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Dr cornelius

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1. when a normal with the latency is expossed to a large amount of z-waves he becomes an inspired, what happens if sometime later he is expossed to the same amount or greater amount of z-waves than that which inspired him/her?

does he gain new abilities, or nothing at all.

2. a z-wave promethus tank, say someone took hammmersmiths designs and modifed them to create a tank sphereical or cyclinderical, that collected z-waves and then , discharged them at the person in the tank, to turn them inspired, is shielded from outside, and has safetys. How powerful would the individuals be since they are at point zero.? would they get more transforming points then those given in the book.


call me a kitty cat will you, grrrrrrrrr see my claws, and watch them rip your heart out human.

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I think the shape of the tank is irrelevant and there is no clear canon answer to the question. It's speculated that Micheal Donighal was a 'natural' nova, possibly what we call second generation nova, and that close exposure to the Z-rays made him something else. That something would seem, initially, to be simply more powerful than the average stalwart. In other words a nova. Except that he doesn't appear to have problems with taint. It's uncertain whether he discovered chrysalis on his own or with the aid of Scripture. If it were on his own then it's impressive but proves nothing except he can manipulate quantum (really?) and he's rather intelligent. Why nothing? Because any nova can learn chrysalis, it's only a question of how well they can use it.

Damn it, man! We just don't know enough!

Then again, perhaps you are merely doing what Divis Mal does by the 1998 and about to cause a massive discharge of energy which will result in the eruption of a growing number of people every year until a horrible and violent war creates a schism between the species that lead to a mass exodus of the...

Or maybe you're just recreating the Hammersmith experiemnt in a world that hasn't completely recovered from the last go round. If you succeeded then the world as we know it may not survive as the 'lost worlds' overrun all that we know and cherish. I imagine there's more than a few members of the Aeon Society that would be knocking on the character's door with a cease and desist order. Or a webley revolver.

It is an interesting idea, though.

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In some ways I think you have missed the point of Adventure my friend. That is, of course, a matter of personal opinion, but...

Anyways, to address your first question;

The inspired do not all become that way do to direct Z-Wave exposure. The process of inspiration is not the same as eruption, although there are many similarities. I don't want to sound condescending when I say this but look up the definition of inspiration.

Becoming inspired is more of a revelation rather than the mere acquisition of power (except maybe for Stalwarts). Also remember that Z-Waves are a form of power in Adventure. Any innovation needs a Telluric energy source if it is to be used by the un-inspired. So with that in mind, I would say that the effects Z-Waves have on an inspired would be determined by the circumstances involved in the encounter but they would have to applied to the inspired individual in a very direct fashion.

As for your second question. This sounds more like an Aberrant or Trinity era situation. Remember that Z-Waves are poorly understood in the Adventure era and it is doubtful that any scientists (mad or otherwise) of the time would even think of something like this. The way I interpreted the Adventure setting, I got the impression that people didn't look at the inspired as "Superhuman" but rather as people of extraordinary talent/ability. What you propose is plausible in the context of the rules but doesn't fit the flavor of the period. All that this means is that you need some appropriate explanation that fits the genre.

A cautionary comment though. Be careful the technology you introduce to your game/setting. If this tech can be reproduced, then you have to think of how it will affect the world. What are the ramifications (positive and negative) of having this technology available in society? A hard lesson I'm learning on this site is that once you introduce a new concept to the world its very hard to erase all traces of that same concept. ( Damn this cloning technology anyways! smile.gif

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The charcter i have decided to make to create the promethus tank, is a german scientist, second only to hammersmith himself when the man was alive, he was present at hammersmiths demonstration in the front row with the rest, he tried to help hammersmith shut the machine down, and save his friend/rivals life but failed, and has become inspired concentrating on the sciences and engineering.

He has access to all hammersmiths surviving devices through an aliance with Mr saturday. And has a duplicated machine of hammersmiths in his sanctum, not used tho, in case something happened to hammersmiths, to be used in replacement or for spare parts. He is continueing hammersmiths work, and has started a friendship of sorts with Dr Primorias, as they think alike in some aspects.

He comes from the line of thought of superioty through better breeding, creating superman/woman. And see's tho's like himself and other inspired as the next evolution in the human race's cycle. He has developed the "Promethus Tank", and with the help of his inspired assistants some of them able to tell that if a person is taken through the promethus process thay will become inspired (precog nack), he searches for those to approach, and evolve to the next level, the rest to be protected and guided by the suppior race/being what ever color they are.

He is not racist, he doesnt care what colour they are what race their from, if they carry that which makes them become inspired, they are one race.

The machine is duplicatable exept for one part that the good docter can only make, so has some safetys. Possible alies, are the Thule, and that RGS? group. If he decides to help the germans in ww2, he could help produce inspired super soldiers/people, havn't decided what direction he will go yet.


call me a kitty cat will you, grrrrrrrrr see my claws, and watch them rip your heart out human.

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