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The Morning After - Alexandra Holt [Complete]


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Alexandra woke gently, as if she was slowly rising out of a sea of blackness. All the stress that she had before blacking out was completely gone and forgotten as she slowly woke from what was probably the most restful sleep of her life. Forgotten, that is, until she opened her eyes and looked around, and her brain finally re-engaged, trying to figure out where she was.

It wasn’t that hard to figure out, really, once her eyes focused; she was in her room, in her house, but in trying to place it, her mind remembered everything that had led up to her blacking out.

When she looked over to her nightstand, her clock said 4:00PM, Tuesday...

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She picked up the clock and brought it close to her face in disbelief. She'd been out for days.

She got up and went over to the full length mirror on her closet. She made sure her window and door were closed and then checked herself out. After a cursory examination she found she looked slightly more muscular than she remembered being, but nothing special She felt a little more graceful, and casually put on a bathrobe over her nightshirt and shorts and made her way downstairs for breakfast. She knew she needed to call Erin, but first breakfast. She was completely starving for some reason.

No one was home, and that in and of itself was odd. She picked up the newspaper and was shocked to see that it was Monday. There was an article that stated Leslie was presumed dead, but that a body couldn't be found. She read the rest of the paper and paid little attention to it. She rememberd the time on the clock and frowned. It was already 4 in the afternoon.

The beings words Echoed in her ears. "You have been chosen."

"Chosen for what she asked herself." She went back up stairs and almost slipped, but caught herself impossibly on one hand backwards against the rail and spinning around on her foot towhere she actually fell up the stairs on her back and landing on her butt. She heard the wood of the railing crack and looked and noted there was now a crack in the polished wood where she'd grabbed it.

"What the hell is going on?"

Cautiously she made her way upstairs, consciously paying attention to everything.

She got dressed and looked at the time. Shehad missed school, and this further aggravated her. Everything was assaulting her at once, and part of her simply refused to acknowledge the surrounding wierdness.

"Ok, today is shot. I'll wait till sunset and then go for a jog, that way nobody asks any questions about where i was today..."

She pauses "...and I guess since the Party... What on Earth is going on?"

She pulls out her phone reflexively and Dials Erin's number, hoping to catch her between classes. "Come on, Pick up."

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  • 2 weeks later...

The phone call went along the lines of Erin freaking out at hearing Alexandra's voice and then hitting her with close to a dozen rapid-fire questions about where she'd been.

After Assaugung her worries and primising to meet her at the mall later, Alexandra hung up the phone and sat back in a chair.

"Ok so I disappeared and Leslie jumped and nobody knows about what's going on or where she is. This is just too wierd."

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after a bit of wondering about Life's questions, she gets dressed for the mall and meets Erin there. They talk and go shopping as normal, and things seem to be going fine, though Erin doe seem slightly weirded out by Alexandra's lack of recall of what went on.

She returns home and changes into her jogging clothes. She starts out at a slow walk and gradually builds into a much faster jog. Thankfully it was night time. She decided to sprint the last leg home, to see if she still had the stamina, and took off like a shot. This was different though. She was running much faster than before, almost a blurr of human motion. She overshot her house and put the breaks on, only just avoiding smashing into a neighboring oak tree.

She looked back the way she came and smiled faintly. In the grand scheme of things she just got alot better at what she enjoyed doing. "Cool."

She went inside and got cleaned up before doing some reading for her classes (This had always helped her sleep in the past.) Finally she laid down for the night content that things would in fact be alright, and that the weirdness of today wouldn't completely alter her life.

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Alexandra woke from her nightmares with a start, cold sweat drenching her body. Her sleep had been fitful at best; fraught with many different nightmares, all centering around Leslie’s suicide. In some of them she had been running, but unable to reach Leslie and stop her from jumping, while in others she fought with the glowing man against the shadowy figure, while still in others she fought alongside the shadowy figure, pushing Leslie off the railing herself. But in all of them, one thing was constant, Leslie either jumping or being taken away by the shadowy figure and the red-eyed creatures.

Alexandra didn’t know what it was that finally woke her from her nightmares. It was still dark outside, though it appeared to be getting a little brighter, probably close to morning. Then she saw the flash of light and heard the thunder. Apparently sometime during the night it had started to storm.

The echoes of Leslie’s screams from her nightmares still rang in Alexandra’s ears as more lighting flashed across the sky. And with the added light, she could tell something was wrong; someone was there. From the appearance, it seemed to be a tall and lanky man from somewhere in the slums, complete with the ragged clothes and mussed hair. He looked at Alexandra with knowing eyes as he slowly shifted from foot to foot. He didn't seem to make any hostile moves, just like he was fidgety. His voice was cold and somewhat shifty, even while letting her know that he actually did know what he was talking about. “Well, well, well. Quite some nightmares for someone who’s been chosen...”

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"Who are you and how do you know what went on in my dreams?"

She was highly alarmed and already reaching for the bat by her bead, but kept her voice even, waiting for answers.

"What do you know about what's happened, what's happening to me?"

The nightmares had her on edge, and with this stranger standing in her room, talking about her nightmares. Suffice it to say she was througholy weirded out.

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The lanky man chuckled a little bit as he fidgeted, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. “Why, with all that tossing and turning that you’ve been doing, I figured that you were having a restless sleep. Most of the chosen actually have nightmares their first night of real sleep.” He paused momentarily before addressing the rest of her questions. ”As for who I am, I am Morph, and I’ve been sent here to offer you the invitation of a lifetime. As for what I know about your dreams, besides the fact that you apparently didn’t like them, not much. And, as far as what happened and what’s happening to you, well you are now a chosen one, meaning that you are now the steward of a particular set of abilities. You should have noticed at least some of these new abilities already; that instance with that poor old oak tree being an example.

Now, as for why I’m here.” Morph cleared his throat, softly, and stood up straight (giving him a couple more inches) and stopped fidgeting. His voice seemed more proper and rehearsed, less natural, as if he were reciting something that was memorized. ” Alexandra, my name is Morph and I’m a representative from an organization called Nemesis. We are a group of people, all of whom have been chosen and all of us have special abilities. We were founded to help people like us learn to use and control our abilities and to give us something constructive to use them for. Oh, and I’m not here to hurt you, you have a day to decide, come with us and we’ll protect you, don’t and you’ll get abducted by black vans, not us, and...uh... yeah, I think that’s about it that I’m supposed to tell you. So, whaddya think? Oh, and here...” He reached into one of his pockets and pulled something out. Alexandra was able to catch a golden glint off of a round object that Morph had in his hands. Then, as one flipping a coin, Morph flicked the object towards her, his voice being almost completely drowned out by the pure, sweet ring of the coin. ”Catch. It’s our calling card.”

Any air of authority that he may of originally had was completely destroyed by his botched delivery. He may know what he’d talking about, but this was apparently the first, or one of the first times that he’d ever had to tell someone else.

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Alexandra catches the coin and looks it over admiring it. "If I go with you can I learn what happened to my friend? I saw the man of shadows, and all the little red eyes around her, The voice said we'd both been chosen."

"I want to know the truth, that's what really matters to me. Can your Organization tell me that Morph?"

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Morph shrugged at Alexandra’s questions, and returned to his fidgetingly shifting his weight from one foot to another. ”I, personally, don’t know what happened to your friend, but if she was chosen too, then I’m sure that someone does. And, while I can’t promise that you’ll get all the answers you want, I can promise that you’ll get many more answers if you come with me than if you don’t.”

After he finished, he stood there, apparently waiting for her response before deciding his next move.

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Morph shrugged as he looked at her. ”Well, normally I’d give you a day to decide, but you seem ready a raring to go. So, unless you want to go in your PJ’s, I would suggest changing, the get a couple of changes of clothes ready and anything that you can’t bare to part with, then we’ll head out. Oh, and I suggest not opening your door before you’re ready to go.

And don’t mind me, I’ll just be a fly on the wall...” and with that Morph literally shrank and changed form into a fly that buzzed up towards the ceiling, into the shadows and out of sight.

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Alexandra complies, backing her travel duffel. She gets her phone and a few changes of clothes and puts on a set of comfortable jeans and tennis shoes to go with her tee-shirt. She grabs her iPod and shoves it into the bag and looks around the room.

"Let's go." With that final look and those words she opens her door to whatever might happen next.

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Once Alexandra opened her front door, instead of being greeted with the familiar hallway that was supposed to be there, there was a medium sized, brightly lit, round, metal room. She heard a fly buzz, and morph changed back to his human form behind and beside her. ”Beyond this door is your new life. Ladies first.”

Well, it’s now or never...

Alexandra stepped through the door into a brave new world...

Click to reveal.. (OOC)
You'll be moving to the other thread with the other two, but I'm going to wait until 'tomorrow', IC, before I introduce you. You woke up a day later than everyone else...
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