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[OpNet] To Dr. Crow


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I had to look up many of the words and turns of phrases you used, because my formal education is limited. The Myth of Icarus is interesting and I thank you for pointing it out to me. Still, nothing I researched answered my questions:

Why do you attack the Windy City Knights?

What is it that you do that gives you any understanding of what we do?

Who are you?

Why makes you so bitter that you would insult people you do not know?

If you answer, I thank you for furthering my education.

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1.a. Cognitive failure: this would be no less an error were you to state someone has attacked all males of the human species based on the causal logic originating with "Access" being a human male. The fact you perceive an Middle-Eastern proverb as a truism makes it no less a matter of perception. You've asked the wrong question.

1.b. Cognitive dissonance: there was and is no attack.

2. I perceive information nodes and connecting causality chains not readily apparent to you then process that information fully rather than haphazardly. You've asked the wrong question.

3. This is referred to as an 'open-ended' or 'thought provoking' question. While it is the right question, in as much as answering requires nothing more than willingness on my part, answering meaningfully requires that which you are unable to provide at this time. I am a force you are unable to comprehend.

4. Cognitive dissonance: I am not bitter and usually satisfied. In the form you've articulated the question the correct phrasing would be "what makes you so bitter" not "why makes you so bitter." Alternately you could have asked "why are you so bitter."

You are welcome.

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Well, I see that Captain Thesaurus is happy to confirm, by means of verbally shredding one of the friendliest people on this board, that he/she/it is an equal-opportunity asshole.

Crow, why are you wasting your time hanging around here? Don't you have some children to go disillusion somewhere, some peasants in need of oppression, a Who whose roast beast you haven't nabbed yet?

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He's probably a hopped-up 15 year old who fried his brain playing multiplayer FPS video games... you know, one of the ones with inferiority complexes and usernames like "CptPWNEDJ00" who feel the need to trumpet the virtues of their superior "firepower" to anyone who doesn't hit the Ignore button fast enough and pretend he's more important and more interesting than he really is.

It's a cry for help. Really. Don't give him the satisfaction of taking him seriously- he hasn't yet posted anything than merits a reaction more than ridicule.

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Okay. Honestly I don't understand half of what you are attempting to communicate, but I will attempt to muddle forward.

How do you chose your phrases and wording when talking to Access? Beyond making him angry, fir that is your intention do you have any other intentions?

(Is that a more coherent and accurate question?)

So, you know things about us from third party information sources. You correlate data based on this information and come to the best informed decisions allowed you, based on the quality of your information and some form of quantum enhancement. Would it not be more effective to meet us in person to clarify any possible inadequacies or inconsistencies?

Okay. What data on you can you provide me that might help me understand were you are coming from in your comments on my team mates? What I can not comprehend today, I may have more luck with tomorrow. I am always trying to learn.

Why do you say things that you surely must understand will be hurtful? If you can manage and understand all this data, and you are not acting out of some bitter impulse then why not take the minimal amount of courtesy to be kind?

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Originally posted by Stormwarden:
Okay. Honestly I don't understand half of what you are attempting to communicate, but I will attempt to muddle forward.
It's simple, kid: he wants to show everyone he's got the biggest mental dick around. Most of us don't say shit because we couldn't care less...
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Originally posted by Velvet:
Keep trying, love.
Hardly but do continue to believe so if it makes the matter more palatable. Or you might consider that, to the unclouded mind, it's simply obvious there will come a time when these rationalizations will wear too thin to be tolerable even with your psyche. Until that occurs please feel free to resort to nursery school responses involving rubber and glue. I assure you, as all is relative, your very best is already at that level. The respect accorded for parroting is much the same for paraphrasing useless informtion.
Originally posted by Sam Grey:
Most of us don't say shit because we couldn't care less...
If only that were true. As its yet another aspect of the classic denial and rationalization cycle demonstrated by "Cassandra" and "Velvet," patience will continued to be exercised despite the fact that none of you have earned such a thing.
Originally posted by Anna 'Quanta' Alameda:
If people are food, then Dr. Crow is a lemon - sour.
Originally posted by Procyon:
True intelligence doesn't need proving through putting down those perceived as less so. True intelligence seeks to raise others to the same level, in order to have equals. 'Doctor' Crow's attitude speaks for itself.
Yet another primitive speaks to proclaim ignorance as knowledge. In words you might someday dimly comprehend I say this: lay aside that drivel you'd have been hard pressed to find in even the most disingenuous self help book and actually try it. Your first step will be to locate someone whose mental faculties are less evolved than your own. This should be obvious but I mention it as so many things should be obvious yet are not. Afterwards your attempts to speak may result in something worth listening to. If nothing else the words should be levened by the experience. In time you may, and I stress the word 'may' as I have little faith in your intellect after witnessing this catastrophic failure of logic, come to understand why information should be free but knowledge always comes at a high price.
Originally posted by Stormwarden:
Okay. Honestly I don't understand half of what you are attempting to communicate, but I will attempt to muddle forward.
Exercise prudence lest your zeal continue to overreach your capabilities. If you are to achieve your goal then the chain must be built one link at a time. Comprehend the reactions you witness come from within their minds not from an external force acting upon them despite their desires for this to be otherwise. This is priori.

That which is not true is false.
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Originally posted by Doctor Crow:
If only that were true. As its yet another aspect of the classic denial and rationalization cycle demonstrated by "Cassandra" and "Velvet," patience will continued to be exercised despite the fact that none of you have earned such a thing.
Careful, Doc, you might sprain your wrist, grow hair on your palms, or go blind.
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Originally posted by Velvet:
Someone forgot to install the "tact" update with their OS.
And yet again. Please continue to portray studied ambivalence.
Originally posted by Procyon:
Thank you for proving my point, 'Doctor'.
Capable of reading yet unable to discern a simple premise. In truth Procyon you have no point and conduct an ongoing exercise in wishful thinking. However in this you are no better or worse than most human beings. This is nothing to be ashamed of. Neither is it something to be proud of. I admit I would have preferred you to prove I was incorrect in labeling you as a primitive.

I was curious as to what you would make of that. I had acknowledged the possibility you would be able to identify the etymology of the use instead of merely defaulting to common spelling. It would appear you possess at least the potential to be more than the pseudo philosophic fop you convey yourself as, however, I admit I would have preferred you to have proven you were more than the primitive I'd labeled you.
Originally posted by Sam Grey:
Careful, Doc, you might sprain your wrist, grow hair on your palms, or go blind.
Droll yet obtuse. An unoriginal combination but with inherent possibilities.

Please, all of you, continue your efforts while Stormwarden and I converse. I do want you to feel as if you're doing well.
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Stormwarden, I would advise you to refrain from "feeding the troll". Dr. Crow is what is known as a troll in OpNet (and the old Internet) jargon; like a fisherman with a net, he trolls for responses. The particular responses for which he trolls are the emotional reactions to his caustic posts. You are not going to achieve a better understanding of Dr. Crow via engagement, because Dr. Crow is not interested in true engagement and exchange of ideas.

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A pity but not unanticipated Stormwarden. Do not think badly of any of the others. They are after all is said and done simply human. As noted previously that is not something to be ashamed by or prideful of. Remember that in the coming days. Far more importantly remember this: the clouded mind sees little.

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