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Time to get your evil on!


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Sorry about not posting here...I've been busy setting a few things up. Since I've got a bit of free time...

1) I've been busy writing for two webcomics. One is still in development, but the other will be up and running December 1. "Hinami Neon" is a cyberpunk strip, with a lot of Blade Runner, Bubblegum Crisis and Appleseed. The webiste is Hinami Neon.

2) I've also been helping a friend set up a phpBB-forum. We're now at the testing stage, and we'd like to for everyone to come in and say hi! We're especially curious about the most people we can have at the same time.

Also, we need to start testing some of the barter and moderating systems. So, we have a cute little contest we're running for some HN swag. The URL is Twosune Forums.

Thanks guys!


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