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Aberrant RPG - A Plethora of Personas


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I have recently found myself you be in an unusual dilemma in that I seem to have inhereted the stable of Opnet characters that the "Poster formerly known as Atwight" has developed and I'm not quite sure what to do with them. While there is a lot of good materal and ideas here (and I do have an idea of what direction I could take these guys), I'm having enough trouble maintaining Jordan's presence and I've given up trying to portray my other persona here. I really don't think I'm up to handling the posting requirements for 4 or 5 different characters.

So do you guys have any suggestions on what I should do? Should I just let these characters fall permanently to the wayside or should I try to preserve them here in some way?

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Well... every player brings their own mix to the characters that they play. I don't really know all the personalities you're talking about but do you think you could actually "carry on" as they originally interacted here? I'm not telling you not to try it, it just seems an odd sort of thing to attempt.

Once or twice there's been a situation where someone else "spoke" my characters and with two exceptions I've never really thought it worked out very well.

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Rotate story archs for the characters to go through. After all, they should have lives and problems outside N!Prime that takes up some of there time.

Also, try to keep to key areas of interest.

An odd thing that has come up that I have tried to avoid is having my various personalities to argue with each other. I think that detracts from the vitality if all I do is talk at myself, so to speak.

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If you find a situation where you think playing one of the characters would be fun, then go with it. If you enjoy playing any of the characters, then go with Jager's suggestion and rotate through them. You shouldn't feel obligated to play someone else's characters.

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