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Aberrant: The Middle Children of History - Prologues OOC

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Hi campers! Some of you know my character, Ptesan-Wi, from the 2018 boards. Some don't. Either way, she's been big with Native Americans - and huge with the Lakota - since the middle of the last decade. She's also a Terat of a decidedly non-warlike bent (which could put her in decent stead with Casablancas and the like), though she's still known as a 1st-stager (having never been through Chrysalis for reasons that pretty nearly nobody should know). She's also been somewhat reclusive for the past several years after the death of her "mate" Wakinyan, but has recently been a bit more active. I'm open to any background ties that would make sense, folks!

For those with a *lot* of free time, here's the background fics for this character:

Escape; Digging Around; Alone Together; A Letter of Farewell; Resonance; Offerings; Home; Commute; The Heart of the Matter; Coming to Terms; Feathers, Flesh, Fur and Form; Preparing for the Storm; Burying the Problem; Dangerous Dreamings; Native Conscience; Snow; Winter; The Wife; First of Three; Monument; Secret Garden; The Party's Over; Aftermath; Tell Me of Things; A Silent Little Battle; Exile; Gods or Monsters; A Spring Cleaning; A Cookout; Talk & Treaty; ...By Any Other Name...; Medicine Wheel; Crafting the Past; Pow Wow 2016: Becoming the Legend; Pow Wow 2016: A Sultry Heat; Pow Wow 2016: Re-Entry; Thunder's Rage; Flying Buffalo; Parting Sorrow; The Wheel in the Sky Keeps on Turning; Going On; A New Role; A New Role (continued); Endless; A Scheduled Divergence; The Defiance of Black Coyote; Texting of the Gods; Broken Mirror; The Princess of Snow and Wolves; Dirty Secrets, Part 1; Dirty Secrets, Part 2; Second-Wife Return; Dying Thunder; Echoes of Thunder; Echoes of Thunder: Ptesan-Wi's Return; Echoes of Thunder: Mrs. Wakinyan Goes to Washington; Nova News (from the OpNet)

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