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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Roleplaying Game


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It's official. I hold in my hands a copy of the BtVS Core Rulebook. I swear to you it was not my intention to purchase this game. . .I did not seek it out, it chose me. Being an admirer of the show and the comics (Tales of the Slayer is an awesome anthology, both novel and graphic novel, and if you haven't read Joss Whedon's Fray mini-series from Dark Horse comics you should check it out) I decided to pick it up and see what there was to see.

So what's it like? Pretty much the same attitude as the series; quick with the quips and a lot of horror staples thrown in for seasoning. It used a d10 system (no buying of new dice. Whew.), and explores the universe of the series in greater depth than you might expect. You can take on the roles of the cast, or create your own characters to defend the good folk of Sunnydale from the forces of evil. There are a variety of templates and options, such as Vampire Slayer, Initiative Commando, Psychic, Demon Hunter, Watcher, Witch, and the beloved Scooby Gang member. Of particular interst was the breakup of characters into sub-classes. You can have the Hero, your butt-kicker of big bads, the White Hat; a more or less average joe or jane who uses her wits and pluck to save the day, or the Experienced Hero, the stuff of cinematic and literary badassness.

Okay, so it's not a game that will change your life, but if you've got the extra money and you like the TV series I think you'd enjoy BtVS the RPG. It's fun, easy to comprehend and play, and a good way to get together with some friends, fight the bad guys and make wisecracks at their expense.  I give it an 8.5/10.


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