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Big Eyes, Small Mouth (BESM): Monster Academy - Profile: Darrik Saliusann

Toby Lupin

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Name: Darrik Saliusann (The name of a parent plus the suffix -ann is the traditional last name in Warlock/Witch society)

Race: Monster - Warlock

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Human Form


Darrik is technically human, so he has no alternate form, but merely wears appropriate clothing when in the Human World.

Warlock/Witch Racial History

The Witches/Warlocks of the Monster Realm are the descendants of a mass exodus of magically talented men and women from the Human Realm during what was the Middle Ages of human history. Beset by prejudice and fear, their most powerful spellcasters created a gateway to the Monster Realm (which they new very little about), reasoning that another world where they could live in peace was the key to magical humanity's survival.

In truth, their incursion into the Monster Realm incited the inhabitants to drive out the humans. But a long war quickly turned into a stalemate, as the initial numbers and strength of the Monsters were matched by raw power and will of the Witches and Warlocks. In addition, a stream of new arrivals bolstered the magical humans' ranks, allowing them to launch a surgical counterstrike that drove the Monsters to the decision of offering a duel of champions. An arrogant Demon Lord volunteered, but the Warlock champion chosen to take the Demon on triumphed, though he too succumbed after the duel to his wounds.

The magical humans were ceded the valley where they had settled, but their blood and the effects of strife have continued to affect the opinions of Monsters for nearly a thousand years.

The Witches and Warlocks care not. If they have not escaped prejudice and hatred, well, at least they do not face the risk of pogroms.

To this day, the Witches and Warlocks live in the Valley of Magic, as it is known. The Valley is a river valley scattered with woodlands and open grasslands, and between two chains of mountains. Magic itself permeates the land here, which is why the magical humans settled here originally, and partially why they held onto it during the war. Several villages surround a central stronghold, where the High Council rules over the entire population.

Darrik's Background

Darrik is a sophomore, the son of Salius, a High Councilor and the descendant of the Champion. Darrik is strong-willed, intelligent, and a promising Warlock with great powers. Unlike Witches, who primarily are possessed of nature magic, and the different elemental powers of the Warlocks, he has Shadow Magic, a rare and surprising gift.

As the other monsters have considered returning excursions into the Human world, the magical Witches and Warlocks have remained apart from the Academy, remembering the reason they came to the Monster Realm. But now, there is some consideration of this issue, and so Salius has sent his son to the Academy.

Darrik has weathered the negative treatment by his peers and teachers with weary patience. The only extracurricular activity he has is the Newspaper Club, where he is slightly better treated (at least by the teacher in charge), and where he has begun to learn a bit about fitting into human society.


Aside from Darrik's father Salius and his mother Iryo, he has one other relative, one of immense importance: Marius, Darrik's paternal grandfather.

Marius is over 100 years old, and yet still amazingly, physically and mentally fit. Marius Oreiusann is a Warlock of amazing power, and for the last 84 years, the most powerful of the known Witches and Warlocks. Yet ever since the death of Darrik's grandmother several years ago, Marius has secluded himself in a cottage hidden from the rest of society, and known only to those few relatives, including Darrik, who has generally been the only one allowed to visit his grandfather.

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Name: Flicker

Race: Shadow Imp

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male



Flicker is, himself, proof of the extent of Darrik's powers. As part of constructing his personal Warlock's stave, a major spell was wrought into the material of the stave, allowing for the binding of the essence of the shadows itself into a sentient being obedient to Darrik's will. The Shadow Imp is a loyal servant of Darrik, and obeys his commands without question.

Though Flicker can be slain, his body dissolves into shadow, and as long as Darrik's stave remains intact, the scattered fragments can be brought back and re-bound into the same form again.


Flicker has a mischievous personality, with humor, mockery and sarcasm to spare, though he obeys Darrik without question. He harbors an extreme fear of destruction, even though Darrik can repair his corpus. The reasons why he has not explained.

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