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[OpNet] Charr I am dead serious.


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Originally posted by David 'Dr. Troll' Smith:
Sticks and stones. I'm already in the process of getting my knuckles rapped, thank you. By the way, "Incompetence" isn't spelled with an "a".
Thank you for bringing that to my attention Doctor. Your service as a dictionary is always appreciated.

Do please forego the need to exaggerate. Mercenaries and unruly children attending parochial schools have their knuckles rapped. Employees of Project Utopia are afforded the opportunity to excel in areas commensurate with their demonstrated abilities.

Global perspective, sir. You might consider cultivating it in your next assignment. When not pondering the difficulty of obtaining needed resources.
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Could I grow food? Yes. Would I be as good as other nova, most likely not. This computer was built around the ideas and with the hands of my love. As you should have noticed, I do not tend to have sex with females, so that would make it highly unlikely for me to have children, even if I was baseline. As nova only disorders. I am not a prefect creature, and as such I am not in prefect control of my abilities. I have more control of my abilities than humans have over breathing and sleeping.

But I was talking to preston,and trying to see what he thought.I would hate to see his talents wasted.You on the other hand, have a lot to learn before i will talk to you in depth about most things.

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Originally posted by Vanguard:
But, I have to ask you a few things. When was the last time you were solving a crime, and were explaining what you saw to your peer, and saw blank looks, or were asked to repeat it.
I have not had to repeat any serious bit of investigative work to a collegue in nearly eight years. Explaining what it is like to see through time is like describing color to someone who has never seen. It can be done, but it takes time and you are dealing in concepts they know to bridge the gap. Today, I have no problem getting my information across. I comes from a combination of having excellent people who are used to being with me, and my own experience.

Originally posted by Vanguard:
When was the last time you asked one of your peers what they thought was the who, how or whys of a crime, and gotten an answer that you didn’t already know?
All the time. There is a reason I am part of a team. I feel this is one of the best criminal investigative units on the planet. I often provide leads and various team member hunt down those leads and help us build a case and find the culprit.
If it is any consulation, I solve about 50% of our cases all by myself.

Originally posted by Vanguard:
Think really hard, as I you need to dumb yourself down for your peers, are they really your peers?
To dumb myself down would be to imply I wasn't capable of finding a way to communicate any other way. I do not dumb myself down. I communicate in a superior fashion that allows me to exchange information with my co-workers.

Originally posted by Vanguard:
Now I don’t know if you are like me in this way, but I have not needed sleep or food for years. I forget what being tired or hungry is like. I have slept in the past years, but mainly just to dream. I have only eaten thing that taste good. But I have gone at least a year without either. How often do you sleep? How often do you eat?
I rarely sleep, and I do only to dream. I eat all the time, though, and I feel hunger.

Originally posted by Vanguard:
You say novas should work with humans, and indeed novas are still human. I have to ask you this; at point is the burden on novas too much?
Not entirely true. Novas are novas. Humans are humans. Novas and humans can exist together and work together, if both are willing to make the effort.
I don't see it as a burden, as both sides benefit.

Originally posted by Vanguard:
At what point will humans help themselves again?
Misleading question, Vanguard. Throughout history, people have been victimized by numerous situations and circumstances. Even with novas, we still are. I am not aiming for Utopia, just a system that works for both of us.

Originally posted by Vanguard:
When will it be said that humans could have solved the pollution problems on their own. Yes it would have taken longer and may not be as good as we did it. But coal, and oil aren’t and haven’t been the only sources of fuel available for decades.
With, or without us these situations have existed. We helped clean up our homes, Vanguard. We helped wipe out diseases that were a burden on our collective society. I may be immune to AIDS, but is that any comfort if a good friend gets it and dies?

Originally posted by Vanguard:
When will they as people claim credit for the fact they let millions of people starve to death, for no other reason than to keep the prices of food stable?
Good and Evil exist. Greed and Charity exist. Live with it, or try to make things more equitable.

Originally posted by Vanguard:
Lastly name one thing that a baseline has done in the past 10 years that has helped novas a whole. I see them being driven into complacency. Why bother to try, a nova will do anything worth doing.
Novas as a whole? What would that whole be?
As for me and the novas working with me: There are numerous things baseline humanity has contributed to me and my line of work in the past ten years. I am not the whole of novadom, though. No group is.

Why do anything when a nova can do it, and do it better?
Divis Mal is a more powerful nova than I am, yet I keep plugging along.
If a human wants to directly compete with a nova in that nova's area of expertise, more power to them charging up that hill.
I expect people to do their utmost in whatever they chose to do. I don't live to compete, I live to achieve.
I have a feeling that many people live that way.
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Troll, I've been following this argument for quite awhile now. I've involved myself very little because to be honest, whether or not you believe me or whether or not I convince you of anything means next to nothing to me. But I've been reading the posts of those that seem worthwhile. I've come to the conclusion that Ashnod is wasting her time with you. I hesitate to accuse Ashnod of wasting anything, because frankly she frightens me. But you've over and over again interpreted her words in the tightest possible way in order to support your beliefs. It's almost fascinating to be honest.

But in the end it just seems to be a dead end. You’ve chosen your path and will walk it for the foreseeable future. I suspect that will be good for you. You’ll experience and learn. And someday, hopefully not too far from today, you’ll want to have this conversation again, but you’ll actually listen instead of translate. Continue on with Ashnod, she seems to have an eternal patience, but I’ve had my say and I’m done.

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Originally posted by David 'Dr. Troll' Smith:
That almost sounds like a blessing.
Are you sure?

It sounded like "get stuffed" to me but I'll not second guess him that was second guessing another. The math of it get too damn difficult to sort through.
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Originally posted by Vanguard:
So, we are not human, and therefor separate? Are we then by you logic not equal? So Mister Preston can you defend the stance of separate but equal?
Vanguard, the concept of social equality is not based on the assumption that we are all 100% identical in our capabilities and capacities. It implies a vested interest and responsibility to one another. It is equality because we both share and risk our lives in that society, thus we are equal in our commitment to it, and thus equal in what society commits to us.
Now, some people need more help than others. Some can and do give more. It has been that way, and will continue to be that way.

It is based on the acceptance that we are all willing to contribute to society, therefore can expect certain things from it, such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Novas can contribute more than any single human. They can also contribute less than many humans do. They shouldn't be compelled to contribute beyond the level of any other citizen.
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