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Aberrant RPG - "Inspired" or "Psi" without their rules


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As I only own Aberrant at this time (and will be borrowing the APG, Tera and PU books) how would you all best handle running Psis or "Inspired" characters without going out and buying Trinity or Adventure!?

Thanks in advance  :)

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I wouldn't use them. They have very little to add to Aberrant and can in fact steal the show from the main characters (being "special" and all). But since you ask how I would use them, I'd first like to say BUY ADVENTURE! IT'S BRILLIANT! and then I'd calm down and think hard about it and figure that there's not really a good way to create Inspired characters with Aberrant. A bad way would be to give them access to Powers and Enhancements (but not actual mega-attributes, some tweaking would have to be done for some enhancements), something like 13 nova points to buy stuff with and then you give them 6-10 quantum points to use their powers with. You would have to limit their access to certain powers such as force field, armor, invulnerability or anything else that can soak damage, any powers which may provide mega-attributes (or increase attributes at all), any powers beyond quantum minimum 2 and... um... I think that's it. Oh yeah, you can't get more than one dot in each power either. That's just how weak these guys are. For all purposes, calculate their Quantum as 1 dot.

There's a page or two in the Aberrant Players Guide which explains how to create Psiads, which are primitive Psions. Those rules can probably be elaborated on for your purposes when you borrow that book.

I hope this helps.

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It does help a bit, yes. I don't have access to the APG yet, and I am not going to approach the wife the week she was diagnosed with diabetes to ask if I can buy a game book to use as supliment for another game.... (I value my life  :P )

Any other comments by others are still welcome however of course... :)

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So as I see it, based on the above comments, the best thing to do (as these would only be NPCs) is to tweak build them and maybe "cheat" a bit on the rolls for Inspired characters and use the APG rules (when I borrow the book) for those nacient Psis...

That a good synopsis of your comments all

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hrm, i rethought this a bit... somewhere in one of the aberrant books it mentions that there are psiads running around, and that in fact they commonly think they are novas... what with the repeat of the hammersmith explosion (see adventure core) i could easily see some pretty powerful psiads out there... the book did say they were built the same way as novas, only no powers could affect/use quantum... i remember it suggested using ten to fifteen nova points for them... don't remeber what book it was in though... anyone else know what i'm talking about?

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