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Mutants & Masterminds: Harmony City - The Long Road to ...


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The figure lay, as it had for many weeks now, swathed in bandages, limbs bolted and kept under tension while monitoring wires and tubes of great variety run into or from the body to bags both above and below the bed. The duty nurse stepped into the room, without cards or flowers, and quiet but for the sounds of the monitoring machines. Checking the data she enters it onto the records at the end of the bed, the records that read Andrew Scott.

As she turns to the door, a moan of pain escapes the lips of the figure, she turns back just in time to see the eyes open and the horror that lies in there as he sees his predicament. Quickly she moves to his side to try to calm him.

"Mr Scott, Mr Scott, Andrew. You've been in an accident, and many of your bones were broken, but you are on the mend. Now you are probably still in pain, so I'm going to give you something for it now." While saying this she has turned and measured out a sedative/pain killer cocktail, but before she can administer it a long disused voice croaks out "No!No...please...don't...I..can..stand..the.. pain, I don't want to go back into the dark again right now."

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  • 3 weeks later...

"Alright Mr Scott, I can understand that. My name is Leslie, and I'm one of the team that will be looking after you tonight. Is there anything I can get for you?"

"You probably get asked this a lot, but could you scratch my nose, and put a news channel on the tv."

At least that will help me get back up to date with the world and figure out how long I've been out for.

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