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I'd like to thank Singularity for his advice on where to send Regan next in Team Tomorrow before anything else. However, it was not his idea to kill off her best friend. Next, I'd like to thank Ashnod and her fic 'Gods Make Love' for being an inspiration for love between female novas. Just because they're kissing doesn't mean it's a lesbian romance, folks - though the difference between 'Gods Make Love' and 'Fragility' is that Regan and Julie actually do have implied sex.

As for my portayal of Caestus Pax, well, I believe he's an arrogant but basically good bloke. Maybe he knows about Proteus, maybe he doesn't; regardless, I see Pax as a good commander - figurehead or not, he wouldn't still be in charge of Team Tomorrow after Bahrain if he didn't know his tactics and leadership. Ego aside, he hasn't booted Splash for her disagreements because she's a good leader; I see him treating Warlady the same unless she'd sassed him in public. A good leader has to expect negative feedback from his people, and not to overreact to it.

Thanks to everyone who sent their feedback. You are gods amongst insects. wink

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I'll stick to using this thread for all the Fragility-related pieces. 'Survivor's Guilt' is mainly from Splash's POV - I wanted to do something that contained the guilt a leader would feel if something happened to someone under her command, plus Regan's own guilt.

I hope you like it, and please don't shoot me for my depiction of Geisha or Splash.

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James 'Prodigy' Meehan:
Nice story. I liked it. And your portrayal of Pax is fine, people can be different in different situations.
Ditto, very much so.

James 'Prodigy' Meehan:
Just because he's an arrogant prat doesn't mean he couldn't exress real empathy.
When properly coached.

Many or the worlds leaders have people working for them to tell them people's names, and that sort of thing. It would be odd if Pax didn't have a social coach... and I thought I saw hints to something like that in Codex's story.
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Originally posted by David 'Dr. Troll' Smith:
Many or the worlds leaders have people working for them to tell them people's names, and that sort of thing. It would be odd if Pax didn't have a social coach... and I thought I saw hints to something like that in Codex's story.
"So, who do we have here?" "Regan 'Codex' McLachlan of Team Tomorrow sector 7G." "A new face, eh?" "No, sir, she's been with the project for six years..."

Oh, sorry, couldn't help the humor. But yes, I do agree with the idea of Pax having someone whispering names in his ear. And judging by Splash's notes in the PU book, I get the feeling she had to do that sometimes before the teams split up.
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I figure Pax got taught all that crap when they were training him in '98. Pax probably has a dot of Mega-Intelligence too, even if it's mostly tactical, and he has a hoarde of staff to keep him appraised of everything. He would have been told who Warlady was - or remembered her, as Julie had a bit of a mouth to her and didn't let little things like Pax being her boss stop her from using it - and everything about Codex by extension. Besides, Regan's grief is so damned obvious that even an egomaniac wouldn't miss it.

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