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Aberrant: Children of Quantum Fire - [Interlude] Some Teras Required [Fin]

Toby Lupin

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Puck followed them around, keeping well out the way of the actual scientists. He was soaking up everything they were saying, but for referencing later - once he'd learned enough science to understand a word of it. After the conversation finally hit a slight lull, he interjected with, "I can teach you how to sense the energy, Star. Just like I taught Meh'Lindi. I don't know if that'll help for experimentation, but it would give you a place to start and catch up on all the Meh'Lindi's done." He nodded to the monstrous Terat, "That is, assuming you'd like to share, of course."

He motioned to Juliette, "You as well, if you'd like. Preferably at the same time. I find myself quite busy these days." He didn't seem anything other than quite pleased at that.

He wrapped his arms around Star and peered over her shoulder, watching the data fly over the screen and then kissed her on the neck. "Remember, we have a party to plan and I need to steal Chang and Meh'Lindi for a little bit as well to talk about an oddity I noticed when Darrik was channeling today." She could feel his grin on her skin as he teased, "So, don't get too engrossed or I'll never get you all out of the lab today. Or this week."

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Star brought her attention to Puck - about the only force in the universe that could pull her away from this for even a moment. She grinned at him "I would love to learn!!! I had no idea you could sense this kind of thing. I think it really would help, because my various selves can put in the hours for observation. Get a nice big delicious data set."

"Oh. and I haven't forgotten. I think I am going to call Osaka me and Nara me and have them come over to look at this in detail. Japanese cultural studies can wait for another day ... not that the tea ceremony and Katana aren't great."

She put one eye back to looking at the wave form, and added "But I think we should really show Darrik a good time. I also want to hear from him how it felt to channel. Compare his experience to what I saw. Maybe he can borrow my holography and he can show us from his point of view ... visualize his mind's eye memory."

Star looked up at Meh'Linidi "Is it OK, if I get another couple of me looking at this? No time like the present right?"

Lindi simply nodded in agreement, in her stoic, monolithicly observant sort of way. It was difficult to tell, but she seemed pleased.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Meh’Lindi glanced down at Juliette. She did not seem sure of how to reply to Puck’s offer. They would talk later, she would agree. This new research excited her mind. At the very least she could not bear to be left out of seeing what they were up to. This could be the beginning, she thought. Her excitement was genuine. If Juliette became engaged with the research they would start talking again. They would have to. Science was wonderful of course, but it did not reach its heights without peers to discuss and bounce ideas off. She will accept, Meh’Lindi thought.

She listened to Starseed enthusing with Juliette, content to be ignored for a while.

“Lindi?” Puck called up to her.

“Yes?” She whispered back.

“Can I borrow you for a while?”

She heard him say that to Starseed, though she did not intend to press him on this ‘oddity’ he mentioned. “The computer will shut down when I do. Have you had your fill of the data, Starseed?”

“Yes, yes, definitely! I’d like to see more later, maybe. Or you can send me a copy?”

“I will transfer some onto a PDA. I have a few spares.”

Meh’Lindi inputted a few commands with her secondary arms and removed her mantis blades from their slots. The computer went into its shutdown and clean-up sequence. She sucked her lower arms back in while she folded up her mantis blades and unfurled her arms once again. The ‘joints’ of the blades cracked and her fingers flexed as they converted back into hands.

“What do you require of me?” She asked of Puck, looking down on him from her towering height.

“Actually I need to talk to Chang. But I want you present as well because you know a lot about Teras as well and you’re a Harvester. It’ll make sense when we’re there. Do you know if she’s in Ibiza today?”

“I believe she is ‘engaged’ with Lucrezia. Or several of her.”

Puck sighed. “Ah.”

“Do not worry. She will conclude their coupling when she hears us approaching. Her stance on etiquette does not extend to those who know she’s listening. It is only ironclad concerning teleportation, wherein she expects forewarning of any sudden appearances.”

Meh’Lindi ushered the other three Novas out of her computer room and willed herself to change into her human shape. Her real forms alarmed the populace. Leviathan would have been horribly disappointed to hear such a sentiment, but such little horrors were not worth the time and trouble.

A great series of cracks rang out as the changes began. Meh’Lindi shrank down. Her chitinous outer surface contracted, squeezing inward. Her additional mass dissolved into liquid and then into raw quantum which was reabsorbed into her node. Her gaping lower maw closed and narrowed, taking on the look and qualities of female genitalia. Her back legs receded as the lower torso crackled and collapsed inward until it clefted and was sucked in to form her tight buttocks. Her front legs shortened and assumed a human bipedal structure. The heavy chitin crown that covered her face melted away into a wash of raven hair and revealed yellow eyes with red irises, while her soft lips widened and her mouth filled with razor sharp teeth. She yawned, and the membranes of skin down both sides of her jaw stretched and split, tearing open all the way back to her jawbone. She stood naked, chitin from the neck down, but a weaving of skin formed across her upper torso, giving the beginnings of an illusion of humanity.

“One moment,” she growled, and moved off into the darkness. Her lair looked so much bigger from down here. Meh’Lindi did not need to sleep so she kept no bedroom, rather storing her clothes in a single locked chest that was suspended in webbing.

She dressed herself in a form-fitting black and backless evening dress which showed almost all of the skin she possessed while expertly hiding all of the chitin. This was one of Juliette’s favourites. Meh’Lindi chose a veil of red silk, which bore a pattern of white butterflies in flight across its surface. After returning to Puck, she gestured for them to leave, leaving Starseed and Juliette to have the run for the Lair.


Chang felt quite post-coital when they arrived. Lucrezia had been insatiable, and they had become complicated during the process, their bodies stretched and warped and distorted far beyond what baselines would have termed grotesque. Though saying that, even her normal sex would have been grotesque by those standards, far worse when Lucrezia preferred Chang’s shaft to be four or five times its normal thickness. Far better, more like.

She had already shaped a trio of plush chairs for their discourse, and was reclining in hers with her legs crossed when Meh’Lindi and Puck entered the room.

Puck smiled wickedly. “I’m not disturbing anything, am I?”

Chang parted her hands. “The silence, perhaps,” she said, and steepled her fingers. In truth Lucrezia had been slightly annoyed and gone off determined to be taken at least twice as hard when Puck left. Chang knew what that meant. Lucrezia would drag her ‘other’ self out. That part of her which was lust incarnate, and savage with it. There would be more copies for the second iteration of their love making. She was looking forward to it. “What can I do for you, Puck?”

He sat down and proceeded to fill her in on the recent developments with Darrik. Chang listened, more than a little surprised at how quickly he had begun his first steps on the path. She noted, not for the first time, that Meh’Lindi was surprisingly elegant in her humanoid seeming. It was not a word normally associated with her.

“I see,” Chang said when Puck was finished. “Not that I am aware of, in answer. We follow our archetypes for a reason; they reflect the expressions of Teras within ourselves. If the archetype is not appropriate it will not work. If it is appropriate, it will work. In truth, Puck, you’re jumping to conclusions.”

“How so?”

“Well, how do you know Darrik is following a ‘different’ archetype? This is his first channelling, is it not? Perhaps he’s simply not what he thought he was. I did tell him that at the outset of this venture. Teras is a journey in which we learn about ourselves. We rarely learn what we think we will.”

Meh’Lindi nodded at that.

“Of course it is theoretically possible. There is no ‘reason’ for there to be only three archetypes. You know I have been attempting to explore this with Shiv and to a lesser extent Meh’Lindi as well. I believe the borders are blurry if you choose to wander them for long enough, but as for using another archetype entirely to channel? No, that has never happened. Nor, I suspect, will it happen to Darrik, though who knows, perhaps this is another thing that is permitted to you children of teras and denied to us elders. You are already more physically evolved than the rest of us, is it so unlikely that you are better able to manipulate taint as well?”

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Puck frowned. "It didn't feel the same. That might be simply the difference between him and I, but it just seemed....I don't know. There was a completely different feel to what he did. It felt....eh. When I've channeled taint, it's been a feeling of...stretching, like finding a new shape to myself. One that fits the chrysalis within it. This was....like bathing in sunlight." His lips twitched in a small grin, "Well, darklight I suppose, given the circumstances. Either way, it was like being filled up, saturated in it."

He looked between the two of them and leaned forward. "I'm curious now. I haven't seen anyone else channel taint since my Apotheosis. I'd like to....conduct some controlled experiments, if either of you could think of how to set it up. Some of what I've looked into my Apotheosis has been mistakes or simple confusion from sensory overload or over-thinking things. I'd like your help and your more objective observations." He leaned back again, "Also, if Darrik is a Portent, or something new, that should be known as well. For his own evolution and to expand our knowledge of channeling even if just by the experiences of one more Terat."

"You're both coming the to the part, yes?" he asked in a slight segue of the conversation. "I've been trying to think of something really appropriate, but...." he chuckled "....pretty much everything I've come up with violates a number of laws and more importantly would make a number of the guests I'd like to be there uncomfortable or not putting Darrik in the center of attention for his accomplishment today."

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Chang gave Puck her most indulgent smile. Brilliant though he was, his enthusiasm was often a curse. “Puck, dear, chrysalis is the most personal aspect of an already deeply personal philosophy. One cannot put a date and time on when one will be next channelling taint. It is something which comes organically out of experience, something which emerges from life’s many quandaries and surprises. And might I point out, if you had not popped into a backroom to have sex with Darrik you would have seen me channelling taint on the dance floor of the Rainbow Room.”

Puck sighed. “I didn’t know. But I heard from other people and apparently your show was amazing.”

She shrugged. “It was ill-conceived and flawed. Amazingly so. But its results were altogether more positive. At the very least I now have a title track for my next album. My point is that these things are flashes in the dark. If your attention is elsewhere,” she clicked her fingers, “you miss them. If you want to see Teras in action then you will need to cease activity with Exalt! and spend time around Terats for a change. And no, I don’t mean go to the Rainbow Room with Infinity and her friends now and again. Most Terats go months without channelling any taint at all, waiting for that moment to crystallize and to seize it with both hands. If you wish to witness this wonder save by pure blind chance, you’ll need to start living with Terats. Only you’re not going to do that, because your activities in Exalt! prohibit it, and we both know what it is you really care about. Meh’Lindi, your take?”

She leaned forward. “We used to do those sorts of experiments often in The Harvesters. The best you can do in the end is to find a Terat who has a genuine idea of how they might channel and accompany them when they try. But the idea of a ‘controlled’ experiment involving Chrysalis is preposterous,” she said, her deep, throaty growls making her words seem far harsher and crueller than they were intended to be. “It’s all field work, essentially. There’s no element of control you can ever put in place, though, because the Terat is the one in the driving seat. One Harvester I knew decided he needed to let his family see what he’d become in order to channel. It didn’t end well.”

Puck nodded. “How unwell?”

“Slaughtered half of his street, including both parents and his sister,” Meh’Lindi hissed the last word. “Turns out he didn’t handle rejection very well. It was a good channelling, though.”

Chang winced. Those were unfortunate incidents. Necessary from time to time, but too often wasteful and damaging to the Terat involved. But Teras was a harsh master, and cruel indeed to those who took it lightly. “I dare not ask what he’ll have to do to get into chrysalis.”

Meh’Lindi shook her head. “He never made it. We lost him to taint accumulation. The problem we found was that trying too hard tended to lead to the Terat being studied developing performance anxiety which resulted in them failing to convert even when they were able to make the effort. Zia pulled the plug after that and said we were to stop all such experiments until we found a new method. We came up with a better one involving remote-controlled cameras and… well, we’ll be here all night if I get to talking about the things we tried.”

“Are you coming to the party?” Puck asked again, perhaps worrying that Meh’Lindi might forget about his question.

She was uncertain about that. Chang could see it in the way her eyes moved quickly left and right again. She always did that when a question threw her off a little. “Perhaps,” she said. “What you think of as a party is very different to my own tastes, Puck. You may have noticed the lack of noise in my Lair. I prefer the quiet. You are noisy, and bright, and beautiful. As is Darrik,” she said. Her voice was a rumbling crescendo in her throat that made her sound furious. “I am not. I never truly joined the Pandaimonion; I joined Chang. I suppose you could say I was the first Anavasi. Shiv got along fine with the rest of Narcosis’s flock. They never liked me, and I never really liked them. Too much drink, too much noise, too many lights, too little science. While I greatly admire Chang and Sin-Eater for their efforts to deconstruct these ideas of beauty we have come to espouse, there does remain a basic reason why we monsters tend to stay separate from the portents and the marvels. We just don’t walk the same road, though a few of us pretend to when it suits us.”

Chang felt her heart warm a little to hear Meh’Lindi talk this way. She would not be upset to call Meh’Lindi the first Anavasi. Even if she was one of the least artistically gifted, she understood what Chang was attempting to achieve from the get-go. All along she was eager to cooperate with other Novas in their projects, and to offer ideas if they were asked for. “I can come if I am invited,” Chang said. “Though I hope the party is not being thrown tonight. Lucrezia may outright kidnap me if I attempt to leave her for any length of time. The last comparable celebration I attended lasted three weeks straight.”

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He laughed, picturing that in his mind. "Well, while I could see that, I was thinking something a little more intimate - and shorter. How about tomorrow? We could go to the island where he made his accomplishment and have the party there. Others can go as long as they want, and I'll be in and out myself if it becomes something described in weeks, but he deserves a nice bash for taking a significant step on his path to Chrysalis."

"I was thinking of the circle of friends he's made in the Teragen and his girlfriends, at least. Probably a few others from Exalt!, the ones that are really close to him." He leaned back, smiling as he planned. "Star is great at impromptu food and party games. And Darrik just loves being the center of attention." He glanced at Meh'Lindi thoughtfully, "And I think with her servitors, we could fashion a small cavern system if we get to working on it in the next few hours. A place for quieter celebrations and conversations. It's a good idea to test out some things for what I want to do with the islands eventually, anyways. And between Star and myself and a number of others, getting to the islands and leaving when anyone wants shouldn't be an issue."

He nodded. "I think that's a good initial plan. And yes, both of you are invited." He grinned and stood up, taking each of their hands in turn for a gentlemanly and salacious kiss. "By your leaves, I have a party to plan. And perhaps we can discuss the channeling more there or at a later date when Lucrezia won't skin me for keeping her wife otherwise occupied." The last was said with the impishness of the Goodfellow Puck had taken his name from, and then he was light and gone.


Twenty seven hours later, the picnic island was abuzz with Terats and Exalt! members. Most of the Terats were from Chang's sphere of influence, though there were other Pandas and few acquaintances that Darrik had made outside the Pandas from exploits in the Rainbow Room or elsewhere. His family had been invited discreetly through Gwen and Agatha; several Star's, along with a small army of her servitors, had spent the night remodeling parts of the island to accommodate the festivities and provide nova-sized party food and drinks. Everything was set and almost everyone that had been invited was there.

Puck pulled out his OpPhone and dialed Darrik, his smile in his voice. "Hey you. Mind meeting me on the island we took that picnic on? The one in the south Pacific? I have something to show you."

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Darrik had wondered what Puck was up to, having been out for a while during the past day. Though he was relaxing and thinking of the thrill going through his mind still at the experience of learning to have channeled for the first time, it would have been nice to go over the inner observations more with Puck and with Star, seeing what science had noted.

When Puck called, Darrik smiled and let his own curiosity run into his voice. "Really? How soon?"

"Very." was Puck's practically hearable grin. It was the same kind of excitement Darrik had noticed when he had been shown Puck's artroom. This ought to be something worthwhile then. And fun, always fun. "I'll pop by then." Once he'd hung up, he shifted his eufiber into something more suited for the weather closer to the equator, in black- black was his favorite, easily enough now.

When he stepped into the shadows and re-emerged in the setting sun of the island, Darrik stopped and observed that the island had undergone some significant overnight architectural shifts. Eyes curiously following the changes, he muttered- knowing he'd be heard by the intended recipient, "What are you up to here, Puck?"

Then he caught onto the people already profusely present, some partying already. The illusionary banner reading Congrats Darrik! told the tale. Well, he knew the channeling was a big step, but he hadn't expected his personal party? Darrik grinned wickedly. Not as if he minded at any rate.

Almost immediately, he felt Gwen and Agatha encircle him. "Your big night, darling." Agatha whispered in his ear, herself looking excited at the prospect of the bash. "Yes." Darrik acknowledged. "Let's say hello to the guests then."

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Not having helped to 'throw' many parties ... an odd term that, now that she thought of it ... the Stars on scene had went to purchase classic noise makers, kazoos, and the like.

When Darrik was near they and a few others made festive party noises. Then a Star cued some dance-able music to add to the party atmosphere.

Each of the Stars had a warm hug or a peck on the cheek for their friend, the Nova of the hour, and the senior Star on scene also presented him with what looked at first like an 8X10 piece of fine leaded crystal about an inch thick. It was styled like a picture frame, but with no frame and only a thin little dated plaque running along the bottom. While handing it to Darrik Star touched the small plaque the 'picture' portion of the crystal frame came to life with a holographic rendering of the black sun in the tropical sky forming in slow motion, then roiling away in its dark brilliance.

"Its solar powered, as long as it sees some light once in a while it will run perpetually ... touch the dated plaque again to put it in hibernation mode." Star said with her familiar warm smile.

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Puck and Sara where in a circle of Terats, telling stories or debating something when Darrik appeared. The whole group erupted in cheers when he appeared; Sara gave him a hug and confessed, "I have no real idea what we're celebrating, but everyone tells me it's really important for you and they're all happy for you." She grinned, obviously reluctant to let go of him. She kissed him on the cheek, "So, I'm happy for you, too."

She slipped behind Puck after he tickled her to get her to move aside for the others. Puck's hug and kiss were far more uninhibited and elicited a round of whoops, cheers, groans, and OpPhone pictures. He greeted Gwen and Agatha with similar enthusiasm, though he kept an arm around Darrik. "The man of the hour, ladies, gents, and others!"

The crowd of novas cheered again, the sound making the island feel oddly small for a moment. Puck kissed him again and whispered in his ear, "I'll let you go bask in the glory for a while, but if you want me around for entertainment, just say my name. I'll be listening."

He stepped aside, letting other Terats have their chance to congratulate, ogle, and blatantly sneak feels of the beautiful shadow-master. It was a celebration of his channeling, but it was also a homecoming of a nova to the Terat family in a grander way than Darrik had seen or felt before. He was completely one of them now. One of us, he corrected himself.

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And Darrik did bask in the glory for a bit. One hand clasped around the prized plaque, something he intended to keep in a good prominent place in his room, though his arms and body were free to receive and unabashedly return gropes, ogling, congratulations, handshakes, grinding close hugs and the like. To be fair, once he'd accepted the taint and channeled it, the aftermath had felt sweet. And everyone else congratulating him on joining them in the discovery - it was a new bond of kinship, indeed here.

Eventually, though - the fun and celebration after hours and hours could get a little much, and Darrik did feel like he wanted some privacy now. Intimate privacy. Darrik was Darrik of course. By now, things had devolved into a more general party mood, so he was able to slip away into the shadows with Gwen and Agatha and reappear on the beach beneath the moonlight.

"No clothes." Darrik boldly challenged his girlfriends. "And since you're listening, Puck... you too. Plus, to make things fun, you're it, Puck." Laughing, the three quickly undressed and raced into the water. Thus, a trio of definite nova beauties guaranteed to set a city on fire due to lust started to splash and play around, eagerly anticipating the fourth soon enough.

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Chang rode to the island in her wife’s cleavage.

As journeys went it was one of her more pleasant experiences. Chang had been practicing her shapeshifts more of late, not seeking for size and scope, but aiming for complexity and variety instead.

She rode in the shape of a simple coin, marked on one side with an ouroboros, on the other with a king. All across her metallic surface there were dozens of tiny indentations, symbols and letters in a dozen languages. It was poetry and song, half-formed lyrics that would one day be songs but for now are just fancies.

Chang listened as always, as Lucrezia herself shifted and changed. She took a warp to a place nearby. Four of her came along and one morphed herself into a rubber dinghy and another into a pole to push through the water. The spare one caressed her breasts, deliberately squeezing them together to rub against Chang’s coin form.

The sound of the wind and the water and the distant laughter filled Chang with joy. Her teachings helped to bring Darrik here. Perhaps he would have made it here without her, or with any other teacher, but as the cards fell he made it with her. That mattered.

Lucrezia took Chang out and rested her on one finger. She flipped her high into the air.

Chang spun and spun, and in mid-air she swelled out. Her face erupted from one side of the coin, blossoming into her upper torso while her cock erupted from the other side and from that emerged her lower side.

She formed and tightened into a spinning ball that would have put any gymnast into wordless awe, and landed on the sand, naked and glorious, her hair falling down around her in writhing tendrils.

“Well, we’re here,” the Lucrezias said.

Chang saw the black rubber dinghy stretch up and form into the fourth of them. That was deliberate. Lucrezia knew her wife liked to watch her change. The sounds were pleasing, too.

Chang extended a few strands of hair and caressed her wives’ cheeks before wrapping herself into clothes.

Over the years, Chang’s Mirror Queen persona had become the one her fellow Terats knew and remembered. The person she was before re-joining the Teragen was unknown for the most part. She came today wearing a dark hooded jumper with deep pockets and a diorama of Chinese dragons dancing on the background of an exploding sun printed on the back. Her hood was up and down over her head and her hands were stuffed into her pockets. Her cock was pinned against her underneath the jumper. Her lower body was clad in faded, torn jeans and she wore sports trainers in red and white, one with its virgin white laces untied.

She walked up the beach with her wives and slipped into the treeline. There she remained.

“We aren’t going down to join them?”

Chang leaned against a tree. “Not yet.”

“Why not? Looks like fun.”

“The same reason I try to be quiet at social gatherings. People listen too easily to those of my stature. And Darrik’s. The focus will shift. It’s not appropriate. He knows I am hear. That is enough. It’s a similar reason for Meh’Lindi not being here. Our presence changes things. There is nowhere for us to be.”

“I can make myself into a box if you want to hide in it,” Lucrezia said, with a playful nip on the back of Chang’s neck, biting into the faux-material of her hood.

“I’ll explore the depths of your box later, my love.”

“You have to admit, it’ll be appropriate to do it live on the beach,” she said, with a gathering lustiness. She snaked her arms around Chang’s waist and pressed up against her back.

“We shall see,” Chang said.

Lucrezia did not question further. She stroked Chang’s hair. They kissed for a time. Then Darrik and Puck and Darrik’s wives disappeared, teleporting away no doubt for sexual congress.

Chang decided to join the party then.

This was a side of her none of the revellers knew, save Lucrezia, enough so that when she stepped out of the undergrowth nobody even recognized her. But Chang could see them making connections, realizing that no random Nova could walk with such control and grace, that there was an atmosphere of power from this one that belied her appearance.

Then they noticed the distinctive bulge down the front of her body and above that the double cleavage which was almost unique to Chang Zha-Yang.

She was not wrong in saying that her presence changed things. Even stripped down to years before she imagined being someone of importance in the Teragen, clad in street clothes and late to the party, with Darrik now absent talk shifted toward her. Snow and Prudence all but jumped her to ask questions about their recent experiments in Teras. Shiv, bondage-clad as ever, was a part of the discussion.

Chang soon found herself lying down at the water’s edge. She listened, advised, played the Mirror Queen without the trappings. Lucrezia left one of her nearby while the others mingled. She kept the discussion from going too serious, and tried to give Chang a taste of the good old days, before people thought her wise, before she tried to be a leader. Days when they were just Terats talking about Teras and sharing their experiences, being Novas in a world that offered so much potential and so much hope for those with the vision and strength to look for it.

Per talk with Krul, Shapeshifting with Sizemorph: Shrink plus super shrink extra to be the coin shape at the start.

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Puck laughed and made his way out to where Darrik and the girls were playing, eventually having to 'port himself a little ways to shed some overeager partymates for the intimate moment with some of his family. The rest of the party began to naturally gravitate to their own orbits: most to around Chang, even if many of them made their own cliques they still made them near her and took their conversational cues from what they could pick up. Others grouped up around Star, either for the food, the novelty of meeting one of the non-Terat Exalt novas, and a fair number actually interested in what they'd heard about her intelligence and expertise's.

The party did go on for nearly a week, but the main players faded in and out as they pleased; the Teragen rarely passed up opportunities to indulge, especially so privately-yet-openly as they could on this deserted island in the South Pacific. They welcomed another into their family, tried to cajole a few of the non-Terat guests to sign up as well, but for the most part they just partied until the last few die-hards finally moved on to an underground Pandemonium party starting up on the other side of the world.

The island was left abandoned for a little while longer, a little ragged for the wear, and Darrik was left with the gifts of memories and small crystal momento of his Dark Sun.

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