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Aberrant RPG - Developer Chat Transcripts?

Dr. Arbitrary

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I have heard references to chat sessions with the developers of Abberant. Does anyone have a copy of the transcript?

I have heard references to:

Divis Mal being "unconquered sun" or something like that;

The Nova with the highest intelligence has Mega Int 8, (and since the only Nova with Quantum 8 is Mal...)

The Colony is not a named character from the Abberant timeline.

Could anyone confim/clarify these claims?

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The problem is that WW claimed they were saving the chat, and then they accidently didn't. So No One has the chat.

There are a few people around who were there, but I'm not one of them, so everything I say is second hand.

Having said that, Divis does seem to have M-Int 8. Pax has Q 7 (6 was a typo). (These I have heard from several people).

The Colony appearently was a minor named character, although he was redefined to be a unnamed when Bruce took over.

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