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Mutants & Masterminds: The Indigo Children - [Prologue] Ross & Melissa

jameson (ST)

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Continued from [Prologue] Shirayuki and [Prologue] Shove

From the top of the hospital Ross had a good view of a few blocks of buildings. There was even a movie theater nearby half a dozen blocks straight down from him. Dejectedly he sat on the ledge and looked out into the night trying to figure it all out. Apex made it look so easy. Ross wondered if Apex had had the same difficulties he'd had tonight.

From his vantage point he saw a black SUV speeding down a side street toward the main road. He barely had time to register the danger, to realize what was about to happen, and then it did. The SUV slammed into a small car at close to fifty miles per hour. The driver's side was crushed and the little car was driven into the cars parked along the road like a battering ram. Glass shattered and metal screamed as it twisted and tore in ways it wasn't supposed to.

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Ross' eyes widened, and he shot down to the ground immediately. Fortunately, the nurse who had been with the doctor had been sent out to 'find the... kid' and she wasn't expecting him to pop down from several stories up.

"Sir," the nurse managed to begin, only to be cut off by Ross sharply.

"Get an ambulance." Ross stated firmly. "A black SUV crashed into a small car about four blocks down ahead of us. The SUV was going at high speed, there's definitely going to be someone hurt."

One look at the young man's face told he was quite serious. "Okay, thank you." The nurse acknowledged, but cutting off the young man as he started to rise in the air, "but the doctor..."

"The smaller car's wedged in with the parked cars on the street. You're going to need some help getting to any victims there." Ross continued.

Then, he shot off into the air, firmly determined to aid any unfortunates, if they remained alive.

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It took less than fifteen seconds to fly down the mile to the crash. The SUV's front was mashed in and the airbags were deployed, white pillows that were slowly deflating as their gasses leaked out. The Civic looked like it had been to the dump to be compacted. The difference was the fact that there were people inside, and a great deal of blood.

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Ross swallowed, and prayed that someone was still alive in there. Then, using his telekinetic power, he focused on the wreck of the Civic, ripping out the mangled passenger door, before taking a look inside.

He winced as he first found his eyes drawn to the crushed body of the driver, and closed his eyes for a pained moment, seeing wounds and blood flooding out, which looked like it might be too late for her.

Then his eyes twitched as he saw the girl on the floor, about his age, she was bruised badly, but coming to. And there was- ice on her? Melting, but traces still there.

Ross ignored that oddity, and helped up the coming to girl. "You all right Miss?"

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"Wuuugh..." For all her composure and training, that not-word was really the best Melissa could manage as she came around from the Collision. She could smell the blood, hers and Melissa's, and opened her eyes long enough to looke at Alexa, and wished she hadn't.

She cursed softly that she couldn't shield Alexa too, That she was hurt so badly.

A few moments and she thought to try speaking again. "No, probably not..."

A since of urgency and despair crept into her voice. "My Friend, Alexa, see if you can help her. She took the brunt of it."

She tried to look around, and just turning her neck caused alot of pain. "Ouch."

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Melissa was recovering from her initial situation and found that though woozy and bruised she was otherwise largely alright with only minor cuts and scrapes and damp clothing. Her ability had saved her twice in one evening. Through bleary eyes she saw a man in white with a mask over his face, and a crowd of people asking him to help save Alexa and others coming forward to help as well. She looked and could see Alexa still breathing, though the blood was extensive and there were places were limbs did things limbs shouldn't do.

People had quickly gathered to gawk and some to help. A pair of men were pulling at the mangled driver's side door ineffectively when one of them looked up at Shove, "Hey man! Help us here, this door is stuck!"

A woman touched Ross on the arm, "I'll stay with her, help them." Ross realized suddenly that he was quickly gathering a crowd and that they were looking to him for help, looking to him to be a hero.

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Ross mentally swallowed, worrying for a moment that the expectations would prove too much. Fuck, perhaps this Apex did have to deal with. "The paramedics should be down here soon, I alerted them." He assured the woman who wanted to take over.

Quietly he approached the passenger door, signaling for the two men to get back from the door. Then he started wrenching with his mind, hand raised slightly.

The force he put into the effort with a sound of grinding and creaking metal, tore out the door and carefully moved it out of the way of bystanders before gently lowering it to the the ground.

Click to reveal..

Full-round action effectively.

(15:56:50) ChatBot: (Shove) rolls 1d20 and gets 20.

20+6= 26.

That should be enough to rip out this damaged piece of metal.

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Melissa felt like she'd been hit by a truck, which was apt, but clearly she'd been far less injured than Alexa. She found herself powerless to do anything for her friend, save reach out and hold her hand. Now that the sheath of ice was gone her hands were still cold but warming. She wouldn't leave Alexa's side until someone got there, She couldn't leave her friend.

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The door deformed even more before the metal finally gave way and the door tore free. Rescue workers, recently arrived on scene, quickly moved in and got to work on Alexa while still others pulled Melissa from the car to check her own injuries. Alexa was bad off and there were gasps and whispers among the crowd as she was removed to a stretcher and the paramedic began work stabilizing her for transport. Those same sounds were repeated as Melissa exited the other end of the vehicle under mostly her own power and with nearly no injuries. "It's a miracle!" somebody shouted which further set off the crowd.

The paramedic at Melissa's left directed her to an ambulance, "Miss, you need to come with us. You've been in an accident. We need to check you for injuries, internal bleeding could be worse that more obvious harm." He spoke in short sentences as he tried to pull Melissa from Alexa's side, "Miss, please. They are doing everything they can for her, you need attention."

Meanwhile the firemen were working on the truck which was heavily damaged as well. One of the fireman yelled, "We need the jaws," and a pair of men immediately moved toward the truck to get the massive hydraulic "jaws of life" in the hope that they could get to the people trapped within quickly.

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Ross glanced at them, then back at the truck. Walking almost casually, as if the firemen weren't there, he walked up to the SUV and went to telekinetic work, raising his hand. A thin 'sheet' of TK force, if could be seen and described in visual terms, sliced into the SUV's side from the top and cut downward, before steadily pulling the section cut off from the structure of the SUV and moving it away.

The SUV was now opened up, the inside visible like that of a can opened by a can opener, very clean and precise. During the procedure, the firefighters were stopped dumbfounded, jaws practically dropping at the costumed man, and the crowd was getting amazed.

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The EMT's insisted that Melissa go and at least have an MRI done to make sure there were no internal injuries, and in her current state, she wasn't one to argue.

The ride to the hospital was uneventful, until they wormed her name from her. Thanks to the last production, anyone remotely familiar with New York Theater knew who Melissa Archer was.

She pleaded for them to keep things quiet, and took considerable convincing to allow them to notify her father.

She waited in the lobby with a number of other patients, then her Father arrived, and things got abit uglier. "Why is it my daughter is sitting in the waiting room after an accident? With the amount I donate to this Hospital, she should be first in line!"

Typical Dad, his money is his first and only weapon, or defense. "Dad stop, they were here first."

"I almost lost my little girl in an accident and you..."

"My best friend is being operated on as we speak and she STILL might not make it out! I gave up the first ambulance because she was hurt alot Worse!" Her Blue eyes flashed with anger, at how her father still treated her like a child.

He looked at her and straightened his lapel. He walked over to the Nurse. "I'd like to speak to whichever doctor is available now, and have my Daughter taken care of immediately."


"Just call them, before I get the Director on the phone."

Melissa sat down, wiped out from everything that had happened. There was no point fighting her father like this, certainly not with so many people around.

The nurse, properly cowed, did as he asked.

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Murmurs and applause rippled through the crowd, the firemen and EMTs stood astonished for a moment themselves before they shortly jumped back to work quickly moving to see to the people in the crushed SUV. Luckily for them the collision was a head on one from their point of impact and the airbags had deployed protecting them far better than they had Alexa or Melissa. The two were groggy, barely conscious and still bruised and cut, in short order the EMTs and firemen had extracted the two, a man and a woman, and loaded them into stretchers and them ambulances headed to the nearby hospital.

Even before the paramedics were done the crowd began to swarm Ross. People were grabbing at him, pleading with him, thanking him, blaming him. He was mistaken for Apex by some while others called him a poser. Some begged him to heal their sick relatives while others decried him for the troubles of the city. Dozens of voices clamoring quickly drown out any other sound inundating Ross in the troubles of a city that had been suffering for decades.

At the hospital Melissa waited in the ER for a doctor to come by. After perhaps fifteen minutes, which felt like hours due to her father's constant fussing and griping, a doctor entered the curtained off area. After a moment's consultation he sent her father out before checking Melissa more thoroughly. "OK Ms. Archer, aside from some bruising and superficial cuts you seem to have come through without major injuries. However," he continued before she could interject, "We'll be wheeling you in for a MRI shortly just to make sure there's no internal bleeding or a concussion. It won't hurt and aside from having to lie still for about thirty minutes for the scan you won't even be inconvenienced. Do you have any questions for me before we get you imaged?"

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It was too much, Ross realized that for much of this hero business, he was unprepared for the realities, or at least what had been experienced tonight. People were releasing their venom, pain, everything that had befallen the city since the Event, but he couldn't say anything.

No prepared speech, ready words... He saw an older woman help her obviously ailing husband up, which added to the perplexity. Hadn't he said he couldn't heal people?

"Too much." Ross whispered to himself, way too low to be heard, especially in the clamor. Closing his eyes, he gently pushed people back with mental force and then started rising up.

It soon turned into a full-out flight away, into the air at high speeds. Ross needed to get away. To think. Soaring through the air, he found his way back to the apartment building roof, still vacant of anyone, thankfully.

Then, he pulled off all the costuming on top of the regular clothes, and scurried inside the building. In five minutes, he was inside his apartment, putting away the costume.

Enough for one night.

After grabbing a can of Mountain Dew from the refrigerator, and drinking the refreshing beverage, he found himself sitting down on a chair, turning on his TV.

He wanted to know what the overall reaction was to his appearance.

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"I'll check on her while you are in for your scan but I think she was still in surgery. She was quite badly hurt, its a miracle you seem to have come through with so few injuries as you have." The Doctor looked up from his clipboard, "That's why we want to perform the MRI, to make sure that something we can't see isn't broken. Internal bleeding, especially inside the skull, can be very hazardous if left untreated."

An hour later she rode back to the small curtained area after the MRI. The results would be reviewed by a doctor before she would be released but hopefully all would be well, the ice armor having protected her. Melissa's father was waiting when she was wheeled in and promptly started his usual routine. For a twenty year old young woman the helicopter parenting was getting tiresome but she knew her father loved her and that was the reason he acted as he did.

As Melissa settled back into the bed her father sat down as well. He looked tired as he rubbed his face with his hands. Tired and old. He looked up, "Are you sure you are alright? I can get specialists or ..."


Ross watched the news. He watched himself. He was all over it on all the New York channels and even on CNN and MSNBC. Some stories were reporting that Apex had appeared in a new costume, while others announced a new super powered hero to the city of New York. There was video, obviously shot from handheld devices, cell phones most likely, of him separating the cars, tearing the doors off one, slicing the roof off the SUV. And then fleeing. Or escaping, or perhaps rushing off to some other needful person's aide.

One network dubbed him "The White Wonder", another, less flatteringly, "The Q-tip", and a third speculated that the nearly uniform white outfit was a sign of his racist feelings and dubbed him "The Supremacist". Interviews with bystanders to the rescue lobbied other names like "Can-opener" and "White Flyer". Whether Ross liked it or not by tomorrow there would likely be even more monikers out there. Eventually something might rise to the top, if he didn't step forward first, and with a little luck it might not even be horrible.

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The time in the machine was hell, it gave her time to think about everything. Nearly being mugged in the park, the accident, all the blood from Alexa. Her friend might not make it, and because she was a freak, she'd end up being fine.

Sitting there with her dad, fighting back the tears threatening to overcome her she thought about the white-clad man who'd pried her out of the car. What was his name?

She looked to her Father. "I just want to go home after this daddy. If there's nothing more that can be done, if I'm fine like I think I am..."

He looks to her, worried, but she pressed on. "You'll handle things for Alexa? She's one of my best friends after all, she was trying to cheer me up, then this happened."

Unable to say no to his daughter when she was so distraught, he nodded. "Of course. Let's just make sure you're alright, Melissa."

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A short time later the doctor returned. "Your scans are clear Ms. Archer. It appears that you were on the receiving end of a minor miracle. After an accident that bad to not have any major injuries or even have need of stitches is nothing short of unbelievable."

Melissa's father visibly sagged with relief but her concern was all for Alexa, after all, she knew she'd been unhurt, and why. "What about Alexa? Is she going to make it?"

The doctor's face slid from happy to a more serious and unreadble expression. "She's out of surgery now, but she's not out of the woods yet. She'll likely be in intensive care for at least a few days. Hopefully she'll pull through but I can't say for certain one way or the other."

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Ross got up from his seat and turned off the TV. Well, the publicity seemed to make it clear there was no walking out of this one, not that Ross was inclined to. But he needed time to think clearly for a little bit.

Then, the blaring announcer's voice came on for a recent musical, and as he turned in exasperation to actually turn it off, he caught sight of one actor's face in particular. The face of Melissa Archer, who bore quite the same looks as that girl he'd saved.

Well who'd have thought it? A mobster's son turned superhero saves a teenage actress and daughter of tycoon. That's something.' Damn. He should make sure she was alright. That was something he felt was wrong to have left out.

After grabbing some cold cuts for food, he made a pair of ham sandwiches, and ate them down with more Mountain Dew. Then it was back to quick dressing on the top of the apartment building, and the costume was back on.

Ross flew at maximum force, an impossibly fast bolt through the air. After arriving at the hospital, this time startling nurses at the open fourth floor window, he procured directions to Melissa Archer's room. Since word had gotten round the hospital, it turned out to be very simple.

So he flew back up to a higher floor, taking advantage of another open window- useful, wasn't it- and jumped inside.


After finding a doctor, he told the doctor in clear words that he wanted to see Melissa Archer and make sure she was alright. The doctor had watched the news, and easily understood his view of things.

Ross waited as the Doctor went off to arrange for his request.

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Melissa was glad she'd be fine. She felt like a truck hit her, which one had. The News that Alexa was bad off dampened her mood, but at least she was out of surgery.

"Can I go see her?" Despite everything her only real concern was for her friend. She was dedicated if nothing else.

Her father was at least impressed by that. He wished she was more worried about herself, but he couldn't fault her for being concerned for a friend.

Inside, Melissa kept replaying the accident over and over.

"What happened to the people who hit us? And there was a Man in white.. He pulled me from the car."

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The doctor looked uncomfortable, "Ah, yes, actually he's asked to see you. Given his actions I'm inclined to assume he's not a danger but you don't have to see anybody that you don't want. As for the people in the SUV, their airbags deployed and though banged up they will be fine. The police suspect that they are gang members, drugged out on something taking a stolen car for a thrill ride." He shook his head, "This city used to be so much better." He looked to Melissa, "Should I tell this man he cam come in?"

Her father stood, "Of course! He deserves to be thanked for saving my little girl." The doctor gave him a level, and pointed, look and he turned to Melissa, "That is, if you think you're up to it."

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Melissa nodded. "Send him in." She didn't look her best right now, no one would given the circumstances, but she could at least meet the man who'd most likely saved Alexa's life.

Her desire to see Alexa would likely have to wait for now. She didn't think they'd let her in the ICU.

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The doctor walked out to the corridor where Ross stood, facing the window, hands held behind his back. The doctor lightly coughed and Ross turned around. "You can come in."

Ross nodded, and sighed, following the doctor back towards the curtained area. This wasn't a happy moment, considering she was in an accident and her friend was worse off.

He tried to stay calm and impassive though no less concerned.

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"Hello. First, let me say Thank you, for saving my friend and I." She was being sincere, and even bruised and in a hospital gown, she was among the most beautiful women Ross had ever seen. "You were the one who got us out of the wreck, the reason my friend has a chance to live."

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Ross nodded gravely. "Thank you, Let's hope she has the same kind of luck you did. Enough people have gotten hurt or killed in this city's downturn, Ms. Archer."

As Melissa and Mr. Archer opened their mouths to ask how he knew her name, he added, "I saw your last show," as an explanation.

Even costumed and face behind a mask, Melissa too could see Ross was rather handsome and good-looking, particularly the straight brown hair.

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"Well, nice to see my daughter's savior has impeccable taste in theater." Her father was being nice because of her condition.

Melissa smiled. "Let's hope so, I'd hate to lose her. She's one of the rare people that don't care about where i come from."

She nods. "I don't believe I caught your name. Alexa will want to know it when she wakes up."

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Ross had to develop his hero name, so with improvised effort, he picked what readily came to him before he realized what he'd said. "You can call me Shove. It's not the best hero name, but it's not the worst either, I think."

Well.... if he was going with his Indigo username....

Ah well, if anyone there on the Network complained, fuck them.

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"Well, I can't say I'll be involved there. I wish you and your friend good luck in recuperating. Goodbye." Ross felt the talking and checking up was done, and he felt there might be more people to help.

A wave of farewell, and he was back in the corridor walking up to the window. In one move, he vaulted over the edge and then shot up to the sky, heading back over in the direction of the Bronx.

Through his procedure of hopping from top of building to top of building, he discovered that muggings were the most popular method of crime in this area. Second-most appeared to be armed robbery.

He had already safely stopped two muggings, when he spotted a red-head reaching into her purse with two men on either side, holding switch-blades threateningly.

Ross leaped down, and speared one man with a bolt of telekinetic force. Both he and the weapon clattered on the ground. The other criminal blinked then instinctively lunged at Ross, but Ross in a manner of showmanship raised his hand and an invisible wall cut off any forward progress.

Then the wall turned into a grip, and the thug soared into a wall, and dropped limply.

It turned out afterward that Ross had saved a hooker, once he'd gotten a clear look at her choice of fashion wear, and her offer of a permanent discount as a thank-you didn't sit well with him, before you even got past the personal beliefs.

He knew about the brothels and other places his mother ran as sex-based industries for his father. The likelihood of a portion of the payment funneling back to the business accounts of Belinda Shreveson was undoubtedly high, giving Ross a second reason to say no and be off on his way.

Despite the aftermath of this action, generally all was well for the second act of Ross' superhero debut.

It was getting to be time to stop for the night, he decided as he angled his way towards home.

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