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World of Darkness: Attrition - Once In A Lifetime

Dave ST

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Piles of paperwork cluttered Franks desk. Complaints, theft, loud music, hell, even missing pets. And yet for all the clutter each was organized in a fashion familiar to Frank White, UCLA Campus Security.

Swiftly the pen glided across paper as report after report was completed, filed, and forgotten.

A soft rap upon the jamb of his open door brought his attention away from his work. A man stood there cloaked in an old fashioned beige trench coat and well treated panama hat. He looked like a private detective from out of an old Bogart movie. He was in his mid to late thirties and very tall at nearly six and a half feet. Clean shaves and well groomed the man's chiseled features gave Frank the impression he was with some organized crime group or something and figured he'd be whipping this guys ass in the span of five seconds.

"Hello, Mr. White." He let himself in and closed the door and proceeded to remove his gloves. It was chilly in California this time of year, but not this chilly. "My name is Sullivan Dane, and I'm here present you with a once in a lifetime opportunity."

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Frank is a bit surprised and relived when Sullivan calmly enters his office. Any break from doing paperwork was good for him and with the way this Sullivan guy was dressed probably meant that something was up.

"What can I do for you Mr. Dane? he asks nonchalantly. "I've got a lot of work that's waiting to be done, so tell me who you are and what's this 'opportunity' you have for me? This better be good cause I don't have no time for some silly frat prank."

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The man chuckled.

"No, no. Believe me Mr. White, I'd never think to waste your time. May I?" He gestured to the seat by the desk and with Frank's rather skeptical nod, accepted his seat. He crossed his legs and continued. "Allow me to cut to the chase Mr. White. You have werewolves on your campus, and I want your help in killing them."

His stare told Frank one of two things. Either this guy was bat-shit crazy, or dead fucking serious.

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When Frank heard the word werewolf come out Mr. Dane's mouth memories of the other night crept into Frank's thoughts and he couldn't help shudder at the thought, something that Mr. Dane caught and when Frank looked at his eyes, told him that it was true.

"Ok then let's I believe you when you say that there's werewolf's here on campus huh? What kind of proof do you have that this is true, and why come to me with this information?"

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"Let's skip the first part." He said. "You already believe me, you're just trying to find ways to believe yourself. A decorated officer, no history of of psychological problems, healthy, you stay fit. Face it Mr. White, the only trouble with you is that you doubt the obvious. You've seen something, and yet you've told yourself, and allowed others to tell you, that you were mistaken."

He steepled his fingertips together. "I'm no judge. Humor me, if you would, and tell me what you've seen here on campus. Then, we'll compare your description to my evidence, hmm?"

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Dane surprised him again with him knowledge of his previous career. Well he's certainly well informed, but his word couldn't have struck truer than any bullet he'd ever fired from his gun. "I guess I the one thing that really preys on my mind is an encounter I had a few months ago in the cemetery. I was chasing a punk through there when, I ran into something. I only got a small look at it, but what I saw, well it wasn't human."

Frank moves behind his desk and sits down before he contiunes. "I never reported it but I did mention it to some people online. I was mocked and ridiculed so much that I just gave up on it. There's the other night that really shook me. That scream wasn't something a human could make. Is that good enough for you?"

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"It'll do." He smiled and pulled from his coat a manila envelope. "Now, to let you know I'm not here just yank your chain, here."

He set picture atop a stack of paper work. It was a sketch of a large beast commonly called a were-wolf, accept this one seemed more like a massive car sized demon like wolf. The second was the true form that people came to fear over the centuries, the dreaded wolf-man. After them were a few photos. Blurred and difficult to make out but if one looked closely vague images could be made clear.

"They are masked from cameras and video equipment." he said. "The sketches are simply for you to use as reference. Tell me, is what you saw in any of those photos?

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Frank takes the pictures and studies them closely. It was the second picture that really caught his attention. "This is one here he says, handing it to Sullivan, is pretty much what I saw that night. And this came from a reliable source? If I wasn't starting to believe you I'd say that it was a hoax. Where were these taken?"

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"In Griffith Park, two weeks ago." Dane replied. "I took it myself."

He grinned and cocked his head. "You see, that's what I do. I locate these creatures, catalog them, then kill them. You could say I'm here in L.A. on safari."

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Frank's eyes rise at Dane's answer. "A safari you say? Just what kind of numbers are we talking here?" he says shaking his head. "I mean seriously, it take more than just yourself to take down one of these things, so what kind of help do you have? and more importantly how do you take down one of these things?"

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"I represent a certain faction that has a vested interest in removing these abominations, these, Lycans, from the face of the planet." His tone was damn near righteous. "They number in the hundreds, the thousands. They can mate with human kind and spread their seed across every corner of the world."

His stare locked Franks own and he had his 100% attention. "I'm not one man, but hundreds like yourself, who woke up one day to see the light. Who awakened into a world where everything we were thought to believe is a lie. Evil is among us Frank. The Lycans," He noticed the man preferred calling them by the shortened term for Lycanthrope. This told Frank that the man had been doing this for awhile, whatever 'this' was. "The walking dead, witches... all of them are right out there and walking among us, and you don't even realize it."

"But I can help you. I can help you open your eyes."

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For a moment Frank had nothing to say. He said thousands of these things were running around. They could even mate. The whole thing sounded so far fetched yet at the same time quite real. All the proof he needed was just shown to him, and he wanted to know more. If these monster were walking the streets, then he needed to do something about it.

Frank leaned on his desk ignoring the falling paperwork. "Okay then Mr. Dane, I'm in tell me what I need to do!"

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"Excellent," Dane said with a smile. "I'll text you with an address to a Malibu home. Don't bother writing down the number, I already know it. Things will be explained in greater detail there."

With a pleasant handshake, Paladin Dane, exited Frank White's office.

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