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Mutants and Masterminds


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I just picked M&M up last week and have been thumbing through it for the last couple of days. All in all I have to say I'm very impressed.

I was curious to know if anyone here has actually played the game and if the could tell me how well it plays and their impressions/experiences with it.

So far, I love it!

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So have you played around with the character creation rules? What types of characters have you created with the system?What type of Supers Genre do you prefer outside of the Aberrant world?

I'm working on the bakground for a game where earth has been successfully invaded by a highly advanced other-dimensional species. The "Heroes" have all gained their relevent powers due to this invasion (be they Mutant, Training, Technological or whatnot). I haven't worked out all the details but I'm incorporating a lot of ideas and imagery from movies and television so everyone gets what I'm trying to portray.

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It's a fun system, much better designed than Aberrant when it comes to allowing for different styles (hi tech, sorcery, etc) of heros.

One warning, it can be cheesed heavily so I have some suggestions.

Boost-Do NOT allow for the 'doesn't degrade' extra. Also, it's degrade rate does not go from degrade to Continuous. It's degrade rate goes from round to minute to hour to day for each level of extra. Event then I'd be careful.

Obvious as a flaw should be OBVIOUS. Every power, even mental ones should be obvious enough that a simple Spot Check DC of 15 can note their usage. Obvious wouldn't require a Spot check for Mr. Magoo.

Great System, loads of fun. And, a much better system of taking damage than Aberrant. While it can be instantly fatal, it tends not to be, but, protracted combat is still deadly to nearly anyone.

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personally for my money, if your going to go to the effort of translating a system, you should use the silver age sentinals by guardians of order.

this game literally allows any type of character to be played. it is using the D20 system now but with the modifications they made it is much better.

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  • 4 months later...

I'm broker 'n a broke dog owned by a broke guy.

But, my ST, the evil sumnabitch that works for Barnes gets a sweetass discount so he owns ever single thing printed for D20 and MM (and no, I am not exagerating. It's fucking frightening) And I've checked out his stuff. Freedom City and Crooks have:

1. Incredible Art. Completeley evokes superhero icons right and freaking left.

2. Unbelievable character designs. I'd thought I'd seen every Southern Rebel/Racist villain design and Crooks gives an obvious idea an incredible presentation.

3. Some of the MOST BLATANT RIPOFFS OF DC AND MARVEL CHARACTERS YOU WILL EVER SEE outside of a Squadron Supreme/Sh'iar Imperial Guard teamup. Oh my fucking god. Just check out the origin of Master Of The World. Word for freaking Word a copy of The Master from DC (Think Alpha Flight) But it still rules.

The prices however, are outrageous.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hate to say this but...

My gaming group played this for about 2 months at the beginning of the year and the system just never seemed to hold up.

The character creation rules are questionable.

Levels and limits are constricting.

Nothing I could easily put my finger on that said. "This is why it doesn't work." It just never did, which is one reason I turned back to good ol' Aberrant. Personally, I don't think d20 can portray supers very well. Which doesn't bode well for the trinity d20.

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Wow, sorry you didn't like it.

I like it for much of the same reasons you disliked it. Level limits prevent players from creating overly focused characters without any sense of depth or what have you. I thought the character creation rules were straighforward as all get out, 15 points per player level and here are the costs, can't get much simpler. Allows for total customization so you don't have to worry about the major complaints of the character class restrictions so often harped on with D20. The extras and flaws for powers are well defined and easy to integrate with only a couple holes that I've found so far (the previously mentioned 'slow degrade' for boost being a key one.)

I love the setting for Aberrant, but I've always found the system poorly designed and edited. It encourages munchkinism with bad designs. The extras and flaws systems for powers is nonsensical and leaves far too much up to interpretation, which only encourages fights between ST and Player over what is 'fair'.

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My issue is the focus.

What is you wanted to play someone who was an ordinary joe but was a celestial scale teleporter?

This could be done with Aberrant but very hard to do with M&M. Plus while I apperciate keeping everyone on the even the stacking rules in the game where frustrating to say the least. It might be munchkinism but I also expect my players and myself to stay in bounds some of the time. Not have to have the game always do it for us.

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I'd like to see an example of power grouping that goes overboard. Not saying it doesn't exist, just curious to see what you've come up against.

Munckninism exists in every game, it is just that the Aberrant system is so loosy goosy that it invites munckinism whereas M&M attempts to reign it in just a tad. Admitedly, the absolutely terrible editing and book construction at WW doesn't help matters.

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