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As we've seen in the charter, there's a plan for moderators to be used in OpNet - 2008. If we want to get this moving in the near future it's time to start assembling that staff. After hashing out some feasibility options with Chosen, I'm going with each person sending me a private message with their nominations. This way there is a method for "secret" nominations (I will not reveal who has been nominated nor by whom other than to Chosen) and won't choke up the site administrator's mailbox (yes, I've cleared up space in my own mailbox to make this work). The precise selection process is still being hammered out but it wouldn't hurt to start building a list of potentials.

There are a few factors to consider in selecting nominees that might help:

  • Consider someone's reasonableness and fairness and not their likelihood to always decide in your favor
  • Don't be afraid to nominate more than one person (and please try to do them all in a single message)
  • Please avoid self-nomination; otherwise this would be a call for volunteers :P

Obviously that list isn't exhaustive; just a few things to keep in mind, please.

Again, send your nominations to me .

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