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excerpted from the official LiberTeen OpNet page, liberteen.op

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Birth Name: Brittany Amanda Brown

Legal Status: citizen of the United States of America with no criminal record

Marital Status: poly, single and always looking wink

Date of Birth: July 4th, 1990

Residence: Missoula, Montana

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 110lbs.

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Blue

Occupation: Activist

Place of Birth: Norfolk, VA

Known Relatives: Gerald Brown, father, Cindy Brown, mother

Group Affiliation: GSA, QNA, Red Cross, Amnesty Intn'l, ACLU, others

Heroes: My father and mother, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Elanor Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr, Gloria Steinem, William Jefferson Clinton, Randel Portman, Jennifer Landers, and everybody who fights oppression, struggles for freedom, and helps to make America the greatest nation on Earth and the world as a whole a better place for all!

Likes: Sincerity, honesty, warmth, bravery, politics, freedom, liberty, justice, the pursuit of happiness, responsibility, cats, apple-flavored things, sports, reading, patriotism, intimacy, whew! It's a long list! I like lots of things! smile

Dislikes: Tyranny, apathy, oppression, narrow-mindedness, moral absolutism, angst, racism, sexism, hidden motives, poor hygiene. wink

Goals: In no uncertain terms am I an advocate of both reproductive and sexual freedoms, and as you probably know, it has earned me the scorn of many people and organizations who seek to impress their morality upon others. As a public figure, I use my newfound recognition to crusade for justice and equality for all people, regardless especially of who or what or how many one chooses to share their bed (or kitchen, or shower, or laundry room, or office, or park, etc. smile ) with. Naturally, these freedoms demand of us a greater sense of personal responsibility, something that I encourage by supporting honesty, openness, caring, and of course, always practicing safe and fulfilling sex. The only sure way to a greater understanding among all people of what drives and motivates us and happiness for far more people is an honest and open dialogue regarding -- and an embracement of -- our natural sexuality.

I am also a patriot and a proud citizen of the United States of America. I believe strongly in the ideals set down in our Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and believe that these rights extend to all people who would call themselves Americans and must be demanded of any land that would call itself "free". It is because I love this country so much that I am ashamed to see so much hatred and internal strife among her citizens. Regardless of race or class or sex or age, we are all in this together as free citizens of the greatest nation on Earth, and it is our duty and civic responsibility to both defend and improve this land of ours to the best of our ability.

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Some of the projects I've been lucky enough to be a part of include:

Rock the Vote! Election Day Jam courtesy of N!, November 4, 2008, Atlanta, GA

What an awesome time!! More bands than I could do justice to here gathered in San Francisco to hold a rockin' election day party! Over twenty thousand new voters voted for the first time that day, I'm proud to say, and I was really happy to see so many people coming out to exercise their right to make their voice heard! Speaking of being heard, that music was LOUD! smile Thanks again to the N! network for making it all happen and to the excellent bands who came out to show their support for the electoral process and the United States!

Queer Nova Alliance Smart Sex Rally, December 1, 2008, Seattle, WA

This was great fun! We had a blast partying it up in Seattle! The weather was beautiful, courtesy of our resident weather witch, Trisha 'Torrent' Guildersmythe, and we raised a lot of money both for the Seattle Planned Parenthood clinic and for the 'More than Abstinance' sexual education program bound to launch in Africa this March, money that will be spent both teaching sensible, realistic sexual education to African youths but will also be administering many thousands of AIDS vaccines. Rebel Tear and Aphrodyte totally rocked the place! Aside from a little confusion with our friends from the American Society for Evangelicals, it was a total success!

For pictures from the event, click here! If you're under the age of consent in your state, you'll need to get your guardian's permission to see these pictures. Don't know the age of consent in your area? Click here!

Global Orgasm Day, December 21, Everywhere!

As a part of Princeton University's series of Random Event Generators, the program coordinator rather flatteringly asked me to become the official spokesperson for this year's Global Orgasm Day. Everybody in the world, everywhere in the world was encouraged to take a little time out of your day to participate in your own way! smile As the official spokesperson for this year, I posted a live streaming vid of myself, encouraging others to participate in the event while I did a little "participating" of my own! wink The experiment was a great success, and I'd encourage all of you to see the results on the official home page!

Smut for Smut Day, January 12, University of Texas San Antonio

This year, I was asked to be the official sponsor of U of Texas San Antonio's "Smut for Smut" day, where participants could trade in religious texts for pornographic books, magazines, and chips! It was a huge event this year, and the fine folks out at USA did a fantastic job of providing a variety of porn that they traded in for holy texts of all kinds. All told, over 25,000 such books were claimed, so much so that we ran out of our supply. I took care of the obligation with personal photos until the guys over at USA could round up a little more, and everyone went away happy. grin All in all, it was a great success, and I'm really happy to have been a part of it!


Look to this space in the future for details on more events I've participated in!< . . . >

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Some really good sources for kids and adults alike in educating yourself regarding your health, your liberties, and your responsibilities as an American!

Safe Sex Web, a great and easy-to-understand site for everything from contraceptive failure rates to information on STDs to directories of doctors and planned parenthood clinics in your area, complete with a Q&A forum and 'Ask an Expert' advice!

Vote Smart!, a resource for everything you wanted to know about state and federal politicians and where they stand on the various issues but where up until now afraid to do all the legwork!

Project Utopia: Operation; Helping Hand to the Third World HomePage What else needs to be said? Here you'll find constant updates on Project Utopia's continuing efforts to clean up the world and help put an end to the blights and plagues that kill and hurt so many in this world who aren't blessed with the prosperity and wealth we have here.

The Red Cross is one page everybody should know. If you're not donating blood regularly, you should be! The Red Cross and the organizations it works with do a great job of helping people all over the world and they're always in need of your support in the form of blankets, food, clothing, anything you can spare. This page is great for finding local donation sites in your area! Get civil!

The Peace Corps. Home is a great place for those of you who'd like to give a little ba< . . . >

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Birth Name: Brittany Amanda Brown

Nature: Paragon

Allegience: United States of America

DOB: July 4th, 1990

DOE: October 31st, 2008


Strength &#9679;&#9679;, Dexterity &#9679;&#9679;&#9679;&#9679; (Lithe), Stamina &#9679;&#9679;

Perception &#9679;&#9679;&#9679;, Intelligence &#9679;&#9679;&#9679;, Wits &#9679;&#9679;&#9679;

Appearance &#9679;&#9679;&#9679;&#9679;&#9679; (Wholesome), Manipulation &#9679;&#9679;&#9679;, Charisma &#9679;&#9679;&#9679;&#9679;&#9679; (Friendly)


Brawl &#9679;, Athletics &#9679;&#9679;&#9679;, Endurance &#9679;&#9679;&#9679;, Resistance &#9679;&#9679;&#9679;, Awareness &#9679;&#9679;, Academics &#9679;&#9679;, Computer &#9679;, Linguistics &#9679;&#9679;, Survival &#9679;, Rapport &#9679;&#9679;&#9679;, Style &#9679;&#9679;&#9679;&#9679;, Seduction &#9679;&#9679;&#9679;, Diplomacy &#9679;&#9679;&#9679;&#9679;, Etiquette &#9679;&#9679;&#9679;


Attunement &#9679;, Resources &#9679;&#9679;&#9679;&#9679;, Influence &#9679;&#9679;&#9679;, Node &#9679;&#9679;, Eufiber &#9679;&#9679;&#9679;&#9679;&#9679;


Willpower &#9679;&#9679;&#9679;&#9679;&#9679; &#9679;, Quantum &#9679;&#9679;&#9679;, Taint &#9679;&#9679;&#9679;, Quantum Pool 24


Mega-Dex &#9679;, Mega-Sta &#9679;, Mega-Int &#9679;, Mega-App &#9679;&#9679;&#9679;, Mega-Cha &#9679;&#9679;


Physical Prodigy, Regeneration, Linguistics Genius, First Impression, Almost Live, Animal Empathy*, Dreadful Mien

*Animal Empathy is a CHA Enhancement approved for this forum


Flight &#9679;&#9679;, Empathic Manipulation (weakness: can only force her own emotions on others) &#9679;&#9679;, Claws &#9679;&#9679;, Hypermovement; Flight &#9679;


Pacifist -1, Costume Fetish -1, Enemy -4, Minority -1

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History: Brittany Amanda Brown, the 'LiberTeen', was rather prophetically born on the 4th of July. The daughter of Major Gerald Brown (USMC, ret.) and Lieutenant Cindy Brown (USN, ret.), she grew up a typical "army brat" until the age of ten, when her parents both opted out of armed service, relocating their small family from Norfolk, Virginia, to a ranch house outside Missoula, Montana, where her parents invested in a stable breeding Arabians. From the age of eleven, Brittany was homeschooled by her parents, but maintained an active and well-adjusted social life through extracurricular activities such as ballet, cheerleading, gymnastics, karate, 4H, and volunteer work. A patriotic, affectionate, beautiful, and charming young lady, she participated in several beauty pageants for young girls and won a fair number of times. She seemed in all ways healthy, well-adjusted, bright, personable, and on the fast-track to a good college and very probably a good husband, a good career, and good children.

Her eruption on the Halloween night following her eighteenth birthday changed that. While the trigger of her eruption is not presently known, the details to be had indicate that she erupted late night at her home outside Missoula and was subsequently rushed to the Seattle, Washington Rashoud Facility over a span of six hours that her father has since referred to as "the most frightening of my life."

Since her eruption, Brittany has adopted the handle 'LiberTeen' as a play on her age, her largely liberal outlook on life, her patriotic love of what she admires as her homeland's chief virtue, and her own designation as a "sexually open and adventurous young woman who doesn't endorse traditional sexual stereotypes regarding gender preference, monogamy, taboos, or other such superstitions and who encourages all people to explore themselves and each other insofar as they are responsible with each others' bodies and hearts and having a good time at it." She has become immensely politically active in a very short time, taking up with several charitable NGOs (such as the Red Cross, Amnesty International, etc.) and as an outspoken advocate of maximized individual liberties, including an edorsement of repealing all antisodomy laws, antidrug laws, laws against gay marriage, laws against the banning of firearms, and even lowering age of consent laws while at the same time fighting political and economic corruption and what she sees as "unrealistic" solutions to large problems, such as abstinance only sexual education.

Her radical positions have disquieted many Americans, who feel that her open and forthright sexuality will cause other youths who look up to her to follow her example. The fact that these extreme sexual views are coming from a young lady who is by all accounts wholesome, intelligent, hard-working and honest makes her opponents all the more frustrated, as there is nothing they can find to potentially ruin her reputation that she is not freely willing to admit to before they can find out about it. She is infuriatingly obedient of all laws wherever she travels and engages in no behavior that any hints of corruption. She even gets along well with her parents, who openly support her. Her advocacy has particularly raised the ire of the organization Focus on the Family, who find her to be anathema to their value statement and have publicly decrided her for her "godlessness and immorality", but supporters point out that Brittany has raised more for charity in the month since her eruption than that organization has in the last fiscal year.

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Paint-Photo Publicity Still, Nov 2008:


Candid Photo from Valentine's Day Poly Party, Feb 2009:


Appearance: Brittany was a beautiful girl even befor her eruption, and her natural grace has only been increased by becoming a nova. A petite blonde of just under five-and-a-half feet, Brittany is an exaggerated, beautiful ideal of what most would picture in their head as the archetypal Caucasoid all-American girl. Her hair is the color of sunshine, her eyes the color of an unclouded summer sky. Her form is a study in statue perfection, and her face is the face of every girl next door that you fell in love with when you were ten. She is the patriotic ideal of America given flesh, full of promise and hope for a brighter tomorrow.

LiberTeen is most often seen in her costume, and in fact, she makes few public appearances without it. It seems as though she opts to wear her nova persona everywhere she goes, having seamlessly laid it over her baseline life. Her costume consists of a red, pleated skirt that ends just below her knees that is commonly worn with a pair of red skorts underneath for the sake of modesty, as her personaly flight is her preferred mode of transportation. She also wears a white bustier with red piping that emphasizes her bustline rather modestly and long, white gloves also ringed in red that end halfway past her elbow. Though she occassionally takes it off, she most commonely wears a brilliant blue cape that flows down to just above her knees. Her long, golden hair is typically tied back in a single ponytail, and her bangs stick out from a pair of goggles that she wears especially to protect her eyes while flying.

Appropriately, LiberTeen wears her uniform in accordance with the design of the actual United States flag, and she proudly and prominently displays a flag patch on the glove of both her arms, fitted just above her elbow.

Presently, ViaSoft is in negotiations to produce a limited run of LiberTeen figures. At the behest of Ms. Brown, the run of 10,000 dolls will be marketed to the young adult market and, as per her specifications, be anatomically correct.

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excerpted from the official LiberTeen opnet page, liberteen.op

Upcoming Appearances:

Valentine's Day Poly Party, February 14, San Francisco, CA

Love and sex are wonderful, and you should only share them with people you care about a lot, right? Right! smile But who says you can only care about one person!? The annual Valentine's Day Poly Party has been held annualy in San Francisco from 2004 on, and this year promises to be the biggest one yet! Bring yourself, your boyfriend(s), your girlfriend(s), whoever's close to you! Meet tons of great people, and see if you can find some new ones to connect with! Hope to see you all there! wink

Global CARE Conference, February 20, Herrlingen, Germany

This year, various world leaders and heads of state are coming together in Germany under the banner of the Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere, or CARE. Project Utopia, the Red Cross, and various other NGOs will also be in attendance to meet and convene about global movement towards eliminating hunger throughout the world. The session will, unfortunately, be closed to the public, but CARE has asked that I make an appearance to say my piece to encourage those with power all over the world to help make life better for everyone! smile

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excerpted from St. Louis Post-Dispatch, December 13th, 2008

Teenaged Nova 'LiberTeen' Stops Doctor Shooting

by Jennifer Guilderland

Liam Rasmussen is in police custody tonight after being apprehended by St. Louis police outside of the Greater St. Louis Planned Parenthood Clinic this afternoon from an attempted and foiled attempt to shoot Dr. Alex Henderson, a local doctor.

Dr. Henderson had received several threats over the last three weeks in the form of cryptic notes delivered to his clinic and subsequently his home. St. Louis police had not yet determined the source of the threatening letters, which criticized Dr. Henderson for being a "baby murderer" and a "follower of Satan". The most recent, and most ominous of the letters arrived at Dr. Henderson's home three days ago, announcing that he would be the subject of an attempted assassination on December 12th. Dr. Henderson contacted the St. Louis Police Department and the PPFA. SLPD assured Dr. Henderson of a police escort to and from his place of employment that day, but it was an increasingly-well known young nova by the name of 'LiberTeen' who, hearing of the case through her contacts at Planned Parenthood, volunteered to accompany the doctor throughout his daily routine and watch over his clinic as he worked. With a police convoy of two officers, Dr. Henderson left his home this morning en route to work, where the gunman's note claimed he would strike.

A mixed protest had already formed outside the Greater St. Louis Planned Parenthood Clinic, with opinions on both sides being expressed passionately. The mass of people proved difficult to manage for police officials, who attempted to hurriedly extract Dr. Henderson from his vehicle and into his clinic.

It was then that the gunman made his move. A figure emerged from the pro-choice side of the camp brandishing an unregistered .45 caliber pistol which he pointed in the direction of the doctor and his escort.

Things could have easily turned violent, but the young nova, spotting the assailant from behind, turned to him, smiled warmly, and as he raised the gun to her face, told him "Nobody needs to get hurt." The two police officers drew their weapons and ordered Mr. Rasmussen to drop his weapon. Ms. Brown, 'LiberTeen', continue to address the man, saying "I can see you're a good man with strong convictions. But this isn't the way. You don't really want to hurt anybody, do you?" Police ordered Mr. Rasmussen again to drop his weapon. After a tense moment of silence, Mr. Rasmussen did as he was instructed with tears in her eyes and moved to hug the young nova. He was immediately detained and arrested by SLPD as Dr. Henderson entered the clinic with Ms. Brown, who emerged moments later as Mr. Rasmussen was being put into the back of a police cruiser to give him a kiss on the forehead and tell him "It's going to be okay."

Officer Robbins of the SLPD told to reporters, "The guy came out of nowhere. We weren't even expecting him to come from that side. If that girl hadn't been there, I don't know what would have happened. He had the guy dead to rights."

Post-Dispatch reporters caught up to LiberTeen as she was leaving the scene that afternoon, who said on the matter, "I only did what anyone in my position would do. It's tragic that Mr. Rasmussen's warped interpretation of morality lead him to attempt such violence, but I'm happy that nobody was harmed and I'm confident that with time and counseling Mr. Rasmussen can be made well."

Rasmussen is currently being held on unspecified charges and is under protective watch. Post-Dispatch reporters could not get a statement, but Dr. Henderson was quoted to say "I hope for his recovery and bear the man no ill will. Clearly he is in the grip of some mental problems I cannot begin to comprehend. I'm especially thankful to the St. Louis Police Department for doing a good job and to Miss LiberTeen for very probably saving my life. I cannot thank her enough."

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Brittany's Solo Fictions:

Brittany's Collaborative Fictions:

(fictions are listed by in-character chronological order)

'Human Behavior', (Adult, Complete) 12/18/2008-12/19/2008:

Brittany travels to Oregon for a date with Robert Lambert, and it is revealed both that Robert leads a dual life unbeknownst even to himself, and that Brittany's sexual tastes are inclusive of members of the lupine family. The two begin something of a relationship together, and it is foreshadowed that Robert may have been unwittingly responsible for his own parents' deaths.

'The Sun is Shining Down On You', (Adult, Complete) 01/29/2009-01/29/2009:

Brittany meets up with the First Response nova Catalyst and share a date in downtown San Francisco. As Brittany helps coax the other girl out of her shell and become more at peace with herself, the two get a more intimate understanding of each other, emotionally as well as physically.


'It's Oh So Quiet' 03/11/09-03/11/09:

Brittany travels to New York City to spend a day with the infamously disagreeable T2M teenager Summer Solstice for a day of fun and shopping in downtown Manhattan, as Brittany tries her best to show Summer that she has a friend in her no matter what.


'Night at the Blackburn', (Mature, Complete) 03/27/09-03/28/09:

Brittany and Robert head to a blowout bash at the infamous Blackburn Hotel in NYC. Friends are made and lost, battles are started, and Robert becomes entangled with a nova named Primal, whom he fights with until turning into Alpha, his wolf identity, causing a huge brawl that spills onto the streets of the city. Brittany manages to snap a video of his transformation, and in the aftermath of the battle, Alpha flees the scene with Brittany chasing him through the darkened streets of the island.

'It's Not Up to You' (Adult, Complete) 03/29/09-03/30/09:

As Robert goes to visit Ravenshire to discuss work, Brittany frets over the realization that Alpha has been responsible for several deaths in the Pacific Northwest. After returning to his Oregon home, Brittany shows Robert the video she made of his transformation, forcing him to finally confront the truth about his dual nature. In a grief-induced rage, he throws Brittany out of his home. As she flies away, assuming it will be the last time, Robert tears himself apart with guilt over his unwitting murders.

'Partnerships', (Complete) 03/29/2009-03/28/09:

While in New York City, Robert, Brittany, and Daniel Ravenshire meet over dinner to discuss Ravenshire and Robert's business venture into the world of nova consulting, and Brittany attends as Robert's date, where she espouses in part her philosophy regarding her role as a public figure.

'Broken Mirror', (Adult, Complete) 03/31/09-04/04/09:

Brittany becomes involved in the pursuit of a murderous young nova named Cyn who takes a personal interest in Brittany after she foils one of her crimes. Brittany suffers a stroke of guilt and shame after the killer breaks into her home to harm her and she instead allows the killer to violently molest her. Unfortunately for Brittany, this private shame is only the tip of the iceberg...

'Probably Maybe', 04/12/09-04/21/09:

Brittany meets and befriends Missy, 'Pew Pew Pew', and goes as her date to her high school senior prom.

'Desired Constellation', (Mature, Complete) 04/13/2009-04/14/2009:

In the aftermath of Cyn's attack, the death of Balm, and the mutilation of Caramel Bath, Brittany suffers a minor nervous breakdown and flees to the home of Robert J. Lambert, still a short while after he had sent her away for revealing the truth of what he was to himself.

Realizing that they care very much for each other, Brittany proposes that they start dating, and after a short but rocky bout of negotiating Robert's somewhat traditional values with Brittany's iconoclastic sexuality, they officially become an item.

'Bachelorette', (Adult, Complete) 04/16/09-07/04/09:

After receiving a threat from Cyn, Brittany strikes a deal with the Devil to prevent her nemesis from ruining Missy's prom and granting amnesty to her friends and family as well as the citizens of Missy's hometown. Cyn's price is a lurid, demeaning video of LiberTeen, which she agrees to supply in order to placate the psychopath. But even as Cyn smirks at her victory, wheels are in motion to guarantee that is it Pyrrhic and short-lived.

In the second installment, a grizzly threat from Cyn forces Brittany to meet her for a showdown in Philadelphia on the 4th of July. In the ensuing battle, Brittany's inability to overcome her moral scruples allows Cyn to kill several people, before threatening a bus full of school children. For the first time, Brittany knows real anger and hate, and in order to protect and save the children, she takes Cyn's life. In the process, she takes a savage beating that leaves her hospitalized, but not nearly as scarred as Cyn's foreboding final words to her.

'New York Dinner', 04/24/09-04/24/09:

Brittany and Robert attend a pleasant evening out with other New York City novas Bellator, Kittie, Cirrus, Ravenshire, Lina, and Summer at Virgirl's Real BBQ.

'Innocence', (Mature) 07/04/09-07/21/09:

In the wake of her fatal battle with Cyn, Brittany is hospitalized at Albert Einstein Hospital in Philadelphia. After several surgeries, she is on the road to physical recovery, but still must resolve her life as a public figure, the end of her innocence, and cope with the fact that she killed someone.

During her stay, help and encouragement from several visitors help her put back together the fragmented pieces of her world.

'Castaways', 08/21/09-08/??/09:

After receiving a mysterious prize from an overseas benefactor, LiberTeen, Divine, and Catalyst are sent on a cruise leaving from southern California. It isn't long before it's clear that all is not as it seems, and it may be that these three young women were brought together for more nefarious purposes...

'Stripped' ,(Adult) 10/09/09-10/11/09:

With Robert still in Africa and Brittany still shutting herself off from the world in the wake of TBO, a very welcome call from Kara shakes her out of her rut as they embark for a weekend of fun the likes of which both women are intimately acquainted with.

'Missing Something Besides an Arm', 11/12/09:

After learning of Robert's hospitalization in the awful aftermath of his African mission nearly a month earlier, the slowly dawning realization that her feelings for Robert are growing still stronger spurs her to finally disobey his wishes that she not visit and fly to Madrid to see him, and learn the unfortunate truth about what happened to him.

'This Will Only Hurt a Bit, and Other Lies, 12/05/09-12/??/09:

Having only recently learned that her friend Divine was nearly killed in TBO and has been lying comatose in a California hospital as a Jane Doe for months, Brittany is further horrified to learn that Divine received burns across a staggering portion of her body that will require multiple operations and donations of flesh. While horrified by the proposition, Brittany volunteers herself as a donor for the skin, but insists on Dr. Adler coming in as the attending physician.

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  • 3 months later...

excerpted from the official LiberTeen OpNet page, liberteen.op

LiberTeen Merchandise:

We have many educational and novelty items available here on our exclusive opnet page, as well as availability to forum members for limited edition pieces!

Keep your eyes to this spot for new items, which are available regularly!

Additionally, fifty percent of all profits from these items are donated on rotating months to Red Cross/Red Crescent, Amnesty International, and Médecins Sans Frontières. Get more information on these fine, charitable organizations here!


The LiberTeen Vibrating Wand Massager, pic

These are definitely wand massagers and definitely not anything other than wand massagers, and that is why we can offer them to men and women of all ages! The LiberTeen Vibrating Wand Massagers come in three sizes and colors: 3"lx1"w, 5"lx1.5"w, and 7"lx2"w, in red, white, or blue, and have five varying speeds (and no, "off" isn't one of them, we're not sneaky like that). All sizes require one 'AA' battery and have a smooth, soft, non-vinyl rubber outer jacket that is dishwasher safe.


Small Model, $12.00 USD

Medium Model, $15.00 USD

Large Model, $18.00 USD

All Three, $40.00 USD

'Basic Masturbation for Young Women' Video, pic, screenshots

This educational, 80 minute video features LiberTeen explaining and demonstrating basic self-gratification techniques on herself, using various instruments. All basic methods are covered in detail, including biological knowledge. This film also expands upon the subjects of safe sex, abstinance, health problems, STDs, and basic sexology.

This film is considered an educational tool and is approved for use in sexual education programs for females.


'Basic Masturbation for Young Women' Video, $24.00 USD

LiberTeen 2010 Pinup Calendar, pic

LiberTeen's 2010 sixteen-month calendar shows the young ingenue in a series of "compromising" and comedic positions that feature a variety of irreverent, humorous, and patriotic outfits that also lampoon various organizations operating in America today. The 'Sweet' version is available to all ages, while the 'Mean' version we regret we can offer only to those of the age of legal consent in your locale (please consult this list if you are unsure). The 'Mean' version features two extra months with two other photos of the lovely nova.


'Sweet' LiberTeen 2010 Calendar, $12.00 USD

'Mean' LiberTeen 2010 Calendar, $15.00 USD

LiberTeen Action Figure from ViaSoft, pic

In an exclusive deal with ViaSoft, we're proud to finally present to you the LiberTeen Action Figure! Standing 6" tall, the LiberTeen action figure is uniquely anatomically correct and comes complete with removable Eufiber uniform and goggles, clear plastic flight base, American flag, and a special vid-chip that features exclusive photos of LiberTeen found nowhere else! This figure is fully articulated and features a voice chip that has over fifteen voice-recorded phrases! There are twenty, in fact! Isn't that novel!?


LiberTeen Action Figure from ViaSoft, $24.00 USD

Signed Photo of LiberTeen, pic

We've had a lot of requests from people who seem to think we should add this information here, so by popular demand, here it is! LiberTeen doesn't charge for signed publicity stills. She'll be happy to sign anything you like if you catch her at a public appearance. Any order processed through this opsite will present you with an option to receive a signed publicity still in addition to your order, simply check the box! If you don't plan to order anything or are unable to but would still like a signed photo, simply send a Self-Addressed, Stamped Envelope to our business address, and one should be sent to you in 4-6 weeks.

Thanks to everybody for your support! grin

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