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It came in a dream...


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Last night I had a strange dream. I was in a bookshop (my local I think), browsing through the shelves when I came across this leather-bound collectors edition of an rpg. It had a really long title which I can't remember, and some beautiful artwork on the cover in the style of Jonathon Earl Bowser. But this game, instead of dice, used bubble wrap. I was about to flick through and read the rules when my mum woke me up. ::crazy

So for the past 3 hours, I've been trying to figure out how to use bubble wrap in place of dice, with no avail.

Any idea's?

Your's confusingly,



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Bahamut810's Bubblewrap system

*Note: This is a very expensive system to play as you must keep buying more bubble wrap.

The setup is much like the Storyteller system from White Wolf, with dots that you buy in your different stats.

Once a test comes up where you would normally roll the stats, you actually cut out from the bubble wrap as many bubbles as you have dots. You take your open hand and slam it into the bubblewrap that you have cut out. Count how many of them popped, that is your successes.

Standard size bubble wrap is used, none of that 'huge bubble' non-sence.

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Each player has a sheet of bubble wrap that reflects his character's Bubble Score, which operates like levels in d20 or Inspiration, Gnosis, Blood Pool, etc. in Storyteller. A starting character might have a sheet that's 10 bubbles by 10 bubbles (100 total) and a more powerful character might have a sheet that's 20 x 20 (for 400) or larger.

When a character attempts an action, the player commits a number of bubbles to the task. One bubble = one success. When you take a success, you pop that bubble. When your bubbles are all used up, your character is exhausted and has to recharge/sleep/sit out the rest of the session.

The game gets frantic when two characters contest one another (like in a fight or race). When that happens, it turns into a bidding war to see which character will expend the most bubbles on the task. Whichever character spends the most wins the contest, but both (all) players have to pop their bubbles during bidding.

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I still haven't come up with anything. Perhaps it is my purpose in life- [heroicvoice]TO FIND A UNIVERSAL BUBBLE WRAP SYSTEM FOR PEN AND PAPER ROLE PLAYING GAMES![/heroicvoice]

And yes, I'm a disturbed person. Now if you don't mind, my goldfish is craving a vanilla walnut whip.

Let that be the end of it, so I can lock myself in my non-existent cellar for years on end only coming out of hiding to feed my hamster, trying to discover the secrets of bubble wrap in rpg's.


SnakeEyes. ::wacko ::wacko

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