the idea of Signy making a second N-day.This something she can do if you strictly believe the canon of two settings and ignore a third.Just as it is strictly canon to say they nova in the past.And on top of that those novas were the same as post n-day novas.

You can do things because of the time frame witch you as a player did things,But Ronin can't cause, um ...Canon characters are imortaltall!We live in a world where we judge each others actions,and based on our judgements pass by decrees of what other characters can and can't do. I pointed out things that according to the canon are possiable.This doesn't mean they should happen.

So, what you have here is this, you were here first,and so I have to live with it?Great moral high ground.

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RE: 3. Thousands Dead, News at Eleven

This is more possible than we like to think.

These people were spread across the globe, and not in good graces with the law enforcement community. If a known child molester turns up with his throat cut, there is an obvious motive and an obvious person to blame (i.e. friends/relatives of the victim(s)).

The police in several cities might figure out they had a serial killer when more bodies turned up (although they might also not care for a while). The police would look into it, but even if he killed two people like that in every major city in the US, he could go a long time before anyone figured out they were dealing with a nova serial killer.

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Meh. I'm fine with both Asnod and Ronin as characters. As long as their backstories are well written and thought out, I'll accept them doing whatever they want (to a point).

Characters like Dr. Corneleous (sp?) from way back at the beginning of the board, never made sense to me in the first place, and I would just call them kooks if they tried that now.

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