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As a ST I've lost my mind.


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So I started a new game the other day and decided to pull back on my usual control of character creation. The rule was that you could be any Shifter species in the werewolf setting. So here is what it ended up with.

A goth Bubasti

Redneck Get of Fenris Ronin

An A.D.D. suffering Corax

A Naga posing as a Mokole who is being hunted by Homeland security because he ran when police tried to stop him

Last, a gay Child of Gaia who ISN'T into recreational drug use.

So I asked for it I let them do what they wanted but by god I will do what I want too.

They ran into a Jamacian Black Spiral Dancer named Clyde who followed the balancer wyrm. After convincing them all to take a hit from his Awakened Ganja (The CoG was the last person to do it of course) They all had a vision where they spoke to a man in a desert who turned out to be Jim Morrison. He gave them information and when they returned from the vision they found out that he decided to be there totem! Yes I know a mixed pack of crazies under the patronage of Jim Morrison.

I have lost my mind.

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