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Originally posted by Procyon:

T2M, upon being appraised of our presence by the euphemistically-named Utopian 'Intervention Team', were all fired up and ready to capture or kill (Yes, they DO kill, Mythic. You just never hear about it. Ever hear from Cobalt after his last fight with Pax?) some notorious Terats.

And you're a liar. Team Tomorrow does not and has not killed. Cobalt was taken into custody. You talk about your "Third Way" but you pony right up to excuse violence the first chance you have. You hypocrite.
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Another brief moment of connectivity.

Gerald, the simple truth is that Excavator was about to kill me. Watch the footage - the media footage, not Utopia's doctored recordings. See the stance that Excavator took before she caused a huge chunk of street to vaporize. Then see her take that same stance toward me. I can - when prepared - fare fairly well against a variety of quantum attacks, but her trademark talent would have reduced me to my component atoms.

I don't like to kill. I'm not, by nature, a violent person. Even when Shen-Khan was threatening the death of me and everyone I loved, I stayed my husband's hand and exiled rather than killed him. If I had been granted just another half-second, I could have and would have used a different method on Excavator to keep from being vaporized whilst preserving her life. Unfortunately, I didn't have that extra half-second, and so I defended my life from a very deadly attack by using deadly force myself.

Procyon is not championing violence; he is, rather, championing the right to defend oneself. The difference is significant.

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Yes however both Procyon and you are making several broad assumptions not born out by careful observation of raw video footage.

I understand the desire to believe there was no choice possible that could be summed up as kill or be killed. I understand but I do not condone.

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Timeslip.. I have to ask. I implied it last time I commented but this time I need to know.

Did you see this? I mean your power over time just makes me think you knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was her or you. That is why I accept it. You have information that no one else had at that moment. Am I correct?

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Speaking as one who also possesses the power to disintegrate matter at the atomic level, I must concur with Timeslip. That is an ability you use only with intent to KILL.

You can't "bring someone to justice" that way, only bring them to the Final Peace. Therefore, I would say that Timeslip was well within her rights. It was a tragedy as I have said, but it seems clearly self-defense to me.

And I fully agree with Procyon when he states that Uptopia would indeed get involved in any trial, therefore ensuring bias.

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Again there are many assumption in play. Too many assumptions and too many variables. Say what you will Leliel but we have no reasonable means of knowing Ms Ho's intentions or target. However to avoid a dogmatic argument please bear in mind that even if the dead ghost of Ms Ho came to me tonight with a confession written in blood detailing her intention to kill Timeslip if she'd not been killed first it would change little about concerns.

You appear to share the mindset of Timeslip and her comrades. You also appear willing to see the event from her view without questioning. I do not share that mindset and am not willing to accept without questioning.

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Looking at it from a purely objective view, and even from a baseline view:

If someone saw a man aiming a 7.62mm electric-drive chaingun at them, would not this be a fairly straightforward threat to their life? It seems to me that this is the level of imminent danger Timeslip saw herself in.

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Originally posted by Leliel:
It seems to me that this is the level of imminent danger Timeslip saw herself in.
How very fortunate for Timeslip she already had her bazooka pointed at the would be assailant's chest. May I congratulate you on a very objective view of the situation.

The level of danger she perceived is not an issue. At least not to me.
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Mr. Frost: if you will watch the recordings - even the Utopian-doctored recordings - you will see that my hand came up after Excavator took her stance. My reflexes are faster than were hers, and that saved my life.

Wakinyan: no, I did not have any "inside knowledge". My reaction was based on self-preservation, just like that of anyone else looking down the barrel of a gun - no more, no less. Indeed, I wish that I did have the kind of precognative understanding of which you speak in regards to this incident; if I had, Excavator would still be alive today, because I would have had time to resolve the situation differently.

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Originally posted by Gerald Haney:
Originally posted by Procyon:

T2M, upon being appraised of our presence by the euphemistically-named Utopian 'Intervention Team', were all fired up and ready to capture or kill (Yes, they DO kill, Mythic. You just never hear about it. Ever hear from Cobalt after his last fight with Pax?) some notorious Terats.

And you're a liar. Team Tomorrow does not and has not killed. Cobalt was taken into custody. You talk about your "Third Way" but you pony right up to excuse violence the first chance you have. You hypocrite.
Oh dear. I was simply commenting that the world has not heard from Cobalt, an elite capable of giving PAX problems, since his well-pubicised defeat. Now, Cobalt may be dead, he may not be. But if he isn't dead , he is in Bahrain, and has been for over a decade. It's fair to say he probably wishes he was dead if he's in that abattoir. Taken into custody, what a lovely euphemism.

As for my 'Third Way', it is a dream that I hope to make real. If I try to live in that dream before it is realised, then I will end up dead along with a lot of people I care about. Not that it matters to your polemic ranting, as it is obvious to me where your sympathies lie, but I have never advocated non-violence.

As far as I am concerned, when people are prepared to use aggression to ensure that their will is the dominant force in the world, others have the right to use aggression to preserve themselves.
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Originally posted by Leliel:
Then let me ask you this Mr Frost...

What would you have done if you were in Timeslip's position, possibly facing a disintegration field?

Or is the crux of your point "What was she doing there in the first place?"
Given her supposed abilities to manipulate temporal conditions I would have withdrawn from the field of battle while facing the fact I was lucky to escape without causing or sustaining death from my imperialistic misadventures. I do find your last question appropo.
Originally posted by Timeslip:
My reflexes are faster than were hers, and that saved my life.
You require a gesture to facilitate the use of a quantum effect. How very western of you.
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This has become quite ridiculous.

Timeslip has killed someone. She needs to stand in a court of law to answer for this, and if she does not do so voluntarily, she will be a fugitive until such time as she is captured and brought before the court that she has tried to evade.

Nobody here is a judge. With the exception of Mr. Bailey, I'm not aware of anyone here that is an attorney. So frankly, you are all spinning your collective wheels by acting as such.

It is that simple.

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Talking about it doesn't hurt, Sandcaster.

I think Procyon has it right. If the Utopians could be counted on to keep out of it, a public trial for Timeslip in the Netherlands would be a good idea. I saw, with Wakinyan, that it's not impossible for a baseline court to be fair to a nova. But I don't think that the Utopians would keep out of it; they'd insist on custody, and I doubt that they would ever let her go, regardless of what the court decided.

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Mr Frost: Your use of the term 'imperialistic misadventures' to describe Timeslip's involvement in the Amsterdam situation is not only presumptuous, but borne of ignorance of the individual you are speaking of.

Timeslip wasn't there for the 'glory' of the Teragen. She was there to help a plainly out-of-control nova, probably a new eruptee, escape the uncaring wrath of Utopia. She didn't care particularly where the nova ended up, as long as it wasn't Bahrain.

She succeeded in that, then departed. She risked her life on the dictates of her conscience, and succeeded, making her involvement in the situation neither imperialistic nor a misadventure.

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Mister Nord, for the second time in as many weeks you've established the baseline of your intellectual development. And I say this as someone who is most likely in the upper percentile but only on a very human scale. Reactionary would be an understatement.

If you have difficulty reading english or comprehending an idea in that language please abstain from interjecting. You are conveying little beyond a vaguely admirable sense of loyalty. Were your stance not quite so egregious I might explain the error you've made. Since I am not in the mood for your particular flavor of wishful thinking I will instead direct you to reread Leliel's post to me and my own response.

Please read what is written. It is not that complex an idea. Interjecting your own ill-founded assumptions will simply make comprehension that much more difficult.

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