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Chosen-Thank you very much m'man. You rule in neon baby!!

Signy-You don't use any manners so I wont. Lay the fuck off the man right goddamn now. He was trying to do you a fucking favor so how about you use a little tact? Ask nice and I'm sure, when he gets a chance, it will get done.

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James, I would have been nice, if I hadn't made it abundantly clear that I disliked the pictures for YT and Signy. Or if I could have removed them myself. James he basically took my name, and changed it in away that I couldn't change back,and also was publicly known to be something I didn't like.

So, what would you do if I came up with names for all the characters on the bored,and some or even nearly all liked them..But James"Prodigy" Meehan..Was Changed Into "Smart-ass big ego".Then Chosen making it so that all your posts were by "Smart-ass big ego".Then you couldn't change it.

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I would have asked why and asked him to retract it. You didn't see what he did to one of my shouts? I saw it was a joke and I got a good laugh over it.

Guess what, your are oversensitive to the point of being unreasonable here. Calm down, ask nice and be an adult about the whole thing.

Chosen has donated untold hours and effort into making this place as cool as it is. He did this to try to give something to people. That level of generosity should be appreciated. Youd didn't like the gift, you say 'No thank you.' and hand it back. You don't act like a brat and throw it back in his face. This place exists because of him. You have a place to while away your hours because of him, now treat him with some fucking respect.

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Respect,you say? How about this, I told Ashnod more than a few times I didn't like the way YT, and Signy looked in the chat room,and told her to take them down, long before I asked here.I then be blunt to get my point across and it is if I am acting illogiclly.I'd wadger had Ashnod responded to subtle hints,and gentle requests, none of you would have heard of this problem.As things went out Ashnod had a pet project and I tried to be nice to her.Nice didn't work.

I didn't ask for an avatar,and if Chosen was going to do this. I wouldn't have had offered anything to Ashnod.I was well enough knowing Ashnod liked making those pictures to let her do three of my five characters.My two characters she couldn't do the right way were bothersome to me.

Now let's get back to Chosen,he has done a lot of good things for this site,and on a whole I rather like the guy.But IF you James make it clear you do not like Ham,and I give you Ham. How are you to know my intentions? Even more so over the internet.So wile you may have seen it as agift, I saw it as an out right slap in the face.

He could have asked, to see who wanted it.He could have read the public statements I have made saying clearly I dislike them. Not only that I disliked them, I wanted some of them out right removed, all together. He did neither,and that my friend is not a sign of someone who cares.

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1) You told me you didn't like them. That doesn't mean you wanted them down. Initially, yes, you told me that you didn't want one done for YT or Signy. THEN, you proceeded to give me descriptions of them. You did not tell not to post them, nor did you tell me to send them to you for approval before posting them. I made them as I could given the descriptions you provided. If anything, that's a misunderstanding between us, not me deliberately going against your wishes.


You: I don't like YT or Signy.

Me: I know that. You told me you wouldn't like them before I made them.

You: I thought you were going to do something with Signy's hair.

Me: I DID. It covers her ears and goes back further than anyone else's.

You: Oh. I guess you did your best.

THAT is the extent of your disapproval in the chat, aside from a comment about Signy's eye color. You did NOT ask me to remove until a few days ago.

3) You WAITED approximately a week before DEMANDING they be removed. You did so quite rudely, I might add. This was the first time you even brought up the pics since that day in the chat.

I will point out that telling me you're not happy with something is not the same as asking for them not to be up, no matter how much you think that's what you were telling me. It wasn't. Apep has stated that she doesn't feel her contest picture isn't accurate of her character, but she's never asked for it to be removed, only that she be allowed to change it. As such, it was kept up for the time being.

You have never asked nicely. You told me ONCE that you didn't like them. Then you screamed for their removal a week later. I do not appreciate being told that I "disrespected" you in some fashion.

I removed them earlier today. It's over, it's done with. Let it rest, please.

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Signy, I'm sorry it bothered you. I honestly didn't know that you didn't like them. I didn't look at the 2nd page of the thread, so I didn't see your post about wanting the pics down. I removed them as soon as I could. I apologize for upsetting you. I didn't intentional post them as an attack against you, but rather in my ignorance of the situation that I didn't know you felt that way.

Ashnod, thanks for making the avatars for everyone.

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Well, YT is meant to be alien, cold, distant, rather unfriendly like. Signy is just Signy..

Wile, i think Chibis have their place, it is not for all y characters, and not for my charadcters' avatar.Unless I was playing Dues, but Dues doesn't use computers...

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Generally, you have to win a contest.

Although, Ashnod making the Chibis was very cool, and is probably something special for all of us as a gift.

Pretty much the control of Avatars is to make sure that N!Prime don't turn into a chugging bandwidth beast with 300kb animated gifs that have nothing to do with the character.

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Target has a chibi, which I'll add as soon as I get a chance (probably this weekend).

Target, I was going to PM you about it, but you have turned to option off to allow PMs.

Originally I was going to allow people to put up their own avatars when they won one of the contests. The main reason that I hadn't allowed people to put up their own avatars before is that I wanted to make sure I could oversee anything that was added, because I hate going to web sites and it's all huge avatars of varying quality and subject nature. But since Ashnod was nice enough to do the chibis for everyone, that allowed me to implement them and have a consistent look to everything.

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ok, I understand now. and sorry about the PM stuff, I don't have a real computer, I use others. but at any rate, thanks, chosen.

ashnod, My fiance' made one for me, so I was going to use that one, but if you wanna make me one. Mt character is Irish, red hair, green eyes. Very brutish and mean, grew up on the wrong side of the tracks stuff. no apparent taint or abberations. only visual thing that happens when he uses his powers his features turn darker, the more power used the darker it is. He's got a black hole type warp as well. check out my description on "character hook, twins."

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