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Aberrant: Dead Rising - Origins: Relationships are History (James)[Mature] [Finished]


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Wednesday November 15th. Z-Day +2

8:00 AM: David, Alfred, Fred, Jesus, Harris Methodist Fort Worth Hospital - North Tower (Sick Room)

David looked at the list on the door and cursed under his breath. He said, “Nine names. I’d known Fred and Jesus could have a rough shift but I’d thought we’d be taking some of the load. You still want to do this? New baby and all?”

Alfred looked at the door stoically and replied, “No sir, I don’t want to do it, but someone has to and we decided two guards with both of them having military backgrounds for good reason.”

Dave glanced at Alfred and didn’t say what he was thinking. Air jocks are known for pushing the button, not pulling the trigger on someone up close and personal. You hide it well but you aren’t as calm or certain as you try to show. You weren’t ‘siring’ me before. Dave said, “Let’s see them.”

Dave opened the door and both men walked inside and took stock of the situation. Fred was walking around swinging his arms. Jesus was sitting down next to the riot gun drawing. Both men looked awful, like they’d gotten too close a look at hell. Nine blankets covered still forms, several had their feet sticking out. Each pair of feet were duct tapped together at the ankles. The merely sick looked like they were trying to sleep. The room’s quiet was broken by the sounds of someone struggling to breath.

Jesus looked up, put his drawing down and motioned the men over to one side of the room to the far side of the people trying to sleep.

Dave said, “Nine!? Fred, Jesus, I’m sorry.”

Jesus sighed and said tiredly, “You’re not totally spared. Tomas is only minutes away. He’s got that dead look. And we didn’t do them all. Donald insisted on helping out. He wrote that he was already sick so he had nothing to lose. Eric…”

Fred said quietly, “Don’t trust Eric with a gun. He talked about killing himself or James. And speaking of guns, we’re out of ammo for the hand guns.”

Dave slapped his head and said, “Duh. And I forgot to give James orders to get more. How much do we have for the shotgun?”

Fred said grimly, “5 more shells. You’ll need one within the next hour. Jesus is right, Tom’ll go soon. After you see a few turn you get a feel for it.”

Al asked, "What do you recommend?"

Fred gave a bitter choked off laugh and said, "Don't screw up and get yourself infected. Tom did. Used three bullets too."

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Wednesday November 15th. Z-Day +2

8:00 AM: David, Alfred, Fred, Jesus, Harris Methodist Fort Worth Hospital - North Tower (Sick Room)

Dave and Al both looked at Tom. Fred was right, he looked rotting, like he'd died yesterday, but he was the one breathing heavily and painfully. Death would be a kindness.

Jesus frowned at Fred and said, "That's not very charitable. And you mean Don."

Dave asked, "What happened?"

Fred looked away and Jesus replied, "Fred had a close call."

Dave said, "What, again?"

Fred said, "Yeah, again. Don made a mistake. Almost exactly the same one Tom made. If he weren't already infected then he'd be infected. He got blood on me to, but not as bad as before and I washed off right away."

Alphred said, "What happened?"

Jesus said, "First two times Fred and I took turns. Third time Don wanted to pull the trigger and while we were thinking about it we waited too long to tape her feet together. She, it, got up, tried to bite Don. He put two in her chest and it did nothing, just like before."

Fred interjected, "Nothing but go through her and come out the other side and almost hit me. If it'd broken my skin..."

Jesus continued, "Right. Then Don put the gun to her head and shot her, but she was right next to him. He got some blood or maybe brains on his face. We think in his mouth and eyes."

Dave nodded and said, "That would do it." Looking at Fred he said, "You're ok?"

Fred replied, "Yeah, I'm good. And before you ask a second or third time, I'm sure. Face mask didn't get a drop on it. Third time was NOT the charm. But the way you want to do this is tape the feet and hands the moment they go, then put the gun in their mouth while they're still down. They're sneaky. It will take like a minute or two, or maybe even ten, for them to come back but you damn well wait with the gun right there. And put something around it so there's no splatter. The riot gun splatters a lot. Stand away from it and shield your eyes."

Alphred asked, "All nine of them came back?"

Jesus nodded and said, "Yes."

Alphred stated, "Then we should just shoot them in the head while they're dead before they're back up."

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Wednesday November 15th. Z-Day +2

8:00 AM: David, Alfred, Fred, Jesus, Harris Methodist Fort Worth Hospital - North Tower (Sick Room)

Dave looked at his brother closely and didn't see any hint of problems other than the expected. Fred looked tired, more than a little irritated, and below that scared, but still alive. He'd be ok. He might have to blow off steam but...

With an effort of will Dave refocused on what Alphred had said. Jesus seemed uncertain and was shaking his head, Fred was nodding. Dave didn't like what he was hearing, but he also didn't like running out of ammo or risking other people getting infected.

Jesus said, "That's getting real close to murder. What if they're not dead yet? Or what if they were going to open their eyes and be sane?"

Fred said, "We haven't seen that yet. And they're down like five minutes. No, they're dead for five minutes before they get up. It'd work.

Not quite agreeing, Dave said, "We wouldn't need to shoot them. Ax would be fine. Spear or something might be better. And... I can't say no to saving ammo and lowering our risk of infection. Especially with Fred almost getting shot all the time."

Alfred asked, "All the time?"

Dave answered, "During the riot Tom almost shot him. It was another through and through."

Jesus repeated, "It still feels close to murder."

Fred disagreed saying, "No, it's not murder. Corpse defilement or something, but not murder."

Dave commented, "I think defilement is having sex with a corpse."

Fred snorted and said, "Well, I'm not doing that. When I get some it will be with someone above room temperature."

Dave asked, "I'd think that wouldn't be a concern now. You were alone with Carla for a day and she was all over you before you went in."

Fred snorted bitterly and said, "Being trapped in a room with a chick doesn't get you anywhere when she thinks you might have the plague. She insisted I be 20 feet away the whole time and didn't want to risk talking to me. No, the one I have my eye on is JoAnna. She's gorgeous and she's interested."

Dave said, "How do you figure?"

Fred replied, "She came to talk to me for two hours when Carl and I were in quarantine. It says an awful lot that she wanted to know my life story. No touching of course, but she didn't treat me like a leper."

Jesus replied, "I think no touching is exactly how you treat a leper."

Unhappy to have the joke turned on him, Fred replied a little heatedly, "Hey, you know what I mean."

Alphred interrupted, "Hear that? It's time. He's dead."

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Wednesday November 15th. Z-Day +2

8:00 AM: David, Alfred, Fred, Jesus, Harris Methodist Fort Worth Hospital - North Tower (Sick Room)

Jesus walked to the hallway and wrote: Tomas Harding: 8:10am, then he walked back.

Fred commented tiredly, "One poke in the back of the head with the back of an ax worked a lot better than what we did. I wish we'd figured that out hours ago. Thanks Al."

Alfred replied, "You're welcome."

Dave said, "Fred, Jesus, go get some sleep. This was a hard shift, you did very well, but you look half dead and I don't want to see you before noon. Fred, leave your gloves. Al and I will clean up. We'll dump them out a window or something."

Jesus said, "Let the others sleep for a while. They're sick and we woke them up 9 times."

Dave nodded and waved them away. Good God. 10 dead, only five left. Chris, Dana, and especially Craig were infected much later than Eric & Donald... I could wake them up and see how they're doing, but I'll let the docs do that. If Eric or Donald have a fever I don't want to know right now.


Dave forced his mind away from the things he couldn't deal with and said quietly to Alfred, "In an hour we'll open that window and start dumping."

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Wednesday November 15th. Z-Day +2

8:25 AM: James DeBeer, Fort Worth Texas

James trotted around yet another intersection blocked off with cars and thought, I can't believe how much worse it's gotten. The number of zombies out and about is a lot higher. Tire tracks on the grass say someone, maybe multiple people, are driving on lawns and over curbs. That's something to remember, SUVs rock.

And when I screw up I don't fool around. I'm sure I've walked at least two miles. Which would be better? If I'd done a two mile hop back at the fire... I could easily have ended up overshooting again and ended up lost on top of that. OK, hoofing it was the right move.

And there's yet another zombie after me. James flipped the creature the bird and went around a car to avoid him. Let's see, the pack of zombies back there is now... three dozen? More? I don't think the ones at the rear can sense me. Pack behavior. They're following the ones who are following me. And when I show up at the store they'll mob me.

That last thought would be a really good time for doom-and-gloom theme music. I need a band to follow me around... or maybe a TV camera. Tune in next week to see how our-hero-James fights off the mob of oncoming zombies which is following him to the gun and pawn store. Cue massive combat music. Of course if that happened I'd get a laugh-track too. Hey, that might be an improvement.

When I'm sure I'm at about the right spot, I'll take a side road, climb a roof, wait 10 minutes for a really good crowd to settle in, then I'll leap off the roof to where I'm really going, probably without them noticing. They'll all assume the other zombies are the ones sensing food.

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Wednesday November 15th. Z-Day +2

8:25 AM: James DeBeer, Fort Worth Texas

Although James tried to distract himself with errant thoughts and tactical plans, it was more and more obvious that he was in hell.

Not for himself personally, he could leave. One leap and he'd be up and away. Or if he was smart about it he could fight the herd of zombies behind him. But his situation was unique, everyone else wasn't as lucky.

Most of the route he was taking was residential. Many houses had clusters of zombies and the thump, thump, thump of zombies pounding on doors and walls was constant. When members of his personal herd fell far enough behind they'd join house groups.

Several times James saw SUVs winding their way through the maze of crashed cars and he heard more than he saw. A few times James saw other people walking about with their own herds following them like ducklings with mama duck. More than a few times James heard glass breaking, or people crying, or even screaming, or what might be zombies eating.

Once he heard a baby wailing with hunger(?) from a house he was passing by. He kept walking.

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Wednesday November 15th. Z-Day +2

8:35 AM: James DeBeer, Fort Worth Texas

James grumbled mentally and thought, Make that three miles. But the street numbers say I'm getting close. It's time. James took a right turn at the next intersection and went down two houses and started climbing. The house next door had boarded up windows and zombies surrounded it.

James' herd started to cluster around his new 'place' and after he reached the roof he heard the sound of breaking glass from below. And here they come. James started to settle in then he had a thought, Five minute break? Ten? Actually, there's something I should do...

James walked over to the edge of the roof and glanced over to see blank but hungry faces looking back. He yelled down, "Is everyone looking up?", then he opened his fly and pissed over the edge of the roof onto the zombies below.

No screams of outrage but they're not that bright. Well, I feel better. Just as well I don't have a camera crew following me around.

James settled in to wait for a few minutes. Then he heard a tapping noise and turned his head to see someone waving at him from the 2nd floor of the house next door.

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Wednesday November 15th. Z-Day +2

8:35 AM: James DeBeer, Fort Worth Texas

Somewhat dismayed, James waved back. Today in the news, James DeBeer was caught engaging in public urination, as seen by our camera crew. We'll be showing a clip of his dick hanging out at 9.

James walked over to that side of the roof trying to pretend that nothing had happened. Please let there be no cameras. Let's see... from that angle they could have seen... enough. This is a really good way to get fired. With cameras that's guaranteed. Oh, and is my fly open?

James casually checked his fly as his observer opened the window. They turned out to be a fifty year old heavy set blond woman. She hollered over, "Hey, are you James DeBeer?"

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Wednesday November 15th. Z-Day +2

8:35 AM: James DeBeer, Fort Worth Texas

A little surprised, James replied, "Um... yes. That I am."

The woman disappeared back into the house and James could hear her yell, "Hey! Kelly! Vincent! Everyone! It's him! The guy from the news! James DeBeer is on the roof next door!"

Somewhat non-plussed James thought, I'm famous... They watch the news. And Duh. Look around. Zombie surrounded house. Public urination and strange men exposing themselves is pretty far down the list of things to worry about.

James realized with dread, Any moment now they're going to ask me to save them.

...weren't you thinking of yourself as James-the-hero a few minutes ago?

Yes... but...

Several faces showed up at the window and then spread to the other two windows. James could see at least nine people. James asked before anyone else could say anything, "How many people are you?"

A heavy set 50-ish man James didn't recognize said, "Twenty two. We're three families and a few add ons. Three are sick. My brother Mark turned and infected them."

The man (Vincent?) yelled down at the zombies below, "I'm never going to forgive you for that Mark!"

He added to James, "That's Mark down there. The guy in the green shirt. Any chance you have a cure for all this?"

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Wednesday November 15th. Z-Day +2

8:35 AM: James DeBeer, Fort Worth Texas

James shook his head and replied, "No. The Docs don't know of a cure. But they tell me Mark is dead, not sick. Whatever killed him is walking around in his corpse now."

A woman standing behind the man said, "That can't be right."

James shrugged. Not worth my time to argue about this. Trying to change the subject, he asked, "How are you keeping everyone safe in there? I see busted up windows down below."

The man replied, "When we lost a couple of rooms we took everyone upstairs and took out some of the stairs."

A woman James couldn't see said, "You mean Hank did that."

The man added, "OK, Hank and I did that. Oh, and I'm Vincent. Hank's my oldest son. We're carpenters. His wife Mary is here, their daughter is one of the people Mark bit. And look man, we're seriously stuck here. We've got two guns and four bullets left. Thank you all to pieces for coming by like this. Did you get our message on your answering machine?"

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Wednesday November 15th. Z-Day +2

8:35 AM: James DeBeer, Fort Worth Texas

James surveyed the situation and thought, Three families, that means children, maybe even babies. I could save them. Take them all back to the Hospital.

19 healthy people if I can convince them to leave the sick... I would never leave my kid if she was sick. So it's 22 people. The most I've ever done is 3. That's maybe 7 trips.

One leap takes us close to the hospital, with an unknown amount of time hoofing it to get close. One leap to make it to the patio. One more hop here with maybe an hour hoofing it. 21 leaps. That's probably more juice than I've got, but I could cat nap for a couple of hours and recharge. Stopping for food as well... at least 10 hours, maybe more like 12.

And that's skipping going after the weapons.

I can't do that. Even after I take everyone back to the hospital, what are we back there? 30 healthy and like 10 sick? We have the room for 20 more, but I'm the only one bringing in any food.

If you leave them here, they will die. How can you call yourself a hero if you walk away from them?

This is the lesson of the good Samaritan all over again.

I don't see much sign of God around here.

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Wednesday November 15th. Z-Day +2

8:35 AM: James DeBeer, Fort Worth Texas

It's like I'm the only angel in hell and condemned to just watch everyone.

That kind of thinking leads to digging a grave and then crawling into it. Grow a pair. What would Jesus do?

Get nailed to a cross as in inspiration to everyone else. Better question, what would Clint Eastwood do?

If I were the Man then Vincent would be a smoking hot blond and we'd be in bed in the next film clip. Been there, done that. Since he's not Jill, does that make him cannon fodder?

Think James. There has to be a way. Even if I'm not going to give him the golden ticket to a magic elevator ride... is there something I can do less than that?

Good question. Look around.

...I have this mental image of hot wiring an SUV and then crashing into his wall, loading everyone up, and then driving off.

Focus, look around.

I see... other houses, some with zombies around them. Just like the dozens or more that I passed by before.

I could just leap away.

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Wednesday November 15th. Z-Day +2

8:35 AM: James DeBeer, Fort Worth Texas

Vincent had realized James had tuned him out and said loudly, "Hey James!? You OK there?"

James sighed and said, "I'm ok. Vincent..." Going to ask his permission to leave him here to die because you're too busy to help? Any guesses as to whether he'll give it? Going to try to get him to sympathize for your plight? He'd probably kill to be in your shoes.

Controlling your own actions. What can you do here?

James said, "...in case you haven't figured it out yet, no one is coming to help. I don't know what resources you have in there, but you're not safe where you are. You need to break out and get out of town. They die from head shots."

Vincent had a puzzled look on his face, James was going to save them wasn't he?

James concluded, "I'm very sorry I don't have the time to do more for you."

Vincent finally realized where this was going and yelled, "No, wait! You can't just..."

Leaving Vincent, Vincent's family, and a piece of James' soul behind to die, James leaped half a block to just beyond where he though the pawn shop was. Vincent screamed after him, "Come back!"

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Wednesday November 15th. Z-Day +2

8:45 AM: James DeBeer, Fort Worth Texas

A little sick to his stomach over what he'd just done, James landed in a parking lot behind a business which he hoped was the pawn shop.

I could go back...

He's better off with the advice I gave him than if I hadn't shown up at all.

The advice I gave him and the dozens of zombies which followed me to his neighbor's house. They'll switch to his house now.

...So Vincent and his crew are MUCH worse off than when I showed up.

I should go back...

...for everyone. I could save Bill Gafford's family in less time it'd take to save Vincent's...

James walked around the corner of the building and thought, What on Earth happened here?

The front and sides of the building looked like a war zone. Two cars had crashed into each other hard. Someone had also backed a pickup truck into the building. There were a dozen or two dead zombies lying around. There were also several red 'splotches' where a living person had died and been eaten. James could see three zombies crawling around like diseased slugs. One, then the other two, saw James and started crawling towards him.

James ducked back around the corner and mentally reviewed what he'd seen. Someone else got here first. My brilliant idea wasn't... someone else had it first. No, make that several someones. Two or more groups got here at the same time, and bang. They fought over the store. The lights to the pickup are on, this happened during the night.

James drew his sword and looked around while he waited for the zombies to crawl close enough.

Other buildings aren't really close. The people left or died and the mobile zombies left after them. Crawlers had their backs or legs broken and couldn't. I'll bet some of those zombies were run over with cars. Pickup truck was to open the door... I wonder if there's anything left?

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Wednesday November 15th. Z-Day +2

8:45 AM: James DeBeer, Fort Worth Texas

Crippled zombie #1 crawled around the corner and James poked him through the head with Jill's sword. James waited a few moments then looked around the corner. Guys? I'm waiting?

Oh. One is stuck under that car wreck and the other has broken arms and legs. Well if you don't mind I'll just walk in and check the place out myself. Stand guard for me.

James walked in through one of the shattered doors and surveyed the wrecked interior. Glass everywhere. Blood on and in the truck. A few dead zombies. Guitars lined up on the walls. Shelves of gold rings and the like. Who would have thought that guitars, guns, and gold would make for an effective store?

Probably missing stuff. Broken and empty display case, bet it was full of guns. Someone won then left. Probably took the best stuff with them. Uzi nine millimeter, maybe even a Phased plasma rifle in the 40-watt range.

Hmm... I wonder if Jill would like a gold necklace? It's right there... but that seems wrong somehow. Something about a hungry man stealing bread and an endangered man stealing guns. Fine, Jill gets a gun. That door is still locked, it should have more of the same and I'll bet the old super strength will open doors too.

James got busy and started bagging up weapons and ammo.

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Wednesday November 15th. Z-Day +2

8:45 AM: Harrold Elliott, Harris Methodist Fort Worth Hospital - North Tower

Harry hadn't slept well. His new baby brother had woken him up several times crying for milk. Once he'd even held the bottle. He had mixed feeling about that. Feeding Dave beat remembering Grandma and Grandpa eating his other brother, but it also reminded him that his mother was too sick to do it.

Every time Harry closed his eyes he could see his mother bleeding or gramps tearing flesh out from his brother's arm. Sometimes he misremembered and thought it was from his own arm. The thought that he'd have deserved it kept creeping back in.

He'd known Steve and he weren't supposed to be paying computer games, but with both Grandma and Grandpa sick and in bed there'd been no one to stop them. That's why he and Steve didn't notice that Grandma was possessed. If he hadn't come up with his damn stupid sinfull idea, Steve would still be alive and his mom wouldn't have gotten bitten.

In his head he imagined grabbing his baseball bat and beating off Grandma and Grandpa and then running with Steve. Maybe hiding in the tree house. That would have been perfect, in the open the possessed were too slow to be a problem, you could just walk around them.

Or if he'd been sitting in the left hand chair, Satan would have attack him because he would have been closer. Steve could have ran off and left him to die. Just like Harry had ran and left Steve.

Harry swallowed and tried to not start crying again. It was easy, he was all out of tears. And he was hungry. Dad and the baby were both asleep, he'd have to feed himself. Harry slipped out and found the stairs, he knew the way. The lounge had a few adults around but no one raised any issues about him being there by himself. Harry relaxed a hair. He wasn't a baby anymore, he was eight.

The food area had seen better days. Someone had walked off with all the extra bags and both garbage containers were massively overful. A tower of empty pizza boxes was collecting along one wall, empty wrappers and paper plates littered the counters and several tables had pizza stains.

Harry poked through the refuge. Pizza for breakfast seemed wrong unless it was a last option. Harry found a bowl of left over raisins and put a few in his mouth. Lots of people didn't like them but he did. These were a little stale but digestible. Now if he could just find some cerial to put them in he'd have a proper breakfast.

Harry staggered as an invisible hand closed around his throat and squeezed his wind pipe shut. He slammed his hand down on the table several times to get attention then fell with his hands around his neck.

Someone screamed, "He's got the Z!!!"

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Wednesday November 15th. Z-Day +2

9:15 AM: David Hartford, Dr. Adam Hatcher, Dr. Wally Hudson, Harris Methodist Fort Worth Hospital - North Tower, just outside the Sick Room

David stared at Adam and Wally and said in disbelief, "Dead!? An eight year old choked to death in a hospital in full view of several adults and no one saved him?"

The two Doctors looked very uncomfortable and exchanged a glance, then Adam said, "None of the doctors were there and they lost some time thinking it was the zombie plague. They ran to get duct tape and weapons, not one of us. I made it there first, but... it wasn't a case of food getting stuck. His throat swelled shut. This has all the ear marks of Anaphylactic shock. Peanut alegery probably. He'd been eating from a bowl of raisins and peanuts."

Wally said, "One shot of Epinephrine..."

Adam replied tensely, "I knew we needed Epinephrine the moment I saw him. There's a dozen places in this hospital that have easy access to it, but the lounge isn't one of them and the zombies mean I can't just order someone to bring me some. I sent a runner to look for some and tried... It's standard for people that allergic to carry pen shots with them. Maybe if I'd..."

Wally replied softly, "It wasn't your fault. You searched him, he didn't have any. Maybe he left his pen shot back home. Or perhaps the father has one but he wasn't there. But that brings us back to looking for him. So far no one knows where he is."

Dave sighed and said, "Yeah, I know. Larry is on this floor. Go that way, turn right and he's in one of the rooms on the left. He wanted to be close to his wife when she went out."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wednesday November 15th. Z-Day +2

9:15 AM: James DeBeer, Fort Worth Texas

James bagged 'his' 'loot' quickly and efficiently, using his strength to break any locks and not bothering to sort. Twice he had to stop work to kill a stray zombie, but that was just a minor distraction.

Glad I took the box of garbage bags earlier, I need them. And I think that's it. 9 bags. Less if I had time to unwrap and sort some of this, and lots more if I had to worry about weight. One dozen used long barrel guns, maybe twice that in hand guns, lots of ammo, a fair bit of unopened boxes, and other stuff.

Good bye James-the-hero, hello James-the-looter. Legally I'm on thin ice just taking a gun or two. Taking all the ammo and everything else feels like overkill. do I need it ALL?

Not right now. Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

But there is something to be said about leaving some for other people.

What unknown person are you going to save at the risk of Dave and the company getting killed?... now there's an unfiremanish thought. When did it start to matter whether or not you know them?

Yesterday. Maybe the day before but Bill Gafford brought this into clarity yesterday. You didn't create this situation, don't blame yourself for it.

But this could be one of those situations where I act right away and regret it later. I didn't run this plan by Dave, he might play pin to this trial balloon.

Owner won't complain. Picture on the wall looks a lot like that dead guy. this isn't all that different from the suicide.

If it's him. This could turn bad... I don't want to come back here, but I also don't want to drag Dave into an ill thought out plan.

Easy solution is to put all this on the top of one of the other towers. That way it's close by without being distributed. Then run it by Dave, see if it flies...

Jill gets a say in this too. Either she's your girlfriend or she's not. And if she is then she gets some input on choices that could land her in jail.

True enough and the same reasoning applies. If you're going to be distributing guns, then she needs one. It feels wrong to have my girlfriend playing girl-in-danger so I can play brave hero.

More wrong than it feels to be out stealing guns so she has one?

...Yeah, by quite a bit actually.

Like a buff Santa Claus, James picked up all his bags and leaped away.

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Wednesday November 15th. Z-Day +2

9:15 AM: James DeBeer, above Fort Worth Texas

Floating above Fort Worth, James tried to think productively about what to do. Zombies, me... breaking natural laws. The magic is back. Maybe 'for the first time', maybe 'again'... which puts a different spin on Jesus Christ, Moses, and the early parts of the Bible.

And it's probably not useful to be comparing yourself to Jesus. What do you know about magic? Um... something about zombies and salt, but we tried that. Silver? Isn't that Werewolves? Where would you even find silver bullets or knives? Would Jill know?

Hey, what about Holy Ground? How did that work? No killing on Holy Ground. The undead can't even go onto it.

That would be really useful.

James looked around and spotted a church then looked at his bags and sighed. There's a church, but from up here I can't say if there are people or zombies there. If I had the binoculars handy or at least knew which sack they were in I might take a look. Try unpacking now and I'll dump all this all over Fort Worth.

But the whole Holy Ground idea is important. I wonder if I'm getting smarter?

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  • 2 months later...

Wednesday November 15th. Z-Day +2

9:15 AM: James DeBeer, Fort Worth Texas

James landed on pavement next to a well mowed field and a large one and three story building with a flat roof. Right off of the pavement was a large children's playground.

James looked around and thought, Elementary school? Middle school? Um... I'm not sure. I'm not lost but I don't recall the name of this place. No screams.

James thought process was interrupted by a faint shout coming from beyond a row of trees at the edge of the field. James watched but nothing came out.

...ok, no screams in this building. No broken glass. No zombies. Right, all the children stayed home. Good for them.

And my multitude of bags is getting wind-shear and two of them have sprouted holes. One more leap and they'll fall apart on me. I could repack but this many bags is just causing problems. I don't have stronger bags. Just leaving them here seems...

James turned and looked at the three story building that he assumed was a gym or maybe a pool.

...like a really good idea. Plastic sack on a roof top? Hard to get to and really unlikely anyone would make the effort even if they knew which would be hard. Take three sacks with me with the essentials. My embarrassment of riches will be safe here.

James spent several minutes sorting through his bags then leaped all but three to the top of the gym.

OK, I'm coming back, which means I need to know where 'here' is. Actually if I'm going to leave care packages for myself I should keep a log of their locations. First things first.

James picked up his remaining bags and walked down a children's walk-path until he got to a street in a residential neighborhood.

Hey, I know exactly where I am. And... there's a church like a block or two in that direction. That's worth a side trip, if this 'holy ground' thing works that's big.

James changed his direction and kept walking.

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Wednesday November 15th. Z-Day +2

9:50 AM: James DeBeer, Fort Worth Texas

James noted the street name of the intersection he walked past and wondered if he was lost. Well, not lost lost, but lost as in 'not knowing where he was and heading the wrong direction'. James shifted one of his three bags and looked at his shadow. Unless someone had moved the sun, East was that way which meant North was that way.

Residential streets could be tricky and twice he'd picked up herds of zombies and decided he'd lose them right before he rounded a corner so he wouldn't lead them to a church. Unfortunately both times he'd eventually rounded the corner and found he'd been wrong. On the other hand the zombies were pretty thin here and the next intersection looked promising. There was an invisible line where the residential houses ended. Hopefully that meant a zoning change which might mean... yes.

James reached the intersection and just stopped, dumb struck. He'd found the church. Like he remembered, it was built in the 1950's or something when people built to withstand the invading communist hoards. Brick walls. Even the stained glass windows were out of reach. Perfect for defense in this situation, especially in combination with 'holy ground'.

Unfortunately someone else had thought of this first and apparently turned the church into an enclave like the hospital. Unfortunate for them that was.

On the other side of the church walls were a solid mass of zombies, all trying to get in.

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Wednesday November 15th. Z-Day +2

9:50 AM: James DeBeer, Fort Worth Texas

James looked at the mess, blinked, then looked again. The zombies weren't a hallucination. He thought, 'That's a lot of zombies. God is off duty? Heck, you already knew that. Holy ground is just in the movies?

Focus James. This would be why the zombies are light everywhere else around here. Why are they here? Do zombies attract zombies? Big league church, lots of people build their lives around that. Could they remember going here a lot? Are zombies smarter than they act?

James felt a chill. That was a seriously unpleasant thought. Movement on the building attracted his eye. Guy(?) on the roof over there. I guess I could leap over and give him some guns...

not much point. This many zombies, they're dead already.

...shoot James. That's cold.

But true.

James interargument was interrupted by the man on the roof holding up something in his hand and there was a HONK!!!

James realized, That's a call for help. It's also why there are so many zombies around. What kind of idiot uses an air horn like that?

One who is desperate and needs help I guess. He's holding up a sign...

James got out his binoculars and focused. The sign said, Need Help! 88 People. Running low on food and ammo.

Luke 10:25-37 The Lesson of the Good Samaritan. Please be our brother.

James sighed and leaped away, leaving a piece of his soul behind.

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Luke 10:25-37

[25] On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. "Teacher," he asked, "what must I do to inherit eternal life?"

[26] "What is written in the Law?" he replied. "How do you read it?"

[27] He answered: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'"

[28] "You have answered correctly," Jesus replied. "Do this and you will live."

[29] But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, "And who is my neighbor?"

[30] In reply Jesus said: "A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he fell into the hands of robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. [31] A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. [32] So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. [33] But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. [34] He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, took him to an inn and took care of him. [35] The next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper. 'Look after him,' he said, 'and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.'

[36] "Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?"

[37] The expert in the law replied, "The one who had mercy on him."

Jesus told him, "Go and do likewise."

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Wednesday November 15th. Z-Day +2

10:00 AM: Larry Elliott, Harris Methodist Fort Worth Hospital - North Tower Lounge

Larry carefully finished feeding Dave then patted the newborn on his back until he burped. Larry walked around with him and and sure enough, Dave closed his eyes and went back to sleep.

Larry closed his eyes and considered putting Dave down and then sleeping himself, then decided against it. With a fingertip he stroked Dave’s newborn hair. That was a surprise, the others had been bald. The general rule was “sleep when the baby sleeps” but his mixed feelings wouldn’t let him. He'd never thought he could be overwhelmed with both love and despair. This little guy was the last of his family, everyone else was in heaven or hell.

Larry could see clearly what had happened and despaired of his sight. This was the end of the world, the end of time, the end of days. The end of humanity. The Apocalypse. Armageddon. The Rapture. Lots of names, it all added up to people rising from the dead and enlisted to serve hell as demons. The end of humanity made his troubles seem trivial, perhaps excepting that he’d just used the last of the baby formula.

Larry looked around the Lounge at the people waiting and watching the TV. Many of them looked like they were in shock. The stray thought crossed his mind that this would be a good time to sell them a car, but he dismissed that as habit. He’d been directed here by the Indian Doctor. They were running low on baby supplies, James was the only one who could realistically do something about that.

If this was the Apocalypse, then James was Jesus. Larry’s mind rebelled a little at thinking that. James didn’t look or act like any version of Jesus that Larry knew. James couldn’t heal, didn’t teach, and wasn't wise. Which of the disciples had used a sword? Peter? Maybe Jesus hadn’t shown up yet and James was Peter. Or perhaps the reincarnation of some Roman thug with a spear, it was easy, but maybe blasphemous, to picture James in that role. The zombies made the Romans look like nice guys and no amount of teaching would convert them.

Larry had begged James and the others to spare his Sarra, and that had been a mistake, a very bad one. She’d risen, but as evil. It would have been merciful to kill her before that. She’d be in heaven then, instead he probably condemned her to hell. It’d been his idea to have his parents watch the kids too. And he’d tried to calm Harrold down in the garage and sent Sarra inside to check on the others. His fault. He’d even gotten Harrold killed by leaving his pen shot in the car. Failure after failure.

None of the lessons he’d gotten at church had prepared him for the horror, of The Rapture. The only thing which came close was Gibson’s The Passion of The Christ. Modern life normally glossed over the bitter reality. The grim reality was his well meaning choices had sent his wife to hell. He’d done better for his sons, if only by accident. They’d been called to God and gone cleanly. That counted as a success didn’t it?

Larry looked around and saw no one was out on the balcony. Larry patted his son on the head, kissed him, and then swung his feet over the balcony restraining rail. If Dave lived long enough he might be converted like those two other babies. Dead he’d join his brothers. Murder and suicide were mortal sins, so Larry knew he’d go to hell over this, but that wasn’t too bad, he’d put Sarra there so they’d be together.

Still holding his sleeping son, Larry stepped out into the air.

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Wednesday November 15th. Z-Day +2

10:00 AM: James DeBeer, Harris Methodist Fort Worth Hospital - North Tower Lounge

Holding four bags, James landed in the lounge and announced, "I'm back." James looked around with some concern. Everyone looks like their dog just died. Several people crying, almost in shock. Jill is almost white. They're sort of staring at me too. Did I do something?

James added, "Ah... what's happened?"

The Indian Lady Doctor whose name James kept forgetting replied, "Mr. Elliott just... I delivered his son."

James asked, "How is that again? What happened to Larry?" I don't see him. No blood on the walls.

Dr. Narasimhan took a deep breath and started again, "Larry jumped off the ledge. With his baby. Right there." Abhilasha pointed at the balcony edge where several people were standing and looking down.

James walked to the edge and looked down. Several zombies were eating two still forms, one much smaller than the other. James said stupidly, "He killed his baby? Why?" Darn it, if I had been here a few minutes earlier... that's stupid thought. His wife just died, if I'd been here he would have leaped somewhere else. Not your fault. What could you have done?

Dr. Narasimhan said, "His other son died an hour ago and we're out of baby food."

James inhaled sharply and said, "Oh."

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Wednesday November 15th. Z-Day +2

10:00 AM: James DeBeer, Harris Methodist Fort Worth Hospital - North Tower Lounge

James looked his fourth bag and repeated, "Oh." James looked up and stared at the maternity rooms on the other tower and was silent.

Those rooms are like right next door if you can leap. I saw a good sized can of powdered baby food when I was with Norma. Bet each room has cans in the same spot. Be easy to get a can or six, only take a few minutes.

James looked at his fourth bag again. I would have been here about 10 minutes ago if I hadn't landed next to that Subway and decided I was tired of Pizza. A few minutes and I have a bag of non-pizza food. What's the worst that can happen?

The worst? Someone decides he can't wait any longer and takes a dive. You ditched your cell phone yesterday so they can't call.

...not like you to blame yourself over this sort of thing. It's not that different from the fire truck being a few minutes too late to stop someone getting burned.

...I'm pretty sure if someone had gotten burned because I stopped at Subway I'd feel pretty responsible for them too.

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Wednesday November 15th. Z-Day +2

10:00 AM: James DeBeer, Harris Methodist Fort Worth Hospital - North Tower Lounge

James closed his eyes. It didn't help a lot. What has been seen can not be unseen. I don't feel like eating any more... and not-eating is a stupid idea. Eat anyway.

James opened his eyes and said to everyone, "Please tell me the army is about to step in and the TV has pictures of Bush at the head of a tank column."

Someone snorted. Several people shook their heads. Someone said dryly, "No new news. The government says they've got everything in hand, but, you-know, they don't. Bush hasn't said he's proud of how it's being handled yet."

Someone else replied darkly, "That would be an improvement."

James thought, Focus James. What should you do right now?

James said, "I need someone to take this bag to the sick room. It's got ammo for their guns. I need..." James lost focus and paused. Not your fault. Stop thinking it is. Yes, you knew them and even carried that baby around. No, you can't be everywhere and landing next to Subway made it the obvious move. Hungry or not, you need food. Some of this darkness is low blood sugar or something.

James continued gamely, "Food. One of these has food in it."

Jill stepped forward and said quietly, "James. You're half out on your feet. Sit down. Eat." I'm glad JoAnna missed this. She said she'd try to email her parents and everything else is ready. Well, almost everything.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wednesday November 15th. Z-Day +2

10:00 AM: James DeBeer, Harris Methodist Fort Worth Hospital - North Tower Lounge

James nodded let Jill lead him inside. Part of that light headedness you're feeling is your blood sugar saying you need to eat. Another part is shock. All the horror breached a hole in the dam you use to keep it out. One foot in front of the other, let's not have the super man fainting in public.

James sat down and let Jill take the 'Subway' bag and fix some food. And this is one of the reasons we have friends and lovers, they're useful. Like the 'Lean on me' song goes. James noticed a 'Wash Your Hands' sign hanging in the lounge and popped out his blade and rolled over his hands.

James leaned back in his chair, closed his eyes, and tried to forget what he'd done and what he hadn't.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wednesday November 15th. Z-Day +2

10:15 AM: James DeBeer, Harris Methodist Fort Worth Hospital - North Tower Lounge

James open his eyes to Jill putting a plate of subs in front him. He said "Thank you" and started eating. Beyond Jill, James could see Gloria eying both of them venomously. She looked like she was thinking of joining him but then Jill sat down.

Jill watched him for a bit before asking, "It's that bad out there?"

With his mouth full, James nodded and replied, "Yeah." He swallowed and said hauntedly, "Everywhere you go there's dozens of houses surrounded by zombies. It's like..." words failed him and he took another bite so he didn't have to answer.

Jill looked like she'd expected that answer but knew the verdict was fatal. She thought for a moment then said, "They're talking about having another mass meeting at 12:30. You'll probably be expected to talk again."

James winced and said, "Oh lovely. Thanks for the heads up. And... I have something for you." James reached into his bag, dug around for a moment then put a hand gun on the table with it's handle towards Jill. James said, "I took it from a dead guy, he won't be needing it. It's probably still theft but it could be a life saver. Watch out, it's loaded. I've got a rifle for you too."

Somewhat nonplussed, Jill looked at the gun with a mix of feelings showing on her face, like James had put on the table a dead skunk made of gold.

James had another bite of sandwich then said as more statement than question, "You're not from a gun family, are you? Never used one before?"

Jill nodded in agreement and said, "No. I haven't. But... thank you."

James said, "No problem. Having my lady walk around without a gun right now is like having her walk around naked in the winter. Jill, swords are great but I don't want them getting close enough to bite you. You need to learn how to use this, and you need to learn today. In ten seconds, this is the safety, click here and it will fire. Pull the trigger and it will go off. There's a kick to it so use two hands."

James added, "And after I'm done eating we'll do the one hour lesson. You and me will go up on the roof and we'll practice. Or is that, 'You and I'?"

James watched Jill closely. Not everyone would react well to having a gun thrown at them. Some people would panic at the idea of touching one. Others would refuse or claim it wasn't necessary. Jill seemed to be weighing her options, deciding what she should feel.

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Wednesday November 15th. Z-Day +2

10:15 AM: Jillian, Harris Methodist Fort Worth Hospital - North Tower Lounge

Jill looked at the gun with mixed feelings. It represented much she'd always stood against. Guns were the great equalizer, they let the weak triumph over the strong. There was no strength and little skill in using a gun, it was a sign of weakness to even consider using one.

Jill flexed a bicep and thought about what would have happened at the SCA's last stand if they'd all had bags of guns. Maybe it wouldn't have made a difference. Maybe zombies would have shown up until they ran out of ammo.


Or maybe the SCA would still hold the mall and Jack wouldn't have had to die for her. Now there was a thought that was almost hopeful.


She'd been bitten before the last stand. No cure meant no hope. The infected died or turned. No amount of gun could help the hopeless. The only choice she had was how she checked out.

Jill suppressed the urge to finger her dagger. Guns made it too easy, she'd use a knife. That had more style and honor. But first...

Jill reached over and pulled the gun to her. She wouldn't need it but refusing would start a conversation she didn't want. She wrinkled her nose at James and said, "One gift deserves another. I have a present for you too. But no offense James, you stink."

Jill ordered, "Food first. Then go take a long shower and wash off whatever that smell is. Then come back to our room. I've got something very special for you."

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Wednesday November 15th. Z-Day +2

10:15 AM: James DeBeer, Harris Methodist Fort Worth Hospital - North Tower Lounge

With an interested-male look in his eye, James watched Jill walk away. Gloria discreetly tried to trip her and without breaking stride Jill deliberately stepped on Gloria's foot.

James winced a bit and hid a smile. Ouch. That hurt, those are work boots and Jill put English into it. Bad blood, history of some sort there. Meow there Gloria, but watch out, she's bigger than you. Kitty-cat, meet the lion. Lioness. Knightess? What's the feminine of Knight? Let's not tell her I mistook her for a guy when we first met.

Jill left and James resumed eating. Down boy. You don't know sex is what she has in mind.

It's implied.

No, it's not. 'Present' does not equal 'I'm going to get naked'. It might mean... she has a sword for me. Not that she wants my spear.

Or it might mean she's... putting on a costume of some sort.

Here? What kind of costume could she find here?

Nurse's outfit.

Down boy. 'You stink' isn't normally an opening line. But she walked away with the gun, that's good.

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Wednesday November 15th. Z-Day +2

10:15 AM: James DeBeer, Harris Methodist Fort Worth Hospital - North Tower Lounge

James finished eating. A tiny voice inside him said, You know you're wondering about Jill to avoid thinking about what's outside these walls, right?

That's something Sue would say. Why did I date her again? How does that saying go? Never date a shrink? Or is it, every shrink needs one?

Sue wasn't a shrink.

She was headed that way. I'm doing what I can, wondering about Jill very much beats ripping myself up over my family or all those other families out there. Pick a house surrounded by zombies and you know what's there.

The group can't spare you the time to go all self analyzing on this. Half the people here are walking wounded. The TV is repeating and people are still glued to it. If you join them then everyone starves or something. Keep your head on. Think happy thoughts.

Shower, then see what your new girlfriend wants.

How about checking on Dave, Donald, Fred, & Eric?

Because clearly that's going to lead to happy thoughts. Shower, then see what your new girlfriend wants. She's right, you must smell like an oil fire.

James left to find new clothes and shower.

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Wednesday November 15th. Z-Day +2

10:35 AM: James DeBeer, Harris Methodist Fort Worth Hospital - "His" Room

Freshly showered, James walked towards 'his' room awkwardly dressed in a too-small white tee-shirt and a too-wide too-short pair of sweat pants. The 'Star Trek Security' red shirt had stunk of burt oil and he'd abandoned it. Maybe he'd find the time to wash it but as silly as he looked he thought Jill would understand.

Jill nervously fingered a strand of red ribbon while standing outside 'their' room. She glanced at James then glanced at the ribbon. He thought, OK, not good. Something is up. She's gearing up for 'The Talk'? Would that be the 'It-was-a-mistake I've-changed-my-mind Talk'? Or something else? Of course I'm not good at mind reading, especially the female mind. But odds are good I should have worn more than someone else's underwear.

James asked uncertainly, "What's up?"

Jill said in a prepared, almost desperate rush, "I need to you do something for me. Promise me you'll go inside, and unwrap and use your gift without asking any questions." Jill gestured a little with the ribbon when she said 'unwrap' and James noticed the strand went through the closed door.

James realized, This isn't 'The Talk' I was prepared for. This is more like a 'if-you-love-me-you'll-do-this-or-we're-through move'. Low blow but I've seen it before. Whatever is going on is seriously important to her and she thinks I'll have a problem. What could my gift be? A sex toy it's not. This very well might be our breakup.

James replied, "Ah, sure. I promise." James, you master of words you.

Jill relaxed a little, handed James the ribbon, then opened the door for him saying, "Go inside." James stepped inside and Jill closed the door without following. James noticed was Jill had moved a mattress into the room.

A slight movement caught his eye and James realized ribbon led to a person next to the door. JoAnna had pulled her hair down in front of her and was shapeless and sexless in a trench-coat. The ribbon went up to her chin then down into the coat.

James frowned and said, "Huh?"

JoAnna swept her hair back and let the trench-coat fall, transforming her from shapeless and sexless to anything but. JoAnna was 'wearing', if that was the right word, the ribbon. She'd wrapped it around herself to cover the more interesting parts, although one nipple had erotically slipped it's confinement. The strand James held ended in a bow above her full breasts. If James pulled the ribbon would release and JoAnna would change from indecent to naked. JoAnna had a glow in her eyes combining feminine challenge, arousal, with just a hint of uncertainty.

James stood with his mouth open for a moment. The lingerie model. Now this is one heck of a 'present'. Wow she's gorgeous, and that's quite a rack. Are those real? Does it matter? This puts new meaning on 'unwrap and use'. It's not what I do... but...

James raised an eyebrow and commented, "...I did promise." James pulled on the ribbon and stepped towards her.

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Wednesday November 15th. Z-Day +2

10:35 AM: Jillian, Harris Methodist Fort Worth Hospital - Outside "James'" Room

Jill listened to the sounds coming from the room. Well, that worked. As expected, James is a guy. So, did I just whore out my sister?

No. She wants him. That's why she wants to believe powers-are-an-STD. She's not even trying to save her life, she's still not seeing the big picture yet.

He might screw her and then leave her. That's the plan's big flaw. And... there's nothing I can do about it, I'll be dead before it's an issue.

Jill put her hand lightly on the door. This is good bye. Jo, I love you. James, you take care of her.

Jill took out her knife and stared at the point. Better dead than zed. So then Jill, are you strong enough to make that happen? To go be with the kids?

Jill frowned and turned back to the door, imagining the two people beyond it and what they were up to. I'm trying to set them up, and then I'm going to let them find me here dead right here? Go somewhere else and do this. Leave a note too.

Jill put away the knife and walked away.

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Wednesday November 15th. Z-Day +2

10:50 AM: Dr Adam Hatcher, Harris Methodist Fort Worth Hospital - Dr. Hatcher's Office.

Adam tapped his fingers on his desk and stared at his refrigerator and the ice box a few feet from it. Planning. More planning. Well thought out moves. Measure twice, cut once. Like all great surgeons, he was a control freak on the important things. 90% of surgery was knowing what you were going to do two days before you did it. Being able to think on your feet, handling surprises, part of 'great' was doing that too, but preventing surprises was key. Ultimately surprises meant that someone, somewhere, had screwed up. Usually not him, but whose fault it was didn't matter.

That summed up the current situation. Somewhere, someone other than him had screwed up. If the z-virus was a bio-weapon escaped from a lab then it was a mistake to make it and another to let it loose. But unless he was real careful he wouldn't have a future.

In the next room someone cursed and slammed the phone down.

Adam walked over and found Jillian sitting at a desk and looking angrily at the phone. Adam asked sympathetically, "Bad news?"

Jill startled and started to reach under the desk. Seeing it was Adam she stopped and said, "Yes."

Jill took a deep breath and said again, "Yes. I haven't spoken to my parents in months. They live in town but we're not on the best of terms. I promised myself I wouldn't call. But..."

Adam said understandingly, "But you did. And they don't pick up. And you're worried about them."

Jill shook her head and answered flatly, "No. Not even that good. My mother is a practical woman. She couldn't get through to 911 so she changed the answering machine's message to tell them what was going on when they call back. Dad attacked her. Bit her."

Adam said, "Ouch. I'm sorry to hear that." Adam thought that through and asked carefully, "Any idea when this happened?"

Jill answered, "Long enough ago that she thought calling 911 would do something. It's history."

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Wednesday November 15th. Z-Day +2

10:50 AM: Dr Adam Hatcher, Harris Methodist Fort Worth Hospital - Dr. Hatcher's Office.

There was an awkward silence. Both of them knew what had happened and what it meant. Adam reflected that being Plastic was supposed to mean that you didn't run into this sort of thing, but he'd had all too much practice in the last two days.

Adam put on his professional look and said, "I'm sorry. No one could have done anything. This wasn't anyone's fault."

Jill waved that aside and said, "I sat down here looking for some paper and a pen before I found your receptionists' phone. Do you know where it's kept?"

Somewhat relieved Jill was taking the news well, Adam nodded and said, "Behind you. Just reach under the other desk and pull out."

Jill reached over and found what she needed. With the paper in front of her, she sort of froze in indecision.

Adam studied her. Jill was an attractive woman with no work done. If he made some improvements she'd be stunning. A bit off here. Shift that just a hair. And something was wrong here.

Adam asked, "You were looking for paper before the phone call and I don't think you're making a list. What's wrong?" Adam watched her carefully. Jill was JoAnna's sister and James' lover. The former was interesting, the later might be useful.

For a moment Adam didn't think she would reply to him, but then Jill said quietly, "I have it. The Z."

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Wednesday November 15th. Z-Day +2

10:50 AM: Dr Adam Hatcher, Harris Methodist Fort Worth Hospital - Dr. Hatcher's Office.

Adam's professional mask stiffened and without thinking he edged away. Christ! Is she saying James is a carrier? Adam glanced through the wall knowing what was behind it. My Box! No. He didn't open it. There was no reason for him. I think, I mean I'm almost sure he didn't open it.

I didn't ask.

Adam asked, "Did he bite you?"

Jill nodded in resignation, closed her eyes and said, "Yes. That's how it happened." Jill tapped her upper arm and continued, "Right here."

Adam said with 'I'm-a-doctor' authority, "OK, in my office, right now. I want to see this bite." If James has a mutant strain of the virus... he doesn't. If he's a carrier then that explains Norma and her baby was a normal zombie. SHIT!!

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Wednesday November 15th. Z-Day +2

10:50 AM: Dr Adam Hatcher, Harris Methodist Fort Worth Hospital - Dr. Hatcher's Office.

Adam's examination was a mix of clumsy and skilled. Clumsy because he wore two pairs of gloves and two face masks, skilled because even with that his talent showed.

After several minutes of poking and proding, Adam asked, "James did this?" She seems healthy if stressed. But never disagree with a patient who says something is wrong.

Jill replied, "What? No. John did."

Adam paused then asked evenly, "Who is John, and when did this happen?"

Jill said woodenly, "John was my son. He bit me on the arm on Monday."

Adam paused again then asked carefully, "John became a zombie and bit you?"

Jill replied, "No. John is... was... almost two. He was sick though."

Adam asked, "How do you know he was infected? Did he convert later?"

Jill shook her head and said with visible distress, "No. His brother Jack ate him."

Adam thought about the likelyhood of a less-than-two bitting someone then said, "Jill, you're not infected."

Jill disagreed, "What? But my arm hurts."

Adam replied, "This wound is infected, but not with the zombie virus."

Confused, Jill asked, "John?"

Adam stated, "John didn't have it, or at least not when he bit you. Maybe he had something else, or you were amazingly lucky. But if you were infected two days ago you'd be dead or obviously dying by now."

Jill stared shell shocked at Adam. After a moment then she started to laugh uncontrollably and then cried bitter tears.

Jill said, "I thought..." I'd have killed myself if I hadn't run into Adam.

Adam pulled off his masks, gave her an unproffesional hug and said, "I know. You were wrong. Your arm is something I can treat."

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Wednesday November 15th. Z-Day +2

11:05 AM: Jillian, Harris Methodist Fort Worth Hospital - In the hallways.

Jill walked away from Adam's office wiping tears off her face. The loss of her family was still a sharp pain but she wasn't going to be digging a grave and crawling into it. The world had color again.

And for all that, she felt screwed up. For the third time in two days, someone had saved her life. It was hard to think of Adam as 'weak' and his parting words echoed in her. She'd asked him what she could do to thank him, he'd replied with a wink that she should 'put a good word in for me with your sister'. Adam had saved her life, and in return she'd curb stomped any chance of him going forward with JoAnna.

She hadn't been able to tell him about it either. The question which really bothered her was whether she would do the same thing again. Was she misjudging Adam? What else was she wrong about? The world looked very different when you expected to live to see tomorrow.

Jill knocked on the door to the computer lab and then went in.

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Wednesday November 15th. Z-Day +2

11:05 AM: Jillian, Harris Methodist Fort Worth Hospital - Computer Lab

The lab had 20-ish computers and white boards on three walls. Perhaps at some point in time it'd been a classroom. Red-Fred had converted one corner into a lair. Several tables had been moved to circle his chair and he'd set up 5 screens so he could see them at once. Several pizza boxes lay on some tables behind Fred.

Fred had been mostly glued to this room since the emergency had started. The whole set up, in combination with Fred's being grossly overweight, reminded Jill unpleasantly of a spider's web with the spider sitting in the middle.

When Jill walked into the room, Fred looked up and then brightened and sucked in his massive stomach. Jill guessed he didn't get a lot of attention from women.

Fred's glanced back at a computer screen and he forgot to keep his stomach sucked in. He looked back at Jill and after a moment said, "Hey Jill."

Jill replied, "Hey Fred. I've got a few questions for you." Jill walked around to inside Fred's 'web'. Two of the screens held computer games she didn't recognize. Two others had news or blogs, the fifth had a picture of the world.

Fred said hopefully, "I'm all yours." He might have meant that literally.

Jill sat down and said with a tone that combined worry, force, and confusion, "Tell me, do you think the world is going to end? Did civilization just crash? If so, then why? Couldn't this whole zombie thing be local? Prove it to me."

Fred said, "I thought I did that yesterday?"

Jill answered, "I wasn't thinking clearly yesterday and most of what you had was second hand. You were repeating what others were saying. You said you'd know more today. Well, do you or don't you?"

More than willing to show off, Fred said, "OK. Look here. This is a World of Warcraft screen."

Jill said, "So?"

Fred sighed and said, "Let me guess, you've never played WoW. OK, this isn't a Fort Wayne game. It's not even national, it's worldwide. This screen here tells me how many people are playing. It's down into the single digits from where it should be. Everyone has something better to do than play WoW."

Jill asked, "That's how you prove the world ended? World of Worldcraft isn't going on?"

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