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Shadowrun: Everybody Lies - [Team Red] Back in Business


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Jian stopped short as he realized they'd frakked into another fricking gang war, Ork Underground or not. His inclination was to stay away and he looked at Caesar with an incredulous expression, before heading for cover too.

The message to everyone's comlinks was short and simple. Again?

Initiative roll: Jeremy *rolls* 8d6: 1+1+2+2+1+1+3+2: 13

A near glitch... Initiative 8. :P

Running to Cover and going on Full Defense.

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Valkyrie stood still for a moment, not in shock, but assessing the situation. Withdraw until it was over, pick a side, or simply kill all of them? Or withdraw and then come back to kill the survivors?

She pinged the others commlinks as she drew her gun and darted to the nearest cover.

Not our fight. Withdraw or wait out?

When Caesar started his withdrawl, she followed suit; trusting his instincts in this foreign place.

(Action - Move away from the street brawl with others in group, ready to draw (but not drawing yet))

SalmonMax] 3:56 pm: SR Init time.

[Joani] 3:56 pm: hola

SalmonMax *rolls* 11d6: 5+1+6+4+4+1+1+1+4+2+5: 34

[Joani] 3:56 pm: I count 3

[salmonMax] 3:56 pm: Bah. Pretty bad showing on 11 dice...

Init for fight is 14

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"Fraggin' hell," Caesar swore. Skullcrusher came off his shoulder in a guard position and Caesar made for the edge of the gathering storm of combat. Discretion was the better part of valor, and he wasn't here to fight, he was here for information. So rather than wait for blood to be shed he made a retreat, keeping his eyes open, and his weapon ready to block, as he followed the others in his group.


[jameson] 8:39 am: ok so I roll my Init 7 and add the hits to my rating of 7 yes?

[Joani] 8:42 am: yes

[jameson] 8:42 am: ok

[Joani] 8:42 am: 7 dice - each hit adds to your base Init of 7

jameson *rolls* 7d6: 5+2+6+4+5+3+6: 31

[jameson] 8:42 am: 4?

[Joani] 8:42 am: 4, good roll

[Joani] 8:42 am: so Init 11

[jameson] 8:43 am: yeah 11

Moving & Defending - trying to get safely out of combat.

Free Action: Run

Complex Action: Full Defense

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When the charming Ogre left to get his gear, Grimm took the opportunity to change and equip himself appropriately. In an ally he changed from the ballistic suit to the casual club wear he had on at the beginning of the night, and as he changed his new companions got their first glimpse of the skin tight high-tech armor he wore beneath. He strapped his pistol holsters back on and slung Heart Drinker, his specially designed Katana onto his back. He slipped his assault rifle and other gear in a duffle and slung that over his shoulder.

As the group traveled through the Underground, Grimm remained silent but attentive. He found it curious that anyone would actually want to live down in the sewers but he kept that thought to himself. As they walked many of the residence, mostly Orks and Trolls, eyed them suspiciously and Grimm eyed them back as if to say We belong here, mind your own damn business.

The gang war was both a concern and a bit of excitement for the young Elf. As much as he wanted to join the fray, he realized that business came first and a few of companions weren’t combatants. As a precaution he slipped Hear Drinker out of its sheath and drew his predator loaded with Hollow Point rounds as he ducked for cover.

Initiative: 17

[Jordan] 2:35 pm: Rolling Initiative dice

Jordan *rolls* 12d6: 5+4+3+5+6+1+4+5+6+1+4+4: 48

[Moira Morley] 2:36 pm:

[Moira Morley] 2:36 pm: thats a lot of d6!

[Jordan] 2:36 pm: So it's hits + initiative, correct?

[Jordan] 2:36 pm: Mr. Grimm is a combat machine

[Malachite] 2:37 pm: Jer - Only because he decided to go along willingly.

[Jordan] 2:37 pm: that is 5 hits so 17 initiative?

Actions for the round: Drawing Sword and Pistol and running for cover.

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The Skraacha attack furiously with their close combat weapons while the Reality Hackers open fire aiming randomly into the crowd. There are a large number of tourists and innocent bystanders who try to get out of the way of the rivaling gangs and you can hear alarm sounds and the sirens of Knight Errant in the not too far distant.

Rolls and Actions

[Joani] 4:10 pm: rolling Perception for the Skraacha Gangers

[Jordan] 4:10 pm: Yeah Grimm went for cover while drawing his pistol and sword.

[Joani] 4:11 pm: -2 Penalty on the check

Joani *rolls* 4d6: 4+1+2+3: 10

[Joani] 4:11 pm: no hits

[Jeremy] 4:11 pm: ouch

[Joani] 4:11 pm: that's good for you guys

Some of the Skraacha leer over at your direction but don’t seem to consider you a threat and since the Reality Hackers open fire they don’t have enough time to think it over.

People scatter around in panic, trying to find cover wherever they can.

[OOC: If you try to avoid combat I need an Agility+Stealth (1) Roll from each of you guys. After that roll I like to see a composure roll (1) to see if you can keep your cool]

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Jian observed the callous disregard for the people around - but getting involved, was a waste and those dead were already so. They had to focus on finding Turner, and preserving the life of Fiona Craig if it turned out to be the case.

The message popped up again, as Jian shifted to prepare to go: Someone called Knight Errant. Time to slot out again?

[Jeremy] 11:18 am: Agility+Stealth Group (Infiltration)

Jeremy *rolls* 7d6: 6+6+3+5+2+1+3: 26

[Jeremy] 11:18 am: 3 hits

[jameson] 11:18 am: what is the roll ?

[Jeremy] 11:19 am: Composure = Willpower + Cha

Jeremy *rolls* 7d6: 5+6+6+6+1+4+3: 31

[jameson] 11:19 am: oh

[Jeremy] 11:19 am: 4 hits

[jameson] 11:19 am: ...

[Jeremy] 11:19 am: yes - Jian is a bastard, you can say it

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Caesar frowned. These people were attacking indiscriminately, with tourists and children in the crossfire. Hefting his weapon Caesar moved away from the violence, cursing that he could do nothing to help without dragging the others into it and risking their run. It seemed like the streets were set to run with blood this night.

Rolly Polly
[jameson] 1:19 pm: Agility 3(4) -1 (defaulting) = 3 dice

jameson *rolls* 3d6e5: 4,5,6. Successes = 2

[jameson] 1:20 pm: haha

[stargaizer] 1:20 pm: huh?

[Joani] 1:20 pm: awesome!

[stargaizer] 1:20 pm: +1 is to hit too?

jameson says, "Fuck you statistics!"

[jameson] 1:23 pm: Willpower 3 + Charisma 6 = 9 dice

jameson *rolls* 9d6e5: 4,4,5,4,1,5,1,5,1. Successes = 3

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Grimm remained still as he assessed whether or not the gangers had spotted him. This was the Underground and he was aware of what it's residents though of his kind in general.

When he was satisfied he hadn't been spotted he followed his companions away from the violence, unconcerned with the carnage the gangs were leaving in their wake. He had a fleeting thought that their targets might be caught in that crossfire, however concern for the bystanders didn't enter his mind.

[Jordan] 2:14 pm: Infiltration Roll

Jordan *rolls* 8d6e5: 6,2,1,5,6,3,5,3. Successes = 4

[Jordan] 2:15 pm: woot! i am teh stealths!

[Jordan] 2:15 pm: Okay so what are the concequences of a failed composure roll

[jameson] 2:17 pm: wetting ones pants

[Jordan] 2:19 pm: Composure Roll

Jordan *rolls* 6d6e5: 3,5,6,5,4,3. Successes = 3

[Jordan] 2:19 pm: WooT! I don't leak all over myself!

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Valkyrie wasn't terribly quiet as she followed, though she managed not to trip or kick a can or accidentally shoot off her gun. She was capable of being stealthier, but her irritation at the constant petty delays was mounting in her. Though she knew it would jeopardize the mission, and possibly her life, she really wanted to simply start picking off the gangsters, one by one, both sides. Their stupidity was an affront to the genetic potential of their species. Their uselessness was an affront to the utility of the civilization they used the resources of, while offering nothing in return. And they were in her way; more than enough to justify their removal. And it had been quite a while since she'd scratched that itch, no matter how distasteful its origin.

But Knight was coming, and she had no business here that she wanted to explain. Discretion was the better part of annoyance, in this case.

So she kept her urge to kill in its place, and gave them no excuse to attack her (thus giving HER an excuse to retaliate). The mission came first. Maybe later...

[salmonMax] 12:43 pm: First the infiltration...

SalmonMax *rolls* 7d6: 2+3+6+3+4+2+1: 21

[salmonMax] 12:43 pm: Saved by the 6...

[jameson] 12:43 pm: back

[salmonMax] 12:43 pm: Then the Composure

[salmonMax *rolls* 8d6: 1+3+5+1+4+4+2+3: 23

[salmonMax] 12:43 pm: Saved by the 5...lol

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The scene is brutal – even for hardboiled Shadowrunners. People scream in panic, children cry and blood gets splattered all over the place.

While you retreat for cover Valkyrie notices how the Reality Hackers try to access any possible PAN they can find within range leaving all kinds of ARO-Graffitti behind heralding the end of the flesh and the coming of a new dawn. It is obvious that they hate the Ork Underground – a place with very scarce wifi-coverage and thus little AR/VR accessibility.

The blaring sirens and alarm are much closer than expected or Knight Errant has increased their response time significantly. The battle over the Underground had just begun when Knight Errant Units, heavily armed stormed from both sides taking the gangers into custody who got lucky enough to run into them.

It becomes obvious that this is no ordinary Knight Errant unit – everything these officers do screams Special Task Force and even with your attempts to stay out of trouble you are quickly surrounded by Knight Errant with heavy weapons and armor.

It takes less than 20 minutes for Knight Errant to take the Gangers into custody and secure the seriously wounded cooperating with Doc Wagon contractors to maximum effect. There are 2 Special Task Force Tanks and one heavily armored Van just joins the scenery.

Knight Errant let most of the people go about their business, and they hauled some of the gang members away in cuffs. Out of the Van one of the biggest Trolls you’ve ever seen comes stomping over. Over 3 meters tall he glares down at you for a minute then snarls, “You’re Shadowrunners, right?”

[OOC: The experienced Runner can tell that Knight Errant also works with combat mages. This Troll doesn’t look like one, but among the two dozen men you saw at least 4 of them fit the description of being a mage – one of them is nearby the Troll and has you guys in his sights]

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Jian at first thought the traditional thought of any shadowrunner surrounded by Knight Errant personnel with overwhelming odds. Oh this is glitched. Still, he tried to maintain a composed attitude, though this was seriously too fast and too serious by Knight Errant.

Was this about them, rather than the gangers? Jian wasn't sure, but he was more relieved by the heavy troll Detective appearing, even though he had a good idea of who they were. The reason being, he had seen this Errant Detective before and knew a few things about him.

Thus, he said nothing out loud - but with the Detective blocking most of the precision view of the other armed officers, Jian sent out a quick AR text message to Caesar and co.

Recognize him. Looks the other way often if you slot him enough cred.

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Valkyrie stayed still, her face impassive. It was a stark contrast to the frantic thinking going on in her head. Fighting wasn't an option. Fleeing had a very low probability of success. If this officer decided to run her face instead of her SIN, things could go wrong very quickly. Jian's AR came at a very good moment, and she decided to let Caesar handle it. The less attention she drew, the better off they all were.

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Caesar sighed. This job was turning out to be one of the most trying evenings, in terms of pure annoyance, that he'd had in some time. "Detective ... Athack, you seem to be the understanding type. You'll see that none of our weapons were involved in this ..." Caesar gestured, "... massacre." He shrugged and offered as smile, "We're businessmen, just trying to do our job, as you are trying to do your own. I'm sure we can come to an agreement." Caesar pulled out a credstick, with some well hidden reluctance, "Say perhaps fifty credits?"

[jameson] 11:08 am: Charisma 6 + Intuition 4 = 10 dice Judge Intentions

jameson *rolls* 10d6e5: 4,1,2,6,4,6,2,4,5,6. Successes = 4

[Joani] 11:08 am: bam!

[jameson] 11:08 am: I like not having to count

[jameson] 11:12 am: Charisma 6 +Negotiation 5 +2 first impression +3 glamour = 16 dice

jameson *rolls* 16d6e5: 2,2,1,2,2,3,3,2,4,3,5,3,6,5,6,6. Successes = 5

[jameson] 11:13 am: man chat roller really kinda hates Caesar

[Joani] 11:23 am: Big Bad Troll's Neg roll

Joani *rolls* 7d6e5: 2,6,3,5,4,3,4. Successes = 2

[Joani] 11:23 am: you won by 2

[Joani] 11:23 am: no, by 3

[Joani] 11:24 am: he wants your babies

[Joani] 11:24 am:

[jameson] 11:24 am:

[jameson] 11:24 am: did I glitch?

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“I’m Detective Tosh Athack of Knight Errants Special Crimes Task Force. We deal with Shadowrunners and Gang Wars – looks like I’m getting both in one day, lucky me.”, he flashes a toothy grin but keeps his grim undertone.

“My boss is looking for some folks of yer type – if it wasn’t for that I’d put you in hole and let you rot there – less cockroaches to take care of. But that’s not my call to make.”

He raises one huge arm and holds his hand against his ear as if he was listening to something and then he nods.

“Open yer frickin’ PANs, I gotta call fer ye from my Boss.”

“And who might that be?”, Caesar inquired trying to maintain his professional cool.

“Assisstant District Attorney Dana Oaks – she calls the shots here.”, Detective winks at Caeser and nods as he recognizes Caesar’s the Commlink over his AR display.

As soon as the connection is made you hear a female voice talking straight and to the point.

“I’m not fond of working outside the law.” She tells you with no preamble. “But in this world, the law is, quite frankly, a mess. Criminals have a million ways to avoid the long arm of the law, as I’m sure you’re well aware of. However, I have a job to do, and one way or another I plan to get it done. That’s where you come in.”

“Seattle law doesn’t quite extend below the streets of Seattle. The government doesn’t recognize the Underground as a part of the city, and as such won’t contract Knight Errant to police it. The criminal scum who prey on my city know this, and seek refuge in the pit.” As she speaks, her voice raises slightly in pitch, and it’s clear this isn’t the first time she’s had this discussion, and it’s a sore spot with her.

“I’ve been tracking someone who’s holed up down there somewhere. I need him brought somewhere so that I can have him legally arrested. Your job is going to be to find this man, and deliver him to Detective Athack here. He’ll claim to have caught the guy inside his jurisdiction, and he will go to jail for a very long, long time. You’ll keep silent about the matter, and get paid. How’s that sound?”

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Oh, bloody hell, Caesar thought as he took a deep breath and tried to find the strength to persevere. On the one hand, they had nothing on them, none of them had fired their weapons, none of them had so much as thrown a punch. On the other hand Caesar knew full well that that didn't matter for crap. It also would mean that their SINs would get run, and he doubted that the other's had fakes that would pass muster. "Damnit," he said.

"What kind of time frame are you asking for here? I'm certainly willing to negotiate for our services, but we have a number of balls already in the air, and I don't want to promise the moon when I can't even deliver a pony." He sighed again, "Tell us who it is, where they are, and when you need them, and I think we can work something out."

[jameson] 4:22 pm: Cha 6 + Etiquette 4 +2 first impression +3 glamour = 15 dice

jameson *rolls* 15d6e5: 5,6,2,4,6,1,4,2,4,6,3,2,4,2,6. Successes = 5

to help joani speed things along I'll also roll Negotiate

[jameson] 4:23 pm: Cha 6 + Negotiation 5 4 +2 first impression +3 glamour = 16 dice

jameson *rolls* 16d6e5: 4,5,4,4,3,3,2,5,4,2,6,2,6,6,5,2. Successes = 6

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There’s a brief moment of silence on the line before the ADA reveals the deal. “I need one Jack Turner brought out of that pit and brought to Detective Athack here – alive. You’ll get 3.000 Nuyen each for this as compensation and for remaining absolutely silent about it.”

Caesar nods, acknowledging what’s on the plate but keeps up with his strategy. “Well, like I said, we’re already juggling a few balls here but I think we might be interested if you add another 3.000 Nuyen to that offer?”

“1.500, that’s my last offer you thieves.”, came the quick reply.

Mo’ Money

Dana Oaks Negotiation:

[Joani] 12:33 am: Rolling Negotiation to see how well she takes Caesar's offer

Joani *rolls* 8d6e5: 1,1,3,2,1,4,6,6. Successes = 2

[Joani] 12:33 am: Caesar has 4 net hits – good

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Caesar frowned. This was far too convenient, or maybe far too inconvenient, either way the coincidence seemed positively staggering. This job would also burn them if it got out that they were responsible for getting this Turner fellow pinched by the fuzz. The ogre shut his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, there was no right way out of this. He looked at the others, his expression questioning, he couldn't see how they could say no without getting arrested, even if only on trumped up false charges, and the alternative was to burn a fellow denizen of the shadows.

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Valkyrie caught Caesar's glance and gave a slight nod. She had no idea why he was hesitating. The money wasn't even bad. It was mildly suspect that they wanted them to go after a person already related to their case, but they had no contractual obligations as far as Turner's fate went, so there was no conflict of interest she could see.

The orc's 'human-hacking' skills seemed quite good, despite his lack of augmentation. Now there was a thought. What kind of augmentation would be appropriate for someone with his skillset? She idly consulted a few catalogs and started building a checklist as an intellectual exercise.

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Jian, still as blank-faced as a Renraku Red Samurai with his helmet off, turned his head to meet Caesar's questioning gaze, and nodded lightly. One, they didn't have a choice. Two, not every hiding criminal was a shadowrunner, and as long as it wasn't a runner - their reputations would survive any potential hit.

Of course, the question who Turner classified as was academic - due to the scrubbed Matrix trail. Three, if they managed to do this right, no one would even know. Four, it was too much of a coincidence, but hopefully it was just that? In any event - long years with the Triads had taught Jian that when put in shitty deals without a real choice, you put up with it until you can get out of it.

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Caesar sighed, they all saw it too, he was certain, but there was little to be done. "OK, 4500 Nuyen each and you have yourself a deal." Caesar's voice was sour, he didn't care for dealings with the po-po. On the bright side he had a recording of the conversation. Perhaps it could come in handy later if needed. "Now, unless you have something of value to tell us about Turner I think we need to be getting to the task at hand."

By way of an answer the ADA terminated the call, leaving Caesar with a bemused expression. "Well, what about you?" he asked the Troll. "Got anything of note to add? Since we're doing your job for you and all?"

The Troll glared at Caesar for moment and then nodded, "Yeah, Turner has holed himself up deep inside the Underground. Probably somewhere in or around Pirates Cove." He snorted, "If you believe the place exists that is."

Caesar nodded, "Well then we'll be on our way." He gathered up the other three and quickly shooed them away from the detective and his men. Once they were well out of ear shot he grumbled, "This job is just going from bad to worse I'd say."

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"Worse? Don't know about that yet, but bad, yes." Jian pointed out.

"I have to wonder how they knew about us. It doesn't make sense that they just appear where they never go, at prompt speed and then just figure out who we are." He let the concern go, at this point they'd have to worry about it later. "Now - the big issue, is actually finding Pirate's Cove, since that's all we have to go on. So logically, where in the Underground would be the best place for smuggling goods?"

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Something Jian had said reinforced something that Valkyrie had been thinking about. Knight Errant admitted to having no city contract to patrol in the Underground. Yet breaking up this gang fight had used considerable resources...resources that the company was not being paid by the city to use. And they'd been ready for it too...they'd arrived extremely quickly.

Then they'd been instructed to go where they'd already planned on going to find who they'd already planned on finding.

"Just a moment," she said absently. "The Reality Hackers were fond of malicious ARs. I should scan our commlinks to make sure no one put a trace on us."

She meant to do just that too. But before the Detective and his task force left, she took a look at their networks as well...hoping for a chink in their armor that she could use to slip in and perhaps find information on what this very strange set of circumstances really was. Honest coincidence, or elaborate subterfuge?

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"I don't like this. Not one bit. This feels like a setup for one, and I'm not overly fond of burning another runner, or whatever he is, because he obviously isn't on the bright side of the law." Caesar spat, his mouth curling into a grimace. "Worse though, I hate the idea of working with the fuzz. If word of this gets out we can pretty much write off whatever street cred we have. Fixers ain't gonna call on us, other runners wont work with us. And good luck trying to buy anything on the black market. This'll burn us like bad synth-Indian food."

The ogre sighed and scrubbed a hand through his fiery hair, "We have to make sure that nobody, and that includes Jack, can connect us to this. That or we need to find another exit and Gee-Tee-Eff-Oh." He shrugged, "If any of you have ideas on how we can work this without getting roasted from one end or the other, speak up."

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Valkyrie shrugged, seeming unperturbed.

"If you think the consequences of accepting the mission outweigh the benefits, then we should simply not. As long as Knight Errant cannot track us, and do not know where we're going, then we'll be in a position to find another way out of the Underground. I doubt they can wait for us at every exit. The money is significant, but future earnings potential must be considered."

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"No, they didn't bother to get our SINs, but considering they knew we were 'runners that is hardly a shock. They'd have had to expect us to pass fakes. Little point in bothering at that." Caesar ignored the comment about leverage, he wanted to keep the recording in his pocket for the moment. "Valkyrie, can you hack the detective's comm and see if there's something in there that might hint as to why they want Turner? I'd like to know what we stumbled into here." He tapped a knuckle against his broad chin, "I'd love nothing more than to figure out a way to flip the tables on Errant."

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Valkyrie frowns and shakes her head after a moment.

"His commlink is hidden...I located the node, but I can't make out his defenses. Trying to hack it would be dangerous without knowing what he's running. I don't think the potential benefit is worth the risk at this point."

She turned to look at the others.

"I've reversed the damage the Reality Hackers did to your PANs. We should go."

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Jian nodded as they set off, "Let me split off for a moment, I'll hit up a contact for information on Pirate's Cove, or if he knows of any smugglers in the Underground to hit up."

He stepped away a short distance, leaning against a pillar as he dialed the Great Gato, his fixer. As the Gato's cat icon appeared, Jian made his request. "Gato, thanks for the job, by the way. And about this call: Know anything about Pirate's Cove... or know of any smugglers who operate in the Ork Underground? If you need to look things up, what will it cost me?"

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Caesar connected to his commlink and dialed up Sifter. "Caesar, you got some shit on you chum. Somebody sold your team out." The fixer sounded disgusted, and he probably was, he believed that there ought to be some honor in the shadows.

"I already know that," Caesar replied, "We're in deep. Got any info on Jack Turner? He's a smuggler."

"Turner? No, nothing of worth. I hear he's bad news, but that's about all. Sorry my friend."

"It happens. I appreciate it. If I ever manage to finish this job I owe you a drink." Caesar said he goodbyes and toggled the comm off. He scowled and then dialed up another contact. "It's Caesar. What do we know about Jack Turner?" He nodded, as the man on the other end spoke, and scowled deeper still. "Alright. Thanks anyways."

Unplugging from the commlink Caesar sighed, "I got nothing of value. Aside from multiple sources confirming that Turner is a scumbag. I'm not sure anybody but his cohorts would weep for him."

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He stepped away a short distance, leaning against a pillar as he dialed the Great Gato, his fixer. As the Gato's cat icon appeared, Jian made his request. "Gato, thanks for the job, by the way. And about this call: Know anything about Pirate's Cove... or know of any smugglers who operate in the Ork Underground? If you need to look things up, what will it cost me?"

Gato’s Icon seemed to be staring at Jian for a moment before he came up with an answer, “You seemed to lost it – you didn’t get the job from me – you got it from that Ancient Ork dude. What the fuck are you doing in the OU – that place is no good for your likes.”

Once he heard ‘Pirate’s Cove’ he suddenly became very quiet. “The Pirate’s Cove? I’m not dealing with ‘em and you shouldn’t either. It’s bad for business unless you want certain goods. Listen Jian, I can’t help you with that shit.”

“Can’t or won’t”, came the short reply from Jian.

“Pick one.”, said Gato and hung up.

Knight Errant was slowly retreating and packing their stuff. And almost as fast as they appeared on the scene they were gone leaving behind a much smaller unit of regular Troopers who guarded the medical units and personell.

A young Ork approached Caesar, he was about 12 to 14 years old and undernourished. One tusk was half broken and he wore a Sonic’s Basecap. His clothes were ragged and dirty – obviously from leaving on the streets. He was watching them right after the shooting had ended and was clever enough to stay out of KE's sight. He only came out of his hiding place once the major force was gone and the Runner's were still debating about their next move.

“Hey Mister – yo’ lookin’ for a guide? I’m the best in the OU. 50 Nuyen per head upfront.”, the boy kept a respectable distance and while he looked like he badly needed some food Caesar was sure the boy could run like hell if needed. The young Ork kept an eye to his back, making sure he had a clear line to flee. A crooked smile was on the youngster’s face as he waited for a reaction of his potential new customers.

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Jian scowled with frustration as Gato quit on him. Not a good sign. Either he was involved in this mess, which Jian still doubted but couldn't rule out entirely, or the Pirate's Cove was that bad - and Turner with it. At least two pieces on information came up out of this - very limited pieces of information, but something. Jian came back and waved at the Ork kid to move back out of earshot, "Give us a moment, kid."

Once the youngster had complied, Jian looked at the others and whispered. "The fixer I talked to was... reticent about saying anything. Apparently, Pirate's Cove is an ugly word, and I quote 'bad for business.' What I did get, is that it exists, and that they provide 'certain goods.' No, he didn't specify."

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Valkyrie considered. The warnings about Pirates Cove were irrelevant. It was their destination. They'd simply have to investigate and make appropriate preparations. The child represented an opportunity, but she suspected it very likely the boy would turn right around and sell information about their team to others. After a moment to compose a message, she sent it to the PAN's of the others.

Child potentially useful; also security risk. Need to secure his loyalty, or kill him once he is no longer needed.

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Caesar gave Valkyrie a look of astonishment, "Bloody hell woman. You have some serious social problems."

Shaking his head he walked away and grabbed the kid's arm, "Hey, you want creds, you gotta earn 'em. I'm not some fuckin' drek head tourist who doesn't know a troll from an ork, alright?" Ceasar waited for the kid to nod. "Good. My friends and I are looking for a guy we have business with, but we don't know where he is. I ain't gonna pay ya up front, not everything. If you wanna make some cred, you can bring us to this guy. I'll give ya a little up front and more of the back end, cause I'm not some fool and I ain't paying to get set up for a take-down. You git me kid?"

[jameson] 4:05 pm: Cha 6 + Ettiquette 4 + 2 (1st imp) +3 (glam) = 15

jameson *rolls* 15d6e5: 5,4,4,5,6,4,2,4,3,2,6,6,5,2,4. Successes = 6

[jameson] 4:06 pm: and narry a 1 rolled

[jameson] 4:06 pm: Cha 6 + Negotiation 5 + 2 (1st imp) +3 (glam) = 16

jameson *rolls* 16d6e5: 1,5,3,1,6,3,3,4,4,4,2,4,2,6,3,1. Successes = 3

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Valkyrie frowned slightly, confused. Had he read the message correctly? How did making an observation...one that should have been obvious...qualify as a social problem?

She sent the reply to his PAN again, getting increasingly annoyed at everyone's insistence on speaking verbally.

I was not espousing a course of action. I was observing that he would stand to gain from revealing our target and location to other individuals in the underworld, who would then stand to gain from selling that information to competing organizations or individuals. The only way to stop him from doing this would be to convince him that he has more to gain from not selling the information, or ensuring he is not able to sell it. Whether or not we are prepared to do these things is something we should consider before employing him.


If pointing this out constitutes a social problem, so be it.

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Jian stared at Valkyrie for a moment, trying to make sense of what universe she lived in before sending a message back, for her only.

I think Caesar is acting on a less than violent means of keeping him from selling out us. The 'social problem' is the proposal itself, or its contents. In case you are not aware of the few remaining taboos in the world, one of them is violence directed towards children. Even runners have some morality - and that you're not definitively saying "Kill him!" makes no difference. I feel reasonable in saying for the rest of us that we're not prepared to do so, and the fact that you are prepared is a red flag itself, one that public knowledge of could ruin your reputation in the runner community - perhaps permanently.

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Valkyrie was silent for a long moment after that. She wasn't communicating successfully. The frustration felt like it would rip the top of her skull off from the inside. She wasn't sure where the problem was...in her delivery, or in their reception. Moreover, Jian's concluding sentence felt like a threat. The cost-benefit analysis was starting to tip away from 'cooperate for common good' and towards 'cut losses and run.'

But that option would cost money she didn't have. Obtaining more money by means other than at least quasi-legitimate quickly spiraled into untenable levels of risk.

With a silent, heartfelt curse for the Creator, she composed a reply. Carefully.

I am not explaining myself well. It has led to a significant misunderstanding. I did not mean to imply I was ready to employ violence against the child. I meant to warn against casually employing his aid without considering the potential consequences. That is all. My reference to harming him was meant to elicit an emotional reaction to shock you from simply accepting his offer, as seemed likely, and start a constructive debate.

I misjudged the effect of that reaction.

Another pause, then, I apologize.

Valkyrie didn't use emoticons or other visual indications of emotion, and her expression was still neutral. It was hard to judge if she meant it or not.

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Caesar gave Valkyrie a look of astonishment, "Bloody hell woman. You have some serious social problems." Shaking his head he walked away and grabbed the kid's arm, "Hey, you want creds, you gotta earn 'em. I'm not some fuckin' drek head tourist who doesn't know a troll from an ork, alright?" Ceasar waited for the kid to nod. "Good. My friends and I are looking for a guy we have business with, but we don't know where he is. I ain't gonna pay ya up front, not everything. If you wanna make some cred, you can bring us to this guy. I'll give ya a little up front and more of the back end, cause I'm not some fool and I ain't paying to get set up for a take-down. You git me kid?"

The young Orc nodded eagerly deeply impressed by Caesar's words and counter offer. "Yeah, sure - tell me where you wanna go and... I get 50 upfront? I'm the best guide you can find, I swear!"

Caesar considered it briefly, "Alright - Pirate's Cove, you know that place?"

The boy nodded once more, just as eager, "Of course, but that's worth 100 upfront - dangerous place, dangerous to get there - you might end up in the wrong alley if you try on your own."

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Caesar considered for a moment, making it clear to the kid that he was weighing the asking price. "Seventy five up front, a hundred fifty more when you get us there, and another seventy five if you can show us a way into and out of the Underground that isn't as public as that mess back there. That's three hundred nuyen, and you forget you ever saw us after you get your money. Got it?"

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The boy nodded enthusiastically and accessed his Commlink to give Caesar the necessary directions to transfer the money.

"My name is Pip, sir – best guide in the whole OU!", the young Ork proclaims proudly and sets off to move you out of the immediate ‘danger zone’ and to a more seclusive area.

The Ork Underground is a mass of tunnels, warrens, and caves with few street signs, and even the most up to date maps tend to be less than reliable. You know where to find Jack Turner: Pirate's Cove. Now you just have to find it. After the gang war that just went on, the locals are a bit wary of strangers, especially Topsiders. The local merchants that haven't closed up for the day stand a close watch in their kiosks and shops, eyeing you cautiously.

The young Ork proceeds and guides you through the complicated maze of tunnels and old architecture. For students of history this place provided a rich source to fill books if one was inclined to report of this. Obviously the government didn't considers this worth their while.

This didn't stop Pip from talking, though. The young boy was an old radio, telling all kinds of stories seemingly without any relation aside from being stories from the Underground. "I used to play here when I was a child. Lots of opportunities to get lost - my favourite place are the Amerind Warrens way down south. There are old spirits which tell stories of times past but also the future, I swear. And have you heard about the Ghost Gator? Man, that thing is HUGE with a capital Jii. Never heard of it? Topsiders...", he shook his head as you move deeper and deeper through the maze.

OOC Info

There's no more Wifi signal in this area aside from your own PANs. This place is cut off from the Matrix - a rare thing these days...

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As they wound their way down deeper, and the signal of the Matrix dwindled, Valkyrie flicked on her satellite uplink with a quick wireless impulse. That bought her about another half an hour before they were completely out of contact. Almost right away she felt fidgety, tense, out of touch. Claustrophobic. She'd been cut off from the Matrix once before, and it had been the worst time of her life. Being in the quiet again brought all that back, and it was paralyzing.

She paused for a moment, unable to resolve the conflict between the need to continue and complete her assignment, and her own sense of self-preservation that had suddenly flared. It wasn't as if the Matrix made her safe, after all. Her mind was in her body, like most people's. If she were gunned down, with or without the Matrix, she would be gone.

But it -felt- real now. In the Matrix, she could pretend. She could listen to the whispers of the networks, and feel like she was swimming in them. The senses of her eyes and ears were almost annoying at times, like distractions from a realer, truer world.

Now they were all she had.

The others were still moving, though some were glancing back at her. She didn't want them to see her like this, so she gave them a curt nod and hurried to catch up.

The fastest successful way out of this would be through it.

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