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[OpNet] QNA


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After due consideration, I have decided to both support and join the Queer Nova Alliance. There's a Press Release that pretty much explains my position on this matter, but suffice to say that I've done nothing for way, way too long.

Ragnarockette, if you're following this forum, thank you for giving me the opportunity.

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But you were the only person who was so nice to me. You were honest with me, you knew who I was and still were so kind to me. You are who I thought I would spend the rest of my life with.

Once I cleared up the problems with our nations crime I thought we could continue where we left off.

We had a future.

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Please listen to me carefully. My future - and my heart - have already been spoken for. That does not mean that you do not have a future, or that there is nobody in the world for you.

I spent decades alone, Edward, and I was miserable...but when it came down to it, those decades were the result of my own poor choice and my own lack of self-esteem. Unless I am sadly mistaken, you suffer from a similar state, and there is unfortunately nothing I can do to help you though it. I can only recommend to you, in the most earnest way, that you seek some qualified and professional assistance in doing so; if I had not received help, I would still be alone and miserable in self-denial.

Take care,


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Though we've only met passingly (and you were busy at the time), well done and congratulations on your decision.

I'll look forward to seeing you at a rally or two in the future. I've been too quiet in many ways for the last 5 years or so, and this is just another example of my laxity. shocked


- P

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Originally posted by Edward:
I...I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to get so upset.

I'm okay now.

So much for fighting for your mate. It's okay, society doesn't like that mentality anyway and we all need to adhere to society.
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Originally posted by Wakinyan:
It's okay, society doesn't like that mentality anyway and we all need to adhere to society.
Guess again. Grab for my shit and I'll cut your nuts off. Polite society my ass.
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Originally posted by Wakinyan:
So much for fighting for your mate. It's okay, society doesn't like that mentality anyway and we all need to adhere to society.
Yeah, because nothing says "you're my property" like fighting someone to force them to be your fucktoy. Don't be a moron, furball; beating someone don't mean shit if they don't want you, all it gets you is some avenging idiots comin' to kill you. That "no means no" shit didn't go away when you got the urge to fuck anything that moves. Unless you like the idea of Pax comin' by to make you his little catcher bitch.

And Eddie here is disturbed enough without you egging his shit on, so keep the fucking jetfuel away from the bonfire.
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Originally posted by Wakinyan:
So much for fighting for your mate. It's okay, society doesn't like that mentality anyway and we all need to adhere to society.
Do not make this worse Wakinyan. And urging another nova, no matter how indirectly, to start fights is definately making it worse. You're already in enough hot water in Chicago; you might want to keep that in mind when you interact in this situation.
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First: My and Wakinyan's apologies to all for his unfortunate choice of words earlier in this thread. A bit of reflection (with the assist of an 8-pound iron skillet), and he understood better the possible rammifications of his words.

Second: My congratulations and warm wishes to both Stormwarden and Sandcaster, both on your relationship and on your openness. You're both very lucky to have each other, and very brave to take a stand.

Third: Edward, love is something that has to flow both ways. Otherwise, there is no balance, and without balance it isn't really love. I hope that you do find some happiness elsewhere.

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There is nothing illegal in what I am doing Sean so buck up, grit your teeth and deal with it.

Now let's understand something. When I say fighting there are many ways to fight. Some automatically assume it is the fang and claw violence I am suggesting. There is much more to it than that. Fighting could simply mean not giving up.

But all of you are so accepting of the way some people live there life and so unaccepting of others. It figures really, you just trade up your biase.

Also, I am invisible while I write this lest the frying pans find me. Cast iron skillets are searching for me I am sure.

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Wakinyan, language is important. The words we use are as important as how we use them. Use of the word 'fighting' in relation to affairs of the heart brings to mind all sorts of unfortunate dramas and tragedies. A naturally combative person, such as yourself, would see more uses to the word 'fighting' than the obvious. I know: I'm that way. Most people, however, see fighting as just that: violence and bloodshed. It's something to bear in mind when dealing with those of other perspectives.

That being said, Wakinyan's message carries some weight, Edward.

People change, hearts change. Not all the time, and not always as we would have it. One of the greatest truisms is that 'no plan survives contact with life'. I feel for your pain, yet take some hope in that life throws many changes our way. We just have to roll with the punches and deal with the pain as best we can.

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Originally posted by Wakinyan:
There is nothing illegal in what I am doing Sean so buck up, grit your teeth and deal with it.
Never said it was illegal, Wakinyan. I merely pointed out that if your words provocate him, there could be some unpleasant consequences. These things have a way of coming back around to haunt you.

No, your response wasn't violent - it was stupid. You're basically confirming to Edward that Sandcaster is his mate, when she's not, and you're encouraging him to go after a woman that can't love him romatically, since she's a lesbian. And she's a lesbian in a committed relationship with the woman she loves.

You do know what a lesbian is, right? If you don't, I'm sure that someone can explain it to you. There is a wonderful set of books that explains things; granted it's for kids, but it's pretty clear. I'll even send you a copy, gratis, if you need the help that much.
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You people take the easiest things in the world and turn it into some goddamn obstacle course. It simple. Real simple. There's what you have and what you don't have. There's what you want bad enough to go get and what just ain't worth the trouble. Then there's the gutless garbage that think they can take it from you and the people that have unfortunate accidents about to happen. Simple stuff.

Now Eddie... I'm going to call you Eddie since Edward sounds kind of light in the loafers if you know what I mean... I don't see the problem here. The chicks got skin like 60 grit sandpaper, an attitude and ain't all that anyway. That should be sending up warning flares even if she wasn't into carpet munching. Maybe what you really need ain't her. I ain't going to tell you what you do need but I'm thinking a nice hot shower with a couple of sweeties with some morally flexible attitude would be a step in the right direction. If you want just get down to the Big Apple and look me up at Bennetti's. I can get a couple of sweeties lined up pretty easy. Don't think of it as charity or pity or some shit like that. I figure any nova that don't have their head permanently welded up their ass or rattle on about Mars is probably someone I can stand doing a little favor for.

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He's a shapeshifter I am sure that will go a long way in helping deal with that little issue. But I don't think he should give up just because of that one little detail.

If he wishes to respect that she is with someone else so be it. If not it is his choice to make.

Of course maybe I am just upset about the treachery of it all myself and am writing with bias.

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Originally posted by Wakinyan:
Of course maybe I am just upset about the treachery of it all myself and am writing with bias.
You got a problem with people saying "respect the motherfuckers who decide to reject you?" Or people saying "lay the fuck off of encouraging the psychopath?" We get you're feeling persecuted, furball, but even I'm not a big enough asshole to fuck with people making goo-goo eyes.
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Yeah. That could happen. wink

If you have to say it Madigan then you ought to know it ain't going to happen that way. Just not how the world works. It's okay to be pissed off about it. Just remember to come talk to me in about 25 years when you get to be my age. I'll be in my 70s by then and laughing about the shit you ain't figured out yet but we can laugh about getting shot between taking shots. Hell after the first three times I asked if there was a discount at Mother C's emergency room.

I still found the mother jumping asshole and made him wish he'd gone into the church but I was laughing inside.

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