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Adventure! RPG - Adventure?


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I was wondering how long has Adventure been out? This is the first I've heard of it. Also, how is the Trinity game doing? They never have any of the stuff at the hobby shop I go to and I've been wanting to check it out. No big rush since I'm having a hard time finding people to run an Aberrant game anyway.

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Adventure has been out for I think just shy on 6 months.

As for Trinity? It appears to be in intensive care at the moment. The last suppliment to be released (which was Terre Verde) was not printed, it was instead released as a PDF e-book, which can only (legally) be found at White Wolf's Online Magazine. While numbers are rather hard to come by, I have heard that TV has sold quite well, and while noone's certain, it seems that Trinity may be able to claw it's way back into our stores.

However, For your own personal Store, I would recommend you ask the store owner to order a copy of the book (any good Hobby shop owner should be glad to do so). It's quite a good system, if a little... restricting compared to Aberrant (I was an Aberrant-first person, so I was going "What? This attack only does 5 Lethal Damage? That bites!")

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  • 1 month later...

5 dice of lethal attacks?

Well yeah, it is a little more restictive compared to the might of gods but some of those abilities... Jeez, in some cases with the right inspiration abilities you need a bucket of dice to actually resolve the events.

And it is just too kewl for school when you compare the weird science rules to the gageteering flow chart for Aberrant. I know you got it down Kirby but ya gotta admit it's AB gadget rules) comprise a lifeless system devoid of any attempt at fun, romance or coolness. On the flip side though, the weird science rules port over to AB pretty easily.

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Originally posted by Jack Chance:
And it is just too kewl for school when you compare the weird science rules to the gageteering flow chart for Aberrant. I know you got it down Kirby but ya gotta admit it's AB gadget rules) comprise a lifeless system devoid of any attempt at fun, romance or coolness. On the flip side though, the weird science rules port over to AB pretty easily.

Hey, I hear your pain. I "got" the rules, but frankly, whoever wrote them should be thrown to the Night-Royal's "corgis". If it was going to be that complex, I'd ask why the hell they left so many important bits out of it (ie Enhancements, how many successes? Do you need the corresponding M-Att?).

I agree though, the Super-Science rules for Adventure s#$t all over Aberrant's Gadgeteering system.

Oh, and remind me to tell you about the 44-dice combo I discovered...
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Originally posted by Kirby1024/Lee Deity:
Oh, and remind me to tell you about the 44-dice combo I discovered...

Already know about it. That's what I was talking about with the 'bucket o'dice' comment. There are a few ways that the inspired can kick the crap outta being a nova.
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OK, the 44 Dice combo goes like this:

Buy 5 Dots Dexteriy, 6 Dots Stealth.

Buy Cloud The Mind.

Now, When you wish to activate it, Activate your Cloud The Mind Knack, then spend another point of inspiration to double it yet again (this bypasses the 1 Inspiration per turn, because Knack activation doesn't count)

So, that's 5 + 6 = 11

Double once, that's 22

Double again, that's 44.

Frankly, noone is going to see you laugh

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