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Big Eyes, Small Mouth (BESM): Nexus Earth - [NC] Ludicrious


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Author's Note: This here fiction is inspired by and a direct sequel to Skye's Ridiculous story. I have decided to carry on another non-canon part of this epic saga with the permission of Skye and Justin.

Hope this turns out well like the last one did!


The sixty-million dollar question, Francis considered as he walked towards the portal that Kai was quietly but intensely building to the other reality, was why the hell had everyone looked at him and decided that he was the one to extract the other Kai from his reality for vengeance.

Considering the impact of that reality's Kazuo Kanai and Skye Fell had on the Macross but a couple weeks ago, eventually someone in the group of Satoshi leadership and affiliate tag-along folks had gotten the bright idea of getting back at those folks to prevent another such mess from happening again.

Francis didn't remember who had made the motion sound so effective. Was it Kai? Probably. Valerie had resigned herself to the other Skye's advice anyway and didn't really care. Lily and the rest had simmered down after those last few days. But something there seemed to have struck Kai in the aftermath.

On the other hand, it had come up at a meeting where Francis for once had gotten drunk, and so had a few other folks. Amazingly, nothing of the sexual kind commenced, to Kazuo's chagrin. He certainly would have hoped to get a toss up Skye's-

"Are you ready now?" Lily asked walking over to the superspy from the future with a brief bit of concern. "Kai's just about ready."

Francis nodded with a hint of frustration and looked questioningly at the Dalaaran princess. "I hope you got the strudel like I asked?"

Valerie appeared next carrying a wrapped up piece of raspberry strudel, warm and pungent. "Yeah," she meekly interrupted, "but why did you ask to bring this with you?"

Francis took the pastry and grimaced with all his distaste for this dangerous suicide mission. "If I'm right, and I hope I am, the other me will like raspberry strudel. I don't. Now... be sure to rag on Kai for making me do this."

With that, he strode into the portal, less than proudly, more like he'd been told to toss himself into quicksand and roll around gleefully like a fat hog.

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