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Aberrant: The Long March - Chapter 1: First steps on the Road

Mr Fox

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Morgan grins at the talk of criminal conspiracy. "Well, not too much criminal activity I hope. Just a little entering, not even any breaking thanks to you and to my warp."

With that he opens a warp precisely between the paws of the Sphinx. Despite the flood lights shining around the area, there are enough shadows deep between the paws that no one is likely to notice the group, unless you call attention to yourselves.

Once through, Estaban turns to shadow and seeps into the ground. After several tense minutes he returns to report the distance and direction of the main chamber, which is directly beneath the sphinx almost 75 feet down. There are no tunnels connecting the chamber to the surface, which means that they found it either through ground penetrating radar, or by using a Nova with similar powers to Estaban.

Again Morgan creates a warp which opens into complete darkness. Everyone files through and he closes the warp before pulling out a flash light.

For the briefest of moments you almost think you are outside under the stars. The chamber is almost identical to the spherical star chamber back at your own base. Despite searching through the ground Estaban finds only two other chambers in this complex, both of which are attached to this one through obvious tunnels. Like the outer chambers in your own complex, this one is completely stripped of artifacts. The art on the walls of these chambers is different in style than what you've seen before. There are homnids depicted much like those on the other cave system, but they seem subtly different and though similar the art is distintly differnt from the other.

Dr. Flowers video tapes and photographs everything in great scientific detail, but due to the total lack of artifacts, only the stars and art offer any clues to this place. She suggests that you return home to compute the age of these chambers by using the star pattern just like you did before.

(If anyone wishes to do anything else let me know. Otherwise I will assume you return to the other cave system and start doing calculations to figure out the age of the Egyptian caves.)

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Unfortunately, like the outer chambers of your complex, this place is dead. Marcus' energy form does nothing. Another puzzling thing about this complex is the fact that there are a total lack of amenities. No area for cooking, bathing or anything, just the empty chambers with paintings on the walls and the star chamber.

After scanning the area around the lights, Carter finds no finger prints. It is likely that at least one nova was part of the group that plundered this place. 1) there is no physical access to this cave system. 2) The walls where the lights were have been so smoothly sheared off it couldn't have been done with tools.

When you return home you feed all the information into the computers, likely it will take a day or two for the read out.

Meanwhile, you can investigate the explosions or set your trap for the badguys.

(If you set the trap, please detail how you plan to do so)

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Eating a bag of beef jerkey, Omar contemplates what he saw in Egypt. Also on his mind is the next step. While anxious to beat on some bad people, he also knows that there had been other explosions like theirs.

"If we investigate the other explosions, I think we should do it quietly. The enemy will be watcing us. Inshallah, I want to fight someone on my terms, not theirs. I will abide by whatever decision we make as a group."

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Randall stands and stretches, his back popping audibly, "Well whomever it was that came in here was both professional and thorough. The fixtures were cut cleanly away from the wall and there is not even the slightest sign of foresnsic evidence for me to analyze."

He lets out an audible yawn, "I dunno 'bout the rest of you folks but I could use a few hours of shut eye, maybe my brain will re-set and I'll be able to think a little clearer..."

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After a good nights rest, Omar eats a hearty breakfast of 2 Oranges, a pound of Jerky, 4 handfuls of nuts, and 2 boiled potatoes.

He waits until the rest are awake and puts forth a proposition. "Before we lay our trap, we might want to visit the exploded laboratories. Do we have a list of the other places besides Houston?"

"I think we start with Houston, and move to the other places. After Houston, we visit the most recent, and then move back from there. In addition to asking the authorities, we should see if there are other groups like T2M or Elite agencies looking into these things."

"If we get into trouble, we come back here."

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"MMMMmfffffrrppp!" Randall chews and swallows down an oversized mouthfull of pancakes, "Sorry ... Umm how exactly do you propose to gain access to a crime scene? While I'm sure we could warp in I would think that it would take very little time for the officer's on duty to detain us for tresspassing ...

"Irregardless, we need to be carefull, if you all are too obvious about things you're likely to get yourselves killed. As for myself ... I'd prefer to remain outside of any definite relationship to you all ... just in case ..."

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"I can go, and not be seen," Isabel adds, and as she continues eating, it takes a few seconds for it to dawn on her that she hadn't been very clear, so she swallows and attempts to explain. "You don't see people, you just see light. You can't make people disappear, but you can..." a few complicated hand movements are made and cutlery is slightly dangerously waved around as she searches for the appropiate word, "bend light. Yes, bend."

It sounds like she's finished, but before anyone can answer she seems to remember something. "Oh, by the way, I've been thinking. The caves yesterday? The art? Same people, later on. Not before, it doesn't work that way."

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"If we don't want to be seen at a crime site, I had better stay here. I will start looking at different ways to ambush the evil ones"

Omar looked at Randall "I was not suggesting we break the law, but work with the authorities to find out what they know."

He then turned his attention to Isable. "I suppose someone could sneak in there and look for things that the police missed, or do not want to share with us."

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There have now been a total of seven lab explosions/accidents. Starting in Houston, you begin investigating, each in their own way.

Isabel sifts through the rubble.

Marcus and Omar question the authorities.

Carter investigates through more subtle means.

Isabel discovers that the blast appears to have totally obliterated whatever was being worked on. The destruction of the lab was nearly total. The side of the building that contained the lab has a semi-circular hole. From the remains all that can be told is where the blast originated. The same is true of the other labs as well.

Marcus and Omar discover that in all cases the labs either report that they were researching experimental materials to be used in energy production/storage, or they refuse to divulge what their research was on. Given that each lab was in a different city, no one in law enforcement has yet made the connection between the explosions, or no one has yet brought in the FBI. Another oddity is that only 10 people have been reported dead between all the explosions. Given the amount of distruction that is an incredibly small number. Also, the 10 are 'assumed' dead, but no remains have been found. Of course, if they were the ones doing the research and were at ground zero it's no big surprise that no remains were found.

Carter and Morgan discover that each lab had a reputation for innovative research and each has been given sizable research grants within the past month by the federal government.

The investigations take you two days.

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"There has to be a connection between the labs." Omar says to Marcus. "Would it be possible to get a look at the personeel files? I was wondering if the persons who died might be related in some way."

Another thought occurred to Omar. "What if the single person who died in each of the 10 explosions was the same person? If that is true, maybe they were the one who blew the place up."

Omar looks for Randall to see if he can discover the identities and photos of each of the dead researchers.

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You guys saw the records that the police had. The missing/dead were definitely different people. Pretty much the only things they had in common was that they were doing research that blew up, and that had massive amounts of education and backgrounds in energy research.

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"It looks like the investigations of the explosions aren't giving us much to use." Omar looked around the room to see if ayone else could think of any linkages between the explosions.

"My only other thought is to look into the scientists themselves. They may have been colleagues, or in communication with one another. Does anyone have a way to check their E-mails and OpNet accounts? I suppose looking into their backgrounds might give us something to use as well."

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"What we really need to to find out what they were working on and to determine if these were accidents or meant to look like they were. Anybody here a good hacker? Or know a good one?"

Randall thinks for a moment, "They've found no remains of the people caught up in the blasts. Granted the destruction was fairly thorough but it could mean that this is staged and that these people were taken for one reason or another. We need a clairvoyant, somebody who could look backwards in time and possibly discern the truth of the situation. Unfortunately I known none and they tend to be quite rare...."

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After contacting Marcus' and Estaban's mentor, who has more contacts than anyone else you guys might possibly know, Estaban receives a call. "Witterquick here. I have the information you requested." He proceeds to give you the names and contact info for a cyberkenetic and a clarivoyant. "There are others out there with the skills you seek, but I can personally vouch for these two."

Carter calls the cyberkenetic, named uBeR nOOb, who agrees to find what you want to know for $15000, the price to rise if he runs into any government interference.

When you call the clairvoyant, Alice, she agrees to visit the sites and view the scene providing you guys can get her in and out undetected. She doesn't want any involvement with law enforcement. Luckily Estaban is able to get her in and out using his shadow powers.


Morgan provides transportation opening warps to pick up the Clairvoyant and then directly into the oldest crime scene in Houston.

Perhaps because he has her attuned Estaban gets a little bit of her vision as she does her thing. At first things are fuzzy then as she narrows in on the right time things become clear. In the lab you see an older man with grey at his temples in a traditional white lab coat standing before a large device that is focused on one of the lights from the cave. He is making some kind of adjustments to the device. Things seem perfectly normal, until suddenly the man's eyes roll up in his head and he begins to fall to the ground. Before he hits he appears to be scooped up by someone that you can't see, then disappears.

Less than two seconds later the artifact light begins to glow brighter and brighter until the vision ends. Alice looks a bit shaken, but after a few minutes she asks to be taken to the next location. The next scene is much like the first except that the equipment is different and the scientist is a woman. Again all is normal until the woman falls over in a faint and is caught before hitting the ground and disappears. Again whoever is doing the catching is invisible and then the object begins to glow brighter and brighter until it explodes.

After the third such vision Alice says she would prefer to stop. Estaban can tell each vision is putting her under a great deal of strain. She apologizes for not completing the task, but says to give her regards to Witterquick.


Uber Noob, reports back the next day and provides you with a data disk containing all the scientists personal email and files. He also asks for a $10,000 bonus, explaining that he had to do some pretty complicated evasion to avoid government snooper programs. set to detect any intrusion. He assures you that he was sufficently skilled not to have been detected. The data disk also contained all current email and files from all the scientists family members. Uber says he threw that in as a bonus since he's charging you more

After spending a full day sifting through their stuff, you come to the conclusion that there is nothing to link them, and there is absolutely no mention of what their research projects were about. Whatever files they kept about that were destroyed with their labs.


You also have another puzzling thing to consider. The astronomy program has completed it's calculations. The new cave sky is 99.5 percent identical to the previous one. The .5 variance? You guessed it. The anomolous star/object is in a different position in the sky, as though it has moved. It is also much smaller/feinter. The astronomy program has reclassified it as a rogue planetesimal traveling through the solar system. Given the data you have available, it is possible to calculate it's trajectory to discover it's current position. Several hours later the computer reports that the object is in orbit around Saturn as one of it's moons, though it can not pinpoint which one it is. However given it's size it must be one of the larger moons.

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"Sorry guys, but we got nothing from the scientists' backgrouds." Omar seemed a little frustrated that this avenue of investigation led nowhere.

"From what you saw Isabel, it would seem that an unseen attacker killed these scientists shortly before their labs exploded." Omar did not like the idea of fighting an invisible killer, but if he had to, he would.

"Does anyone know what, or why, they were adjusting their devices? For that matter, what were they adjusting?"

Omar looks at the results from the computer program and furrows his brow. "It doesn't look like the object was a star. It is more like a planet." Then another revelation occurs to him. "Could it have been a ship?"

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Dr. Flowers looks up from the computer screen. "That would have to be one heck of a big ship. From these calculations I'd say it is one of Saturns five biggest moons. Anyone know if there's anything strange about any of those five moons? Someone wanna do a web search?"

She looks thoughtful for a moment, "About your earlier question... I don't think they were killed. I think they were kidnapped. If the invisible man was gonna kill them he'd have just left them there for the explosion. Also, one of the devices described sounds like an electron microscope. Don't know what the rest were."

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Randall studies the personelle reports while going over the voice recordings of the clairvoyant's telling of her visions (as well as Estaban's own recollections). Finally he looks up with an exasperated look on his face, "This doesn't make any sense. The scientists don't have any connection except that they were all apparently working on the fixtures. How they got them we do not know but it would appear that the lights are the source of the explosions, either they have a critical failure point if they absorbe too much energy or they were damaged upon removal or ... well ... hell I dunno.

"Seems to me that the person grabbing the scientists is probably saving them but if so why stay quiet and where are the scientists themselves? My guess is that some other group is trying to unravel the secrets of these sites and is more than willing to kidnap and murder to do it.

"We've got our work cut out for us either way ...."

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"Is it possible that the kidnapper is the same person that built the caves? Some sort of time traveler? Maybe they knew the stuff was going to blow up and decided to rescue the people but in order for it not to effect the timeline they trasported them away possibly to a giant spaceship in orbit around Saturn?" Marcus pauses for a moment thinking. "Did anyone write that down it might make an interesting movie." Marcus grins. "But seriously could all of that actually be true?"

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Looking over at Marcus, Morgan replies, "Well if it was the people that built the caves and were trying to not effect the timeline, that would make a good motive for destroying the lights. Lightbulbs that last three million years would definitely upset the economy." He chuckles. "No idea if it could be true though. The scientists are definiely missing and none have been seen or heard from since the explosions. Occam's razor would suggest that Carter's explanation is more likely to be right, but then we are standing in a 3 million year old cave that predates Homo Sapiens having this conversation, so who knows. The next question is what do we do with the knowledge? Ambush the bad guys, or play space explorers? Or more accurately, which do you guys want to do first?"

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"If we can get more information, then we should attempt to do so. We can ambush them later." Omar spoke in a resigned voice, almost as if he wanted to do the latter, but knew the former was the more prudent route. "If getting information means playing 'space explorer' then so be it."

"I wonder, however, how we are going to get into space. We don't have a spaceship. I suppose we could warp there, but if we miss our destination, then we die?" The look of nervousness on Omar's face showed his feelings about floating in space without a suit.

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"I can survive without a suit. Anyone else adaptable enough to handle that?" Morgan asked. "Course, we could steal, er... borrow a few space suits from nasa. Space is a big place though, I'd need coordinates a bit more specific than 'near Saturn'. Maybe a google search on Saturns moons would turn something up. We know from the astronomy program that because of its brightness the object has to be one of Saturn's biggest moons. Maybe something strange about one of them will give us a clue to narrow the search."

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"I can't survive in space. And I doubt they have space suits which will fit someone who is 6'10. Unless you come up with another way of getting me there, you guys will be on your own." Omar looked crest-fallen at the prospect of being left behind. He was looking foreward to visiting space and kicking some ass.

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Morgan frowns in thought, "Well, I can warp out there and explore, but I can't fly, so manuvering once there will be a problem. Anyone else able to survive space?" He looks at Omar, "we could experiment. I can attune things so that my powers work on them, maybe my adaptability would work too. Course, it would really suck if something happened to seperate us. We could try with a pool of water or something so that you wouldn't be a risk much."

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"If you guys find a place I can survive in, then open a warp to me and I'll come through." Omar wanted desperately to go with them. "If you run into trouble, you will need me to smack them around." Omar let out a prideful smile, obviously confident in his abilities.

"In the mean time, I will contact a spacesuit manufacturere and see if I can get a rush order on a custom fit suit, if they don't have one in my size."

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Morgan smiles. "You might try the Russkies. They have some pretty big guys, they might have a space suit that would fit you. Plus, they've been known to sell anything that isn't nailed down if the price is right."


After making a few calls, Omar is able to purchace a slightly used suit from the Russians. It's old, ugly, and it smells bad, but it's servicable. It costs 25K American. They also have suits for any normal sized person that needs one at a cost of only 15K each. Isabel and Carter will both need suits from them.

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The next day, you are getting your gear ready for the space exploration when you have visitors, of the unfriendly persuasion.

Omar and Marcus are packing their gear when they hear noise from the tunnel leading to the surface. Sounds like someone is digging out the rockslide and not taking their time about it either.

Initiative order: Marcus, Carter, Omar, Bad Guys, Isabel, Morgan.

Dr. Flowers reacts by shreaking and running for the back cave to hide in some boxes. You have two rounds to react and position yourselves, etc. Presumably, the people digging their way in don't know you are inside, at least you hope not. By the speed at which they are clearing the rubble it has to be novas.

Please post letting me know what you plan to do and I will resolve the actions. I'll try and hold off to let everyone post, but if I don't hear from everyone by late tonight, I will update.

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Morgan will open a warp outside about 15 feet away from the rockfall covering the entrance. That will put you right behind them. You have the initative.

You see 4 people in black military style fatigues two of them are holding assault rifles. They spin to face those who emerge from the warp and look startled. The two in the 'back' those closest to the warp, level their weapons at Omar, but won't have time to fire until after Omar takes his first action. Marcus and Carter also will be able to take action before the bad guys if they come outside. The two big guys that were clearing rock stand up straight and prepare to hurl medicine ball sized chunks of rock at the people emerging from the warp.

Other than Omar and Morgan is anyone else coming through? If you remain inside, the fight will be going on outside with no way to assist unless you clear the rock from the inside or go through the wall. Marcus and Carter also will be able to take action before the bad guys if they come outside.

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At the sound of gunfire Randall looks more than a bit worried, "Anybody got a gun? Or a knife? ... Aw crap!"

Randall quickly assesses the situation, they're cornered and the enemy either knows they are here or doesn't, either way they have two choices, fight or flight. With Morgan's warps they could easily get away but would be forced to leave behind a great deal of supplies and equipment which they can hardly afford to do.

"F*#&, to hell with it," Randall concentrates and quickly a field of quantum energy forms around his body directing visible light and muffling sonic energy around him. Protected by his invisibility he will grab a gun or a knife (whatever is offered/available) and run through the portal.

Using his invisibility stealth he will get behind one of the enemy and shiv them in the back/shoot them in the back.

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Omar will charge towards the nearest of the two larger Nova with the boulders, and punch him. While he runs, he will increase his size. He will run over anyone in his way.

(OOC: I assume his super-tough skin (Armor) is always active)

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Round 1:

You all dive through the warp and prepare to engage the enemy.

Round 2:

Marcus moves slightly to the side and lets loose a blast of lightning that appears to do a good bit of damage to one of the big guys with the boulders. You have his undivided attention. wink

Omar barrels forward growing with each step until he towers above everyone easily four times his normal size. As he runs he knocks aside the two with the guns. They find themselves staggered back, but recover soon enough.

He takes a swing at the undamaged boulder tosser, smashing him against the wall and hurting him badly.

Carter uses the confusion to dart forward as quitely as he can.

This is surprisingly easy to do with the noise Omar is making. He gets up next to one of the gunmen and shivs him in the kidney, causing severe internal damage, but he does not fall from the kidney strike.

The big guy in the back that was hit by the lightning, visibly glares at Marcus but then turns and throws his boulder at Omar. Omar takes some damage from the strike. The second big guy stumbles forward and throws a punch at Omar also doing a little damage.

The gunman that was struck in the kidney turns and sprays bullets indiscriminately behind him hoping to hit whoever stabbed him. He does graze Carter with a couple bullets doing 2 levels of damage.

The final gunman opens fire on both Marcus and Morgan. Morgan takes some damage, but seems more or less ok. Marcus doesn't appear effected by the barrage.

If we don't hear from Isabel by tomorrow night I'll assume she's stayed inside to protect Dr. Flowers, or that she is invisible and preparing to blast someone if the opportunity presents itself.

What do people plan to do in Round 3?

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Isabel had reacted quickly, turning invisible and ducking through the warp. Staying relatively hidden behind the others, as she knows her invisibility is far from perfect, she thinks up an idea. She's going to try and use her Shaping technique to engulf the four mens' heads in globes of bright light, blinding and possibly disorienting them. If she can she'll make the light rapidly flash between different colours, for greater confusion.

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Omar was surprised when they first hit him. They were a lot stronger than he had anticipated. Still, these guys needed to go down.

Omar told his godlike stamina to heal his body. Then he looks at the man he had just hit. Omar raises his Volkswagen sized fist and slams it down upon the injured man, driving him into the earth.

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