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Aberrant: In the Beginning - Get Rich or Die Tryin' [Mature]


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I brushed my long, stringy hair out of my face. I'm sitting on a metal bench, watching the blacks play basketball. In particular, I'm watching a 6'4" boy, built like a freight train. He's not very good at basketball, but the other fellas don't give him much of a hard time, I've noticed. His name is Henry. He's doing 20 years for felony murder. Apparantly, after he held up the liquor store, and the clerk gave him all the money, Henry blew the clerk's head off just for good measure. Heh. Henry's made a lot of mistakes in his 22 years. His biggest mistake was two nights ago, when he cornered me in the laundry room and told me that I was gonna be his bitch.

"Gotta smoke?" That was Shepard, as usual breaking my concentration.

"Fuck away from me, cock-breath," I muttered under my breath.

"Jesus, I'se only askin'" Shep wandered away. He's useful, I've already discovered, but he seems to think he's showing me the ropes. That I'm his sidekick, in other words. He doesn't yet realize that he is mine. I turn back to the game. Time to heat it up a bit.

Robbie misses a shot, and I feel Henry's irritation like a yellow streak across my brain. It is quickly squelched, temper is deadly in here. I snag it before it disappears completely, and blow on it. It kindles into something bigger.

"Make that shit, nigga! You keep throwin' bricks up there, an I'm gonna bust yo ass!" Henry's scowl deepens, as I fan his flame a little more.

Robbie's pissed, which is good, but he seems ready to let it go, which is not. I fire him up too, just a little. Just enough.

"Fuck you, Henry, you ain't made shit since we been out here, so get off me."

Oh, and Henry is maaaad. Hee. Now, I push him hard, light him up.

"Oh, I'ma gonna get off you alright, Motherfucker." Henry reaches for Robbie, grabs him by the throat. Robbie punches the side of Henry's head, but ineffectively, as the big black man cocks back a massive fist and plows it into his face. Robbie's nose... spreads, as the cartilege in it doesn't just break, but seems to liquefy. I suck in some juice, and push the whole yard. 10 seconds later, it's a brawl.

I grin. It wasn't always like this, of course. I used to be just another guy. I mean, I liked women, sure. But, most men do. And, yeah... sometimes they didn't like me back, or want to let me do what I wanted to do to them. So, I had to kill some of them. But, I'm not such a bad guy. I had a partner, a guy who'd do anything for money. He was a pal. For money. He's dead now, I forget how. Hee. See, I was always smart. I'm smarter now, of course, much, but I was always pretty bright. If it had been up to me, I'd have never, never, never gotten caught. Not ever. But this guy, he was an i dotter, a t crosser, the type of guy who wrote things down. Sigh.

I kept thinking that if only people would do what I wanted them to do, everything would have been fine. And, now they do. When I woke up, with what I have to call a whale of a headache, the cops were all kneeling around me, babbling their innermost secrets. I alone, of everyone in here, decided to come to jail. I figured, safer out than in, and it's the perfect alibi. Back to that in a minute, I need to deal with Henry.

It's peaking, and I spike Henry. He goes ballistic, and picks Robbie up over his head. The guards are running outside now, I have to work fast. I have my guy all picked out. He's on the roof, with a rifle. I jump to him. There is a second of blurrines, a sense of doubled vision. I am looking up at me, and looking down at me. Then, it steadies, as always. I check the chamber. Yep, there's a round jacked. I shoulder the stock, and take aim. Robbie is still in the air, Henry has just thrown him at the approaching guards. Who's the bitch now? I pull the trigger, then jump.

I make it home just in time to see Henry's brains hit the pavement. The front of his head is hollowed out, his body a lifeless husk. Hee. I watch the b-boys all scatter, flinging themselves down on the pavement. I, of course, am already face down on the ground. Hard to stay sitting up when your up on a building across the courtyard.

We only have to go exercise for an hour. The rest of the time, they let us just sit in our cells. That's the best, for me. I like to range around, see what I can see. Do some stuff. You know. I thought I wanted to assassinate the President, but... it didn't work out. That's ok, that's just great, actually. It wouldn't have been any challenge anyway. Now, though, I have a real person to go after. The first one I've met who can kick me out of his head. I am grateful to him, even though I can't stop my hands from shaking. He makes me feel alive again. I stumble to the toilet and vomit, again and again, until there's nothing left. He's out there somewhere. Richard Stevenson. I lay back on my bunk, arms behing my head. And I'm gonna find him. My jaw hurts, and I realize my teeth are bared. I try to calm down. I'm gonna get him. Or I'm gonna die tryin'.

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