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Aberrant: 2011 - Taken from Troy Campbell's Website 3/9


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First off, let me say that this is an open thread. If you have any comments, like if it was an actual online journal, please comment.



Hello, everyone. I’ve been meaning to make this for a while, just so people can keep up with me. Welcome to my online journal, a portal to my activities, thoughts, and feelings. This is the first of what I hope to be an ongoing series of updates.

As a lot of you know, from the time that I’ve been a Nova, I’ve been traveling the country. I started in LA, California, and have already done a nation-wide tour. It took me a few weeks to make it to New England, but I’ve been to Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, The Carolinas, The Virginias, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, The Dakotas, Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Utah, and Colorado.

I am currently in Castle Rock, Colorado. Its fricking cold here in Castle Rock. I’ve got to give it to you guys, I could not deal with this for a full winter. My ill conceived trip through the North US in mid winder was a terrible idea, but I handled that, and I will handle this. I arrived in town at about 1 PM today, and the streets were empty. I called my contact at Utopia, Mr. Jergens, and he set me up at a Holiday Inn. Immediately after checking in, I was approached by a few people who recognized me from the papers. I’m sure it would be harder if I removed the mask. Signed a few autographs, the usual. People really look up to us Novas, and I’m happy to give a helping hand.

After that, I went to my room for a little relaxation. I played tag with Catalyst for several minutes. I decided to head back to CA, to say hi to her. It’ll be a week or two before I can make it back, but I’m leaving tomorrow.

I’m already nervous. Honestly, I haven’t been on a date since my junior year of high school, and I was seventeen then. I haven’t even been interested in a girl until now.

Yes, Catalyst, I am saying that I am interested in you.

I haven’t seen my Dad in a long time, and am anxious to reconnect with him. And its been almost three years since my Mother died in the car crash, and I know he takes it hard. Almost as hard as I do.

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