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Adventure! RPG - That game, what's it's name again?


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Took you long enough wink

Soon, the goodness of Adventure! will spread to the most godforsaken hinterlands of the earth, and the joy of pulp will be pandemic, do you hear me? PANDEMIC!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Errm, sorry 'bout that. Got carried away a little...

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Yes it took me a while. Better late than never (unless you're in the Swedish army which for some reason punishes late more severely than never).

I like the game but I've read far too little pulp too feel at home in the setting. The game seems to be very easy to put in any other timeframe, if one should so prefer. (Low-level paranormal agent stuff comes to mind.)

The film recommendations were nice but obvious, are there no more films in this setting?

Kirby: I reread your sheet for 'Locky' McKenzie today, very nice. I also had to look up 'pandemic' so I've learnt something today too.

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You should see some of the other stuff I've been working up for some stories I'm writing. The Aeon Society's Sydney Chapter has almost filled up it's roster - But the truth of the statement "The more you know, the more stuff annoys you" is rearing it's ugly head. You try and find decent Western Desert Aboriginal names, and all you get are Victorian Coastal Warlpiri names. I'm gonna have to go into the Arts library at my university to go through their Aboriginal dictionaries for names...

Feel free to ask if you want the character sheets for any of the other Sydney Chapter residents.

Oh, as for movies, Most of the good "Pulp" movies were listed, and no, there aren't a lot of other modern ones. However, try looking back at some 1940s-1950s action films, they tend to be very pulpy. Also, Hollywood Action Films and Hong Kong Action Films of the modern day are fairly close descendents of Pulp.

If you want some odder stuff, try the Charlie's Angels movie, as well as the Spy Kids movies. Also, have a look at other recent movie adaptions of old adventure TV series. Also, look out for the movie version of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, coming out in cinemas quite soon. It looks like it's going to be very pulpy. I've heard rumours of a Doc Savage movie being made, but that's been around for a while - like the Red Dwarf movie, I'll believe it when I see the trailers.

Also, it's worth looking at old comic books if you can access them, and if you're lucky enough to be near a library with Pulp literature, try looking at them as well. I believe that a few pulp novels are old enough to be under Project Gutenburg, the problem is of course finding them...

So, yeah. Pulp has left it's mark on a lot of "low-brow" Hollywood entertainment, but then, that's why so many people love it...

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