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Aberrant: Infinite Earth - Fiction - [A&A] Salvation [Complete]

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The snowy field to the east of Metz was packed with two kinds of people: various civilians, men, women, children. They wore what winter clothing they had, and were being driven in a mass and made to kneel in the snow. Fear and terrible uncertainty gripped the people - children cried, but quietly, and they huddled as much in the hopes that this mass nightmare would disappear.

And soldiers of the German 29th Infantry division in overcoats and armed with rifles and under the guns of two nearby Panzers drove them, prodded and struck with their weapon's stocks, with as much compassion and regard as cowherds with little care for their stock.

Oberst Frederic Van Klamp waited the whole procession and assembly with little more with a sardonic hint of amusement. It was amazing to hear - as he did from talk when messages came from back home, and news reported on the few portable aetherlabes, one he had (privileges of a connected officer) - about the Judenrats and how they pleaded a little and gave up more. Idiots, the lot of them.


The whole lot of them were going to die in time. As was this group of French Jews, all identified and confirmed by scared neighbors and rewarded informers. Nothing official, of course, but Van Klamp knew about the word trickling down all the way from the top. It would only stand him in good stead towards career advancement.


The grizzled Oberst was a Nazi Party member, naturally (you really had to be one to get anywhere), but he didn't believe all of the Fuhrer's ranting about the Jews being responsible for the Fatherland's ills. Nor did he believe what was going to be reported officially, this an execution of rebellious (against the Vichy regime) partisans. It didn't matter, truth be told, he didn't like Kikes anyway, and it would send a message to actual rebels.


He dropped his cigar and smashed it into bits with his boot. Time to signal the firing squad, all conveniently behind the masses, weapons ready. The Jews started to realize this too, causing an upsurge of wailing and prayers.


Just like Ciepielów. Van Klamp smiled, then a sudden shout drew his attention - as from the sky descended a form... which just before impacting with one of the Panzers - incidentally caving in the top hull and crushing the crew inside - showed the visage of a literally stony man (not man - it was twice the size of a human).


The Oberst's blood ran cold as the weather now, and his men were already turning to react... the tales, "Mein Gott!" In a (relatively) smaller bound, that man of rock came out of the totaled Panzer and let out a deafening bellow.


Der Golem had arrived.

Oberst = Colonel
Mein Gott = My God
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  • 1 month later...

Van Klamp recognized that more or less, they were quite possibly fucked. Der Golem, the Jew's Dynamic rock-demon, their spiteful little vengeance against the Reich, or so the propaganda of Gobbels tried to spin it. Either way, the man-rock-thing had the durability of mountains, and the inexorable strength to match. A brave German Dynamic, Sternschnuppe, had attempted to force the issue with Der Golem. But even his Aryan speed, and force of the heavens had barely budged or scratched Der Golem, whom had then caught hold of Sternschnuppe.


The end result had been a grisly one.


The Oberst could hardly be expected to want any like fate for himself or the men under his command, but options other than fleeing - which could be tantamount to cowardice and would only guarantee death anyway - were terribly limited. Almost immediately he began barking orders to instill some calm into his men.


The Panzer and men with Panzerfausts had to be able to penetrate Der Golem's hide - or else the soldiers of the Reich were dead. The Nazi soldiers moved with commendable haste born of self-preservation... as the Panzer swung its turret about to align on Der Golem. Der Golem made a much shorter bound, still crossing the gap before the gunners could fire, and during the long-seeming moment, smashed into the tank - turning it into a twisted mangle of metal and blood.


A fraction of Der Golem's mind, that which was always and most assured Daniel Brandt, felt more than ever worried about how easily this killing, vicious anger and hate came to him. Continually improving in the ease. Just as much, a rebellious part of him swore, that the Nazis demonstrated additional depravities - not just on his people, the Chosen of Yahweh, but on other poor unfortunates whom the Nazis deemed less than people - lowering themselves in the process.


A cracking noise told him of the Panzerfaust rockets and a few over-courageous rifleman, but Der Golem merely focused on ripping out the tank's main gun barrel with a booming noise of exertion (mostly for show) and it came free as bullets plinked off his form unnoticed. A brief insect-like sting creased his shoulder... that was the Panzerfausts then.


Der Golem was, thanks to his Dynamic powers, as fast as any man, despite his rocky weight and mass. Not a speedy man, but still quicker than any would presume. He bore down on the desperate firing line of soldiers, and swung with the length of the tank barrel.


Van Klamp had but the merely of moments to spit to the ground in resignation before the sweeping blow sent him flying in shattered, pulpy form across the distances.

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First, it had been shock - expecting horrid death, they were not prepared to see a figure and symbol as well held as the Golem coming to avert their fate. Then, as the realization kicked in and their Nazi guards had been rendered into corpse, it was hysterical joy on their part. Engulfed in sobbing faces and loud thank yous, Der Golem had been keenly observant of how the Jewish civilians studiously ignored the blood and guts of their oppressors.


He had as well, given the need to focus and shepherd them away. The German unit had not presumably had the time or presence of mind to communicate his assault to the city, but rather than take the risk of assuming otherwise, Der Golem chose to waste as little time on celebrations as possible for now.


The local cells of the French resistance had been kindly enough to agree to his assistance in exchange for making efforts to ensure the refugees were shepherded to the neutral Belgium and Holland territories. A few, Daniel knew, would choose and join them for revenge.


But he wouldn't be staying. He never stayed long, lest the Germans and their Dynamics bring down hellfire on those caught in their path to reach him. Besides... Daniel didn't feel their thanks as anything other than hollow. No, they were genuinely grateful... but Daniel had always considered himself a German, the nation his Fatherland.


How it had become a nightmare these past few years....


In a hidden hillock and cache, Daniel currently sat, now in his normal human form, clothed in from of a fire. It was time for the evening prayer, but as Daniel began, he tried as usual to lose himself in his faith and the kindness of God. He did not want to be the Ten Plagues of Passover or an avenging angel... despite what had been gifted to him.


His body tensed a bit, for in his mind, he could still not banish the vision of blood on the snow... too much blood.

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