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Aberrant RPG - Who are the big brains?


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I was wondering who had Mega-Intelligence 5 by 2008? I know Antaeus does and the chick from Devries as well. The purpose of this is to eliminate storytellers (myself included) as using Mega-Intelligence as a plot device. Need something to happen to a Mega-Intelligent character but can't get around his massive planning skills? Use a smarter character. Novas with Mega-Intelligence are usually absorbed with their own mental challenges and don't want to waste their time with something that would take them no time at all to figure out. With a list I can determine who of the metaplot's novas would use their intellect to interfere with my players plans.

Besides, it would be cool to know anyway.

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Well, supposedly Divis Mal is either at M-Int 5 or at least rapidly approaching it. Also, Pedro "The Mathemetician" Santiago is a very likely candidate for M-Int 5 (And with Pre-cog to boot!).

Oh! If you really want to stop Mega-Intelligent people dead in their tracks try the GIGO principle. To reach the right conclusion, you must have the right information. If you don't have the right information, then it cannot be acted upon.

Also, Pre-cogs can be bitches to M-Ints, especially those that don't advertise their Precognitive capabilities.

Mega-Intelligence does not mean that the nova knows everything. What it means is that given the right information, he can come to the correct conclusion with very little error. Even University Professors can be wrong much of the time...

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Originally posted by Kirby1024:

Mega-Intelligence does not mean that the nova knows everything. What it means is that given the right information, he can come to the correct conclusion with very little error. Even University Professors can be wrong much of the time...

Playing Devil's Advocate here.

Yes, MegaInts don't know everything. But, remember an aspect of the rules system. You might not have anydots in Computers, but if you have MegaInt 5 + Int 5 you will still average about 7 successes on any Computers role. The ST would be right to increase a difficulty because you don't have any *formal* training, but just by existing, with your megaInt you've probably picked up enough peripherally and remembered it, and understood it.

Also, MegaInts can make deductions based on what you, a normal Int, would consider insufficient information. They are also able to keep lines of connecting information, cause and effect, going out in a web much farther than a normal intelligence could.

Basically, MegaInt is something tough for an ST to deal with. A MegaInt character is way smarter than any player or ST could ever hope to be and could figure out shit that would just leave us gibbering like monkeys.

BUT, they aren't unbeatable. MegaInt doesn't mean MegaPerceptive. They may simply miss clues. Their weakness is they have to be actively thinking about something to be able to bring their laser like intellects to bear. A MegaManipulative planner might leave false clues.

There are a bunch of ways to handle MegaInts. Just be imaginative. But, in the end, sometimes, trying to play directly against your players strengths will be a waste of time. Someone her posted a good one once talking about how a group of telepaths, espers and so forth bypassed the ST's carefuly planned intrigue. But really, what is a group that can read minds and see hidden places supposed to do? Pretend they don't have their powers?
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