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[OpNet] Hello

z-Gu Saori

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Originally posted by Lee Jones:
Oh, well thank you. Beneath my uppity tweed jacket wearing exterior is a squishy pinkish body filled to the gills with tattoos. I'm a real big fan of the art form and the connection it has with humans. I usually get one everywhere new that I go so I have my fair share (traditional and modern). It's unfortunate that I couldn't make it to the SLC Convention. I'll be watching your career, maybe one day we could meet and you could work your magic.
Dr. Jones, I would be honored to meet you, and even more honored to find an irezumi that works for you.

Stormwarden, thank you for you welcome.

TeleRhyde, I would be most happy to meet with you and talk about China. I am glad to see that you escaped the country. Let me know when you would like to talk - my brother has said he will teleport me where ever I need to go, if it is too far to fly myself.

Flicker, thank you for your kind remark. I find that politeness is the best way to treat people.
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Emerald, I actually make the offer alot, so no saddness is necessary. I am a Healer choice and student be design. I would like to think of novas spent a little more time getting to know one another and helping each other out on occassion, the world would be a better place.

I have also discovered that I get to meet all kinds of interesting people by just asking.

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Originally posted by Flicker:
I nominate this thread for the Most Polite Thread of the Year Award.

Gu Saori-Anytime. I'm a little busy with school so I can't really leave town. But if you wanted to come down to the Bay Area I'd be happy to show you around. China is one of my favorite places to work. I'm usually bouncing around the globe these days, but when I started out Northeast Asia was where I wanted to be. Swing down and bring your gear I might have an piece for you to do.
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M. Preston. I did not understand your offer to be so very spécifique. Or suggestif of amitié intime. Perhaps we should discuss this at a later time.

The sadness was not of your making. Despite Mlle Flicker's jest, this communiquez is so very intimite. So very personal. It is a sadness to think that intimacy is not shared.

Mlle Flicker, I would not wish to know with certitude absolue.

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Whoa Nelly!!! I apologize for the misunderstanding there Emerald. I am NOT hitting on you ... um ... trying to establish an intimate relationship with you. Certainly not over an open means of communications, or when offering assistance.

I think I know what you do know, that is, what your Quantum Expression is. You can see into machines and operating systesm. Maybe into Data Flows and information streams, though that kind of Expression is a rare.

Most of us have to interact with some kind of technological interface to communicate over the Opnet, but such is life. I suggest you go to your local technical school (lycées or lycées professionnels), or university (Université) and have an instructor of Opnet Studies/Computer Science show you how the rest of us do it. That way you will have a mental picture of what the rest of us are going through and be able to compensate accordingly.

I can put you in touch with a few others who have your gift, if you like. They should be able to be of more assistance than I can.

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La perception est différente. We stand in the oasis of light in a place of shadows. The masses circle but do not enter the circle of light. You whisper. Le souffle chaud touche mon cou. I nod and speak. You smile at my réponse. It is done.

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I speak of perception est différente. M. Preston perceived holding a note to me. I perceive his presence in a circle of light. Le souffle chaud touche mon cou is like heat of breath touching my neck. This is a most not poetic translation but is the idea.

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Originally posted by Dorothy Roberts:
Hi to both of you! I'm pretty new around here too, but for what it's worth, welcome!

Are either of you coming to Chicago? It's more hopping than Ibiza these days.
I have a friend in Chicago - perhaps I will visit him soon, and stop to say hi to you.
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Hi Everyone,

Now that I've finally decided to go with the flow and haunt the Op-Net, you can bet you'll be hearing from me also.

It heartens me to see so many of the One Race sharing viewpoints and banter on this board. Though we may differ wildly in our world-views, we all have something in common, it seems. I bear malice to no nova, regardless of their politics. Though fate and baseline machinations may make us enemies, I will not hate you, even though I may have to fight you.

We are One.

- Procyon

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Hi everyone. I just got referred to this place, and I must say it's great to find an OpSite with so many (and so well-known) novas participating. I'm taking advantage of this post to say hello, but I actually want to ask Emerald something.

Émeraude, comment te relies-tu à l'OpNet? Je puis me relier avec mon cerveau, mais je ne l'éprouve pas de cette manière, mais plus comme un ordinateur. Puis aller à d'autres OpSites? Puis-tu sentir la différence entre cet OpSite et un autre?

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Bonjour mlle Login. Je n'utilise pas une appareil électronique pour cet endroit. Là le désir de parler avec ces gens comme moi et lui se produit. Quand ils parlent avec moi, j'entends la voix et vois un flash d'image. C'est très différent de mon expérience en utilisant les ordinateurs et l'opnet. Pas les mêmes du tout. Ils me parlent et j'entends. S'ils chuchotent à moi il est comme si ils étaient des amoureux.

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Il sonne très... intime. Et reçois-tu des messages ainsi tout le temps? Ne puis-tu pas l'éteindre? Il paraît que tu as une connexion à l'OpNet dans ta tête. Mais tu ne puis pas l'utiliser pour une autre chose, correct? As-tu essayé de faire une autre chose avec la connexion?

Et tu puis simplement m'appeler Login, dans l'OpNet nous sommes tous amis. Ou presque tous. Heh.

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Well, as a quick translated summary, I asked Emerald how she experienced her connection to the OpNet, as I can also go online with my mind (different process, though, it seems), and I asked her if she ever went to any other sites. She answered that her desire to communicate with other people simply manifested itself in her connection to here, and it didn't feel like using a computer, but more like people conversing with her. I then asked her if she could turn the connection off, and if she had ever tried to do something else with it.

I'm going to have to give two versions of everything from now on or something. Not that I really mind.

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Non, pas tout du temps. J'entends seulement quand mon attention est sur vos voix. Ni je semble avoir un raccordement à l'opnet. C'est les novas qui me parlent qui sont donnés la voix. N'est aucun seperation physique quand nous parlons. Il n'y a aucune intention de impoli en se rapportant à vous comme mlle..

I do speak the English.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So this is where we say hi, huh?

Okay. Hi.

Name's Ultimax for those of you who don't watch the XWF. Anyone who does already knows me. Future Champion. Just gotta get my shot.

I heard about this place in the locker-room and I thought I'd give it a looksie.

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