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Trinity RPG - Norca/Ministry genetics?


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Okay, one of the big things in Trinity is a very strong anti-genetics sentiment among the public, especially in the FSA where they try to blame Aberrants on genetic engineering and so forth.

However, the key to being a Psion, and to getting bioware that will actually work with neutrals, and perhaps even devising a way to make all neutrals Psions and break the Aptitude-mold... that lies in genetics.

So of course the Orders kind of have thier hands tied, publicly.  Especially after the Huang-Marr conspiracy, relatively open Orders like Orgotek and the Aesculpians basically can't even touch genetics, for fear of more bad PR.

The Norca and Ministry, on the other hand, are so secretive and non-public that it seems like they could get away with anything.

So, what do you suppose the odds are that the Norca and Ministry are working on genetics projects? Perhaps ones similar to the Biorg project that the Huang-Marr conspirators used to boost the bioware to incredible levels? Terra Verde does let us know that the Norca have half a dozen Chibs working with them on Taint/Psi research.  Perhaps the Ministry does as well.  

Do  you think it's likely that the Norca and Ministry research will pay off? That perhaps they'll find a way to make more Prometheus chambers, or even find a way to grant non-latent neutrals access to formatted bioware or even Psi-powers?

Do you think that would be a good thing for the setting? Why or why not?

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hmm, where to start,

ok, the fsa isn't anti genetics, first off. if you look there's a sidebar in au au that talks about growing super soldiers, and how the fsa is in fact one of the top 5 spenders in this department. now, beyond that, psi/ taint research is not genetics, it isn't, it is loosely tied with genetics because genetics dictate whether you are able to generate either naturally. as far as whether the orders are using genetic research to further themselvs, uhm, duh. of course they are, whether its on neuts or psions there is no order that wouldn't try that and almost no one that wouldn't volunteer given the research was legitimate. huang marr was a failure because it inviolved taint and unwilling subjects, not because it was gunning to make bigger better aberrant killing weapons. interesting point you make about the prometheous chambers though, most likely each order has its own team of researchers doing round the clock calculations as to whether it would be possible, personaly i wouldn't allow that in game as a staple plot element unless the idea was for the team to try to get rid of the chamber because the wrong uses were being made. i dunno, just my two cents.


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Though I think I remeber the section of TV you are making referance to with this thread I think I'm gonna have to side with Victor  :withstupid .

The thing to remeber is that while a large portion of the world populace is frightened by genetic experimenting (not unlike present day) it is going to go on no matter what (i.e.: Banji beasts).  Though I doubt the whole new chamber thing, but hey anything could happen, when it's your game you da' man.


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