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[OpNet] Annoying, but understandible.


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I don't know if it was the publicity of my coming out, or the fact that those against my continued employment had more money than those that wanted me to stay even though they were in the majority...


Let me get to the point. I got released from my job. A good paying, private school teaching job. Over because a few very rich snobs thought I was a threat to their children's safety.

I'm going to leave a message for my students elsewhere to let them know that they do not need to raise a ruckus. I understand the complaints, but not the sudden... well... change of personality someone has when someone with the Yen decides that they can push people around.

In any case I do have the funds to keep going, I get baely enough to pay rent from my writing and the few artworks I have circulating at the moment.

I just felt I needed to get this off my chest. I am VERY frustrated. mad

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This kind of thing is all too common, unfortunately. Those with power have a tendency to abuse it.

However, if you ever need the money or feel like doing comissions, I am highly interested in your form of art, and I would pay well for some unique pieces to decorate my home. You can contact me through these same boards if you're interested.

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Well, at least I have the opportunities in front of me. Thanks, everyone. Thing is I am more of the type to find things on my own.

Chiteki, I would be definately interested. One thing to offer work, another to request a commission. I'm game.

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  • 5 weeks later...


A semi-update on this matter. While the Tokyo Public School system has taken me on in a teaching capacity, it is only as a substitute teacher. Luckily enough there are no more than 6 different publishers looking to add me to their stable of writers.

There were more... but I promptly rejected them. I should have something in the next week, and I should be getting a manuscript to the lucky firm shortly after that. It was one my previous publisher rejected, so I kept it benched.

I'm not desperate for money. I saved up some just in case of a situation like this. I just don't look foreward to moving.

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Would you be interested in "guest teaching" at a school for disadvantaged kids in New York City? I've gotten involved in Art for the Big Apple's Kids (ABAK), and I'm sure that I could arrange for payment if you'd be interested in showing the kids some paper art.

PM me if you're interested. smile

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Please understand that this isn't an attack:

Origami, the title to your thread is "Annoying but Understandable".

I agree it's annoying, but it seems a long way from understandable to me. It is clear discrimination based on race. Such a thing is not understandable and a long way from tolerable.

I wonder, if your and Sandcaster's termination had been due to your being female, black, disabled or homosexual would it still be 'understandable'?

If anything, the wider perspective and increased mental abilities that can accompany eruption would make you a better teacher for their young. And somehow I doubt very much whether the children would have minded being tutored by a nova.

It's one thing to try and be tolerant of other points of view. It is quite another to subsume yourself to a narrow and bigoted world view and call it 'understandable'.

Just my two cents.

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Originally posted by Procyon:
Please understand that this isn't an attack:

Origami, the title to your thread is "Annoying but Understandable".

I agree it's annoying, but it seems a long way from understandable to me. It is clear discrimination based on race. Such a thing is not understandable and a long way from tolerable.

I wonder, if your and Sandcaster's termination had been due to your being female, black, disabled or homosexual would it still be 'understandable'?

If anything, the wider perspective and increased mental abilities that can accompany eruption would make you a better teacher for their young. And somehow I doubt very much whether the children would have minded being tutored by a nova.

It's one thing to try and be tolerant of other points of view. It is quite another to subsume yourself to a narrow and bigoted world view and call it 'understandable'.

Just my two cents.
Procyon, I understand their point of view, I do not like it. I just don't dwell upon it and I move on. Your analogue regarding race by skin color is quite different than someone who is looked at differently because they pretty much could be considered a threat.

Not everyone should bow down and worship us like gods. No big loss. Shrug and move on.

Carver, I'll look into it if things don't pan out here.
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Originally posted by Origami:

Your analogue regarding race by skin color is quite different than someone who is looked at differently because they pretty much could be considered a threat.
Wow, your internalized novaphobia is astonishing. Do you really believe that you are a threat? Have you actually done anything to deserve that treatment.

I'm boggling here.
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Originally posted by Flicker:
Originally posted by Origami:

Your analogue regarding race by skin color is quite different than someone who is looked at differently because they pretty much could be considered a threat.
Wow, your internalized novaphobia is astonishing. Do you really believe that you are a threat? Have you actually done anything to deserve that treatment.

I'm boggling here.
I was speaking in generalist terms. Thing is I do feel like I'm walking on dirt, with ant hills all over the place. Internalized Novaphobia? Not there, but I am aware of what I could do. And I do know what I can do. Thing is I'm not willing to harm Non-Novas who have no reason to be hurt.

If that concept of concientious behavior is foreign to anyone I'll be quiet, but that's just my view on the matter.

I have chosen to live sorrounded by Humans. Great care should be taken. If I was away from the Human population, I would be less nervous.

You don't know that I feel that even my writing can influence people. That sort of power is great. Caution should be used when applying it.
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See, now this is the shit I was talking about before. How the hell can someone say regular peeps and their laws got nothing for them and then bitch about discrimination? Some novas are stand up peeps. Some novas are freaks and I don't just mean the twisted up fuckers.

Peeps do what they got to do.

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Your analogue regarding race by skin color is quite different than someone who is looked at differently because they pretty much could be considered a threat.

No it isn't. The main reason people discriminate against those who are different is because they feel threatened by that difference. Discrimination is a direct result of ignorance and fear.

Let's take it another hypothetical step for the sake of discussion: I am a 6'4" human male weighing around 200lbs, ex-military, and schooled in several styles of martial arts. I could very well be a threat to others if I so chose. Should I be denied a job as a physical education teacher based purely on my capacity for being dangerous, rather than my inclination or lack thereof? Foolishness. The attitude displayed by your baseline employers speaks of predecided guilt and bias.

Not everyone should bow down and worship us like gods.
I didn't suggest they should. I merely suggest that, should a nova wish to live and work amongst humans, they should receive equal treatment, not better or worse.


See, now this is the shit I was talking about before. How the hell can someone say regular peeps and their laws got nothing for them and then bitch about discrimination?
My "bitching about discrimination" was intended to highlight the double-standards that humankind apply to us, and then get us applying to ourselves. That failing is the main reason I "say regular peeps and their laws got nothing for them", as you so eloquently put it. The simple fact of the matter is that novas are expected to hold to human standards, yet when they try to as Origami does those standards are arbitrarily shifted because they are novas.

It stinks of hypocrisy on the human end of things.


All hail the equal rights movement of the Teragen
And what would you know about us? Terats come in lots of flavors, Y.T. Some are nova supremacist to the extent of denying humans have any worth at all. I disagree with those ones as virulently as I disagree with those humans who denigrate novas. Just because I deny the right of human governments to impose their laws on me doesn't mean I consider humankind to be dirt.

Free thinking is my message, and it is for humans as much as novas, as you would know if you knew anything about me.

Put down your T2M comic books and open your eyes and ears before yapping at your betters next time, puppy. And yes, I do consider myself your better, and that has nothing to do with my being Terat, or older, or younger, or a Libra.

It is because you are a moron.

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Procyon, I see your arguement, but I can also understand where it comes from. I think I'm being frustrated more by those that want to turn my case into some sort of Nova-Rights poster issue.

As for everyone else; quite frankly if someone wants to make an issue out of something that is now water under the bridge, then fine. When you bash your head against a brick wall over and over again and only get stupider in the process, that is fine by me.

Besides, there are those that wish to HIRE ME. It's not like I'm out of he loop entirely, here.

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Don't worry. I know better than to try and impress the seriousness of this matter on the world. The reason for my post was so that you, and other novas that haunt these boards, would see the inherent double-standards being applied to us whenever we do try to fit in.

That being said, I wish you all the best in your chosen path, whatever it may be. You could certainly do a lot worse than work in teaching. One of the things the world needs is less ignorance and more perspective.

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Originally posted by Procyon:
My "bitching about discrimination" was intended to highlight the double-standards that humankind apply to us, and then get us applying to ourselves.
See, what I'm saying is some novas is just fucked up. Now me I do business with everyone. Equal opportunity all the way. Some don't like my business but everybody comes to me when they need something even if they don't know the shits coming from me. They give up the cash and I find what they need and deliver it. Simple business. If they don't like the way its done then they can do without it. They never do though. Go without it I mean.

Sometimes you run across a twisted asshole with a node but crooked cops and city counselmen looking for a little something extra outnumber them a thousand to one. If the deal goes sour you just cut your losses and don't do business with them next time. Like I said I'm a real equal opportunity guy. Theres some that ain't. But I say they all need to come to us sometime so let them get that nice cozy feeling and wait it out. They're going to come to us. They got no choice really. We got what they need.
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Originally posted by Procyon:

My "bitching about discrimination" was intended to highlight the double-standards that humankind apply to us, and then get us applying to ourselves. That failing is the main reason I "say regular peeps and their laws got nothing for them", as you so eloquently put it. The simple fact of the matter is that novas are expected to hold to human standards, yet when they try to as Origami does those standards are arbitrarily shifted because they are novas.

It stinks of hypocrisy on the human end of things.


All hail the equal rights movement of the Teragen
And what would you know about us? Terats come in lots of flavors, Y.T. Some are nova supremacist to the extent of denying humans have any worth at all. I disagree with those ones as virulently as I disagree with those humans who denigrate novas. Just because I deny the right of human governments to impose their laws on me doesn't mean I consider humankind to be dirt.

Free thinking is my message, and it is for humans as much as novas, as you would know if you knew anything about me.

Put down your T2M comic books and open your eyes and ears before yapping at your betters next time, puppy. And yes, I do consider myself your better, and that has nothing to do with my being Terat, or older, or younger, or a Libra.

It is because you are a moron.
Now, what should I say? Really look at that.

The law is on the school's side.Not because she is a nova but because the school is private.
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It doesn't matter that the school is private, pea-brain. I'm reasonably certain that Japan has anti-discriminatory laws that protect employees, whether working for a government institution or working for a private business. I will make the crux of my argument very simple, and I'll try to use easy words for Y.T.:

People who CHOOSE to live by a set of laws SHOULD be protected by the letter if not the spirit of them. Technically, that is the foundation of 'justice'.

Is that plain enough?

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Procyon, the world is not so pure as that. The laws are not so clean. The anti-discriminatory you hold so high, do not reach that far. You can be fired from private school based on what name you give god. You can be fired from private school based on what you look like. You can be fired from private schools based on what you say in school.

She was fired because the people who founded the school found her to be offensive. Just as if she came to school wearing a star of David, or preaching the holy power of Divis Mal. This is not right, but what is legal and what is right rarely are the same things.

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