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[OpNet] Customs.


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It's been awhile (again) but really things are running along smoothly for me. (for a change)

After the run in with Revenant in Chicago I have been laying low, doing the jobs for RCS and my school work. The garden is doing exceptionally well. I could say that is it my doing by ensuring perfect weather but honestly I think Ptesan-Wi's love is what makes them grow so.

My child/ren continue to grow like the garden. Despite our differences I am confident in Slattern and I look forward to seeing her again next month, hopefully for the Pow-Wow.

Speaking of...

Tomorrow I am supposed to go out with a few of the men and find a good Wagacha (cotton wood tree) to use for the sundance pole. Usually this involved a lot of joking around and beer drinking while it is cut down tossed into the back of a pickup or drug to the fairground. Not this year.. This year they want all the traditions to be upheld. Which means ceremony, They want to cut the tree down with me in attendance. And carry it to the fairgrounds (which could be like 20 miles!) The old ways say the tree must never touch the ground which is what they plan. A far cry from the days of dragging it behind a pickup. I would offer to cut it and carry it for them but this is supposed to be in honor of Wakiya (me)and it would be insulting to them if I wanted to do the work. I still feel lazy about it though. Maybe I will grab a few cases of cold beer for them as a reward after they get the work done. (I wonder how many religions of the world have the one you worship give you beer after you have praised them? laugh )

On another side note the council has asked me if I would create a medicine wheel here on Inyan Kara. There is a bluff that I sometimes sun myrself on that would be a perfect place for it. And it would give people a place to go and place their offerings rather than along the colums leading to our home. Which is happening more and more often. I don't want to turn them away but at the same time I still want my privacy as well. The wheel on the other side of the mountain may be the best solution.

Lastly, Jack Dorsey from the BIA wants to talk to me next week. I kinda dread this talk I know what is coming and I just don't know what to tell him. I guess I will cross that bridge when I get to it.

Hope to see you all soon my friends.

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It's good to see some of the old ways being practiced. It good to see a healthy blend between old and new as well.

I look forward to the Pow Wow. I hope to see everyone there.

Wakinyan, I'll be in touch with you about our project. I need to talk to Carver as well. I was hoping that the end of term would let me relax a little, but no such luck.

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It's nice to see you being cheerful as opposed to how emo little miss give somebody a lolita complex Fuusen gets. Oh, who the fuck am I kidding. I have to say something here that I know for certain I' not the only one thinking it.

Who the fuck do you think you are? You do nothing resembling anything of godhood. You're idea of bestowing wisdom to people is screwing the world's most sexually liberated nova in the skies of Las Vegas? You're a hormonal little brat that didn't get whipped enough as a kid. Now you're misleading an entire nation of noble people into thinking you deserve anything other than their pity. It's times like these I'm glad my marriage did fail because now I don't have to wory about my kids turning out anything like you.

How about you do something good for your people and clean up your act and become something worth worshipping? If being a Nova makes you a god, you're the biggest waste of a node since Sloppy Joe.

I can only imagine what form of quantum trickery you used to brainwash Thoughtwave, excuse me, Ptesan-Wi into putting up with your juvenile bullshit. She may be deserving the title of goddess, but only after she wisens up and realizes you are only dragging down everything that she should stand for.

Now I know I'm a fucking waste, but I don't delude myself or give people false hope. Just try to be useful for once instead of a lowlife whiney bitchy teenager. You erupted, you're being worshipped, your life isn't yours anymore. Either drop the godhood act or get some responsibility.

Fuck it, I'm out.

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You do not know me, you do not know my mate, and you certainly do not know why I am with him. I am most assuredly not brainwashed or otherwise manipulated by Wakinyan.

You, however, are rather obviously the victim of manipulation: you are the victim of your hatred, your resentment, and your envy of others. You have attacked those who could be your friends in this community, alienating them at every turn with displays of calculated boorishness and caustic bluster. You lash out at others because you are unable or unwilling to set your own path in life, and that is sad. Wakinyan is, at least, trying to grow into the role before him; his steps sometimes falter, but they grow more certain with each passing day. You, on the other hand, have given up on trying, and have settled for an unfulfilling life as a heckler.

You do not have my anger, Edison; you have my pity.

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Wakinyan, a few members of my clan would be willing to work in relays with your tribal brethren in carrying the tree on their shoulders to the chosen sight. Celts have their own reverance for trees in their celebrations and would be more than happy to help their cousin out in this new endeavor.

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No Wakinyan you change your name and call it spiritistic. You call for the blood of martyrs and think their deaths will end their cause. If you act the way you threaten to act you will either die, or learn you are the monster you claim to fear. I do not hate you. I have no reason to. You are just a man who doesn't understand the power in his hands.

Edison do not worry if your pleas fall in deaf ears. It sometimes helping others is about understand oneself. You need to look at your meaning as it could fit you as well.

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Edison, I'll take that rib, because it's true. But I really haven't been Emo in very recent memory. This summer has started out real good for me. I plan on unwinding at the Pow-Wow, and as long as no one starts any drama, I am perfectly fine by it.

Heh... emo. I've yet to see an Emo wear pink.

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Well, I see that Y.T. is in its usual form (that being an idiot who is under the sad delusion that enlightenment flows from its fingertips like water from a spring). Y.T., you are unwanted and unneeded here; go peddle your "wisdom" elsewhere.

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