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[OpNet] So, what did YOU do last weekend?

Doctor Nova Madigan

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Whatever you were doing last weekend, you were having more fun than I was, that's for damned sure.

I'm back! Rumors of my near-death have been greatly exaggerated. I'm not quite up to full speed yet, but I've showered and eaten everything in the fridge and brushed my teeth, and I don't feel too bad, considering I had a military-grade anti-armor bullet lodged in my stomach along with a half-pound of Meghan (GMoT) chunks.

The scar is enormous. I might ask Neil to fix that before swimsuit season, once it stops hurting.

I'd like to thank everyone for their cards, letters, e-mails, teddy bears, boxes of chocolate (yes!), and flowers. It looks like a Hallmark store in my bedroom now. I'd also like to thank the smartass who shipped me a flak jacket. Very funny. cool

I'd also like to thank everyone who prayed, chanted, lit candles, emitted positive energy, and so on. It means a lot to me to know that so many people were worried.

Of course, I'd like to thank Neil for pulling me back from the brink, and Meghan for keeping watch over me until I recovered.

Sadly, I don't get to rest much. Tomorrow morning I have to go to Calgary to see the RCMP and visit the crime scene with them and help them reconstruct what happened, make a statement, and so on. They think I might even have to go back on Friday to get that all done.

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"Armed?" Long, you're a nova. When are you not "armed?" 8)

Seriously, though, the crime scene will crawling with police. We'll be fine. It's not like we're going back there alone with one detective at 3:00am to look around with a flashlight. This is a huge deal to them-- one of theirs got killed in the attack, after all.

Thanks much for the offer, though, it's very sweet.

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Glad to know you're feeling better, Flicker. Take care of yourself up there in Canada. It only takes one fanatic with a gun or a bomb, and no-one is safe.

Well, no-one who isn't resistant to anti-tank rounds, anyway.

Any sign of anything stinky, get the hell out of there. If you die I'll never talk to you again, young lady! laugh

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Nice to see you back, Mouth. Welcome to the bullet club. I say you should keep the scar. Before you find the the mother jumping assholes and return the favor its a good motivator. After its a reminder of a job done right.

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