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Aberrant: Children of Quantum Fire - Modeling Solutions [4.2]

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A day after the meeting with Anna DeVris, it comes time for the contract to be written up and signed with regards to the two of the hidden group who are willing to step out a bit into the limelight. Most of the ten of them were smart enough to realize at this point that Traveler/Uncle Shen was pushing them a bit into the world, and maybe even able to guess why. In any case, Anna was waiting herself when they showed up, to talk and make sure everyone was satisfied.

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Maia had dressed better than normal, as she was trying to make a good first impression here. In the end Traveller's support had gotten her one of the spots to take this course. Even dressed in a sleek grey business suit, replete with knee-length skirt, Maia was a beautiful young woman. She wore her long platinum blonde hair free, eschewing binding or braiding today.

She was the first to move once they arrived, and she Smiled to Anna and nodded. "It's very nice to meet you, Ms. DeVries."

There was no mistaking Maia St. Croix, The cameras loved her, and when she went out on a shopping excursion she was generally photographed and followed. No one ever knew where she went afterwards, though now Anna certainly had an idea.

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Click to reveal..
Art Roll for Cora's sculpture as another day has passed in-game. 10d10=71 Heh. 7 Successes.

The idea had come to the young metamorph after she had come back from that... very interesting trip to Ibiza and caught up on the events of the afternoon, retreating to her room to put hammer and chissel to work on her sculpture in progress, carving out figures and forms in an artistic fugue.

She was running away by refusing to even consider being one of the ones to serve in this role, and she was one of the best suited ones to do it, too, even more than Marina. Letting the family down even if they never called her on it. And... If she *could* run away, she didn't *have to* run away. The choice was hers. That meant the fault if something went wrong was hers. And...

Well, love for her adopted family had pretty much decided that by the time she had woken up in the morning. Coraline flitted over Warren's shoulder and a telepathic 'Changed my mind. I think I'll take point on this one, too.' pulsing over the link to all the siblings before she zipped through the Warp to touch down in Anna's office. The DeVries head would see a very pretty african teenager in an elegantly patterned eufiber dress drop down to the ground in a crackle of releasing quantum, a stranger with the same blue-on-black eyes and impossible grace in motion as the 2nd Gen who accompanied Darrik yesterday. The chorus of voices was the same, too, as she spoke, "Mrs. Devries, A... pleasure to meet you again."
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Maia looked to Cora with a look of suprise. She'd been so against this at first. "Glad you decided to sign up as well Cora." It would be more interesting now, and Maia felt a little less alone. While she could handle most things, she liked having her siblings nearby in case she couldn't.

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Marina comes in last. She decided to alter her looks a bit so now she's a red head. Her eufiber takes the form of a blue dress and she wears a pair of black heels. She looks at Cora and smiles. "Glad you decided to come with us, Cora. What made you change you mind about it?" She eyes her sister curiously.

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Using Appearance Alteration
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She glanced at Cora a moment, the voice and eyes made her smile slightly. "Good to see you again, now, three of you is better then the commitment that I was asking your group for, all three of you are interested in signing on?" She waited for an indication of agreement from everyone.

"Now, at a guess, I suspect your planning to sign a modeling contract, is that correct, or can I interest you in adding a bit more to your contract?" She glanced a each of you for a moment, and her next words unveiled a bit more about the woman who ran DeVris.

"From what I'm seeing of your quantum signatures, each of you could do more, but I understand if that's all your willing to do. Which brings to the next matter at hand, what sort of limits do you want to set on the contract? I contract out with regards to modeling for just about everything, so is there anything you aren't willing to model in or with?"

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Coraline gave Marina a flitting ghost of a smile that promised 'tell you later' before focusing on Mrs. Devries and her speech. The young metamorph was here to sweeten the pot against potential betrayel and give Devries and whatever outsiders that might take a shot against them a somewhat harder target to trap and kill.

"As far as I know, we're just here for the modeling contracts discussed yesterday," she confirmed with a nod, relaying a running echo of the conversation back over the link to the rest of the siblings back on the island, "As for limits... I don't want to work with Project Utopia or one of it's catspaw groups. Too much risk. I don't know the modeling business and baseline world well, though, so I'd defer to whatever limits Maia and Marina set in their contracts."

She paused for thought, adding, "Whoever works with me would have to expect someone who doesn't know what she'll look like in the morning aside from the obvious tells. A... complication I inherited."

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Maia nodded. "I would tell you any more adult sort of shoot, where we're not wearing clothing is out of the question. We're not all of legal age, so let's keep it straight and narrow on that regard. I'm not fond of Utopia either, for obvious reasons I should think. Though if I must work with them, so be it."

She looked at Anna, and smiled. "What exactly would you see us do, other than model?"

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Marina nods to Maia and Cora. "Yeah, I think both my friends have said similar desires to mine. No Utopia or their cohorts or adult stuff. No offense but, even if I was old enough, I don't think I'd be comfortable doing that line of work. That being said, what other options did you have in mind?"

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"So, dresses, gowns, swimsuits, and nothing involving nudity or utopia... also, girls, it some parts of the world 16 is adult, but I'm going to assume you mean by the standards of the US. And I'll assume bikini's and lingerie are out, unless you say otherwise?" She turned to cora as she spoke, and reached out to the girl, to take her hands in hers, if she let her. "From where I'm standing, my dear, that's only to the good, that means I get many models from you, rather then just the one.."

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Cora kept herself from jerking back or outwardly reacting at Anna's over-familarity, mental shield slamming shut around her thoughts in precaution, as she forced a business-like smile on her face. This was for the family, and every bit of interest the outsiders focused on her was interest not on them. She'd gotten over the reaction of strangers to her ever changing-apperance years ago anyway; if she had let that bother her, she'd have no time to get anything done.

"Thank you but just warning you ahead of time so neither of us waste each others time," explained the young metamorph after a few heartbeat's wait to reclaim her hands and continue, "I believe that talking about... what's the word Darrik used... percentages is part of this, too?"

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Maia shook her head. "I don't mind swimsuits or even lingerie, I just draw the line at nudity." Maia herself loved high fashion, it was unfortunate though that physical exertion seemed to destroy clothing on her.

"So long as we're being open, you should know that I cannot wear Eufiber, and I tend to kill it after a few seconds. So I'm not exactly suited for shoots with it."

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"Swimsuits and lingerie are alight then, so be it, I'll make sure to include that in the contract. As to not being able to wear eufiber, in terms of modeling, that is all to the good, you see some of the nova models I've had tend to alter the outfits they are supposed to be wearing to something they prefer. You at least will not have that issue." She went to one side of the room, and returned with a set of contracts. "I went with what I thought was a fair and generous agreement, you get 70% of what you make, and DeVris receives a 30% commission on all modeling contracts."

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That was much more favorable than Coraline had expected given the primary objective behind this bargain, but she wasn't going to complain. "Acceptable to me," she answered in a content chorus as she skimmed over the language of the contract for obvious traps to rather little avail. Still, she had trust in her more-worldly sisters spotting something.

She looked up, expression much more interested suddenly as she shifted gears, "And the Proteus and Motherhunters information, Mrs. Devries? We get that as soon as we sign, and your people begin to hunt for jobs for us to do?"

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"If your willing, I already have three jobs that you three can do for me, I had someone else lined up, but they are going to be busy, so I was going to put these off for another week. However, if your ready, I have a photo shoot with evening gowns tomorrow, on Saturday, a bikini shoot on Tuesday and a lingerie on Thursday. As to the matter involving the mother hunters, both of those of Proteus and that of the Directorate are here." She pushed a rather large file with a pair of disks on top. "Everything I've gathered, and a few speculations of mine included."

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Coraline's pause was the longest and expression ever so obviously the most hesitant of her siblings there. She had lived her entire life off the grid, save for perhaps a few oddball newspaper stories and a, hopefully, closed file on her and her parents in a Motherhunter's archive wherever those monsters dwelled. But here she was, by her own choice and her own need.

She took a deep breath and signed her contract as well. Accepted her fetters and slipped the document back.

"Any or all of those three jobs is acceptable to me, Mrs. DeVries," the young metamorph exhaled softly as she straightened, "I will do my best to uphold our end of the bargain provided you do the same."

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"Done then, we'll set you folks up right away.." She handed the file to them even as she took the contracts and began to put them away. The files would contain everything she said they would, but of most interest to the would be the gathered information and discussion on the existence of breeder novas.

NOTE: Anna has managed to gather all of the files and transcripts in the first part of a Breed Apart (from page 3-24) are there, as well as some other things, so it gives considerable degree of insight into the players on this matter.

OOC: Closing thread, 3 Baseline XP to all participants

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